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Podolets Masha 23F

Ex. 34 P. 117

Hustle and bustle of city life

Many people who have never lived in a big city but have felt disappointed
eventually succumb to the disappointment of city life. Why so? There is an
example I will give you from my experience.

I moved from the country to London 3 years ago, and I noticed that a large number
of people who visit or work routinely in a big city knows that it can be a hassle.
Major cities have more people, traffic, and neighborhoods that can make
navigating through the city more difficult. Consider some of the disadvantages.

The biggest problem many people have faced is the high cost of living, which is
the first thing people think of when they think about moving to a city. Normal
living expenses such as rent and utilities tend to be higher in big cities, and you
may have additional living expenses you wouldn’t have in the suburbs. But on the
other hand, I could not call it a big problem, because if you are going to a city
intentionally, knowing all the possible financial issues, this should not scare you.

One must admit, the second difficulty, which you will have to face, is the hustle
and bustle of city life. In general, the noise level in major cities is higher than in
the suburbs. Cities have more people and more traffic that contribute to the noise,
as well as trains and nearby airports with loud planes flying in and out. But,
however, it is possible to find city neighborhoods that are almost as quiet as the

Another downside is that there is a lot of competition. In big cities, of course, there
are more opportunities, but you also need to consider that there are more people
there. Because of this, you may get stressed and have to deal with the pressures of
urban life.
When one lives in city, they are also exposed to noise pollution. This is due to the
abundance of entertainment centers and automobiles.

In conclusion, I can say that, city life can be great if one has a stable source of
income. However, living in city with no job can be very difficult, which may lead
to people opting for illegal ways to get money. Absolutely all problems are
solvable, so it is hence advisable to migrate to a city with a stable job or with a
business idea that you can develop.

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