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DESIGN PROJECT W STUDY GUIDE 1 DPJ 391 UE DESIGN PROJECT Il STUDY GUIDE 1 DPJ 391 UE COMPILED BY: PROF. G VAN SCHOOR MODERATED BY: MR. GF MARX Unisa PO Box 392, UNISA, 0003, Copyright © Unisa 2005 In terms ofthe Copyright Act 98 of 1978 no part of this material may be reproduced, be stored in areteval system, be transmitted or used in any form or be pubshed, redistributed or screened by ‘any means (electronic, mechanical, otocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written Permission of Una. However, permission to use in these ways any material inthis work that is ‘derived from other sources must be obtained from the orginal sources, Printed in South Atica by Unisa DESIGN PROJECT IL DPJ391UE CONTENTS CHAPTER1 DESIGN PROJECT III AT TECHNIKON SA LL 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. LEARNING OUTCOMES INTRODUCTION SECRECY APPOINTMENT OF A MENTOR IDENTIFYING A SUITABLE PROJECT PROGRESS REPORTS EVALUATION ORAL EXAMINATION ‘TSA SUPERVISION ‘SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS CHAPTER? DESIGN PROJECT III AT TECHNIKON SA 24. 22, 23, 24. 25, 26. LEARNING OUTCOMES INTRODUCTION ‘THE BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM ‘USER REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ‘THE CONCEPT STUDY BIBLIOGRAPHY PROCESS CHART ‘SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS CHAPTER3 THE DETAIL DESIGN REPORT 3.1. 32. 33, 34, 33. 36, 37, 38, LEARNING OUTCOMES INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION DETAIL DESIGN ‘TEST PROCEDURE COST ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE. BIBLIOGRAPHY PROCESS CHART ‘SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS 13 3 4 14 15 16 21 B 24 24 25 27 30 31 32 33 DPROTUE 7 TECHNIKON SA CONTENTS ENGINEERING CHAPTER4 DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION 4d. 42 43 44 4s 46 47 LEARNING OUTCOMES, INTRODUCTION. BACKGROUND ON THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION/TESTING OF SYSTEM OR SUB-SYSTEMS OUTSTANDING WORK ON THE PROJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY PROCESS CHART ‘SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS CHAPTERS FINAL REPORT 51 52. 33. 34, LEARNING OUTCOMES INTRODUCTION FINAL REPORT LAYOUT FINAL REPORT BINDING PROCESS CHART SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS APPENDIX A A GUIDE FOR MENTORS: APPENDIX B — WRITING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C REFERENCING METHOD DPROTUE i TECHNIKON SA CONTENTS ENGINEERING CHAPTER 1 DESIGN PROJECT III AT TECHNIKON SA SPECIFIC OUTCOME The specific outcome of chapter 1 is to introduce learners to the subject Design Project IL at Technikon SA, LEARNING OUTCOMES, After the completion of this chapter, the student will be able to: © demonstrate an understanding of what the subject is about demonstrate an understanding of how this subject fits into the National Diploma © demonstrate an understanding of how much time to spend on this subject © demonstrate an understanding of how to handle the project if secrecy is required appoint a mentor identify a project in collaboration with his/her employer and mentor demonstrate an understanding of what reports to submit and what to include in each demonstrate an understanding of how the subject will be evaluated demonstrate an understanding of what is expected during the oral examination © demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Technikon SA supervisor DPROTUE T CHAPTER I TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 1.1. INTRODUCTION Welcome to the subject: Design Project III. As the name suggests, this is a design project. The main emphasis is thus on design. All the steps required in addressing a specific problem or client need in a systematic way are described in this subject. These steps would typically include: a proper understanding of the problem to be solved or client need to be met formalising the client needs in a user requirement specification considering different concepts to solve the problem selecting the concept that best meets the user requirement specification conducting a detailed design of the chosen concept implementation of the detailed design evaluation of the design against the user requirement specification discussion of results and recommendations You will be doing this project on your own under the guidance of a mentor at your workplace. Yes you need to be working in a technical capacity in a relevant industry to be able to do this subject. You therefore also need to select a work related project that will meet both the approval of your employer as well as the requirements of Technikon SA(TSA). In this study guide you will receive guidelines on how to: ‘© appoint a suitable mentor © identify and select a suitable problem perform all the design steps as outlined above ‘© write reports on the project Design Project III is an important part of the National Diploma since it is the subject where the student applies his knowledge of different subject areas in one particular project. It is for this reason that the student is not allowed to do the subject before a significant component of technical subjects has not been mastered. Remember that this, subject is a design subject and that it can only be passed by illustrating the ability to apply your technical knowledge in a design. The nature of the project will of course vary depending on the field of study. Your project could take the form of a hardware design or a software design or both. DPROTUE z CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Inall cases there will however be: © adesign + an implementation of the design ‘© an evaluation of the design ‘The scope and content of this subject will be defined in greater detail later. You must make sure that the project that you choose will conform to the requirements and will have a sufficiently large design component. ‘The amount of time that must be spent on the project will give you and your employer a rough estimate of the type of project that you must choose. The amount of time that you should allocate for the project is at least 120 hours. You must work in an environment where you will be able to select a project and carry out the design and experimental evaluation at work with the employer's resources. Your employer must be supportive and give you the necessary time to spend on the project. This time will be either after-hours or during normal working hours, but your employer will be under no obligation to do so and this is an arrangement that you will have to negotiate yourself. What is really important is that you must communicate your intent to your employer and make sure that there is no misunderstanding between the two of you, right from the start. Your arrangements with your employer regarding hours spent on the project and on other duties have nothing to do with TSA and TSA will not interfere in this matter. 1.2. SECRECY If you choose a project that needs to be kept secret, a secrecy agreement can be entered into between TSA and your employer. Alll records of the project will be treated as confidential and only selected personnel and examiners will be appointed to oversee you on the project. If confidentiality is a problem, please make an appointment with the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, so that potential problems can be sorted out fiom the start. DPROTUE 3 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 1.3. APPOINTMENT OF A MENTOR ‘The first step to the successful completion of Design Project III, is the appointment of a suitable mentor. Since you will be doing this project out in the field and will not be in direct interaction with your TSA supervisor on a daily basis, the appointment of a mentor in your working environment is crucial for the successful completion of the subject. Your mentor will be there for you to firstly act as a soundboard for technical discussion and deliberation. Secondly he/she will also assist when technical difficulty is experienced; not to solve the problem for you but to give some direction and guidance. He/she should also read and sign every report submitted for evaluation. Your mentor should preferably be your technical supervisor at work or a technical specialist in your company. You are responsible for appointing your own mentor. Appendix A provides guidelines for the mentor, explaining the TSA model and the role of the mentor. Study these guidelines before approaching a potential mentor. When you do approach a potential mentor, band him these guidelines to ensure that he understands his role. You are also responsible for getting the commitment from your mentor on the mentor appointment form in your study letter. This form has to be sent in to TSA together with the first progress report. The ‘meator will be contacted and interviewed to determine his suitability. Care should thus be taken with this appointment. Your mentor must sign your reports before sending them to TSA. Should TSA not approve of the mentor, you will be asked to make another appointment. ‘The first subject of discussion with a potential mentor is the specific project that you want to do, The project description might still only be an idea. The potential mentor is then the ideal person, in collaboration with your manager, if it is not the same person, to assist you in identifying a suitable project. More detail on identifying a suitable project will be given in the next section. DPBOTUE 7 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 1.4. IDENTIFYING A SUITABLE PROJECT The second step to the successful completion of Design Project III. is identifying a suitable project. There are three factors/parties to consider when identifying a suitable project: © Your own field of expertise/interest © The needs of your employer/technical environment, ‘© Your mentor’s expertise and guidance Firstly, your own field of expertise needs to be considered. Since Design Project III focuses on design and specifically the application of technical knowledge acquired in the subject matter studied to date, your project should be on a technical area in which you have studied the underlying principles. It would for instance be detrimental if you attempt a power electronic inverter project if you have not mastered the basic principles of power inverters in one of your subjects or modules. Similarly, you should not attempt a software project if you have not acquired basic programming and