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Jeongwoo couldn't help but smile a little as he saw Doyoung gently laying in the couch

cushions, arm locked in place and holding their nephew, as the baby slumbered for yet
another nap, his whole body resting on Doyoung's chest.

The omega mumbled in his sleep a little as he gently inhaled and fell back still.

It was Jeongwoo's turn to cook dinner tonight, as the couple usually took turns, and the
alpha had settled on Jjajangmyeon, doing the first steps of boiling the noodles and draining

It was when he had started to make the sauce with veggies that he had noticed the soft
cooing of Doyoung talking to the baby had stopped. That was when he had seen the omega
had drifted off to sleep with their nephew.

As Jeongwoo sauteed the zucchini, onions, and pork belly, he couldn't help but smile.

As much as he would never admit it out loud, much less tell Namjoon that he was right,
Jeongwoo had to admit that his friend was right. Doyoung did in fact look beautiful with a
baby in his arms.

He wouldn't say it out loud for anyone to hear, but his instincts, his inner alpha whatever
people wanted to call it, had his heart doing flips. Everything in him was happy to see how
wonderful the omega was like with a baby.

And Jeongwoo couldn't help but wonder how he would look like holding one of their own. A
baby with beautiful pouty lips like their omega parent, and round deer like eyes like his own.

How loved and treasured that baby would be by his parents and the Parks as well.

Jeongwoo frowned, suddenly angry at himself.

What the hell was wrong with him?

His instincts were invading every bit of his mind...and he did not like it.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. He reminded himself that if Doyoung was pregnant, he
would no doubt turn into a much bigger brat.

Jeongwoo strained the noodles and put them on a serving plate, scooping the sauce on top
and making sure to grate a small amount of cucumber and carrot into perfect little match

"Hey, wake up." Jeongwoo demanded in a flat tone, barely loud enough for Doyoung to hear,
and not disturb their nephew, "Dinner's ready."
"Oh..." Doyoung said with a soft sinful moan as he woke up and sat up, holding the baby
firmly against him.

"I'll be right back." He whispered as he walked through the living room, down the hall, and
set the baby down in his portable crib in Jeongwoo's room.

"What are we having?" Doyoung asked as he stretched and smiled at him innocently.

"Jjajangmyeon. But along with the normal veggies...I added freshly grated cucumbers and
carrots." He explained as he grabbed two set of chopsticks and the giant serving plate.

Doyoung grabbed the one with extra veggies and sat it down gently on the table.

He immediately turned back and said, "I'll get the plates." before Jeongwoo could insist on
getting them himself.

"Here you go." Doyoung said as he set a small plate down.

He wouldn't be saying it out loud any time soon, but Jeongwoo had to admit that he was
quite enjoying the evenings he now had as of late.

He used to go to the Jeon estate to have business dinners and discuss even more work after
work. He would sometimes drink, go to a party, and on very extremely rare occasions, have
casual sex with a random partner.

But now...the business dinners stopped, he hardly drank, and he hardly went to parties. He
now had fun dinners at home, a beer or two with close friends, and as for sex...well, now he
had it on a regular basis with his mate...and frankly... Jeongwoo wasn't sure he would even
want to go back to how his life had once been.


"Mmm...these are so good." Doyoung said as he took a pinch of the cucumbers along with
some noodles.

"Oh thanks. I followed my mom's recipe. She always kind of...changes the normal
Jjajangmyeon recipe most people follow." Jeongwoo explained as he filled his much smaller
serving plate, yet again.

"Really? Wow. Whatever you added or tastes great." Doyoung said happily.

" don't have to answer...but..." Jeongwoo took in a deep breath. After seeing how
peaceful Doyoung had looked napping with their nephew, the alpha had had a nagging
feeling about the omega's past. Which was stupid in all honesty, but he still had to know,
"Did you...ever see yourself...having kids with Namjoon?"
Doyoung suddenly stopped. Noodles stuffing his cheeks as he froze in place.

What had gotten into him?

He swallowed hard and wiped his mouth, sitting up and putting his chop sticks down. The
atmosphere got tense and heavy. Things suddenly got awkward as fuck.

"Um....No. I didn't." Doyoung said flatly and in a quiet tone.

