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Al Islahat Contracting and General Maintenance LLC emphasizes on environment

friendly waste management practices inside the organization as a basic tool to obtain the
objectives of national as well as international level. Al Islahat Contracting and General
Maintenance LLC ensures the conservation of natural resources, control of pollution,
conservation of energy and any adverse impact on the environment caused by its business
activities / processes and its reduction of its impacts to minimum level. The Company
encourages all employees and third parties to actively participate / cooperates in achieving
the company objectives and Local Government Requirements.

This will be achieved in line with all regulatory and statutory requirements relating to
AICGM services provision and environment aspects.

Main aims of the Waste Management Policy are;

 To minimize the consumption of finite natural resources;
 To reduce generation of wastes through more efficient Practices;
 To reuse material in their original form;
 To minimize the quantity of wastes for final disposal.

The targets will be achieved by adopting the following administrative and technical
 Efficient design to minimize the waste;
 Efficient stock control;
 Re-use and refurbishment of existing infrastructure;
 Use of renewable materials from legal and sustainable sources;
 Procurement of products and materials with potential for recycling.

Al Islahat Contracting & General Maintenance

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