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Biomechanical Xenomodernity

In these moments of the now what can be sighted is by terror, but Sarkon is still alive
at the moment, in his 70s now, if the birthdate of 1953 is to be believed, his work still
continues even after his removal, what we see becomes computerized, merged into

Nanocybernetics wash out into these moments, my fears come from each one and
others, my thinking comes into each other’s hearts, we wish it in cyberastronomic
ways into our own deterritorialized capitalist enmangled vagina. Geotraumatic
palate-tectonic drives into Thanatechnology, the world captured in it’s anastrophic

Netic Suicide
What can be torturous can be sighted our numogrammatic hopes drive as
optimism-pessimism dichotomy drives into it’s own death, what we wish comes to us
by the terrorizing nomads, in these nano-barbaric tribes we wish to witness.

Social anxiety comes from each place as we want to wish want we may wish to sight
in these post-post-modern moments, inside qwernomic corpses. Antinarcotic Chinese
police force make slave-metaphysics of it’s own thinking will made up of

Biomechanical futures are sighted by these worlds, Marxgrave meets with Sarkon,
joined together inside of each places, causing a great transgenderization into these
places, turned into each of these areas together. What may be found comes from
tortured faces in our tears. Space spironomies come from everywhere. Robotic
neo-species are from all these shocking sounds from these grounds from this world, let
us, in this moment, transform into each different species, genetic maximalization
comes from the interdividual choice from rhizomatization.

While in these moments of wisdom we wish for whatever we want to enter by

speculative necrophonical ways. The world sweeps by in this moment.

Cyclenetic culture feeds into where it goes.

Nihilism escapes nothing to be with what it wishes.

Society in now cries as it will be protected by whatever cyberpunk thoughts may be
protected in current moments of now.

Style of the now is coming from techno-occultic ways of organization in the current
moments away from the moments of the anastrophic neoreaction. The world gripped
by it in these moments, my fears coming true as of now, grabbed by everything that
goes wrong in my life so far. Landian pleasure principle enter Thanatos runaways. My
wish of joy tries hard in it’s attempts so far, escaping scratched corpses that need some
form of protection in these hurt times.

“You asked for protection what did you expect”? Stated William, the incoherence of
the moment caused discomfort in deconstructed acceleration built from BDSM
chambers of erotic findings.

My son dies in my hands, may he be happy in these moments so far, his hope coming
from every fear.

Meaning becomes orphaned, as post-existentialism sights in each corner of the room

in these nomadic paths of enmanglement, Sarah smells inside of corpse-crimes.
Orwell dies in 1950, robots are witnessed everywhere in cybernetic hyperculture.

Geocommodity Xenofetishism
Cybernetic qwernospironomic materialism.

ABCD hypermaterialism.

Speculative schizoanalysis.

Literal hypostition.

Metamaterial cardioeroticism.

Socialized neoqabbalism.

Meltdown psychoanalysis.

Lacanian maximalism.
Hyper-Vietnamese post-communism.

Societal kraterocracy.

Orgasmic depression.

Surneoliberal cultism.

Neoreactionary nanology.

Jacobin grounding.

Dysgenic racialism.

What have we noticed in poetry? What if we do not read poetry? Boredom facilitates
inside of oneirokraterological k-tactics. Social amnesia pumps into it. Cars become
schizoanalytic force of motor stations out of drying.

Fear becomes what is our enemy thought process. Process is insurrection.

Chucksberry picks up, we earn out of these technocapitalistic ways of pseudo-metrical
organization. My son is our meta-physical wordings of our own sightings.
Post-avarition drives us in plutarchical earnings, our own becomes the interdividual,
the flow of combined bombings of flux overlap, together in ourselves.
Geocommodities fling everywhere. The Numogram may be sighted time-to-time but
where can we find it? Our neoplutonic ways are weak and need to be fixed.

Wishing for the occult death of our brethren is all we can muster as we have all the
abundance of nano-netocratic CEO-feudalism, flooding in magical acceleration, the
world is pumped out of it’s vaginal unbirth by it’s own sexual depravity, the
terribleness of it is spit out, we must return some day, in the near past, we shall watch
it again, penally.

Lyotardian societies run by bullets inside of post-Hegelian systems. Schopenhauer be

my witness, as occultural journeys up hills go on in zen-like swarmachines. Buddha is
not a thing, it cannot be historicized. Laughter and joy shoots bullets down into feet,
the pain surging through each corpse magically, may we sleep during day, or
afternoon. The night is not allowed, in a xenospastic sort of way. Virtual pornography
notes everything down, the outside sticks to diagram, the emotional benefit rising in
it’s rhizomatization. We should hope it is doing well so far in it’s journey, there is still
so much to do in this moment of k-paranoia. Comedic infections from every corner
sights a new city, cyberpunk breeds a little. Hope arises a new city. Bedroom
technology begins parasitic operations on it’s patient in perverted and orphaned
psychoanalysis. Parents sight in bedroom. What enters new doors.

Robotics fear in these new times, hope and praying comes to each interdividual
placing. Cyberspace wishes near close encounters to each group in prideful joy,
Thanatos lives another nanosecond, technology enters laser-like bombings.

Hypervirus enters each place, the pandemic quarantine lasts longer, the memory is
permanent, cultures sight in planes of neo-existences. Metamaterials speed of in
hypercommoditization. The beauty inside of planes are sighted in crashes by them.
Each death justified by interdividualized concepts.

Machinic unconciousness opens inside of hands, groping the tectonic areas placed
inside groups, the death breaths come from each group, may I hopefully live in wake
of such care. As the deadliest is comfort, the bombings walk out in
cyber-amphetamine breakcore-jungles. Flux comes to each place in avaricious might
running by these places.

On might, might runs across places from this out and in from each other, like an
interdividual, these interdividual thing goes from every place into feedback loops
pulled up by their own hands, the battle begins here, will you do this battle? Or will
you not?

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