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@) JYOTHISHMATHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE - AAROHAN Saga of jubilant accornplishnent’s Se hy eeepc (1997-2022) SRI JUVVADI SAGAR RAO CHAIRMAN TYOTHISHMATHI GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS Journey of Success. ‘Thinking big with the right hard work definitely leads to success. We have a living example with us, Juvvadi Sagar Rao garu the Chairman, Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions was bom in the year 1953 and bails from a small village Moodapally, Karimnazar district. From his childhood, he was proactive, iron-willed, committed and had an attitude to never give-up. His later childhood was filled with communist ideology. He was a rebel, not frightened of anyone or anything and a head strong person. Everywhere he was the BOSS in his world of that era. Still people respect him and had good relations with everyone around him, He stepped into business believing in "If you want to be big. you have to start behaving big" In his business he became the wealthiest but not contended as there was oo respect in that area. To own the respect & honour and in thirst of rendering service to the larger community, he thought of establishing an educational institution, He plainly states that "I€1 want money, Iwould have continued the earlier business and remain successful". With the strong determination there was a paradigm shift from business to service sector. Sri Sagar Rao garu scripted 'Jyothishmathi’ as the brand for disciplined education institution in the north Telangana region. By giving up all his business and entering the noble profession of teaching rural students and improving their lives, he became the renowned educationist in the Karimnagar district. Initially he started the Jyothishmathi Academy CBSE School in Nustulapur, Karimnagar in the ‘year 1991, which was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister Sri N. Jenardhan Reddy. The school had ‘won many accolades with prominent teachers. When the state government encouraged private individuals {to establish engineering colleges in 1996, he had planned to open an engineering college in Nustulapur, Karimnagar to address the issues that nural students were experiencing. In particular, parents of girl students were very concerned about sending their daughters to Hyderabad for higher education. He started Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science in the year 1997 ‘The basic strengths of Sri J. Sagar Rao are the blessings of Lord Saibaba, and his elder brother Late Sri J Anand Rao. He asserts that all he is today is solely a result of their favour. His soulmate Smt J. Vijaya and his two sons Mr. J. Amith and MrJ Sumith Sai are the centre of his world. He is ever thankful from the bottom of his heart to Sri K. Venkat Rao (Co-brother). They worked together like heart & soul for the institution. ‘The chairman is ever proud of his faculty members as they hold the flag of secret to his success. (Qualified and experienced faculty members were appointed in the institution, and they were instrumental in spotting students’ latent talents. With the same pride he elated that out of 10 convocations held by INTUH, his students bagged six Gold medals and two additional medals from other organisations. ‘The institution recognitions are the results of his determination and dedication. Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science received NAAC "A" grade and NBA for three UG Programmes in Engineering. The autonomous status by UGC would shortly be made public. The institution was designated as Research Centre for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering by JNTUH. The dream of the chairman is JITS would be a university, changing the nature of rural education. Sri J. Sagar Rao is a person tough by appearance but soft through heart. He always helps the people in need. He is available around-the-clock in the institution. He is an ever winning personality. He is very particular towards society too and the same is imbibed to the students through various societal activities. Education with practical experience in a disciplined manner achieves global excellence. The students and faculty are instrumental in canrying out his thoughts into action. His thoughts altogether is the reflection of the vision of the Institution. His real happiness is when his students are well settled and contented in their lives. The Legacy continues. K. TARAKA RAMA RAO ter for Municipal Administration & Urban Development, Indust Commerce, Information Technology, Electronics & Communications Governmont of Tolangana 3rd Floor, Telangana MASUD Gompus, Hospital, A.C.Guards, Hyderabad » 500004, Date: 29.11.2022 MESSAGE Iam happy to know that Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science is one of the pioneering college offering Engineering degrees par excellence on the soils of Karimnagar. It is equally commendable that JITS has through the years maintained its supremacy in imparting quality education to its students. Tribulations and sacrifices come atong with punctuations of successes and failures. Happiness intertwines with disappointments. Your success lies in preparing your students to attain the peak of technical competence and Scientific proficiency; to the apex of professional achievement, financial ‘endowment, and material comfort. In today's techno-scientific gallop, it is imperative that students are prepared to face the technological onslaught and adopt the rapid changes taking place on this front. AL Scientific advancements shauld be embedded SOCIAL RELEVANCE that improves the living conditions af every human being, ushering in optimum level of satisfaction and relief | encourage all the students of JITS to engineer their minds, hearts and hands so that they can go out and canguer this globalizing and ever changing world, You must desire, discover and experience the essential things that will ease and accelerate your climb to reach the moun! success. You may forget your lecation; but always bear in direction! I wish, the Stude; their cree utmost gaiety. Staff and Management of JITS strive to retain ility in the years to come and celebrate the Silver Jubilee day with soul RAMA RAO) Off. .3" Floor, SCERT Building Opp. LB Stadium “E” Gate Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad - 500001. Phone :040 - 23459922 Fax 040 - 23459921 Mail: ‘Smt. P. SABITHA INDRA REDDY MINISTER FOR EDUCATION Government of Telangana Message Lom extremely hoppy to know that Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science is bringing out souvenir "AAROHAN" ..Saga of Jubilant accomplishments on the eve of Silver Jubilee celebrations Education is crucial to the growth of every country.