Passages Du Texte-Type Occidental Manquants Dans Le Texte-Type Byzantin (Actes 1 À 13 Et 16 À 22)

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Passages du texte-type occidental manquants dans le

texte-type byzantin (Actes 1 à 13 et 16 à 22)


biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
1:2 until the day in which he was until the day in which He Until the day that he was
received up, after that he had was taken up, after He taken up, after that he
given commandment through the through the Holy Spirit had through the holy Ghost,
Holy Spirit unto the apostles given commandments to had given command-
whom he had chosen, and the apostles whom He had ments unto the Apostles,
ordered to proclaim the gospel: chosen, whom he had chosen:
4:24 And they, when they heard it, So when they heard that, And when they heard it,
and recognised the working of they raised their voice to they lifted up their voices
God, lifted up their voice to God God with one mind and to God with one accord,
with one accord, and said, O said: "Lord, You are God, and said, O Lord, thou art
Lord, thou the God that didst who made heaven and the the God which had made
make the heaven and the earth earth and the sea, and all the heaven, and the earth,
and the sea, and all that in them that is in them, the sea, and all things that
is: are in them.
4:31 And when they had prayed, the And when they had And when as they had
place was shaken wherein they prayed, the place where prayed, the place was
were gathered together: and they they were gathered was shaken where they were
were all filled with the Holy shaken; and they were all assembled together, and
Spirit, and they spake the word of filled with the Holy Spirit, they were all filled with
God with boldness, to every man and they spoke the word of the holy Ghost, and they
who wished to believe. God with boldness. spake the word of God
4:32 And the multitude of them that Now the multitude of those And the multitude of
believed were of one heart and who believed were of one them that believed, were
soul, and there was no heart and one soul; neither of one heart, and of one
distinction at all among them: did anyone say that any of soul: neither any of them
and not one of them said that the things belonging to him said, that anything of that
aught of the things which he was his own, but they had which he possessed, was
possessed was his own; but they all things in common. his own, but they had all
had all things common. things common.

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
5:15 insomuch that they carried out so that they were bringing Insomuch that they
their sick into the streets, and laid the sick and placing them brought the sick into the
them on beds and couches, that, on couches and pallets, so streets, and laid them on
as Peter came by, at the least his that as Peter was passing beds and couches, that at
shadow might overshadow some by, at least his shadow the leastway the shadow
one of them. For they were set might fall on some of of Peter, when he came
free from every sickness which them. by, might shadow some
each one of them had. of them.
5:31 Him did God exalt for his glory, Him God has exalted to Him hath God lifted up
to be a Prince and a Saviour, to His right hand as Prince with his right hand, to be
give repentance to Israel, and and Savior, to give a Prince and a Savior, to
remission of sins in him. repentance to Israel and give repentance to Israel,
forgiveness of sins. and forgiveness of sins.
5:39 but if it is of God, ye will not be but if it is of God, you But if it be of God, ye
able to hinder them: neither you cannot overthrow it – lest cannot destroy it, lest ye
nor kings nor tyrants: keep away you even be found fighting be found even fighters
therefore from these men, lest against God." against God.
haply ye be found fighting
against God.
6:10-11 And they were not able to And they were not able to But they were not able to
withstand the wisdom that was withstand the wisdom and resist the wisdom, and the
in him, and the Holy Spirit with the Spirit with which he Spirit by the which he
which he spake, because they spoke. | Then they secretly spake. | Then they
were confuted by him with all instigated men to say, "We suborned men, which
boldness. | Being unable have heard him speaking said, We have heard him
therefore to face the truth then blasphemous words speak blasphemous words
they suborned men which said, against Moses and God." against Moses, and God.
We have heard him speak
blasphemous words against
Moses, and against God.
8:24 And Simon answered and said to Then Simon answered and Then answered Simon,
them I beseech you pray ye for said, "Pray to the Lord for and said, Pray ye to the
me to God that none of these me, that none of the things Lord for me, that none of
evils of which ye have spoken which you have spoken these things which ye
come upon me. And he ceased may come upon me." have spoken, come upon
not to shed many tears. me.

