Introducing Your Friend To The Class

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Introducing your friend to the class
A. Write the 12 questions you need to ask to complete the text.

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. ______________________________________________________________________

11. ______________________________________________________________________

12. ______________________________________________________________________

B. Ask the 12 questions to a partner. Write your partner’s answers in the spaces

Hi, my name is ____________ and I would like to introduce 1) ____________. He / She is

from 2) _____________ and is 3) ______________ years old. He / She has 4) __________
brother(s) and _________ sister(s).

____________’s favourite food is 5) _____________. In his / her free-time he / she likes (to)
6) _____________(ing). Most mornings _____________ gets up at 7) _____________. One
country he / she would like to visit is 8) _____________. ____________ is a 9) __________
year student at 10) _____________.

He / She comes to class / school / university by 11) _____________. When ____________

finishes class / school / university, he/she likes to 12) _____________.

C. Now, introduce your friend to the class.

Written by Paul Adams for ©2013

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