|t takes ‘long lime to transform @ ceuniry into a developed and prosperous ‘one; this cannot be accomplished without education. Technical education is also on the same ship and it promotes material Prosperity and ecenomic progress. It fosters o sense of self-worth and dignity. The mein rationale for selecting technical education is that it Prepares students to be trained professionals who can work technically in a variety of industries. A country’s wealth, prosperity, and resourcefulness are enhanced by technical education. Ht gives me great pleasure to know that the Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions has produced exceptional technocrats who are ‘working in several Indian and foreign MNCs. | extend my heartfelt blessings to the enthusiastic, hard working, ever cooperative and dedicated team of staff members and convey my best wishes to the students. (set. - (P. iandlfeals REDDY) Sa. amet EAT . facafemres am ar = fea tee, sr rem Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar Uolversty Grants Commision Charman ‘oro hr irae MESSAGE | am pleased ta know that Jyotishmathi Institute of Technology and ‘Science, Telangana is going to oeabrate its Siver Jubilee on 2" December, 2022 To commemerate this a2easion, the University is bringing out a Souvenir "AARGHAN’ . Saga of .lubilant accomplishments, showcasing the joumey and achiavemants. | hope this Souvenir will prave lo be beneficial and useful Lo the reacess, students faculty and all the stakaholders Academic Institutions play 38 an effective tool to enable students to cone with the rapisly changing world afound them. | hope that Jyothishmathi Insitute of Technology and Science will contribute more significantly to ensure high qualty technical educaton with multidisciplinary abilities for holistic development. {van te Siverdubiee Geleraton and ste Soweni agse «grt sucsss Headed Lim (Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar) Chairman, University Grants Commission 23% November, 2022 Melangans State Council Of Higher Education (A Statutory Body of the Government of Telangana) Mahae Hospl, Moho Mary, Manablan, Herbed - 500 028, ie Ph, 040-2: 1040-23331 Website: wwwtiocheacins Ea chalmantochegQgmallcom Prof. R. Limbadri CHAIRMAN ‘Dt:28.10.2022 I congratulate the management and staff of Jyothishmathi Instituic of Technology and Science, Karimnagar on the eve of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Institution. The saga of achievements made by the students of Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science in the last 25 years reflects the dedication and enthusiasm of SriJSagar Rao, the Chairman, Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions. It is indeed a dream which has come ‘true but we need to. do much more to keep pace with increasing demand ‘for good and affordable Technical Education especially in the rural areas. Teonvey my warm wishes and greetings to faculty and students on this Jubilant event and wish publication all success. Prof, Jayasharkar Vidvabhavan, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500 001, OF :401-40-2474 021 84-40-2484 5669 commissionercste Navin Mittal, us Commissioner Collegiate Education & Technical Education Department Message Dated: 27.10.2022 Tam glad to know that the Jycthishmathi Institute of Technology and Science has successfully completed 25years of service in the field of education in Karimnagar. Education helps one in forging one's own path and also in introspection. I appreciate the efforts of the institution towards providing holistic education to thelr students. Tt is heartening to knaw that JITS has been doing valuable efforts In industry-academia collaboration, thereby creating @ nurturing environment where the industry and educational institutes wark hand in hand. also wish the institution will have participatory role in enriching the human Fesources environment, serve remarkably to the technical education system and foster greater industry academia interaction, T believe that this special issue not anly provides an outlet to the latent creative potential of the students but also proudly showeases the milestone the institution has achieved in the field of education, 1 convey my heartiest congratulation to the management, faculty and students on this occasion and wish the Institution all the success, Hi halt st ogee JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UVES HYDERABAD Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 085, Telangana, (Indi Phone :040-28156109, Fuk: O10 508112, ball, Yentudguer ty Webeke : wwwjolubacin Prof, Kata Narasimha Reddy Ph.D, PWIF, PAPAS, PTAS Vice-Chancellor Message {am glad to know that Jyethismathi Institute of Technology and science has successfully completed 25 years of impeceable services in bringing out young technocrats. | must congratulate the College Management, Principal, and Staff for Silver Jubilee celebrations and releasing the souvenir-2022, I convey my best wishes and hope that this institution will continue to serve on engineering education and strive for excellence and wish them all success in their future endeavors, Vague ber Prof. Kata Narasimha Reddy