Guided Pracrise

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Guided, Less-Guided, and Independent Practice Activities:

1. Guided Practice: Friendship Vocabulary Game

 Break students into small groups.
 Provide each group with a set of cards containing the friendship vocabulary words
learned during the lesson.
 Instruct them to create a collaborative, descriptive sentence for each word.
 Circulate and offer guidance, encouraging them to use the vocabulary effectively.
 After completion, each group shares their sentences, reinforcing understanding
through peer collaboration.
2. Less-Guided Practice: Friendship Storyboard
 Distribute a blank storyboard template to each student.
 Ask students to create a visual storyboard depicting a personal friendship
experience, incorporating the vocabulary words learned.
 Encourage creativity and originality.
 Allow for less guidance, letting students express their understanding
 After completion, students present their storyboards to the class, fostering
individual expression.
3. Independent Practice: Reflective Journal Entry
 Assign students to write a reflective journal entry about a significant friendship in
their lives.
 Instruct them to incorporate the new vocabulary to describe the qualities and
experiences shared with their friend.
 Provide minimal guidance, allowing for independent thought and expression.
 Emphasize the use of descriptive language and encourage personal insights.
 Optionally, students can choose to share their journal entries in a future class,
promoting individual accountability and confidence.
These activities progressively move from guided, where the teacher provides support and
structure, to less-guided, allowing for more student autonomy, and finally to independent, where
students apply the learned language independently. Each activity aligns with the lesson
objectives and instructional strategies, ensuring a comprehensive and scaffolded approach to
language acquisition.

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