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Assignment 1-

Computer Organization and Architecture (BEC306C)-III Sem

1. Describe the basic functional units of a computer with a neat diagram.
2. With a neat diagram, explain basic operational concept of computer.
3. Explain bus structures.
4. What is the need of system software illustrate with example.
5. Perform subtraction of 4 bit using sign 2’s compliment method. Indicate
about overflow in each case.
i) +10-(-8) ii) +12 – (+9) iii) -15 –(9) iv) – 14 – (+5) v) -7 – (+1)
6. Define byte addressability, little endian and big endian assignment.
7. Write assembly language program for X = (A*B) + (C*D) using one
address, two address and three address instruction formats.
8. Explain instruction execution and straight line sequencing.
9. Explain branching execution.
10.What are the different condition code flags available in processor explain
with an example.
11.What is Addressing mode, list and explain different addressing modes
with example in computer Architecture.
12.Explain the operation of stack with examples and also write the
difference between Stacks and Queues.
13.Explain the concept of parameter passing using subroutines
14.With a neat diagram illustrate the registers in Keyboard and Display

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