Vice-Chancellor, JNTUH @ thane JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD (Cates by Gant. Act. 30 of 208) Kukatpally, Hy 500 085, Tela India. Dr. A. COVARDHAN BE (COI, M.Tech, Pb.D, PDL. IE, FCS: Cen. FIETE, FIFERD,FISDs, FCRRC. Professor of Computer Science and Engineering & RECTOR MESSAGE Jam happy w know that Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and ‘Science, Kerimnagar is rejoicing Silver Jubilee Celebrations and a Souvenir is being released to mark the occasion. Technical education plays a vital role in human resource development of the nation by creating skilled man power, enhancing industrial productivity and ‘improving the quality and standards of life. This college is known for such activities in the sphere of Engineering Education in our state, Since its establishment, this splendid temple of technical knowledge has been producing innumerable talents in diverse disciplines of Engineering. Silver Jubilee ‘Celebration is the right occasion for the students of this institution to remember and honor the talents it has shaped since its inception which would also inspire the present batch and future batches yet to come. extend my best wishes to the Management, all the students, staff members and Alumni of Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science and its Group of Institutions om this promising oceasion and wish Silver Jubilee Celebrations a os ft. pe ‘Prof. \. Govardhan RECTOR SINTU Hyderabad sommes JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD pi sorerrapatairaennsin Kukatpally, Hyderabad — 500085, Telangana (India). Dr. M. Manzoor Hussain Tach, PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering REGISTRAR > Message 1k is heart-warming to learn that Jyothiemethi Inglitute of Tecnology and Science, Kerimnagar is publishing 4 allege souvenir to celebrate 25 years of cusricular and eo-curricules cacellence, Silver Jubilee celebration i ‘an occasion ta take stocie of one's achievements as also to set new goals for the future, ‘The college souvenir is a forum which could aptly be used for recording events, fond memories and creative writing, It is a sign of appreciation for those who worked tireletsly to make the institution successful and @ tribute to these who helped the institution gaits its reputation. Tam eure thal this souvenir will be informative and eesouirceful. 1 appreciate Jyothismathi Group of Institutions that provided a fountain head of support to many under privileged students, who. are in need of education and moral help, as much as it is a perennial spring of earning for their students. take this opportunity te congratulate Management, Principal and his committed team for their dedication towards valuc-bated texching and generous efforts put into ensure that each student is cared, All the Best. oe (Prof. M. Manzo: Hussain) PROF.UDAY.B.DESAL Former Director, IT Hyderabad Chairperson Academic Advisory Board Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science Message Silver Jubilee is a big landmark for an Institution. I Whole heartedly congratulate JITS for achieving this landmark. Silver Jubilee is great testimony to JITS imparting high-quality education and contribut- ‘ing to society at large. The Institution has traversed a glorious journey with many landmark achieve- ‘ments in the fields of academics .Science and engineering, cultural activities and sports. ‘Tam sure the silver jubilee celebrations would bring in a new energy for the faculty, students and ‘management to move to greater heights. The Silver Jubilee spirit will inspire them to strive for excel- lence in all endeavour’s of the institution ‘Tam hoping that in the silver jubilee year the institute will embark on the path of innovations in academ- ‘ics and empower students with innovative pedagogy. The need of the hour is flexibility in education and am sure that this will be enabled in the silver jubilee year. The innovative approach will also bring in critical thinking among students. ‘Besides classroom teaching, it is non-formal, non-structured learning that completes student's educa tion. I am sure that there will be enhancement in non-formal and non-structured learning. Tonce again congratulate JITS fratemity for a glorious 25 years. I wish JITS many more jubi- lees. I wish JITS all the success in their mission of promoting value based holistic education. Sw (PROE.UDAY.B.DESAD JUVVADI SAGAR RAO Chairman Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions [pf Message Silver Jubilee Celebrations of an Institution is an important milestone that gives us an opportunity to look back om the distance travelled and forward to the journey that lies ahead and has to be planned. Casting a glance over the years that have gone by, I thank God for the blessings that he showered on the faculty, students, parents and the society. Tyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagar was established in the year 1997 under Shalini Vidya Samstha. The institution was ingrained to cater the needs of higher technical educa- tion in the rural areas of Karimnagar and the adjoining districts. JITS was founded with an aim to offer holistic education in Technology and Sciences for the empowerment of students from all the strata of society by promoting academic excellence, employability and leadership with social commitment. Dur- ing the last 25 years, the institution has grown abundantly to become one of the leading Engineering colleges in Telangana state. The vision and mission of the management are reflected in the achievements of the students. With the strenuous efforts of the faculty and support of our stake holders, the institution ‘was accredited by the NAAC and NBA. The students of this institution have shown their academic excel- lence by getting high ranks and medals at the University level and being placed in renowned Indian and foreign MNCs. appreciate the efforts of the faculty who came together to bring out the souvenir on the eve of its Silver