software design skills through some of your subjects. ‘You then need to identify some problem in your working environment that you can match with your own expertise, without however pre-empting the solution. Here, the interaction with your technical manager and potential mentor is vitally important. Discuss your Design Project III subject requirements with them and ask them for some suggestions for projects that would be of interest to them as a company, but that would also be within your reach given your technical expertise. During these discussions, the appointment of the mentor should be finalised as well as the project identification. This is normally a process and may take more than one iteration of discussions, involving different potential mentors. Do not under estimate or disregard the importance of this process. Establishing a proper match between the project, the student and the mentor will determine your rate of progress or sucess in the subject. DPROTUE 3 CHAPTER I TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING The process chart in figure 1.1 summarises the process to be followed in appointing a mentor and identifying a suitable project. REGISTER FOR SUBJECT IDENTIFY A POTENTIAL MENTOR IDENTIFY A POTENTIAL PROJECT IN COLLABORATION WITH MENTOR, STUDENT “AND MENTOR HAPPY WITH PROJECT ? GET COMMITMENT FROM MENTOR ON ‘THE MENTOR APPOINTMENT FORM Figure 1.1 Process chart on appointing a mentor and identifying a suitable project DPBOIUE 6 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 1.5. PROGRESS REPORTS Supervision of the subject by TSA, is carried out through progress reports that you will submit through the duration of the project. These reports must be submitted at the shown intervals and will be considered as benchmarks in your progress. A TSA supervisor evaluates these reports. More detail on the role of the TSA supervisor is given in paragraph 1.8. Timely submission and acceptable progress will qualify you for the next report. The tutorial letter will spell out the specific cut-off dates for each report. Do not submit the next report before formal feedback on the previous report has been communicated. Reports will not be accepted in hand-written form, since this project is representative of a real life project where hand written reports are simply not acceptable. ‘The schedule for reporting is as follows: SUBMISSION REPORT CONTENTS Coe ae REGISTRATION) T ‘Conceptual design report ‘within 2 months (Progress report 1 with mentor appointment form) z Detail design report ‘within Fonts (Progress report 2) 3 ‘Report on design implementation ‘within 7 months (Progress report 3) 7 Final Report ‘within months ‘Oral examination ‘After evaluation of final report (within 1 year") * Submission dates are however subject to feedback from the TSA supervisor. Letus now deal with each of these reports in turn. DPROTUE 7 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 1.5.1. Conceptual design report (Progress report 1) This is your first progress report and it must be submitted within two months of registration, This report must include: the background to the problem a User Requirement Specification (URS) (Technical specification of what is required) © a concept study (Investigation and evaluation of various concepts or possible solutions) © decision-making matrix (comparison of different concepts in terms of advantages and disadvantages) © abibliography This report must end off with a clear choice of one of the concepts. The chosen concept will then be the basis of the detailed design, the topic of the next progress report. Further details on the conceptual design report are discussed in Chapter 2. 1.5.2. Detail design report (Progress report 2) This second progress report must be submitted within four months of registration. This report must include: © the background on problem statement, URS and chosen concept a technical specification of the selected concept (How will the system meet the requirements?) a detail design (A detailed engineering design) a test procedure explaining how the design will be tested and evaluated to see whether it meets the requirements a design implementation schedule a bibliography Further details on the detail design report are discussed in Chapter 3. DPROTUE 8 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 1.5.3. Report on design implementation (Progress report 3) This progress report must be submitted within seven months of registration. This report ‘must include: background on the project discussion of implementation process, problems encountered and solutions devised evaluation / testing of system or sub-systems (Not necessarily the final system) a bibliography Further details on the report on design implementation are discussed in Chapter 4. 1.5.4. Final report The final report (neatly typed and bound) must be submitted nine months after registration, This report will be your thesis and must include: © Title page, Executive summary, Table of contents, Lists of Abbreviations, Symbols, Figures and Tables © Its main body covering the contents of progress reports 1, 2 and 3 Results, Analysis of results, Discussions, Conclusions, Recommendations, Bibliography and Appendices Further details on the final report are discussed in Chapter 5. 1.6. EVALUATION The final evaluation of the subject is based on a year mark and an exami year mark is earned through the three progress reports. The examination mark is eamed through the final report and an oral examination. The oral examination is conducted once the quality of the final report is acceptable. The examination mark is determined according to the following evaluation schedule: DPESIUE 9 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING STUDENT: Evaluation ‘Max points | Examiner | Moderator Title page T Executive Summary 3 Table of Contents i Tniroduction / Background to the problem 2 User Requirement Specification 3 Concept study 3 Decision making matrix 3 Technical Specification of chosen concept 2 Devail design 15 Testing procedures 3 Implementation schedule 2 Implementation discussion 3 Results and Analysis 10 Conclusions and recommendations 3 References or Bibliography 2 ‘Appendices: 2 Overall accuracy and neatness 3 Oral presentation 25 EXAMINATION MARK 100 "YEARMARK (3 PROGRESS REPORTS) 10 FINAL MARK 100 (0.1*YEARMARK + 0.9*EXAMINATION MARK ORAL EXAMINATION During the oral examination the student will give a short (15 minute) presentation on hissher project to an evaluation panel. The presentation is informal and there is no need for slides. After the presentation the student will be expected to defend his project. The total duration of the oral examination is typically 45 minutes. The evaluation panel will constitute the following members: an examiner (normally the student’s supervisor) © amoderator (normally the Technikon SA representative) © the mentor Should the mentor not be in a position to attend, a letter from the mentor on the company letterhead should be supplied, declaring that the project was legitimately conducted under his mentorship. DPROTUE 10 ‘CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING During the oral examination the student is expected to demonstrate his/her project. Should the project be of such a nature that it could not be transported, the oral is conducted at the student’s workplace. In exceptional cases, the student will be allowed to do the oral examination with sufficient proof in terms of photographs or video clips. 1.8. TSA SUPERVISION ‘After submitting your first progress report together with your Mentor Appointment form, TSA will assign you a supervisor that is specialised in the area related to your project. This supervisor will firstly evaluate the suitability of the project as well as the mentor in consultation with TSA. He will be evaluating all progress reports. After the first progress report the student will receive the details of his TSA supervisor. From this point onwards, the student can, to a limited extent, directly contact the TSA. supervisor to discuss progress and project details. Once this contact has been established, the student can even obtain feedback telephonically or via e-mail without waiting for formal feedback. The submission of follow-up reports can thus be speeded up. DPROTUE TT CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS 1.1 What is the main focus of the subject Design Project II? 2.1 How does this subject it into the National Diploma? 3.1 How much time should you spend on your project? 4.1 How will you deal with the project if secrecy is involved? 5.1 What is the role of the mentor? 5.2 Do you really need a mentor and why? 6.1 How do you identify a project? 7.1 What reports do you have to submit? 7.2 What should be included in each report? 81 Howis the subject evaluated? 9.1 What is expected of you during the oral examination? 10.1 What role does your Technikon SA supervisor play during your study? DPISIUE 2 CHAPTER T TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING CHAPTER 2 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT SPECIFIC OUTCOME The specific outcome of chapter 2 is to guide learners on how to deal with the conceptual design report of Design Project Ill. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the completion of this chapter, the student will be able to: © demonstrate an understanding of how to describe the background to the problem demonstrate an understanding of what a User Requirement Specification (URS) is demonstrate an understanding of how a Literature Study is conducted demonstrate an understanding of how different Concepts are generated demonstrate an understanding of how a Decision-making Matrix is compiled demonstrate an understanding of having a bibliography for the conceptual design report © demonstrate an understanding of the format of a bibliography demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the process chart on the conceptual design report DPRSIUE 3 CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 2.1. INTRODUCTION ‘The conceptual design report is your first progress report and must include the following: the background to the problem © a User Requirement Specification (URS) (Technical specification of what is required) © aconcept study (Evaluation of various concepts or possible solutions) > literature study > generating different concepts with advantages and disadvantages > adecision-making matrix (comparison of different concepts in terms of advantages and disadvantages) © abibliography This chapter gives detail on the topics mentioned above. A process chart in paragraph 2.6 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the conceptual design report. The chapter has to be studied first though. The process chart only serves as a quick reference. Appendix B contains some general writing guidelines that would help you to avoid common writing mistakes. Read this appendix before writing your conceptual design report. 