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
10:25 And as Peter was drawing near Now when it happened And it came to pass as
to Caesarea one of the servants that Peter entered, Peter came in, that
ran forward and announced that Cornelius met him, and fell Cornelius met him, and
he was come. And Cornelius at his feet and worshipped fell down at his feet, and
sprang up and met him, and fell him. worshipped him.
down at his feet, and worshipped
10:33 Forthwith therefore I sent to thee Therefore immediately I Then sent I for thee
exhorting thee to come unto us; sent to you, and you have immediately, and thou
and thou hast well done that done well to come. Now hast well done to come.
thou hast come with speed. Now then we are all present Now therefore are we all
therefore we all in thy sight are before God, to hear all the here present before God
wishing to hear from thee that things having been to hear all things that are
which has been commanded commanded you by God." commanded thee of God.
thee by God.
11:2 Peter therefore for a considerable And when Peter came up And when Peter was
time wished to journey to to Jerusalem, those of the come up to Jerusalem,
Jerusalem; and he called to him circumcision were they of the circumcision
the brethren, and stablished contending with him, contended against him,
them; making a long speech, and
teaching them throughout the
villages: he also went to meet
them, and he reported to them
the grace of God. But the
brethren that were of the
circumcision contended with
11:17 If then [he] gave unto them the If then God has given to For as much then as God
like gift as he did also unto us, them the same gift as He gave them a like gift, as
when we believed on the Lord gave to us, when we he did unto us, when we
Jesus Christ, who was I that I believed on the Lord Jesus believed in the Lord Jesus
could withstand God [and] that I Christ, who was I to be Christ, who was I, that I
should not give them the Holy able to hinder God?" could let God?
Spirit when they believed on

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
11:27-28 Now in these days there came Now in these days In those days also came
down prophets from Jerusalem prophets went down from Prophets from Jerusalem
unto Antioch. | And there was Jerusalem to Antioch. | unto Antioch. | And there
much rejoicing; and when we And rising up, one of them stood up one of them
were gathered together one of named Agabus, foretold by named Agabus, and
them named Agabus stood up the Spirit of a great famine signified by the Spirit, that
and spake, signifying by the Spirit about to happen in all the there should be great
that there should be a great world, which also came to famine throughout all the
famine over all the world; which pass in the time of world, which also came
came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. to pass under Claudius
Claudius. Caesar.
12:23 And immediately an angel of the Then immediately an angel But immediately the
Lord smote him, because he gave of the Lord struck him, Angel of the Lord smote
him, because he gave not
not God the glory. And he came because he did not give
glory unto God, so that he
down from the throne, and while glory to God. And was eaten of worms, and
he was still living he was eaten becoming eaten by worms, gave up the ghost.
of worms, and thus gave up the he died.
ghost. 1
13:8 But Etimas the sorcerer (for so is But Elymas the sorcerer (for But Elymas the sorcerer,
his name by interpretation) so his name is translated) (for so is his name by
withstood them, seeking to turn resisted them, seeking to interpretation) withstood
aside the proconsul from the turn away the proconsul them, and sought to turn
faith, since he was hearing them from the faith. away the Deputy from the
with the greatest pleasure. faith.
13:28-29 And though they found no cause And finding no cause for And though they found
of death in him, after judging death, they asked Pilate no cause of death in him,
him they delivered him to Pilate that He be executed. | And yet desired they Pilate to
that he should be slain. | And when they finished all the kill him. | And when they
when they had fulfilled all things things having been written had fulfilled all things that
that were written of him they about Him, taking Him were written of him, they
asked Pilate to crucify him. And down from the tree, they took him down from the
when they had obtained this put Him in a tomb. tree, and put him in a
also, they took him down from sepulcher.
the tree, and laid him in a tomb;

Décès d’Hérode Aggripa Ier (−10-44), Roi de Batanée, de Galilée, de Pérée et de Judée. Cet épisode survenu lors de
jeux publics au printemps 44 à Césarée-Maritime est corroboré par Flavius Josèphe, Antiquités judaïques, § 19:8:2
(Bible d’étude Segond21archéo, p. 1599). La Bible d’étude NBS traduit la variante du texte occidental ainsi (p. 1449) :
« Et, descendu de la tribune, il fut rongé de vers, alors qu’il était encore vivant. C’est ainsi qu’il expira. »