Jubilee Celebrations. I hope and wish that this souvenir will reflect the tremendous changes that hhave taken place in the Institution over the years. Iam delighted that this souvenir is presenting a glimpse of the growth of the Institution on many fronts. Textend my sincere thanks to the parents who stood with us all the time and except the continuous support in the coming years “We cannot always build the nation for our youth, but we ean build our youth for the nation”. TF foe (Guvvadi Sagar Rao) K.VENKATRAO Former Director Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions MESSAGE Itis a matter of great joy that Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science is, celebrating 25 years of its tremendous academic journey. The institution las always been striving to keep itself ahead of the competitions and the results are now for everyone to ‘The management actualizes the importance of education in developing the potential ofa student by imparting an all round education that makes the child spiritually oriented, intellectually informed, emotionally balanced and socially concerned citizen of the coun- try. The institution empowers the students by providing opportunities, emotional support and strategic guidance that are affirming, respectfial and ongoing for their bright future. On this milestone of the history of the institution, I congratulate the Principal, the staff, the student, the parents and well wishers for joining hands in providing quality educa- tion. extend my good wishes to the silver Jubilee celebrations and the souvenir which is being brought to mark this occasion. <> irs AMITH JUVVADI Executive Director Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science has seen a significant transformation over the years. A pioneer in the field of engineering education, the institution is firmly committed to giving its students a hands-on learning environment while also upholding lmman values, The success of this institution is the combined efforts of all the stakeholders. I feel proud to acknowledge the contribution of highly qualified, dynamic, dedicated and committed faculty, non-teaching staff and students. It's a matter of pride that the institution have excelled in every initiative that it undertook in realizing a blend of activities that have led the students on to a holistic platter. I convey my best wishes to all and wish the celebrations as well as the Souvenir all success. oe (Amith Juvvadi) SUMITH SAIJUVVADI Secretary & Correspondent Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions A. Message Engineers play a vital role in the development of nation. In the present day, countries with strong engineering and technology sectors are prospering economically and giving their citizens better lives. We have great potential to develop in many different directions and to be the leaders in engineering and technological fields ‘The essence of Engineering and Technological education which has spread in the country is a very positive sign, not only to cater to the domestic needs but provide manpower to the entire world and become the biggest technically trained community. Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Seience is an entity contributing to this endeavour. This institution is playing a leading role in providing quality education and careers. The need of modem engineering. technology and management education for the current era is identified and the students are equipped with the same which keeps them abreast of others. The institution has earned the trust of the students of the region and their parents in delivering quality education with moral responsibility. The role of faculty and staff in the Institution's achievement of various milestones and exceeding the benchmarks of various accreditation agencies over these 25 years is highly commendable. I appreciate the efforts of the editorial team who have done an excellent job in compiling the institution’ activities over the years and disseminate them through this Souvenir. I extend all my best wishes. We are committed to the well-being of our students and shall remain entrusted © (Sumith Sai Juvvadi) in the years to come. DR.SUBRAMANYAM Founder Principal Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science MESSAGE I fills my heart with immense joy and pride to congratulate Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science ,the students, the faculty teachers and the management on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee. Ihave been a witness to the growth and evolution of the institute since its inception, when I first got associated with JITS. Ever since I have seen the Institution taking a lead in developing its students in a very holistic manner. Be it the case of academics, extracurricular activities or activities involving social and moral orientation. It is commendable that the Institution is in all and with equal forever. It is also great to see that the institute is leveraging technology to bridge geographic ‘boundaries and thereby providing its students the kind of exposure that is otherwise be~ lieved to be exclusively at the disposal of students working in and abroad. Former Principal Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science Message Heel very happy to note that the tyathishmathi institute of Technology & Sclence(ifTS) Karimnagar ‘celebrating SitverJubilee function on 17% Nov. 2022 and itis the great time to honourthe most respected Chairman Sri Sagar Rao Garv, the founder of Jothishmath| Group af Institutions. On this auspicious andl happy occasion bringing out a Souvenir to commemorate this happy occasion will add to the importance of ‘the Silver Jubilee function. The occasion becomes an opportunity to express and record our gratefulness for the dedicated and selfless continuous services Chairman Garu hasbeen rendering inthe cause of spreading, the Engineering Education to remate regions of Karimnagarin particular and Telangana