Basic Conversational Phrases

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Conversation phrases and expressions for Speaking

1. Conversation Starters
General greetings and inquiries
How's it going? (This means "How are you?" not "Where are you
How's everything? going?")
How's life?
Asking about present activities
What's up? (What are you doing now?)
What's happening?
Bringing up a serious topic
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Do you have a minute?
Got a minute?
2. Rejoinders
Rejoinders are quick responses to show that you are interested or paying attention.
(Oh) Really?
That's interesting.
Is that right?
Note how rejoinders are used in the following situations.
1. I just got a new job. Oh really? That's great!
2. I lost my wallet yesterday. Oh really? That's too bad.
3. Giving Opinions
Asking for Opinions Giving Opinions
What do you think? I think we should get a new car.
What's your opinion? I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed.
What are your ideas? In my opinion, Gone with the Breeze is the
Do you have any thoughts on that? best movie ever made.
How do you feel about that? I don't feel that it's such a good idea.
4. Agreeing and Disagreeing
Agreeing I think that's a good idea.
I agree. Disagreeing
So do I. I disagree.
Me too. I don't think so.
Me neither. (No.) That's not right.
I don't either. Yes, but...
You're right. (I'm sorry, but) I don't agree.
That's right.
Good idea.
5. Asking Permission
Can I ask you a question? Is it okay if I sit here?
May I have a piece of cake? Giving Permission
Could I get you to turn off the lights Sure.
Would you mind if I asked you Go ahead.
something? No problem.
6. Asking for and Giving Advice
Asking for Advice What do you suggest?
What do you think I should do? What would you do (in this situation)?
Giving Advice Maybe you should try someplace else.
I think you should get a lawyer. Why don't you call the company?
7. Accepting and Refusing
Accepting and refusing politely may depend on what you are asked. For example
Would you like some cake?
Yes, please. No, thank you
Sure. Thanks I'd better not.
Okay. Thank you No, but thanks for offering.
Would you like to go see a movie?
Okay. Sounds good. No, I'd rather not.
Sure. I'd love to. I'm sorry, but I can't.
Yeah. Good idea No, but thanks for inviting me.
How about some more pie?
All right. Thanks No, thanks.
Looks good. Thanks I'm really full. Thanks anyway.
Don't mind if I do. Looks delicious, but I'll have to pass.
How about going skiing this weekend?
Great. What time? Sorry. I'm busy this weekend.
Sounds like fun. I don't think I can.
All right. When and where? How about some other time?
8. Interrupting
Interrupting politely Do you mind if I jump in here?
Excuse me, Getting back to the topic
Pardon me, Anyway,
Sorry to interrupt, Now, where was I?
May I interrupt (for a minute)? Where were we?
Can I add something here? What were you saying?
I don't mean to intrude, but . . . You were saying . . .
Could I inject something here? To get back to . . .
9. Checking for Understanding
Checking for Understanding
Do you understand? Gotcha. (Informal)
Are you following me? Expressing Lack of Understanding
Are you with me (so far)? I don't get it.
Any questions? (I'm sorry.) I don't understand.
Got it? What do you mean?
Showing Understanding I don't quite follow you.
I see. /I understand. /I get it./I got it. What was that again?
10. Analyzing Problems
Focusing on the main problem/issue Asking for input
What is the main problem? What should we do about it?
What is the real issue (here)? What needs to be done?
(I think) the major problem is . . . What are we going to do about it?
Our primary concern is . . . Do you have any suggestions?
The crux of the matter is . . . Any ideas?
(As I see it), the most important thing is . . Making Recommendations
The main problem we need to solve is . . I recommend that . . . /I suggest that . . . /
We really need to take care of . . . I would like to propose that . . .
It all comes down to this: Why don't we . . .

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