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
13:43-44 Now when the synagogue broke And when the synagogue Now when the congrega-
up, many of the Jews and of the service was broken up, tion was dissolved, many
devout proselytes followed Paul many of the Jews and of of the Jews and Proselytes
and Barnabas; who speaking to the devout proselytes that feared God, followed
them urged them to continue in followed Paul and Paul and Barnabas, which
the grace of God. And it came to Barnabas, who, speaking spake unto them, and
pass that the word of God went to them, persuaded them exhorted them to conti-
throughout the whole city. | And to continue in the grace of nue in the grace of God. |
the next Sabbath almost the God. | On the coming And the next Sabbath day
whole city was gathered together Sabbath, almost all the city came almost the whole
to hear Paul telling about the was assembled to hear the city together, to hear the
Lord in many words. word of God. word of God.
16:1 And having passed through these Now he arrived at Derbe Then came he to Derbe
nations he came down to Derbe and Lystra. And behold, a and to Lystra: and behold,
and Lystra, and, behold, a certain certain disciple was there a certain disciple was
disciple was there, named named Timothy, the son of there, named Timothy, a
Timothy, the son of a Jewess a certain Jewish woman woman’s son, which was
which believed; but his father who believed, but his a Jewess and believed,
was a Greek. father was Greek. but his father was a
16:6 And they went through the Now when they had gone Now when they had gone
region of Phrygia and Galatia, through Phrygia and the throughout Phrygia, and
having been forbidden of the Galatian region, they were the region of Galatia, they
Holy Spirit to speak the word of forbidden by the Holy were forbidden of the
God to any one in Asia. Spirit from speaking the holy Ghost, to preach the
word in Asia, word in Asia.
16:10 When therefore he had risen up, Now when he saw the And after he had seen the
he related to us the vision, and vision, immediately we vision, immediately we
we perceived that the Lord had sought to go out to prepared to go into
called us to preach the Gospel to Macedonia, concluding Macedonia, being assured
those who were in Macedonia. that the Lord had called us that the Lord had called
to preach the gospel to us to preach the Gospel
them. unto them.

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
16:35 But when it was day the Now when it became day, And when it was day, the
magistrates assembled together the magistrates sent the governors sent the
into the market place, and officers, saying, "Release sergeants, saying, Let
recollecting the earthquake that those men." those men go.
had happened they were afraid;
and they sent the Serjeants,
saying, Let those men go whom
yesterday thou didst receive.
16:39-40 and they came with many friends And coming, they Then came they and
into the prison, and besought appealed to them, and prayed them, and brought
them to go forth, saying, We did bringing them out, they them out, and desired
not know about you that ye are asked them to depart from them to depart out of the
just men. And when they had the city. | And coming out city. | And they went out
brought them forth, they from the prison, they of the prison, and entered
besought them, saying, Go forth entered into the house of into the house of Lydia:
out of this city, lest they again Lydia; and seeing the and when they had seen
assemble against us, crying brothers, they encouraged the brethren, they
against you. | And they went out them and departed. comforted them, and
of the prison, and went to Lydia; departed.
and when they had seen the
brethren, they reported all the
things which the Lord had done
for them, and comforted them
and departed.
17:12 Some therefore of them believed, Therefore many of them Therefore many of them
but some did not believe; and of believed, and not a few of believed, and of honest
the Greeks and of those of the prominent Greek women, which were
honourable estate, both men and women and men. Grecians, and men not a
women, many believed. few.
18:4 And entering into the synagogue And he reasoned in the And he disputed in the
he discoursed every sabbath, and synagogue every Sabbath, Synagogue every Sabbath
introduced the name of the Lord and persuaded both Jews day, and exhorted the
Jesus, and persuaded not only and Greeks. Jews, and the Grecians.
Jews but also Greeks.

