Supplier Onboarding USA - Contractor Orientation

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Welcome to SABRE

Contractor Orientation - USA


Please contact Sabre MSP team at, if you have any questions.
Contractor Orientation Overview

Table of Contents

T APFI N ( Sabr e MS P ) Suppor t ...................................................................................... 2

About Sabr e ................................................................................................................. 2
W eek O ne Act ions at Sabr e ......................................................................................... 2
S ab re ’s C or po ra t e D i re ct o r y ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Cont r act or T ra in ing on M yC ar e e r ................................................................................................................................................... 2

W ork Time Policies ....................................................................................................... 3

S ab re C or po rat e & O f f ic e Lo cat ion s ............................................................................................................................................ 3
P ar k ing .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
St and a rd Bu si ne s s H our s: ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
At t e nd anc e ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Ab s en c e Not ifi c at i o n ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Planned Time Off .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Unplanned Time Off ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Dr e ss C od e ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
O v ert im e ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
S ab re Equ ipm ent ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
S ab re T rav el and E xp en se G u id el ine s ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Sabre Conversion O pportunit y ...................................................................................... 4

Timesheet Guidelines ................................................................................................... 4
Break Room Amenit ies ................................................................................................. 5
Lunc h and B r ea k s ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Badge Issuance ............................................................................................................ 6

Compliance Requir ements ............................................................................................ 6
Contractor Guidelines ................................................................................................... 6
Inclement W eather Hotline (SEND W ORD NOW ) .......................................................... 7
Causes f or Termination ................................................................................................ 7
Maximizing your Success ............................................................................................. 7

Contractor Orientation Overview

TAPFIN (Sabre MSP) Support

Beverly Wells –

About Sabre
Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, USA, Sabre serves their customers through cutting-edge technology developed in six
facilities located across four continents. The company operates three businesses: Sabre Airline Solutions, Sabre
Hospitality Solutions, and Sabre Travel Network.

Sabre is a leading technology solutions provider to the nearly US$8 trillion travel industry. Their technology and data-
driven solutions help our airline, hotel and travel agency customers grow their businesses and transform the traveler

Sabre provides an open and stable platform to deliver flexible, reliable and scalable solutions. Over the years, they have
shaped and modernized the travel industry. Sabre pioneered online travel agencies, corporate booking tools, revenue
management, and web and mobile itinerary tools, to name a few. Sabre offers the travel industry’s broadest range of
technology solutions including data-driven business intelligence, mobile, distribution and Software as a Service (SaaS)
solutions, used by travel suppliers and buyers to plan, market, sell, serve and operate their businesses.

Week One Actions at Sabre

Sabre’s Corporate Directory

Please update your contact information on.
• Go to forms, enter your information and select Sabre as your company.
• Scroll down and click on ‘non employee information update’
• Click on ‘load form’
• Complete the data that needs to be added or changed and hit ‘submit’

Contractor Training on MyCareer

You will receive email notification when compliance training is required. You will log into the Sabre training with your Sabre SG
ID and password to complete all necessary training. Failure to complete this training may result in the loss of access to internal
Sabre systems.

Contractor Orientation Overview

Work Time Policies

Sabre Corporate & Office Locations

3150 Sabre Dr., Southlake, TX 76092 (Building A & B) (682) 605-1000
1500 Solana Blvd., Westlake, TX (Terrace 2 & 3) 76262

You may park in the parking garage or open parking lot in any space other than those designated and reserved for visitors.

Standard Business Hours: 8:00AM – 5:00PM

Punctuality and excellent attendance are essential for a productive and successful assignment. As a team member,
you are expected to be at work on time and as scheduled for your assignment. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness
may result in release from assignment.

Absence Notification
Planned Time Off
• Please notify your respective supplier/employer and Sabre supervisor regarding any day(s) you may
be away from your assignment
• Advanced notification 2 weeks prior to the time off requested
Unplanned Time Off
▪ These communications are also directed to your supplier/employer, who will contact the Sabre MSP
Program team to inform your supervisor at Sabre
▪ Circumstances where you need to leave Sabre before end of day (excluding lunch breaks), please
ensure your Sabre supervisor is notified
Dress Code
The company observes a neat but relaxed and comfortable dress code at headquarters. In every situation you are
expected to exercise good judgment and good taste, to act professionally and to be respectful of your colleagues
and visitors. Be aware that customers regularly visit building A and Solana and that government and community officials
regularly visit building A.

On occasion, you may be requested to work overtime, possibly with very little notice. We thank you for being flexible in
accommodating your schedule to meet work demands and deadlines. All overtime must be approved by your
supervisor at Sabre.

Contractor Orientation Overview

Sabre Equipment
Equipment, supplies, telephones, computers, and all materials purchased by Sabre are to be used for business purposes
only. You may not take, give or use these materials for any other purpose.

Authorization to remove Sabre equipment, materials, etc., for business use outside of Sabre property must be approved
by an authorized Sabre manager.

