Week 1 - Cpar 12

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School Malixi Integrated School Grade Level 12


Department of Education Teacher Roel O. Pabelonia Learning Area
Teaching Dates and Time Nov. 6-10, 2023 / 3:30-4:30pm Quarter QUARTER 2 – Week 1
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learners shows understanding of the materials and techniques.

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to discriminates among various materials and techniques.
Research on techniques and performance practices applied to contemporary arts:
C. Learning K. Identify and research techniques and performance practices used in contemporary arts.
Competencies/Objectives S. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques and practices.
A. Appreciate the application of techniques and practices in creating original works of art.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages Learners’ Module (ADM) pp. 2-12
B. Other Resources Handouts and Pictures
Today's lesson will focus on identifying
and researching techniques and
Today, we will be discussing how to Start the class by asking the students to
1. Reviewing previous lesson or performance practices used in
analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of share their experience in creating art. Ask Review and recall the topics discussed
presenting the new lesson contemporary arts. In the previous lesson,
techniques and practices used in them what techniques and practices they ready for the assessment.
(ELICIT) we discussed the different forms of
contemporary Philippine arts. have used before.
contemporary Philippine arts and their
significance in regional culture.
The purpose of this lesson is to help
The purpose of this lesson is to help students develop their critical thinking
Explain to the students that in this lesson,
students understand the different skills and their ability to evaluate the
2. Establishing the purpose of the they will learn how to apply the
techniques and performance practices techniques and practices used in
lesson techniques and practices they have
used in contemporary arts, as well as contemporary Philippine arts. By the end
(ENGAGE) studied in creating their original works of
their importance in the development of of the lesson, students will be able to
Philippine culture. analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of
these techniques and practices.
3. Presenting examples/instances of The teacher will present different  Show examples of contemporary Show the students some examples of
the new lesson examples of contemporary arts such as Philippine arts such as paintings, contemporary art from the regions that
(ENGAGE) paintings, sculptures, installations, sculptures, music, dance, theater, and utilize various techniques and practices.
performance art, and multimedia art. The film. Discuss how each piece was created and
teacher will discuss the techniques and  Discuss the techniques and practices what techniques and practices were used.
performance practices used in each used in these artworks, such as
example, such as color blending, shading, brushstrokes, composition, use of
color, symbolism, movement,
rhythm, sound, lighting, camera
perspective, layering, and mixing of angles, and editing.
media.  Ask the students to share their
observations and opinions on these
techniques and practices.
 Introduce the concept of mixed
media art, and explain how it
 Define what it means to analyze and
involves combining various
evaluate the effectiveness of
The teacher will discuss and demonstrate materials to create a work of art.
techniques and practices.
different techniques used in  Show the students some examples of
 Discuss the criteria for evaluating
contemporary arts, such as mixed media, mixed media art from the regions,
4. Discussing new concepts and these techniques and practices, such
found objects, abstraction, and and discuss how the different
practicing new skills #1 as their originality, creativity,
expressionism. Students will practice materials were used to create each
(EXPLORE) coherence, emotional impact, social
these techniques by creating their own piece.
relevance, and cultural significance.
mixed media artworks using found  Ask the students to choose at least
objects and other materials.  Provide examples of how to apply
two materials and create their own
these criteria to specific artworks,
mixed media art. Encourage them to
and ask the students to do the same.
experiment with different
combinations and techniques.
 Introduce the concept of installation
art, and explain how it involves
creating an immersive environment
 Introduce different perspectives on
that engages the viewer.
The teacher will discuss performance contemporary Philippine arts, such
 Show the students some examples of
practices used in contemporary arts, such as those based on aesthetics, history,
installation art from the regions, and
as improvisation, collaboration, audience culture, politics, and identity.
discuss how the environment was
5. Discussing new concepts and participation, and multimedia integration.  Discuss how these perspectives
created and what techniques and
practicing new skills #2 Students will practice these performance affect the analysis and evaluation of
practices were used.
(EXPLORE) practices by creating a short multimedia the techniques and practices used in
performance piece in groups,  Ask the students to work in groups
contemporary Philippine arts.
and create their own installation art
incorporating different elements of  Ask the students to apply these
contemporary arts. piece using recycled materials.
perspectives to their own analysis
Encourage them to think about how
and evaluation of specific artworks.
their piece will engage the viewer
and what message they want to
6. Developing Mastery Students will work in groups to create  Divide the class into groups and  Divide the class into pairs and ask
(EXPLAIN) their own multimedia performance assign each group a specific artwork each pair to choose a technique or
pieces. They will be given time to plan, to analyze and evaluate based on the practice they want to focus on.
rehearse, and execute their performance criteria and perspectives discussed.  Provide materials and tools, and
pieces. The teacher will provide guidance  Each group will present their allow the students to work on their
and feedback to ensure that the groups analysis and evaluation to the class, own original piece for the remainder
are incorporating the different techniques explaining how they arrived at their of the class.
and performance practices discussed in conclusions and defending their  Walk around the room and provide
class. viewpoints. feedback and guidance to the
 Encourage a lively discussion and
debate among the groups and the students as they work.
 Discuss how the skills learned in
analyzing and evaluating
contemporary Philippine arts can be
Students will reflect on how the
applied to other fields, such as Ask the students to think about how they
techniques and performance practices
7. Finding practical applications of media, advertising, design, can apply the techniques and practices
they learned in class can be applied in
concepts and skills in daily living education, and social activism. they have learned in their everyday life.
their daily lives, such as in problem-
(ELABORATE)  Encourage the students to think Encourage them to be creative and think
solving, decision-making, and
critically about the messages and outside of the box.
values conveyed by various forms of
media and how they can influence
public opinion and behavior.
 Summarize the key concepts and
skills learned in the lesson, and how
Students will reflect on the importance of they can be applied to different Ask the students to reflect on what they
8. Generalizing and abstractions
contemporary arts in the development of contexts. have learned in the lesson. Ask them to
about the lesson
Philippine culture and how it can be used  Emphasize the importance of critical share what techniques and practices they
as a tool for social change and advocacy. thinking and cultural awareness in found most interesting and why.
understanding and appreciating
contemporary Philippine arts.
The teacher will provide a quiz to assess
9. Evaluating Learning the learnings of the students. Make sure
(EVALUATE) that the quiz includes all the topics
discussed for the whole week.
For remediation, students who may need  Divide the class into pairs and ask
extra help can work with the teacher one-  Invite a local artist, curator, or critic each pair to choose a technique or
on-one to further develop their skills in to speak to the class about their work practice they want to focus on.
creating mixed media artworks or and their perspectives on  Provide materials and tools, and
10. Additional Activities for multimedia performance pieces. For contemporary Philippine arts. allow the students to work on their
Application or Remediation application, students can showcase their  Assign a group project that involves own original piece for the remainder
(EXTEND) works in an exhibit or performance creating an original artwork that of the class.
showcase in the school or community. incorporates the techniques and  Walk around the room and provide
They can also collaborate with local practices analyzed and evaluated in feedback and guidance to the
artists or organizations to further develop the lesson. students as they work.
their skills and promote regional arts.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught Yes
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter About the content because some of
which my principal or supervisor the traditional arts were not familiar to
can help me solve? the learners.
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which The use of visual examples (arts)
I wish to share with other which were found in the locality.

Prepared by: Checked by:


T-III/Subject Teacher ESP-II/School Head

Date: _____________________

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