Grade 7 SCI-PA2 - Revision WS

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SESSION: 2023-24
Name:_________________________________________________________Grade & Div.: __________
Lesson: Chapters 10, 11 & 14 Date of Release of Worksheet: _____________
Submission Date: _______________________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________________

I. Fill in the blanks.

1) Frogs breathe both by ___________ and __________.

2) The number of times a person breathes in a minute is termed as ____________.
3) Full form of CFL is ___________.
4) Circulation of blood was discovered by ___________.
5) The kidneys contain thousands of tiny filters called __________.
II. Name the following.
6) Animal which do not have circulatory system.
7) Waste product excreted by lungs.
8) Artery which carries oxygen rich food.
9) Electrical appliance in which the heating effect of current is used.
10) The scientist who discovered the magnetic effect of current.
III. Match the following.
11) Stomata (a) Absorption of water
12) Xylem (b) Transpiration
13) Root hairs (c) Transport of food
14) Phloem (d) Transport of water
(e) Synthesis of carbohydrates

IV. Distinguish between the following.

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15) Xylem and Phloem
16) RBC and WBC
V. Answer the following in 20-30 words.
17) Does transpiration serve any useful function in plants? Explain.
18) Why is it necessary to excrete waste products?
19) Distinguish between an open circuit and a closed circuit.

20) What is battery? How can it be made using cells?


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VI. Give reasons for the following statements.
21) The kidneys filter wastes from the blood.

22) We feel hungry after doing a heavy exercise.


VII. Answer the following in 40-50 words.

23) What is meant by respiration? Write a word equation for it.

24) State the functions of heart.

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VIII. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the following:

25) Human heart

26) Electric bell

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