All Sabre equipment, property and materials are to be returned to your Sabre supervisor upon completion or termination
of the assignment.

Sabre Travel and Expense Guidelines

All travel and expenses must be approved by your Sabre supervisor. All receipts must be turned into to your supplier
agency for reimbursement within the month expenses occurred. Please refer to Sabre’s Travel and Expense Policy.

Sabre Conversion Opportunity

Sabre’s current conversion policy is a minimum of nine (9) months to be served as a contractor. Conversion depends
on performance and Sabre business needs and approvals.

Timesheet Guidelines
Contractor enters/submits hours physically worked for current week against Sabre project codes in Sabre’s timesheet
tool call TIME MANAGEMENT (TM). Sick time and or any time off cannot be entered in TM.
• When? – Every week by Sunday in order for Sabre Management to approve by close of business
Tuesday’s. Time can only be entered 2 weeks back and 4 weeks forward.
• Why? – Only “approved” hours in TM will be loaded in Fieldglass on Tuesdays & Wednesdays (US time)
and invoiced by TAPFIN to Sabre for payment.

Contractor Validates TM timesheet Status

• Submitted – timesheet must be in submitted status in order for Sabre Management to review.
• Approved – Sabre Management has reviewed and approved.

IMPORTANT! Timeframe to Correct time in either “Submitted” or “Rejected” status.

• Contractors ONLY have viewing and actionable access in TM to correct 2 weeks of prior time.
• After 2 weeks Sabre Management has to submit an internal Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) request.
• This DELAYS approved time getting loaded in Fieldglass for invoicing, thus why it is crucial
contractors are correcting any necessary time within the prior 2 weeks period within TM.

Contractor Orientation Overview

Break Room Amenities

The following are common amenities located in the break rooms throughout the Sabre offices:

• Coffee brewers and carafes

• Coffee and Tea

• Guest cups and coffee condiments

• Refrigerators available for lunch storage

• Microwaves

• Vending machines (availability will vary)

Lunch and Breaks

Please ask your Sabre supervisor to inform you of your lunch and break periods, as well as
available facilities.

• Starbucks is located in Building A on the first floor just past the security desk.

• Sabre café provides a variety of nutritional options for breakfast as well as lunch

• Indoor and Outdoor seating is available

• Cash and Credit accepted

• Delivery is not available

Contractor Orientation Overview

Badge Issuance
• You will be issued a Sabre badge on your first day of work.
• You are required to have and show a valid ID. Expired ID’s will not be accepted.
• All Contractors are required to use this badge while entering all doors (and sometimes elevators).
• All Contractors must use this badge at all times and you are not allowed to “follow” others in without using your
• Always Display the Badge

Compliance Requirements
• No Smoking – Only in Permitted Designated Areas
• No Alcohol or Illegal Drugs allowed on Premises
• No Littering, Defacing, or Destruction of Sabre Property
• No Weapons of any kind

Contractor Guidelines

A contractor CANNOT:
• Manage Sabre employees to the extent of directing or supervising work, hiring, authorizing raises, or authorizing
vacations and other absences.
• Take advantage of any Sabre employee benefits and/or privileges of employment.
• Have business cards or otherwise represent him/herself as a Sabre employee or representative.
• Sign any legal documents as a company representative.
• Be issued a company credit card or purchase card (p-card)
• Participate in any Company sponsored activities and/or personal development training.
• Interview for any Sabre fulltime position without written approval from your current Sabre supervisor.

A contractor CAN:

• Apply to a full time position and be hired after six (6) months (please review your employee contractual agreement with
your employer).
• Take an active part in project meetings.
• Take part in planning, developing and implementing projects.
• Participate in compliance and/or job specific training as directed by Sabre.

Contractor Orientation Overview

Inclement Weather Hotline (SEND WORD NOW)

• Sign up for Send Word Now to receive alerts on weather, emergencies and campus closures
• Contact your Sabre manager as well as your supplier agency if you are coming in late because of bad weather.
• Contractors should not be on site if a Sabre office is closed.
• Please keep in mind that contractors are only paid for hours worked.

Causes for Termination

• Workplace Violence
• Threats
• Sexual/Racial Harassment
• Profanity
• Time Sheet / Badge Fraud
• Property Theft
• “No Show / No Call”
• Non-Compliance with Security Personnel and Procedures

Maximizing your Success

• Be friendly, be a team player and contribute ideas and solutions

• Communicate with your Employer (Supplier Agency) and Sabre supervisors
• Dress appropriately for the Sabre environment and position requirements
• Follow all work place safety practices and procedures
• Be respectful of the Sabre environment / facilities
• Contact your supervisor if you need assistance with your job responsibilities
• Do not disrupt or distract other workers in the performance of their duties

Contractor Orientation Overview



As a Sabre Contractor I acknowledge that I have received, reviewed, understand and am willing to comply.

Contractor Name: RamiReddy Bhimavarapu

Supplier Partner Name: Cigniti Technologies Limited

Date: 05/24/2022

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