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THE MAN You may not be a farmer, and, like me, you may know

nothing about taking care of a garden. But God still has

So why did God created man? For what? given each of us purpose by giving each of us work
Why does man exist? to do, and our work does provide for our families. In
fact, Paul told Timothy that anyone who did not provide
If you know where you came from---from knowing that for his family was worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy
you have been saved and accepted and redeem ---- and 5:8). The biblical definition of man involves embracing
if you know why you exist ---you can now fulfill your work for His glory (Colossians 3:23).
work- your purpose and you can work effectively if you
know your purpose as a man. 3. Man is an eternal being. In his essay “Weight of
Glory,” C.S. Lewis stated that “ordinary people” do not
Genesis story of man exist: “You have never talked to a mere mortal.” That’s
because every person—including every man—is an
It makes sense that the biblical definition of man begins
eternal being. We all will live forever. The only question
by setting him apart from his partner. Regardless of what
is our final destination.
the culture might preach, the Bible is clear that men and
women are unique. Again, both hold value as the The Bible’s definition of man emphasizes our eternal
pinnacle of God’s creative work, but a proper nature. As followers of Christ, we believe that living
understanding of the Bible’s definition of a man has to is Christ and dying is gain (Philippians 1:21). We
start with that truth. believe that being “away from the body” means
being “at home with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8).
The fact that we will live forever should influence the
1. Man is created in God’s image. The theological term is way we live as men right now.
imago dei, which is Latin for “image of God.” And like the
4. Man is built for relationships. A look at the biblical
distinctions between man and woman, this truth is drawn
definition of man reveals that we are wired for
from Genesis. Even before Adam was created, God
relationships. We are not made to go it alone. From the
declared that human beings would be made “in our
Bible’s point of view, being a man is a team sport. Men
image” (Genesis 1:26). The narrative goes on to explain
like Moses and Joshua, David and Jonathan, Jesus and
that God followed through on His word. He “created man
His disciples, and Paul and Timothy underscore just how
in his own image; he created him in the image of God”
seriously God’s Word takes our need for relationships.
(Genesis 1:27, CSB).
One biblical writer compared our need for relationships
to iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17).

The biblical definition of man includes humanity’s First and foremost, we need a relationship with God
reflection of its Creator. We reveal God to the world in a through Jesus Christ. Beyond that, we need family and
special way. Over the centuries, scholars have debated friends to keep us sharp. We need our lives to
exactly what that looks like, but one thing remains clear. intersect with mentors who will help us become better
The Bible says a man has value and purpose husbands, biblical fathers, better friends—better men.
because he is made in the image of God. No consideration of the Bible’s definition of man would
be complete without focusing on relationships. We need
to build relationship to be a better man.
2. Man has work to accomplish. The psalmist said that 5. Man has moral options. God could have created us to
God made man “ruler over the works of (God’s) hands” love and serve Him without question. But He loved us
(Psalm 8:5-6). enough to give us a choice. And while the narrative of
Eden reveals how our freedom led to our frailty, it also
5You have made them[a] a little lower than the angels[b]
reminds us that we have options for salvation.
and crowned them[c] with glory and honor.
6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; Of course, sin has left its mark. We are broken and we
you put everything under their[d] feet: are imperfect creatures who desperately need a Savior.
But we are not beyond hope. The biblical definition of
From the very beginning man was given the man states that we are moral agents, free to choose God
responsibility of watching over the garden and taking over self. In fact, we are never closer to experiencing
care of everything God had created (Genesis 2:15). true manhood than when we embrace Him.
While we want to avoid becoming a workaholic, part of
man’s value is tied to the responsibility and trust God
bestowed on him.

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