2.2. THE BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM ‘After identifying a suitable project along the guidelines explained in paragraph 1.4 the background to the problem should already be known. This paragraph informs the reader on the background that leads to this choice of project. It gives a general description of what the problem is that needs to be solved. Itis important to keep in mind not to pre-empt the solution to the problem. State what the problem is without yet deciding on how to solve it. Do not select a design or project from an electronic magazine and manipulate this paragraph to motivate your choice. The process of identifying the most suitable solution only follows later. The background to the problem serves as a basis for the User Requirement Specification discussed in the next paragraph. DPROTUE + CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 2.3. USER REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ‘The User Requirement Specification (URS) is a description of the operational requirement by the user or client. It should include all the requirements of the client pertaining to the operation of the system. Examples of typical URSs are given: Case Study 1: URS for a Power Supply Unit ‘The user requires a Power Supply unit that will provide 5 V d.c. to a Computer Network. ‘The current required is about 100 A. The unit should operate from a 220 V a.c. supply. ‘The environment is an air-conditioned room at 18 °C. The unit should preferably weigh less than 30 kg. ‘Case Study 2: URS for a Process Control Unit ‘A user requires a process control unit that will cut off the samples to analysers when the sample cells become contaminant. The system should meet the following criteria: It must cut off the sample to the analyser at 70 % of the range Environmental temperature limits inside analyser shelter is 10°C to 40 °C It must have an override facility It must have a manual switching function in the control room for the process controller It must give an alarm in the control room on activation It must be reliable It must have a power on indication It must have a backup unit in case of failure It must be easily maintainable It must not be self-resetting The following environmental conditions/constraints apply: 115 V ac. solenoids are used Power available in analyser shelter is 115 V a.c., 50/60 Hz Power available from analyser is 24 V d.c. Power available in control room is 220 V a.c., 115 Vac. and 24 V dc. Inputs available to the system is 4 to 20 mA from the analyser output Sixteen digital outputs and eight digital inputs are available on the model P102 analyser DPROIUE is ‘CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Case Study 3: URS for a Software System The user requires a software system to deal with the processing of overtime and travelling claims in a big company. The system has to adhere to the following criteria: ‘An employee must be able to view his/her own records only ‘The manager must be able to view all his own subordinates” records Each user must have a unique user ID and password for security ‘An employee must be able to enter new records and edit existing unauthorised records Anemployee must be able to trace his/her claim records ‘The manager must be able to approve the claims electronically and submit it for payment Upon processing of the claims by the human resources department a confirmation must be sent to the employee The system must have a user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) The system must have a help function The system must be able to interface to all TCP/IP applications The system must be accessible through a web browser The system must have a proper back-up scheme ‘The GUI must be upgrade-able with any programming language 2.4, THE CONCEPT STUDY In the concept study, various concepts to solve the problem, listing the advantages and disadvantages of each, are proposed and the concept that best meets the user requirements is then identified. To be able to generate meaningful concepts, a literature study on the relevant technologies needs to be conducted. Once the possible concepts are listed, a process of elimination, by means of a decision-making matrix, is conducted. 2.4.1. Literature Study Information on similar problems, systems and relevant designs must be researched ftom the internet, general scientific and technical magazines, trade magazines or research- orientated journals and technical handbooks. Specifications and Standards may also be a useful source of information. Additional information may be obtained from suppliers, consultants and practising engineers. Your mentor should play a vital role in guiding you in this process. DPROTUE 16 CHAPTER? TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Literature studies form the basis of keeping up to date in particular fields, ensuring that your designs are based on applicable and proven technology. A short discussion on how you went about gathering the relevant information should form the contents of this section of your report. This section should thus refer to the literature studied. See ‘Appendix C for the proper referencing method. With a proper background on the relevant technology, various concepts of addressing the problem can be proposed. 2.4.2. Generating Concepts Each concept is a possible solution to the problem. Remember, a concept is only valid when it aims to meet all aspects of the URS to at least some extent. The idea is to propose at least three concepts, depending on the nature of the problem. The problem will dictate what concepts to include. The literature study should have revealed some obvious concepts. The involvement of the mentor in assisting with the generation of concepts and also the critical evaluation of the concepts, is very important. In generating concepts, different technologies or combinations of technologies should be considered. Even though you may want to avoid some concept, rather keep your objectivity and list it as a possible solution. It is important to list the advantages and disadvantages of each concept as you progress. This will be fundamental to the process of elimination of concepts that is to come. DPROIUE 7 CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Examples of different concepts for the case studies are now given: Case Study 1: Concepts for Power Supply Unit Advantages: Disadvantages High reliability ‘Not custom made for purpose No development time Could be very expensive Advantages: Disadvantages: Reliable Heavy ‘Advantages: Disadvantages: ‘Custom made Long development time (@ Use the Forward converter topology Advantages: Disadvantages: ‘Simple to switch Not suitable for greater than 200 W ‘Not optimal use of transformer {(®) Use the Flyback converter topology ‘Advantages: Disadvantages: ‘Simple to switch Not suitable for greater than 200 W Not optimal use of transformer (© Use the Push-Pull converter topology Advantages: Disadvantages: Simple to switch ‘None | Optimal use of transformer Suitable for greater than 200 W Take note that in this case study, concept 3 involves another level of concepts namely the choice of converter topology. In this case, the concept study will involve a lower level of concept study as well. In some projects the concept study will involve only a lower level of concept study. This will be the case where a particular type of solution is prescribed by the user e.g. to develop a customised Switch-Mode PSU. DPROTUE ry TECHNIKON SA CHAPTER ENGINEERING ‘Advantages: Case Study 2: Concepts for a Process Control Unit Disadvantages: Fast solution to the problem This facility 18 available on the model PIO2 only’ ‘No extra hardware involved ‘No extra cost involved Only half the problem will be solved Low design cost. Need only to write the basic program ‘No extra hardware involved Advantages: Disadvantages: Tow design cost Very expensive solution (2 new analysers will cost + Rim) Total problem will be solved Delivery time for analysers will be in the order of 8 weeks ‘No extra hardware involved “Advantages: Disadvantages: “Medium to fast solution to the problem Design cost will have to be absorbed ‘The system can be tested without delay ‘System drawings will be available for maintenance and repairs First hand knowledge of the system exists Easily modifiable on request DPRDIUE w CHAPTER TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Case Study 3: Concepts for a Software System ‘Advantages: Disadvantages: Fast solution ‘Anew server needs to be purchased Support from Lotus Engineers Software licenses required ‘Complex to integrate Advantages: Disadvantages: Cheap Prone to human error ‘No additional hardware required Phone expenses Claim progress not traceable ‘Advantages: Disadvantages: ‘Medium to fast solution Re-apply Unix Java license No additional costs involved No extra employees involved TCP/IP compatible Easily modifiable with JAVA ‘The different concepts are now compared and analysed to determine the best concept. This process is facilitated by means of a decision-making matrix as explained in the next section. 2.4.3. The Decision-making matrix The best concept is determined by analysing the different concepts in terms of specific criteria, The criteria on which the analysis is based, are thus crucial for a meaningful analysis. The criteria should be carefully compiled from the URS to contain all the crucial parameters of the specification. ‘Various methods of decision-making exist of which Kepner Tregoe is but one. In this guide, a general approach is taken to illustrate the principles. Firstly, all the important criteria are listed with a weighting factor associated with each. Each of these criteria is then rated for every concept and then weighted by the weighting factor for the particular criterion. The total score of each concept is then determined and the highest rated concept identified. DPROIUE 20 CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING The following example for case study 1 illustrates this process: Table 1 Case Study 1: Decision Making Matrix ‘As can be expected, concept 1 (buying a switch-mode power supply) would be the best solution. For the purposes of the subject, buying a system would not be an acceptable concept but it might be acceptable for a real life project. The example illustrates the point anyway. Since a system needs to be designed for the purposes of this subject, concept 3 may be chosen as the alternative to take further. In industry, you would probably choose concept 1 based on the outcome of the decision-making analysis. 