Jeongwoo could feel the honest from him. He could at tell that it was the truth.

"I mean...we were always careful to not...ever have any kind of pregnancy scare because...we
both knew our relationship was never going anywhere. We had it in our heads was
just...some fun we were having."

Jeongwoo just looked down and nodded.

"Neither of us ever sat down and imagined a whole life together with kids. Or anything. I
mean...besides...we broke up because we both got so... frustrated with the other. He was
too vanilla in bed for me...and I was..."

"Screaming and sleeping with unconscious bodies?" Jeongwoo managed to tease.

"Don't tease me." Doyoung said with a little shake of his head, "What brought on the

Jeongwoo couldn't help but blush, now feeling guilty that he had ever felt so jealous, which
again he knew was stupid because Namjoon and Jin had wound up being a perfect pair with
Jin currently being 19 weeks or so along with their first child.

"I just...I saw you on the couch...holding Ji-hun...and I just...I wondered if you ever wanted
that...with him."

"Do I want that one day? Well, maybe...but not with Namjoon. He wasn't a good match for
me." Doyoung said, tilting his head as he looked over at Jeongwoo, looking past him and
trying to understand what their bond, their connection was telling him.

Jealousy. He needs reassurance.

Doyoung suddenly pushed his chair back, standing up and catching Jeongwoo off guard.

Jeongwoo was fully prepared for Doyoung to be mad and walk past him and into his room. If
he did, Jeongwoo would have deserved it.

But no such thing happened.

Instead Doyoung swung his legs over his lap, straddling his thighs and wrapped his arms
around his neck.

"Yes, I had alot of fun with Namjoon. But I never saw him as a good match for being my
mate. I wound up with you...and you don't have to worry about me thinking about other
alpha's or past boyfriends."

Jeongwoo would have opened his mouth to speak, had it not been for Doyoung's lips on his,
very gently kissing him. A small reassurance that not only was Jeongwoo going to be there
for Doyoung when he felt unsure...but that Doyoung too, was committed too honoring their
bond for as long as the decided to stay together.

As fast and unexpectedly as it had happened....Doyoung was standing up and unwrapping

his arms from around Jeongwoo's neck.

"Now we're even." He said with a charming smile as he went back to his seat to eat.
Jeongwoo knew exactly what he was referring too. When Sol-ju had insulted Doyoung and
made him feel unsure, Jeongwoo had kissed him. And now that Namjoon's past relationship
with Doyoung had made him feel unsure....the omega had returned the gesture.

⋆⊶☽ 5 days later☾⊷⋆

"Doyoung get off me!" Jeongwoo grunted as he, Doyoung, and the rollie chair they were in
crashed to the floor.

"Come on...just fuck me." He begged quietly as Jeongwoo tried to untangle them while
Doyoung did his best to kiss him, kissing and nipping at his neck and trying to undo the
alpha's zipper and belt.

"Get off of me, you tiny pervert!" Jeongwoo whisper hissed.

"Sir? Are you ok?" Came the concerned voice of Jeongwoo's secretary from the other side of
his office door.

"Yes. Don't come in!" He said in a panicked rush.

"How about you do the opposite...and cum in me." Doyoung whispered suggestively.

"Stop feeling me up. I have shit to do." Jeongwoo whispered angrily.

"The only thing that should be at the top of your to-do list, is me." He countered.

It was now the fifth day that not only did they have Shiho in their care, having dropped him
off for the morning at day care. But also the fifth day that Doyoung was loosing to his
instincts. When he wasn't in the mood to have sex...he was usually ok, content with just
loving on their nephew.

But when he was in the mood, like now, he was needy and whiney, begging to be fucked
raw. Begged to be bred, like his instincts wanted.

And right now, it was the omega's lunch break. It was pretty clear he didn't want to eat, as
he had made his way up the floors to the executive offices and walked right into
Jeongwoo's. Which admittedly hadn't been too hard to do since everyone knew the matching
scent of smoked lychee fruit meant that their boss's mate was around.

And so here they were, tangled on floor, with Jeongwoo fighting off Doyoung's eager little

"We will. I'll do you at home as hard as you want, I swear. Just get off." He argued back
quietly and angrily.