State in general. was my proud privilege to be associated with Sha Sagar Rao Garu as the Principal of Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology & Science(ITS) from 2009 to 2016. His devotion to duty, disciplined fife, affectionate manners and his overflowing smile have brought me very close ta him as areal friend, He Is an embodimentof friendly qualities, goodness, service and sacrifice, His strenuous work and perseverance has brought the present enviable JTS status ~ a brand to recognize and appreciate, | wish all success for his noble effort, an enlightened and purpaseful life for aur most respected Chairman SH Sagar Rao Garu and a bright future tothe Institution. ‘On this auspicious occasion of Silver Jubliee Celebration, | send my greetings to the Management, Staff and the students ofthis great institution and wish the Celebrations all Success, ‘With Warm Regards and Best wishes enw 8 AR. NASEER, Ph. DMD), MesyNH),SMIEEE LISTE, MAENG, MVS), ME PROFESSOR, SCHOOL OF GLOBAL CONVERGENCE STUDIES(SGCS) INA UNYERST NCHEOHY, SOUTH KOREA ERD. PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ‘SCHOOL OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING (SOCIE) INA UNVERSTYYTASHENT Email: pascershotmai.con DRKSRAO Principal Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science eh Message I feel extremely happy to be a part of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Jyothishmathi Institution of ‘Technology and Science. The Institution since its inception aimed at imparting holistic education wherein modernity and humanity are harmoniously blended. In the span of twenty five years, the Institution has supported its students by providing various ‘opportunities and challenges that enabled them to inculcate values of concem commitment and service together with a sharp intellect honed with knowledge and understanding. ‘The Institution has grown by leaps and bounds over the past twenty five years. In this fabulous joumey it has crossed many milestones and achieved accreditations by NAAC with A grade, NBA and (Autonomous Status). The students excelled in academics, got placements in multinational companies and are pursuing higher studies in reputed universities in abroad. I congratulate everyone associated in the Silver Jubilee Celebrations for their untiring efforts in making it a grand success, (@rK:S. Rao) Message from Editor’s Desk ‘Twenty five years of imparting quality education... "Vision without action is merely a dream, action without vision merely passes time, but a vision with an action can change the world"... Souvenir reflects the identity of the institution. It enlightens the students about recent activities, the fun they had, that have taken place in the institution which they might have forgotten due to the never ending pressure of studies. Souvenir contains the information of the work done by the students in different spheres. Itsecords the achievements of students and congratulates them for their hard work. Itis a means of bringing the ex-students and all the members of the institution in touch with one another. ‘The spiritual lamp that inspires and guides all the activities of Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science is Sti J. Sagar Rao Chairman Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions. His visionary leadership to impart the light of education to all irrespective of caste, creed and color differences resulted in reforming and transforming the society. The institution caries forward this legacy in the twenty first century by academic excellence, social consciousness, and career oriented vision that could bring about integral growth of an individual. These transformed individuals become the harbingers of change, wherever they are! Jyothishmathanians continne to shine bright, with the light of knowledge and wisdom imparted at the institution. Jyothishmathi reflects on the past with gratitude, lives the present with joy, and looks forward ‘with hope to lighten up the lives of seekers of knowledge and wisdom ‘My special thanks are owed to the people who helped me in bringing out this Souvenir, especially arword of appreciation to the co-editors and the members of the Souvenir Committee. We took the task of editing the Silver Jubilee souvenir with great vigour and we have begun the journey by touching the rip of the iceberg. This great publication is a milestone achievement in our history. wish the Silver Jubilee Celebrations a grand Success. 7 SAAN LAEA EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology & Science, Karimaagar was established in the year 1997 asa self-financing Engineering Institution by Shalini Vidya Samstha, Karimnagar under the Chairmanship of Sei Juvvadi Sagar Rao, a philanthropist and great visionary, having vast experience in successfully running, the Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions. The Institution is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (INTU), Hyderabad. ‘The Institution is situated in a serene and picturesque location in the midst of vast expanse of green- ery within an area of 25 acres, overlooking the water body of Lower Manair Dam near Karimnagar town. ‘The Institation is located adjacent to the Karimnagar-Hyderabad High-way easily accessible by road and is about 7 Kms from Karimnagar Bus-station, and about 150Kms from Hyderabad. The Institution has its Vision to impart futuristic technical education and instill high patterns of discipline among students through effective teaching-learning process. The institution shall set global standards, making the students technologically superior and ethically strong. The institution has been the center of excellence in engineering education with an initial intake of 40 in Computer Seience and Engineering, 60 each in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and has gradually grown into a temple of learning INSTITUTION PROFILE Cusrent My Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science