2.5. BIBLIOGRAPHY Since the conceptual design report forms an independent document at the time of submission, it should also have a bibliography (reference list). A bibliography must in fact be included in each and every independent report. See Appendix C for the proper referencing method. DPHSIUE 2 CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 2.6. PROCESS CHART For quick referencing purposes, the process chart in figure 2.1 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the conceptual design report. The evaluation process followed by TSA js also included for your understanding GIVE BACKGROUND TO PROBLEM SUBMIT REPORT TOTSA (CHOOSE BEST CONCEPT (DECISION MAKING MATRIX) uNcLULES PROCEED TO BIBLIOGRAPHY NEXT REPORT 2 Y PROCEED WITH PROJECT Figure 2.1 Process chart on compiling the conceptual design report DPROIUE 2D CHAPTER 2 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS 1.1 How would you describe the background to your problem? 2.1 What is a User Requirement Specification (URS)? 3.1 How isa Literature study conducted? 4.1 How are different Concepts generated? 5.1 How is a Decision-making matrix compiled? 6.1 Why do you need a bibliography in the conceptual design report? 6.2 What is the format of the bibliography? 7.1 What is the purpose of the process chart on the conceptual design report? DPHSTOE B CHAPTER TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING CHAPTER3 THE DETAIL DESIGN REPORT SPECIFIC OUTCOME The specific outcome of chapter 3 is to guide learners on how to deal with the detail design report of Design Project II LEARNING OUTCOMES After the completion of this chapter, the student will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the need for and content of background| on the project in the detail design report demonstrate an understanding of the need for and format of a technical specification for the system to be designed demonstrate an understanding of the need for and format of a system functional block diagram demonstrate an understanding of the format of an electronic detail design demonstrate an understanding of the format of a system detail design demonstrate an understanding of the format of a software detail design demonstrate an understanding of the format of a combined detail design demonstrate an understanding of the need for and format of a system test procedure demonstrate an understanding of the need for and format of a system cost analysis and implementation schedule © demonstrate an understanding of having a bibliography for the second progress report © demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the process chart on the detail design report DPROIUE a CHAPTER 3 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 3.1. [TRODUCTION The detail design is your second progress report and contains the heart of the project, namely the design. Since this subject is about design as reflected in the name, care should be taken to give attention to design detail in this report. This report must include: the background on the problem statement, URS and chosen concept a technical specification of the selected concept (How will the system meet the requirements?) © adetail design (A detailed engineering design) ‘© a test procedure explaining how the design will be tested and evaluated to see whether it meets the requirements a cost analysis and design implementation schedule a bibliography This chapter gives detail on the topics mentioned above. A process chart in paragraph 3.8 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the detail design report. The chapter has to be studied first though. The process chart only serves as a quick reference. Remember about the writing guidelines in Appendix B. Read through this appendix ence again before writing your detail design report. 3.2. BACKGROUND In this section, the reader is given a short background on the project to put the detail design that will follow, into perspective. The background summarises the essence of the first progress report and should include the following: ‘© The initial problem statement © The User Requirement Specification © The concept identified as the concept to implement as a result of the concept study ‘After writing this section, the reader should have a proper background on the project and be in a position to appreciate and understand the rest of the report. DPROTUE 3B CHAPTER 3 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 3.3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ‘A technical specification is a specification that can be given to a technician for the design of a specific component or system. It is derived from the User Requirement Specification (URS) but it will normally contain a lot more detail than the URS. The URS, thet is formulated in collaboration with the client, usually is quite generic and only addresses the clients broad requirements. The concept study however significantly narrows the implementation options, paving the way for a more detailed specification namely the Technical Specification. ‘Ihe ‘Technical Specification will now specify specifically what is required in terms of the chosen concept. It will provide the technician that is supposed to design the system, with all the relevant design parameters. The best way of illustrating the difference between the URS and the Technical Specification is to give an example of a Technical Specification for our case study 1 from chapter 2. Refer to the URS for case study 1 in chapter 2. The URS only states the general client requirements for the Power Supply Unit. If we assume that the outcome of the concept study was to implement corcept 2, which is a linear power supply unit, the typical Technical Specification could beas follows: Case Study 1: Technical Specification of a Linear Power Supply Unit Supply side or input voltage specification: 220 V a.c. + 10 %, 50 Hz Mains filter required for noise immunity Output specification: Nominal voltage: 5 V d.c. 0.5% Voltage ripple: <2% of nominal Current: 100 A average, Repetitive peaks of 150 A for 5 ms every 50 ms. Temperature specification: 10°C to 50°C Indicators/diagnostics: The power supply should display both the voltage and current on the front of the unit. ‘The voltage and current information should also be digitally transmitted via USB to a standard PC. Lightning protection: The power supply should be protected against lightning induced voltage surges Packaging specification: Metal enclosure of 500 mm x 200 mm x 150 mm Weight specification: <30kg DPISIUE 26 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING ‘As can be seen, the Technical Specification provides a lot more detail in terms of the design requirements. Some of the specification details should surely be negotiated with the client, but some could purely be based on good standard practice for this type of design, The Technical Specification anyway provides enough detailed information that will enable the technician to sit down and do the design. 3.4, DETAIL DESIGN The detail design forms the core of the subject and must include actual design and analysis. The detail design most logically constitutes a system functional block diagram and of course the actual detail design. 3.4.1. System functional block diagram ‘A recommended practice is to start off the detail design by formulating a functional system block diagram showing all the relevant functional blocks that have to be designed and which form the logical sub-systems of the system to be designed. The formulation of a comprehensive functional block diagram, most effectively communicates to the reader the scope and inclusiveness of the detail design. For case study 1, with the concept to be designed a switch-mode power supply unit, the block diagram will typically look as illustrated in figure 3.1. Each block would typically have its own detail design. ‘SWITCH- HIGH ‘SECONDARY MODE FREQUENCY FILTER & = [4>—> TOPOLOGY TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER | | Output conidia | [aR e & DRIVER: a Figure 3.1 Functional block diagram of Switch-mode Power Supply Unit DPROIUE 7 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 3.4.2. Design procedure The actual design is depicted by the nature of the project. As illustrated by the typical case studies in chapter 2, different types of projects can be chosen for Design Project III. The types of projects typically encountered include electronic circuit design, system design and software design or a combination of all three. No matter what type of project you choose, you will still be required to do some sort of detail design. The different types of projects and the typical nature of the detail design of each are now discussed individually. Electronic detail design The URS for case study 1 states the need for a Power Supply Unit. After the concept study, the outcome could typically be to design and build a specific type of power supply. The design in this case must be on an electronic component level involving lots of equations, calculations and circuit diagrams. The design will lead to the choice of specific component values such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, integrated circuits ete. The end-result after the design would be component lists and circuit diagrams. The evaluation of the design will involve the building of a physical circuit and the testing of it., System detail design The URS for case study 2 states the need for a Process Control Unit. After the concept study, the outcome could typically be to put together a system from existing components or sub-systems, The design in this case would be on a system level and will involve putting together different bought out items to solve the need of the client. The design will be involved with checking compatibility of components and optimising the sysiem performance as a whole, Care should be taken that enough detail design is incorporated in this type of project. The end-result