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
18:6 And after there had been much But because they were And when they resisted
discourse, and the scriptures had opposing and and blasphemed, he
been interpreted, when they blaspheming, he shook off shook his raiment, and
opposed themselves and his clothes and said to said unto them, Your
blasphemed, Paul shook out his them, "Your blood be on blood be upon your own
raiment, and said unto them, your own heads; I am head: I am clean: from
Your blood be upon your own clean. From now on I will henceforth will I go unto
head; I am clean from you, now I go to the Gentiles." the Gentiles.
go to the Gentiles.
18:8 And Crispus, the ruler of the And Crispus, the ruler of And Crispus the chief
synagogue, believed on the Lord the synagogue, believed in ruler of the Synagogue,
with all his house; and many of the Lord, together with all believed in the Lord with
the Corinthians hearing believed, his household. And many all his household: and
and were baptized believing in of the Corinthians, hearing, many of the Corinthians
God through the name of our were believing and were hearing it, believed and
Lord Jesus Christ. being baptized. were baptized.
18:27 Now certain Corinthians were And when he desired to go And when he was minded
sojourning in Ephesus, and across to Achaia, having to go into Achaia, the
having heard him, they exhorted urged him on, the brothers brethren exhorting him,
him to cross with them into their wrote to the disciples wrote to the disciples to
own country; and when he there to receive him; and receive him: and after he
consented the Ephesians wrote when he arrived, he was come thither, he
to the disciples in Corinth that assisted greatly with those helped them much which
they should receive the man. who had believed through had believed through
And when he sojourned in grace; grace.
Achaia he helped them much in
the churches,
19:1 And when Paul, according to his And it came about, while And it came to pass,
private wish, desired to go to Apollos was in Corinth, while Apollos was at
Jerusalem, the Spirit told him to that Paul, having gone Corinth, that Paul when
return into Asia. And he passed through the interior he passed through the
through the upper districts and regions, came to Ephesus. upper coasts, came to
comes to Ephesus, and found And finding some disciples Ephesus, and found
certain disciples; certain disciples,
19:5 And when they heard this they And when they heard this, And when they heard it,
were baptized into the name of they were baptized in the they were baptized in the
the Lord Jesus Christ, unto the name of the Lord Jesus. Name of the Lord Jesus.
remission of sins.

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
19:14 Among whom also the sons of Now there were seven And there were certain
one Sceva, a priest, wished to do sons of Sceva, a Jewish sons of Sceva a Jew, the
the same thing, being accusto- high priest, doing this. Priest, about seven which
med to exorcise such people. did this.
And they came in unto one who
was possessed with a devil, and
began to call upon the Name
saying, We command you, in
Jesus whom Paul preacheth, to
come out.
20:3-4 And when he had spent three and spent three months And having tarried there
months there, and a plot was laid there. And as a plot by the three months, because the
against him by the Jews he Jews developed against Jews laid wait for him, as
wished to sail for Syria. But the him, as he was to put to he was about to sail into
Spirit said to him to return sea for Syria, a decision Syria, he purposed to re-
through Macedonia, | therefore came about to return turn through Macedonia.
when he was about to go out as through Macedonia. | And | And there accompanied
far as Asia, Sopater of Beroea, Sopater, a Berean, was him into Asia, Sopater of
the son of Pyrrhus; and of the accompanying him to Asia Berea, and of them of
Thessalonians Aristarchus and – also Aristarchus of the Thessalonica, Aristarchus,
Secundus, and Gaius of Derbe, Thessalonians, and Secun- and Secundus, and Gaius
and Timothy: and of Ephesians dus, and Gaius of Derbe, of Derbe, and Timothy,
Eutychus and Trophimus. and Timothy, and Tychicus and of them of Asia,
and Trophimus, the Asians. Tychicus, and Trophimus.
20:24 But I take account of none of But I count myself as But I pass not at all,
these things, nor hold my life as nothing; nor do I regard neither is my life dear
dear unto myself, that I may my life as valuable to unto myself, so that I may
accomplish my course and the myself, so that I may fulfill my course with joy,
ministry of the Word which I complete my course with and the ministration
received from the Lord Jesus to joy, and the ministry which which I have received of
testify to Jews and Greeks the I received from the Lord the Lord Jesus, to testify
gospel of the grace of God. Jesus, to bear solemn the Gospel of the grace of
testimony to the gospel of God.
the grace of God.
21:1 And when we had set sail and Now when it came to pass And as we launched
were parted from them, we came that we had put to sea, ha- forth, and were departed
with a straight course unto Cos, ving withdrawn from them, from them, we came with
and the next day unto Rhodes, running a straight course a straight course unto
and from thence unto Patara and we came to Cos, and on Cos, and the day follow-
Myra; the next day to Rhodes, ing unto the Rhodes, and
and from there to Patara. from thence unto Patara.