offers the following programmes. ‘M.Tech_VLSI DESIGN The Institution is accredited by the NAAC with 'A' grade in the year 2021 and NBA (for three UG Programmes CSE, EEE and ECE) in the year 2022. The Institution was granted with B.Tech Minor Programme in AI & ML and Data Science by the NTU Hyderabad from the academic year 2021-2022. The Institution has bagged 6 University gold medals for its academic excellence. The Institution believes in providing a platform for students towards enhancing their innovative skills through various programmes The institution is awarded as "Best Innovation College in Telangana” by Telangana State Innovation Cell in Startup India Telangana yatra - 2018. TITUTION PROFILE Jyothishmathi Institute of Technolo gy and Science is recognised as a Research Centre in the department of Computer Science and Engineering in the year 2022. During last five years, faculty members have published around 300 papers in International National journals and Conferences, The Training and Placement cell of the Institution offers various Skill Enhancement Programs and exclusive campus recruitment training. Students also excelled and got placed in premier Multinational companies like TCS, Wipro, Infosys, Harman, Capgemini, TechMahindra and many others. The institution provides formal education as an instrument and renders empathetic approach towards community services. It acts as a platform in quest of fulfilling the students! societal consciousness through various outreach activities. The Institution expends its social responsibility towards eco-friendliness, has shifted from usage of conventional energy to renewable energy by installing solar PV rooftop system in the first phase with the capacity of 100KWp in 2018 Our vibrant Alumni comaunity is spread across various parts of the Globe occupying high positions in private and Government sectors. The alumni maintain a continued bond with the Institution and timely support in student progression is highly appreciated. The institution has paved its way to success by incorporating a proper blend of academics life skill programmes, discipline, mentoring system and societal concern to transform the students into ethically responsible citizens of the nation Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science has completed 25 years of academic joumey and is to march ahead with new pledges for the next 25 years" ACADEMIC ADVISORY BOARD 2 The Institution has an exemplary academic advisory board with the following eminent personalities. Prof. Uday B. Desai Former Director, IIT Hyderabad CHAIRPERSON Dr. K Subbarangaish ‘Dr. Santa Tautam Director, Veda ITT Chief Innovation officer Govt of Telangana Dr. K.S.R. Krishna Prasad Retd. Professor Dept. of ECE, NIT Warangal UberTejas LLC BizCloud Experts, Dallas USA Prof.DVLNSomayajula Mr. Sudheer Dhulipallla Director, ITTDM Knmool Senior Director Oracle Corporation, USA. Prof. Dandu Raju Dr.A. G Prasad Kansas State University, USA MBA, Industrialist National Assessment & Accreditation Council ‘The Institution is accredited by the NAAC with 'A' Grade in the year 2021, = NATIONAL BOARD or ACCREDITATION ‘The Institutions also accredited by NBA for three UG programs in Engineering (CSE, ECE and EEE) for 3 years ftom 2022-2023 K. EKAMBARESHWAR SWAMY N. GANGA REDDY 9729140206 9927140208 B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering INTUH-University Gold Medalist (1997-2001) INTUH-University Gold Medalist (1999-2003) J. PRAVEEN RAO 012714015 oy 092710459 BvTech Electronics and Instrumentation Engi B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering INTUH-University Gold Medalist(2001-2 [-Endowment Gold Medalist (2009-2013) POREDDI SAHITI G SRIKANTH 1127141276 1627140143 B.Tech Information Technology B Tech Civil Engineering INTUH-University Gold Medalist (2011-2015) INTUH-University Gold Medalist (2016-2020) AWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOG i HYD) PRANAVA KUMARI B.Tech - ECE. (2009-2013). bagged Late Prof. GPurushotham memorial Endowment Gold Medal for best outgoing student securing highest marks im Mathematics from INTU, Hyderabad - 2014. POREDDY SAHITHT B Tech, IT (2012-2016) received INT University — Topper Gold Medal GANGADHARA SRIKANTH, HINO: 16271A0143 BATCH: 2016-2020. INT University — Gold Medal ‘Chancellor, Shatavahana University, and SriJ.SAGAR RAO, Chairman, Jyothishmathi Group of Institutions felicitated G.VAISHNAVI ( 2008 - 2012) of CSE and N. PRUTHVI CHAITANYA, ( 2008 - 2012) of EEE. who bagged SUJANA GOLDMEDAL. CERTIFICATE of APPRECIATION ‘ "Best Innovation College in Telangana" award by Telangana State Innovation cell dusing the start-up India Telangana yatra-2018, Grand finale conducted at INTUH Hyderabad. INNOVATION, RESEARCH AND DEVEL Education disseminates known knowledge, Research creates new imowledge, where as Innovation converts knowledge into wealth. Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science is focusing on need- based technology and solutions for societal problems. Accordingly. Research & Development cell and Innovation cell are established to promote and monitor the research and innovation activities respectively in the Institution. In the year 2022, the Institution is accorded with Research center for the department of Computer Science and Engineering by INTUH. sINTUH Recognized Research Centre The students are motivated, supported and mentored to identify and develop their innovative ideas throngh the innovation cell. Drone, Data Science, Robotics, JOT and Embedded systems laboratories are provided to carry out various innovative activities by the students. The students are well groomed to partici- pate in various competitive events such as Project Expos and Hackathon etc. The enhanced in house labora- tories available in the Institution has facilitated the internal faculty to acquire Ph.D Degrees, ieee Sie cen DRONES & ROBOTICS LABORATORIES FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES The Institution received the following funds from distinguished government agencies. 