after the design would be sub-system specifications, system layouts and diagrams. The evaluation of the design will involve the integration of sub-systems and the testing of the system as a whole. DPRSTUE 8 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Software detail design The URS for case study 3 states the need for a Software System. After the concept study the outcome could typically be to write a software program. The design will then firstly involve deciding the level of programming involved e.g. high level such as C+ or low level e.g. assembler. The detail design will then take the form of different flow diagrems. A block diagram of the software system will indicate the different functions that need to be programmed. A flow diagram of each function needs to be drawn as the design process for that function, whether it is mere variable initialisation or complex algorithm implementation. The end result after the design will then be software flow diagrams. The implementation of the design will involve the writing and debugging of the code., Combined detail design A cetail design can and will mostly involve a combination of electronic circuits, bought- out sub-systems and some software programming. In such cases the detail design will include component design calculations, sub-system specifications and software flow diagrams. Since the main focus of the subject is on design, the detail design report must show clear evidence of design calculations, sub-system specifications or software flow diagrams or a combination thereof. The evaluation of the design will then involve the building of physical circuits, the integration of sub-systems and the writing and debugging of software programs or some combination thereof. DPRSTUE 5) CHAPTER 3 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING, Summary of contents of detail design ‘The features of the different types of detail design are summarised in table 3.1. ‘A combination of design calculations, sub-system, specifications and software flow diagrams Theoretical analyses and calculations, ‘Component value calculations compatibility analyses Table 3.1 Detail design features of different project types 3.5. TEST PROCEDURE {A test procedure must be included in the detail design report to timeously consider what is required to verify that the design meets the design requirements or URS. Table 3.2 summarises what is typically involved in the testing of the different types of projects. Electronic tests by | Sub-system and ‘means of equipment | system tests by such as multimeters, | means of equipment oscilloscopes, such as multimeters, counters etc. oscilloscopes, visual displays et. Table 3.2 Test procedure features of different project types The detail report must specify what tests are to be performed to evaluate the design and include a diagram of the test set-up. This could impact on your project planning and cost and should thus be considered on the outset. An example of a test procedure for case study 2 (Process Control Unit) is as follows: DPESIUE 30 CHAPTER 3 TECHNIKON SA ‘ENGINEERING ‘Equipment required: Milliamperé source capable of delivering 20 mA into a load of 00.2 Ammeter capable of reading 20 mA d.c. Multimeter capable of reading 115 V dc. Procedure: © Connect the milliamperé source in series with the GC1 Stream! input on the system and connect a resistor of 500 © across it. Connect the ammeter in series with the source. Connect the multimeter’s positive lead to the solenoid 1 output and the negative lead to the 115 V neutral on the power supply. Select an output of 4 mA on the source. Slowly increase the output of the source to approach 15 mA. The circuit should switch the 115 V acc. to the solenoid as soon as the input reaches 15.2 mA (70 parts per billion). * Follow the above procedure for all four inputs to verify that the circuit operates as expected. 3.6. COST ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE After the design and test details have been finalised, the project cost has to be analysed and a project implementation schedule has to be worked out. The cost of the project is important to determine the funding required. The cost analysis should include all relevant items such as man-hours, components and materials, manufacturing, testing facilities etc. The implementation schedule, on the other hand, is required to be in a position to plan the events up to the delivery of the product. 3.7. BIBLIOGRAPHY Since the detail design report forms an independent document at the time of submission, it should also have a bibliography (reference list). A bibliography must be included in each and every independent report. See Appendix C for the proper referencing method, DPRSIUE 3 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 3.8. PROCESS CHART For quick referencing purposes, the process chart in figure 3.2 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the detail design report. The evaluation process followed by TSA is also included for your understanding GIVE BACKGROUND ON PROJECT (URS AND CHOSEN CONCEPT) DRAW UP A. TECHNICAL SUBMIT REPORT ‘SPECIFICATION TOTSA DOADETAIL ‘TSA SUPERVISOR DESIGN MARKS REPORT FEEDBACK PROVIDED TO STUDENT WRITE A TEST PROCEDURE DRAW UP A DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE PROCEED TO. NEXT REPORT ? INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY L | Figure 3.2 Process chart on compiling the detail design report PROCEED WITH PROJECT DPROIUE 2 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Ll 12 21 22 3A 3.2 41 5A 61 71 81 82 91 9.2 SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS Why is relevant background needed on the project in the detail design report? What is relevant project background for the detail design report? Why is a technical specification needed before doing the detail design? What is the format of a technical specification? Why is a system functional block diagram needed before doing the detail Whe the format of a system functional block diagram? What is the format of an electronic detail design? What is the format of a system detail design? What is the format of a software detail design? What is the format of a combined detail design? Why is a system test procedure needed? What is the format of a system test procedure? Why is of a system cost analysis and implementation schedule needed? What is the format of a system cost analysis and implementation schedule? 10,1 Why do you need a bibliography in the second progress report? 11.1 What is the purpose of the process chart on the detail design report? DPROTUE a CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING CHAPTER 4 DESIGN IMPLEMEN’ SPECIFIC OUTCOME The specific outcome of chapter 4 is to guide learners on how to deal with the design implementation report of Design Project III. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the completion of this chapter, the student will be able to: © demonstrate an understanding of the need for and content of background| on the project in the design implementation report demonstrate an understanding of the need for and content of a design implementation process © demonstrate an understanding of the need for reporting on problems encountered during design implementation © demonstrate an understanding of the need for reporting on solutions devised for problems encountered during design implementation demonstrate an understanding of the need for and content of design evaluation/testing demonstrate an understanding of the need to report on the outstanding work on the project demonstrate an understanding of having a bibliography for the third progress report © demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the process chart on the design implementation report DPEOIUE 34 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 4.1, INTRODUCTION The design implementation report is the third progress report and must include: a short background on the project discussions on the implementation process, problems encountered and solutions devised evaluation/testing of system or sub-systems (Not necessarily the complete system) outstanding work on the project a bibliography This chapter gives detail on the topics mentioned above. A process chart in paragraph 4.7 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the design implementation report. The chapter has to be studied first though. The process chart only serves as a quick reference, Remember about the writing guidelines in Appendix B. Read through this appendix once again before writing your design implementation report. 4.2. BACKGROUND ON THE PROJECT In this section the reader is given a short background on the project to put the design implementation to follow in perspective. The background summarises the essence of the first and second progress reports and should include the following: The initial problem statement (take from first progress report) The technical specification (take from second progress report) The system functional block diagram (take from second progress report) A summary of the detail design (take from second progress report). The summary may be a short description of the block diagram with details on the design in an appendix. ‘After writing this section the reader should be well informed on the background of the project and be in a position to appreciate and understand the details on the design implementation. DPRSTUE 5 CHAPTER 4 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 4.3. IMPLEMENTATION 4.3.1. Implementation process In this section the process followed to implement the design, is explained. The process will correlate with the design implementation schedule as given in the second progress report which addresses the what part of implementation. The process description will however deal with the how part of the implementation. The most comprehensive way of dealing with the implementation process description, would be to discuss it in conjunction with the functional block diagram. For the Power Supply Unit of case study 1 a typical implementation description would be the following: © Build the PWM controller & driver circuit on a separate small vero board and test it separately for generating PWM signals at the correct frequency. Build the Switch-mode topology: e.g. a push-pull converter on vero board. Wind the High frequency transformer and connect it to the Switch-mode topology on the vero board. © Connect the PIM controller & driver to the assembly on the vero-board. Verify