biblique Codex de Bèze traduit par English Majority Text Geneva Bible (1599)
dans le Livre James Wilson (SPCK, 1923) sur Version (EMTV) traduite rééditée par Peter Lillback
des Actes fond de English Revised Version par Paul Esposito (Stauros et al. (Tolle Lege Press,
des Apôtres (ERV, 1881) Ministries, 2009) 2007)
22:11 But when I rose up I did not see "And since I could not see So when I could not see
for the glory of that light, and because of the brightness for the glory of that light, I
being led by the hand of them of that light, being led by was led by the hand of
that were with me I came into the hand by those who them that were with me,
Damascus. were with me, I came into and came into Damascus.
22:13-14 came unto me and said unto me, came to me and he stood Came unto me, and
Saul, Brother Saul, receive thy and said to me, 'Brother stood, and said unto me,
sight; and in that very hour I Saul, see again.' And I, in Brother Saul, receive thy
received sight. | And he said that very hour, looked up sight: and that same hour
unto me, The God of our fathers at him. | And he said, 'The I looked upon him. | And
hath appointed thee to know his God of our fathers has he said, The God of our
will, and to see the Righteous chosen you to know His fathers hath appointed
one, and to hear a voice from his will, and to see the thee, that thou shouldest
mouth; Righteous One, and hear know his will, and
the voice from His mouth. shouldest see that Just
one, and shouldest hear
the voice of his mouth.

(chapitres 1 à 3)

Actes 1:9 :
- TO = Nouvelle Bible Second (NBS) 20022 + Boismard3 : « Après avoir dit cela, pendant qu’ils
regardaient, il fut élevé et une nuée l’enveloppa, puis il fut enlevé loin d’eux. »
- TR = Bible Ostervald révisée (BOR) 2018 : « Et après qu’il eut dit ces choses, il fut élevé pendant
qu’ils le regardaient, et une nuée le déroba à leurs yeux. »

Plus précisément, les notes infrapaginales de l’Édition d’étude publiée par l’Alliance Biblique Universelle (ci-après
« NBSmarg »).
Marie-Émile Boismard, Le texte occidental des Actes des Apôtres, Éditions J. Gabalda & Cie, Paris (Île-de-Fr.), 2000,
p. 54 sur 432.

Actes 1:14 :
- TO = NBSmarg : « Tous, d’un commun accord, étaient assidus à la prière, avec femmes et enfants,
Marie, mère de Jésus, et les frères de celui-ci. »
- TR = BOR : « Tous ceux-là persévéraient d’un commun accord dans la prière et la supplication,
avec les femmes, et Marie, mère de Jésus, et avec ses frères. »

Actes 2:1 :
- TO = Boismard p. 60 + NTTTC4 : « Et il arriva, tandis que s’accomplissaient les jours de la
Pentecôte, comme ils étaient tous dans un même lieu. »
- TR = BOR : « Et le jour de la Pentecôte étant pleinement arrivé, ils étaient tous d’un accord dans
un même lieu. »

Actes 2:12 :
- TO = Boismard p. 66 + NTTTC p. 331 : « Or ils étaient tous stupéfaits et perplexes, et ils se
demandaient entre eux ce qui était arrivé en disant : Qu’est-ce que cela peut être ? »
- TR = BOR : « Ils étaient donc tous étonnés, et ne savaient que penser, se disant l’un à l’autre :
Que veut dire ceci ? »

Actes 2:37 :
- TO = Boismard p. 73 + NTTTC p. 334 : « Alors, tous ceux qui s’étaient rassemblés et avaient
entendu eurent le cœur transpercé et certains d’entre eux dirent à Pierre et aux apôtres : Que
ferons-nous donc, hommes frères ? Montrez-le-nous. »
- TR = BOR : « Ayant à présent entendu ceci, ils furent transpercés dans leur cœur, et dirent à
Pierre et aux autres apôtres : Hommes et frères, que ferons-nous ? »

Actes 3:1 :
- TO = Boismard p. 78 + NTTTC p. 336 + SPCK p. 44 : « Or en ces jours-là Pierre et Jean
montaient ensemble au temple le soir à la neuvième heure, celle de la prière. »
- TR = BOR : « Or Pierre et Jean montaient ensemble au temple à l’heure de la prière, qui était la
neuvième heure. »

Actes 3:11 :
- TO = NBSmarg + Boismard p. 84-85 + NTTTC p. 337 : « Comme Pierre et Jean sortaient, il sortit
avec eux sans les quitter ; les spectateurs en émoi s’arrêtèrent au portique dit de Salomon. »
- TR = BOR : « Et comme l’impotent qui avait été guéri ne quittait pas Pierre et Jean, tout le peuple
étonné accourut à eux au portique dit de Salomon. »

Philip Wesley Comfort, New Testament Text and Translation Commentary, Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream
(Illinois), 2008, p. 330 sur 900 (abrévié « NTTTC »).


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