1 nN Received Fund of Rs. 9, 37,937/- with the sanction order under - AICTE-MODROB Gott. of India IDC/MOD-POL Policy-1/2021-22. Year 2021 Received Fund of Rs. 20000/- with the sanction order under DST-NIMAT Project sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, and Govt. of India for Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) in the year 2019. Received Fund of Rs. 20000/- with the sanction order under DST-NIMAT Project sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, and Govt of India for Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) in the year 2018. = + Dr. S. Ashok Kumar Assoc. Prof. Dept. of ECE received CSIR Travel Grant 2017 (China). + Dr Samiran Chatterjee Assoc. Prof, Dept. of ECE received Bright Educator Award 2017 organized by International Institute of Organized Research (20R) by INDIA-AUSTRALLIA joist convention, Punjub, INDIA + Dr N. Umapathi Assoc. Prof, Dept. of ECE received Young Researcher Award in wireless Network in the ‘year 2018, Republic day achievers award by the Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR), Chennai - 34, INDIA Dr M MANIKANDAN Assoc Prof, Dept. of EEE received Young Researcher Award in Power Electronics in the year 2018, Republic day Achievers Award by The Integrated Intelligent Research (HR), Chennai - 34, India DrR Jegadeesan Assoc Prof, Dept. of CSE received Individual Dr R Jegadaesan Assoc Prof, Dept of CSE received "Young “Achievement and National development, from Global faculty in Engineering” by Venus International Foundation, ‘Economie Progress and Research Association New Delhi. 2018 India, 2018. The faculty interests towards research and publications in their domains in Scopus IEEE, ELSVEIR, SCI,UGC and various Intemational and national conferences is appreciable. For the past five years there are 398 and more publications by the faculty, appreciable no. of patents and publications 1 Accash prize of Rs. 50,000/- was won by Krishna Chaitanya Rao and Team for third place in Start-up India Telangana Yatra- 2018 for the Core idea- "Connecting organ donors to receptors via goverment, hospitals and insurance companies" K Krishna Chaitanya Rao, Komal Vyas and T.Aishwarya won the First Prize in World Blockehain Hackathoa in a "Two day event themed Building a Decentralised Blockchain application to solve community problems” organised at Vaagdevi college of Engineering on August 31st & September Ist 2018 ‘Winners of TS Smart City Hackathon, 2018 for an Agri-Tech. Project Huber application for Hosticulture Department daveloped using react native (IOS & Andriod) (Team ‘Members: K.Krishna Chaitanya Rao,Sudheesna ‘Kaatham Sankeerth Rao,& Nanda Kishore) K Krishna Chaitanya Rao and TAishwarya fiom IV CSE won the First prize in "Hackathon League Competition” organized by J-Hub of INTUH, Kondagattu in Jan-2019 for ‘best project on Cancer Prediction System using AI STUDENTS’ INNOVATION AND ACHIEVEMENTS Students bagged FIRST PRIZE for the project on fy Stestank sremsting Bed. "Detecting Breast Cancer" at Computer Society ‘Twitter Digitalization Award’ of India (CST) Colloquium, organized by from IEEE Chairperson SNN College of Engineering Chennai-March 2019 Pollution Reducing Helmet Designed by N. Amulya Ms. Bhavana has been selected as Cyber Rakshak and Y.Animdh, were placed among the TOP-50 _ im Karimnagar by TSA in the year of 2018 SCIENCE MODELS at the India International Science Festival (IISF). Ministry of Science & Technology. Govt: of India. October 2018. SILVER JUBILEE LECTURE SERIES Faculty pave a niche in students’ career development, it is imperative for educators to upgrade their skills and knowledge through FDPs, Train the Trainer Programmes and various training sessions to address the skill gap among the students. To bridge the gap between the curriculum and emerging trends, content beyond the syllabus is taught through seminars, guest lecturers, workshops, industrial visits and internships. An online Guest Lecture on “Indian Space Programme" by Shri. A.S. Kirankumar, Former Chairman, ISRO, Bangalore & member of the Space Commission, Govt. of India held on 19-10-2022 Guest Lecture on "Emerging Technologies and Cyber Security” by Bala Prasad Peddigari, Chief innovation Officer and Global head, TCS held on 20-10-2022 Guest Lecture on "Aerospace ~ Role of Engineers" ekananda D, SHMA 21-10-2022 SILVER JUBILEE LECTURE SERIES Guest Lecture on "Intelligent Facts Controllers Applications in Power Systems" by Dr. Srikanth NV Professor in Electrical Engineering, NIT Warangal held on 22-10-2022 Guest Lecture on "Data Analyti by Prof. DVLN Somayajulu, Director, IITDM Kurnool held on 28-10-2022 ‘Guest Lecture on "5G Communieations - Applications and Research" by FtLt. A T.-Kishore, CEO ‘Vidhya Sangha Teehnologies, Senior member of IEEE, Bengaluru on 29-10-2022 Guest Lecture on "Challenges in Analog IC Designs in Lower Technology Nodes’ by Dr. Subhakar Reddy, Senior Design Engineer, ‘Veda IIT held on 04-11-2022 SILVER JUBILEE LECTURE SERIES Guest Lecture on "Missile Seekers - Introduction and Recent Advances” by Senior Scientist Yokesh Kumar Verma, DRDO, Hyderabad held on 05-11-2022 An online Guest Lecture on "CMOS IC Design = Challenges & Opportunities" by Dr. A.G. Krishnakanth, Director, Analog/Mixed-Signal R@D-ams OSRAM Group, Adjunct Professor, IT Hyderabad held on 00-11-2022 Guest Lecture on "Campus to Corporate" by Dr. T PSasikumar, Former Scientist in Space Department, Deputy Director at Directorate General of Security, Cabinet Secretariat, New Delhi. and Life Mentor of Shiksha, Jnaanam held on 09-11-2022 Guest Lecture on "Parallel Computing on Graphs, challenges, solutions and future directions" by Professor K. Kishore, Dean Academics, INT Hyderabad, on November 10, 2022 SILVER JUBILEE LECTURE SERIES An online Guest Lecture on "Big Data & Cloud Computing” by Mr. D. Sudheer, Director, Oracle, USA held on 11-11-2022 An Online