that the assembly can be driven with PWM signals and that the converter assembly operates as expected. © Build the Secondary filter & rectifier on the vero board connecting it to the converter assembly and test this part of the converter for proper and safe functionality. © Build the Electronics power supply on a separate small vero board and test it for generating the correct power for the PWM controller & driver. Now connect it to the converter assembly and drive the converter with it. © Build the Primary filter & rectifier on vero board and test the circuit for filtering and rectification. Now connect it to the converter assembly and test the assembly as a whole. Do the obvious implementation testing as normal for the specific technology. Follow the Test procedure as planned (refer to par. 3.5). The type of project will determine the nature of the implementation description. For the typical system detail design, the implementation process will involve the assembly of the system and the interconnection of sub-systems. For the software detail design, the implementation process will involve the writing and testing of pieces of program code. DPEOIUE 36 CHAPTER 4 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 4.3.2. Problems encountered In this section the problems encountered during the implementation process, shoulé be discussed, Proble this context, problems mean any event or difficulty you as student experienced during the s are always encountered during the implementation of the design. In implementation of the design. Table 4.1 gives but a few examples of typical problems that can be encountered during the implementation phase of a design. Difficulty in obtaining: a specific component apiece of hardware asoftware package Problems with: getting a circuit to work a transistor blowing up all the time a component getting too hot during operation Understanding a software package finding a specific software compiling error System does not: ‘operate within specification Table 4.1 Typical design implementation problems encountered Take note that problems experienced due to the lack of a mentor should not be listed here. A suitable mentor is a pre-requisite. 4.3.3. Solutions devised For each problem encountered during the design implementation phase, solutions will be devised until the problem is solved. Obviously, the advice and guidance of the mentor will be crucial here. The solutions need to be listed in this section of the third progress report. The listing of the problems, together with the solutions devised, gives evidence of the leaming curve experienced during the project and the natural process of fault diagnosis and corrective action that is typical of any engineer’s daily life. DPIOTUE 37 CHAPTER 4 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 4, EVALUATION/TESTING OF SYSTEM OR SUB-SYSTEMS This section is very important and must have evidence of the actual system being tested and evaluated, Here the testing should be in accordance with the test procedure as outlined in par. 3.5. Additional development tests not specified in the formal test procedure, must however also be included here. Table 4.2 gives typical data/documentation that can be given as evidence of actual testing and evaluation. voltage and current waveforms signals at various points in the system step responses of a control system system parameters logged over time Oscillographs/plots of: Test sheet with: several measurements taken an logged ‘Computer printout wi test results of automatic test procedure software test program output Photographs of system performing certain visual functions system set-up ‘Table 4.2 Typical testing and evaluation documentation Since this section is so important, you should consult your mentor with regards to the type of data you can provide as proof of system evaluation. 4.5. OUTSTANDING WORK ON THE PROJECT Provide the reader with a short overview of what work is still outstanding up to the ‘completion of your project. Such an overview will help you to clear your own mind on what work still needs to be done. The feedback of your TSA supervisor on this overview is important to ensure that the work will be of acceptable standard. 4.6. BIBLIOGRAPHY Since the design implementation report forms an independent document at the time of submission it should also have a bibliography (reference list). A bibliography must be DPROTUE 3B CHAPTER 4 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING included in each an every independent report. See Appendix C for the proper referencing method. 4.1. PROCESS CHART For quick referencing purposes, the process chart in figure 4.1 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the design implementation report. The evaluation process followed by TSA is also included for your understanding. GIVE BACKGROUND ON THE PROJECT DISCUSS DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION| PROCESS, ‘TSA SUPERVISOR, MARKS REPORT DISCUSS SOLUTIONS DEVISED FEEDBACK PROVIDED TO STUDENT REPORT ON srooent :VALUATION/TESTING PROCEED TO a NEXT REPORT UrGRADEs f EIORT INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY PROCEED WITH PROJECT Figure 4.1 Process chart on compiling the design implementation report DPROTUE 3 ‘CHAPTER 4 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS 1.1 Why is relevant background needed on the project in the design implementation report? 1.2 What is relevant project background for the design implementation report? 2.1. Why is a design implementation process needed? 2.2. What is the format of a design implementation process? 3.1 Why is it necessary to report on problems encountered during design implementation? 4.1 Why is it necessary to report on solutions devised for problems encountered during design implementation? 5.1 Why is it necessary to do design evaluation and testing? 5.2. What is the format of design evaluation and reporting? 6.1 Why is it necessary to report on the outstanding work on the project? 7.1 Why do you need a bibliography in the third progress report? 8.1 What is the purpose of the process chart on the design implementation report? DPROTUE 0 CHAPTER 4 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING CHAPTER 5 FINAL REPORT SPECIFIC OUTCOME The specific outcome of chapter 5 is to guide learners on how to deal with the final report of Design Project Il. LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this chapter, the student will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the layout of the final document demonstrate an understanding of the format of the title page demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the executive summary demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the table of contents © demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the list of abbreviations demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the list of symbols demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the list of figures demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the list of tables demonstrate an understanding of the contents of Chapter 1: Introduction demonstrate an understanding of the contents of Chapter 2: Detail Design demonstrate an understanding of the contents of Chapter 3: Design Implementation ‘© demonstrate an understanding of the contents of Chapter 4: Results demonstrate an understanding of the contents of Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations demonstrate an understanding of the importance of a good bibliography demonstrate an understanding of the necessity for appendices demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the process chart on the final report DPROIUE a CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 5.1. INTRODUCTION This chapter gives all the details required to write the final report of the subject in the correct format for examination. It will also point out each and every relevant paragraph needed to ensure that all the relevant information is included in the final report. The final report is partly the combining of progress reports 1, 2 and 3. It then also includes the last design implementation details, some final results and conclusions. A process chart in paragraph 5.4 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the final report. The chepter has to be studied first though. The process chart only serves as a quick reference. Remember about the writing guidelines in Appendix B. Read through this appendix once again before writing your final report. 5.2. FINAL REPORT LAYOUT The final report will be the thesis and must have the following layout: Title page Executive summary Table of contents List of Abbreviations List of Symbols List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1: Introduction (Take from progress report 1) > Background to the problem > User Requirement Specification > The concept study © Literature study © Generating concepts © The decision-making matrix ‘© Chapter 2: Detail Design (Take from progress report 2) > Technical Specification > Detail design ‘© System functional block diagram © Design > Electronic detail design > System detail design > Software detail desi > Combined detail design > Test procedure > Cost analysis and implementation schedule . One or more of these will apply DPROTUE 7) CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING © Chapter 3: Design Implementation (Take from progress report 3) > Implementation © Implementation process © Problems encountered * Solutions devised > Evaluation/testing of system or sub-systems © Chapter 4: Results (Take partially from progress report 3) > Results > Analysis and discussion of results * Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations > Project highlights > Problem areas > Conclusion > Recommendations © Bibliography © Appendices The headings mentioned above, apart from the contents of chapters 1, 2 and 3, are now discussed individually. The contents of chapters 1, 2 and 3 are taken from progress reports 1, 2 and 3 and the details of these paragraphs can be read from the relevant chapters in the study guide. 