Assignment - Case 1

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Assignment: Case 1

Name: Sanzeed Islam Sazeed

ID: 2031287
Course Name: Strategic Management
Course Code: MBA 550
Section: 3
Session: Autumn 2021
Date of Submission: 18 October 2021

Faculty: Dr. Md. Nazmul Hossain

Answer # 1

Twitter lacks a consistent support strategy. Therefore, it creates a pause in implementing a plan

which will give the business the advantage over similar companies. As the text says, "Twitter

competes for more users against other social media such as Snap Chat, Facebook and its WhatsApp

messaging service and others." Besides that, there are few more reasons and these are:

• Not adapting the trend.

• Not having a stable management team.

• Emphasis less on goal strategies.

• Ad overkill and customized ad kills user experience.

Twitter gave more importance to generating ad revenue than to the user satisfaction as a result of

firm versus industry impact.

Answer # 2

I will give the grade D to Dick Costolo. Mainly because, since the company started with nearly

300 million active users worldwide, "Twitter's share price increased from $26 in its initial public

offering (IPO) to over $73 in a few weeks ' time." The business deteriorated gradually in half over

the following year. Twitter received a junk ranking, as reported in the book, and totaled 1.4 billion

a year in revenue, while losing 1 billion a year. Costolo 's strength has been his willingness to start

a company. However, his weakness has been the ability to adapt to challenges. My advice for the

new CEO of Twitter will be to make the company’s goals clear, and not to fear change.
Answer # 3

A successful strategy for a high-tech startup is critical because, with high demand, it's an extremely

fast speed industry. Being behind the competition takes only one mistake, since. It is difficult to

draw up a successful plan for Twitter because of the rapid technical shift and the shift in consent

in consumer tastes. The CEO must be vigilant about pitfalls such as making broad guidelines,

making bad financial decisions, and remaining relevant.

Answer # 4

1. Diagnose the competitive challenge: Twitter 's greatest strategic challenge is rising its

user base to become more attractive to online marketers. Twitter is seen as a niche

application by the marketers. Companies are shifting the majority of their digital ad dollars

more to Facebook and Google than to Twitter.

2. Derive a guiding policy: Working on the user interface of twitter. Making things easier

for consumer such as signing process and usage.

• Making the process of signing up and using the services simpler

• Explaining to a broader audience the often-quirky conventions on Twitter

• Offensive material to wipe out.

3. Implement a set of coherent actions: The enforcing body needs to make policies

transparent. Decisions must be executed ethically or management may be faced with

discontent among the workers. Strengthening strategy with proper training and capital


My recommendation for Twitter will be to make the platform more user-friendly, and to perform

a survey to see what attracts people.

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