Guest Lecture on "Seamless, Scalable and Inclusive Location based services for communities" by Dr. Siny Joseph, Professor of Economies, Kansas State University, USA and Mr. Vinod Namboodri,Professor of the School of Computing, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA held on 12-11-2022 An online Guest Lecture on "Cyber Physical Sy: tems, IoT & Artificial Intelligence" by Prof, UB. Desai, Dormer Director, ITH & Chairperson - Academic Advisory Board held on 12-11-2022 An Online Guest Lecture by Nagesh Kunamneni, President & CSO at Biz Cloud Experts on “Career opportunities in cutting edge technologies” on 25-11-2022 IM ‘WORKSHOPS / GUEST LECTURES / FDP’S / SEMINARS ‘Workshop on "Large Scale Systems" % : 6 q ion) 2 J ¢ | oy ~ Wi Whiee day Fatrenrencucslsy! Avareaesd Programme sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India ‘Two Day National Workshop on "PCB Design & Fabrication” Two Day FDP on "Behavioral skills to Enhance Self Efficacy” Guest Lecture On Human Values And Professional Ethics by Dr. Harjoth Kaur, SRR Govt. Degree & PG College, Karimnagar A Two-Day National Level Workshop on "Recent Research, Trends in Network seeurity & Cryptography” Five day workshop on "Microsoft Technology Three Day National We Associate- Software Development Training “Internet Of Things" Program" in association with TASK, GLIMI ‘WORKSHOPS / GUEST LECTURES / FDP’S / SEMINARS One week Faculty Development Programme ‘Two Day National Workshop on on Outcome Based Education “Computational Techniques” Two Day National Workshop on "AUTO CAD" Intemational conférence on "Cutting edge Technologies in Computing and communications" Seminar on - —_ Ten Days Workshop on “Modern “Applications of Engineering Mathematics" ».. Online Teaching - Learning Methods” PROJECT EXPO Project Expo stands as a platform to unleash the potentiality of the students. The main objective of the Project Expo is to bring out the students! innovation, design, efficiency and the project should be in relevance to the practical need. The institution encourages the hidden talents of the students and organises Project Expo annually Prof. DVN Somayajaln Dizecor, IITDM Kummool applauding the students for their imovative projects ai GLIMPSES ir 1 ok PROJECT EXPO } GLIMPSES c PROJECT EXPO GLIMPSES INDUSTRIAL VISITS Industrial visits pave the way to provide insights into the industry. It provides a point of interaction between a student and the working industry. The Industrial visits play a prominent role in bringing together a variety of professionals including leaders,corporate executives policy makers and administrators of the spe- cific industry. ‘Shudents from IV B.Tech EEE visited 400K VTransco substation. at Gajwel in Medak district on 30-8-2016 IVB Tech EEE students visited UHVRL Lab The IV B.Tech EEE students visited UHVRL Lab at central power research institute (CPR), Uppal, _—_at Central Power Research Institute (CPRD. Hyderabad om 06-10-2017 Uppal, Hyderabad on 05-10-2018, ITB Tech EEE students visited NANDIMEDARAM ILB Tech-EEE students visited Ramagundam Jif imgation project (Kaleshwaram 6th package) on 06.03-2019 B-Station 06-03-2019 ILB.Tech EEE students visited to 220/132/33 II B.Tech EEE students visited -220KV ‘Kv Substation, Karimnagar on 08.11.2019 Substation, Durshed on 28-01-2019 IIB Tech EEE students visited IV B Tech EEE students visited ‘TSGENCO-MHS Circle PPD-PHPS. GANDHI HANDMADE PAPER MILL, Pochampad on 30.01.2020 Karimaagar on 01.02.2020 IV B.Tech EEE students visited Kaleshwaram project. Karimnagar on 04.02.2020 Students from II B.Tech EEE visited Industrial Visit to "NTPC RAMAGUNDAM" Universal Rocks on 30-8-2016 Students from II B.Tech Civil visited "Cable Students from II B.Tech Civil visited Suspension Bridge" Laknavaram Lake" az, "Cable Suspension Bridge" Lalmavaram Lake" Jayashankar Bhupalpally District i Jayashankar Bhupalpally District OUTREACH ACTIVITIES ‘The institution provides formal education as an instrament and renders empathetic approach towards Community services. It acts as a platform in quest of fulfilling the students! societal consciousness through helping hands. The institution strives with the best possible efforts, in bringing about positive social transformation which leads to the socio-cultural environment and spiritual fabric of human community. The NSS unit of the institution actively participated and conducted various social activities under the flag of Jyothishmathi Brigade. Launching of Jyothishmathi Brigade Sri. Joel ‘Launching of Project - Pragathigna-For Safe & ‘Davis, Superintendent of Police, Karimaagar. Better Society in Collaboration with Karimnagar Police ‘The students with an objective to identify the needs and problems of the community, work together on problem solving and practice national integration as social army. Students and faculty participate with utmost ‘gaiety in celebrating national festivals, creating an environment of communal harmony. In addition to this, ‘the students develop a sense of social and civil responsibility and involve themselves in various activities. ronson wsrrv LIE MOE i f programmes on Anti-plastic, Anti-drug ,Anti-Ra, Si o-fiiendly Ganesh, legal and voter awa ‘An Awareness Rally on Anti-Drug Road Safety awareness programme on the Eve of 26th National Safety week-2015 Invited talk on Anti ragging by Sri V. Shiva Kumar, Superintendent of Police, Karimnagar An awareness programme by the Team - Karimnagar on women safety (Hawk-eye) ‘Azadika Amruth Mahostav Rally Green Initiative's Organising "Swach Bharath" activities and taking various green initiatives like Haritha Haaram, Water conservation and installation of solar power plant and distribution of Clay Ganesha Idols. Donation of e-Classroom Te Government High School, Karimnagar Contribution of Prizes to the Winners & Runners ‘of Sports conducted on the eve of Republic Day celebrations in Govt. High School, Karimnagar. ak ei

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