"Fuck~ I'm trying too." Doyoung moaned softly as he swiveled his curvy hips, his crotch
rubbing against Jeongwoo's.

"No means no, you pint-sized perv!"

"Come on...just a quickie in your private office bathroom." He begged.


"Please....come on...just fuck me...fill me....give me a baby." He begged softly, grinding his
hips and leaning down to nip at Jeongwoo's neck.


He was a goner.

He couldn't fight off Doyoung anymore. At least not when it came to sex. He sure is hell
was not going to give him that baby. After five days now...he was pretty well aware of having
to carrying around about three condoms on him at all times.

And so far they had gone through quite a few in the last 5 days.

That plastic fish bowl full of condoms was definitely money well spent.

"Fuck..." Jeongwoo said with a whine of defeat.

Jeongwoo's dad frowned as he approached the closed door of his son's office.

They had a lunch meeting that they should have left for at least five minutes ago. And yet
Jeongwoo hadn't bothered to go to his father's office. So now before they were late, the
older alpha was taking initiative to go fetch his son.

"Suni?" The older alpha asked, looking towards the closed door.

"Good afternoon Mr. Jeon." She said in an almost panicked tone.

"Why hasn't my son left his office to come see me?" He demanded softly.

"Um....he's...I think he and-" She began in a stuttering tone.

"Nevermind, I'll go fetch him myself. It's not your fault that my son is a slacker." He said
playfully to the woman as she bowed politely and let him enter the office.

He opened the door and frowned as he saw the knocked over chair and the scattered
papers. Well clearly he couldn't have been kidnapped as his secretary was there and hadn't
seen him leave.

He scrunched his brows in confusions as he heard a muffled "Fuck." Come from the closed
bathroom door.

"Jeongwoo?" He asked in a loud tone.

He heard muffled cursing and the thumping of fumbling bodies as they rushed around the
tiny room. The door opened and Jeongwoo rushed out, looking in poor condition, as the
bathroom door closed quickly.

"Oh...hey dad..." He said awkwardly.

Jeongwoo's father frowned and he blushed a little as he reviewed the state of his son.
Jeongwoo's hair was ruffled and out of place, pink lip gloss smeared around his lips and on
his neck, the top button of his shirt undone, his tie loose and out of place, his shirt
untucked, and his belt undone, but thankfully his trousers zipped up and buttoned.

"Jeongwoo, what the hell?" His father asked.

"Um...Doyoung the mood?" He tried awkwardly, as he scratched the back of his

"Right when we have the business lunch?" He asked, still frowning.

"Um.....yeah....Mom....wanted us too...have a baby. And Doyoung and I are....kind
of...working on that." He said lamely.

The bathroom door opened slowly, and Doyoung stepped out, looking much more
presentable, but still reeking of his mate.

Doyoung's hair was lightly pushed back and his large loose grey sweater hung off one
shoulder showing off his black wife-beater tank top. His black leg hugging leggings
perfectly in place, and his black ankle boots perfectly on his feet where as the laces on
Jeongwoo's dress shoes had come undone.

His cheeks dusted in pink. Whether it was in embarrassment or from the sex they clearly
just had, Jeongwoo's father didn't really want to know.

"Hey papa Jeon." Doyoung said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck as well.

"Hello Doyoung." He said stiffly.

"Well, I won't keep you Jeongwoo. Bye." He suddenly said as he damn near sprinted out of
the office leaving Jeongwoo alone with his father.

"Really? At the office son?" He said in a disappointed tone.

"Dad....look sorry, give me five minutes fix myself up." He said awkwardly as he
walked back into his bathroom.

The young alpha awkwardly tied his shoes, redid his button and tie, tucked his shirt in and
grabbed a scentless wipe. He wiped the pink lipgloss off his face and off his neck, pushing
his hair back again and making sure he looked decent enough to go to lunch with his father.

"Sorry and the bathroom." He said feeling so out of place,
discussing this with his father.

"I get that your mother really wants you to get Doyoung pregnant...but son, really? At work?"
He asked with a brow raised.

"He was....very convincing on the matter." He tried weakly.

"Let's go before you make us late." The older alpha said with a sigh.

"Yes father." He replied curtly.

"At least your mother will be over the moon to hear you two are trying for that baby." He
said with a shake of his head.

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