5.2.1. Title page ‘The final report must have a title page (front page) containing the following information: Full title of the thesis Full name and surname of the student ‘Student number Declaration Subject name Date submitted ‘The declaration for the thesis, written in English, will be: A thesis submitted to Technikon SA, in fulfilment of the partial requirements for the ‘National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical in the Faculty of Engineering at Technikon SA. DPROTUE B CHAPTER 5 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING ‘An example of a title page is as follows: GC SAMPLE CUT OFF UNIT by SJ van Biljon Student number: 34836884 A thesis submitted to Technikon SA, in fulfilment of the partial requirements for the National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical in the Faculty of Engineering at Technikon SA Subject: Design Project III (DPJ391U) 20 March 2001 DPROTUE a CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 5.2.2. Executive Summary On the second page of the report (after turing over the title page), the executive summary must be included. The executive summary must give a concise overview of the project, The first thing any reader will read is the executive summary. Some readers or executives will only read the executive summary to get a quick idea of what you have done. If the executive summary fancies the reader’s interest, he/she may want to read further. Further reading is normally also quite selective and the reader will only select a specific section for further reading. It is thus important to have a comprehensive executive summary, which must be a summary of the total project on one page, without including unnecessary detail. There is a fine balance between providing too little information and giving irrelevant detail in the executive summary. The executive summary should convey the following information in a concise manner: The problem statement The concept chosen for design The design (discuss the functional flow diagram) The results (Is it working and how well is it working? If it is not working, what is the problem?) © The main problem encountered and how it was solved The conclusion of the project ‘The executive summary should not exceed one A4 page. 5.2.3. Table of Contents ‘The table of contents should give the headings of all the sections following the table of contents, This will enable a reader to quickly and conveniently see where in the document a section of interest is. An example of a table of contents is as follows: DPROIUE ® CHAPTER 5 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Table of Contents List of Abbreviations ii List of Symbols, iii List of Figures iv List of Tables v CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the problem 1 1.2. User Requirement Specification 3 1.3. The concept study 4 13.1 Literature Study 4 1.3.2. Generating concepts 5 1.3.3. The decision-making matrix 6 CHAPTER 2: DETAIL DESIGN 8 2.1 Technical Specification 8 2.2 Detail Design 9 2.2.1 System functional block diagram 10 2.22 Design 12 Electronic detail design 13 System detail design 14 i Software detail design 15 2.22.4 Combined detail design 16 23. Test procedure 17 2.4 Cost analysis and implementation schedule 18 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION 20 3.1, Implementation 21 3.1.1 Implementation process 2 3.1.2 Problems encountered 2B 3.1.3. Solutions devised 24 3.2 Evaluation/testing of system or sub-systems 25 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS 27 4.1 Results 30 4.2 Analysis and discussion of results 32 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 34 5.1 Project highlights 34 5.2. Problem areas 35 53. Conclusion 36 5.4 Recommendations 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY 39 APPENDIX A: CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 40 APPENDIX B: PROGRAM CODE 45 APPENDIX C: DATA SHEETS: 50 DPEDTUE ® CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 5.2.4. List of Abbreviations A list of abbreviations is needed to explain all the abbreviations used in the document. ‘The reader can then simply refer to the list of abbreviations should some acronym be unfamiliar. An example of a list of abbreviations is as follows: List of Abbreviations ac. alternating current BASIC beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code de. direct curent DIL dual in line DPDT double pole double throw Gc gaschromatograph IEC International Electricity Committee LED light emitting diode PCB printed circuit board ppb parts per billion SCR silicon Controlled Rectifier SPDT single pole double throw sw switch TP test point 5.2.5. List of Symbols A list of symbols is needed to explain all the symbols used in the document. The reader can then simply refer to the list of symbols should some symbol be unfamiliar. An example of a list of symbols is as follows: List of Symbols Vee circuit supply voltage h load current Veus root mean square voltage DRIDIUE F CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 5.2.6. List of Figures The list of figures should list all figures used in the document with the relevant page number for quick reference for the reader. An example of a list of figures is as follows: List of Figures Figure 1 System Block Diagram 8 Figure 2 Current-to-Voltage Converter 8 Figure 3 Switching Circuit 9 Figure 4 Solenoid Driver ul Figure 5 Power Supply Circuit 14 5.2.7. List of Tables ‘The list of tables should list all tables used in the document with the relevant page number for quick reference for the reader. An example of a list of tables is as follows: List of Tables Table 1 Decision Making Matrix 7 Table 2 List of Components 7 Table 3 Cost Analysis 20 5.2.8. Chapter 4: Results This section should be compiled from the results already obtained in progress report 3 and the final results obtained towards the completion of the project. The results must indicate to what extent the project complies with the technical specifications. This chapter should be divided into two sections namely: + Results + Analysis and discussion of results DPROIUE B CHAPTER 5 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING The results must be documented as explained in par. 4.4, The results will then usually be analysed and discussed, interpreting its usefulness or making some sort of conclusion from it. 5.2.9. Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations In this chapter the author should reflect on the project as a whole in terms of the following. Project highlights Problem areas Conclusion Recommendations eee. Project highlights and problem areas are self-explanatory. The conclusion will basically state what you have leamt from the project and whether the project was a success or not. Recommendations will include ideas on how the project can be improved or re-done in a mote effective way. 5.2.10. Bibliography The bibliography will be compiled from all three progress reports and any additional references must be added if necessary. The format of the bibliography can once again be checked to correlate with the format recommended in appendix C. DPROTUE @ CHAPTER 5 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING 5.2.11, Appendices ‘The appendices are very important components of a thesis. All information that are not important enough to be able to follow the basic flow of the report, but are important for purposes of reference, should be included in appendices. A well-written document will have lots of appendices to ensure that the main body of the report is not cluttered with too much detail. There are however no hard or fast rules for when information should be in an appendix or not. The typical information included in appendices include: Software code Detailed circuit diagrams Component lists Data sheets of important components 5.3. FINAL REPORT BINDING The final report should be bound in a professional manner (e.g. ring bound) before submitting it to the technikon for final evaluation. Some final changes are normally recommended after the final evaluation. This can then be included before final submission of the relevant number of copies of the report to TSA. Details on the number of copies etc, will be communicated in the associated tutorial letter. 5.4. PROCESS CHART For quick referencing purposes, the process chart in figure 5.1 summarises the process to be followed in compiling the final report. The evaluation process followed by TSA is also included for your understanding. DPROTUE 30 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING PREPARE THE ‘THESIS TITLE oe ‘SUBMIT FINAL REPORT TO TSA PREPARE THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY s TSA SUPERVISOR ‘MARKS REPORT ‘ORAL ‘RECOMMENDED BY TSA SUPERVISOR PREPARE THE LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS, FIGURES AND TABLES ‘TSA VERIFIES QUALITY OF PROJECT "AND FINAL REPORT COMBINE THE CONTENTS OF PROGRESS REPORTS 1,2. &3 (QUALITY ACCEPTABLE INCLUDE THE CHAPTER 2 ON RESULTS AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ‘ORAL EXAM IS CONDUCTED AT VENUE AS DECIDED WITH STUDENT, MENTOR, ‘TSA SUPERVISOR AND TSA REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT INCLUDE THE CHAPTER ON CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS MARKS AND EXAM REPORT PREPARED BY TSA SUPERVISOR, AND TSA REPRESENTATIVE OUTCOME POSITIVE, 2 INCLUDE APPENDICES NEATLY, BIND FINAL REPORT Figure 5.1 Process chart on compiling the final report DPISTUE 31 CHAPTER 5 TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS 1.1 What layout must the final document have? 2.1 What is the format of the title page? 3.1 What is the purpose of the executive summary? 4.1 What is the purpose of the table of contents? 5.1 What is the purpose of the list of abbreviations? 6.1 What is the purpose of the list of symbols? 7.1 What is the purpose of the list of figures? 8.1 What is the purpose of the list of tables? 9.1 What must the contents be of: Chapter 1 (Introduction)? 10.1 What must the contents be of: Chapter 2 (Detail Design)? 11.1 What must the contents be of: Chapter 3 (Design Implementation)? 12,1 What must the contents be of: Chapter 4 (Results)? 13.1. What must the contents be of: Chapter 5 (Conclusions and recommendations)? 14.1 Why is a good bibliography important? 15.1 Why are appendices necessary? 16.1 What is the purpose of the process chart on the final report? DPROTUE 32 CHAPTERS TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING APPENDIX A A GUIDE FOR MENTORS CONTENTS A.l, INTRODUCTION A.2. THE TECHNIKON SA MODEL A3. MENTORSHIP A4, MENTOR KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES AS, THE ROLE OF THE MENTOR A6, STUDENT DIFFICULTIES AND THE MENTOR A.7. MENTOR PROFILES A8. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS OF A MENTOR, DPIOIUE 33 ‘APPENDIXA TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING A.l, INTRODUCTION This guide explains the role of a mentor in the subject Design Project III at Technikon SA (TSA). Since TSA is a distance learning institution, the mentor plays and important role in the tuition model of the subject Design Project III. In a conventional residential technikon a lecturer would assign a project to a student and supervise the student cn a daily basis. TSA can however not follow this model since the students are dispersed all over the country, working in industry in specialised and diverse fields. TSA however sees this situation as an advantage that could provide the student with an ultimate learning experience if properly managed. The TSA model is based on collaboration between the employer and TSA. The employer’s role vests in the provision of a work-related project and the guidance/support ofa mentor in the workplace. This guide explains the TSA model and the role the mentor has to play in the collaborative model. The mentor is thus requested to carefully read through this guide before committing to the task of a mentor. Statistics shows that the success rate of the student strongly depends on the active involvement of the mentor. A.2, THE TECHNIKON SA MODEL At TSA the student has to be working in an engineering environment before he/she is allowed to register for the subject Design Project III. After registration the student then simultaneously looks for a work-related project to do as well as a mentor to guide him in the project. The mentor can but need not be the supervisor at work. Matching the student’s interest, the project and the mentor’s expertise is the first and most crucial challenge that faces the student. Only when this match is established, the student can meaningfally start with the project. The student formally appoints the mentor and TSA is not involved in this process apart from verifying that a suitable mentor is employed. The appointment of a suitable mentor is however mandatory for continuing with the project at TSA. DPESIUE 4 ‘APPENDIKA TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Once the first documentation is received by TSA, a supervisor that is specialised in the subject area of the chosen project will be assigned. This supervisor will firstly evaluate the suitability of the project as well as the mentor in consultation with TSA, the student and the employer. The TSA supervisor will evaluate all progress reports and give general academic guidance. The mentor will however be the main source of guidance on a day to day basis. A3. MENTORSHIP Mentorship has come a long way since the day that Ulysses charged his trusted household manager, mentor, with the education and development of his son. Some more modem. definitions of mentorship: A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser (Oxford Dictionary). Mentorship is the process by which knowledge, skills, behaviour, attitudes and experience are transmitted to a selected individual under the guidance and supervision of an experienced professional, in order to develop the potential and to encourage the personal growth of the selected student. Mentoring is when an experienced person provides guidance and support in a variety of ways to the developing student. In particular, as far as this course is concerned, a mentor is expected to act as: Coach People are stimulated into deciding for themselves what they need to lear and do to improve performance and prepare themselves for greater responsibility. Teacher Mentors encourage and train the people they deal with to use analytical problem-solving techniques: getting the facts, defining the problem, reviewing alternative solutions and evaluating each alternative before making a decision. DPEOIUE 35 ‘APPENDIXA TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING Devil's advocate Mentors challenge and confront the leamers, giving them practice in presenting their arguments and handling counter-arguments. AA, MENTOR KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES A mentor is expected to be: AS. experienced in industry rational, logical and systematic in approaching problems of sound educational background empathetic, patient and intuitive willing to be a mentor compatible with the student encouraging and developmental in attitude strong in communication/interaction skills. THE ROLE OF THE MENTOR The role of the mentor can be summarised as follows: Assist the student in choosing a project. Familiarise yourself with the requirements of the subject Design Project III. The student is issued with a comprehensive study guide explaining all the requirements of the subject. Maybe the student can give you a presentation on the subject requirements, forcing him to read all the material. A common problem is that students do not read their study guides. Assist the student on a regular basis in discussing the project. Be a teacher, enhancing the student's skills and intellectual development. Be a role model through your own achievements and attitude. Be a counsellor, providing moral support. Read the student’s reports before he submits it to TSA. This will teach him on report writing and also ensure that he includes the relevant information as prescribed by the study guide. Sign the final versions of his reports as sign of involvement and approval of the quality of the work done. DPIOIUE 36 APPENDIX A TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING A.6. STUDENT DIFFICULTIES AND THE MENTOR ‘Typical difficulties that students face and the recommended advice to be provided or approach to be followed are listed in table A.1. Lack of initiative and curiosity on the part of the student may be the result of his schooling and authoritarian control which discourages him from asking "how" and "why" questions, and rewards obedience and conformity. In discussions with the student, ask him thought-provoking questions to stimulate his critical analysis and curiosity. Encourage the student to find out things for himself and not to adopt a passive attitude to learning. Professional standards and ethics are not part of all students’ backgrounds. The mentors example as well as discussions and feedback on the work which is done helps the student understand what "professionalism" really means at the everyday level. Be pragmatic and honest in your criticism - if the student is doing badly tell him/her outright that his/her performance is unacceptable and give reasons, Likewise, when a job is well done, tell him/her why. Difiiculties in organising hisTher work and himself /herself may be largely due to the way his/her life has been regulated and controlled for him/her in the school environment. Help the student to develop time management, self-responsibility, problem- solving and self-organising skills. Set deadlines for the student and help himvher structure his/her priorities and develop planning strategies. Give the student insight into the reasons for and the importance of deadlines. Poor problem-solving skills and lack of practice in sorting out difficulties means that the student looks to others to sort things out for him/her. Be careful not to solve the entire problem for the student. Rather give him/her strategies for analysing problems, generating solutions, critically evaluating these solutions and their implications, and reaching his/her own decision on what to do. Table A.1 Typical student difficulties and recommended advice/approach DPESIUE TECHNIKON SA 37 APPENDIX A ENGINEERING AT. MENTOR PROFILES It is difficult to define a successful mentor. Experience has shown that those who are successful generally have the following characteristics: A lack of paternalism, with an objective view of how people are developed Technical competence in the area of work in which the student will be employed Empathy rather than sympathy Intellectual flexibility; can change his mind without fear of losing face Sensitivity; picks up "vibes" quickly and can act accordingly Knows when to intervene and when to stand back when dealing with the student Satisfaction; gains satisfaction from being a mentor when he sces his student doing well ‘There are other characteristics and each individual mentor-student relationship develops according to their norms. Nobody can quantify exactly what should happen in this interaction but they can give guidelines. It is up to each mentor to develop his own interaction process and to define what works for him as a mentor. AS. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS OF A MENTOR ‘A mentor should ideally have the following personal attributes: Believe in the ability of others to perform and contribute Show empathy and understanding for others Be open to sharing his feelings and ideas Be open to receiving feedback from others Have integrity and generate trust Respond to the efforts of others with encouragement and praise Be flexible in leadership Believe that people are important Give credit where credit is due Believe in developing people A mentor should ideally have the following personal skills: Communicate clearly, verbally and in writing Give constructive feedback to others Listen to others and draw them out Verbally acknowledge others and their contributions when interacting with them Follow an effective and objective problem-solving approach when tackling problems Appraise and review performance Apply positive and negative reinforcement DPISIUE 38 APPENDIXA TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING APPENDIX B. WRITING GUIDELINES Bl. GENERAL BJ. Makea plan You wouldn’t begin a two-week trip to Malawi without some form of plan (itinerary, road maps and visas), so why begin a report which could take up to several months (for theses) without one? Map out what order points will be discussed in and ensure that your writing follows a logical progression from one point to the next and from one section to the next. Occasional ‘road maps’, that summarise the section ahead, can be useful to the reader. B.1.2. Be objective Scientific communication should be based on logical and rational discourse. A common error is to try to ‘sell’ one’s findings or research. As a scientist, you are supposed to evaluate objectively, not to advertise, Pointing out drawbacks or possible problems with your approach is good and, indeed, necessary; raving about how wonderful it is, is unscientific. You can still show how wonderful it is, but do this on the basis of comparison or rational argument. B.1.3. Support your facts Your writing can, and should, make statements of fact. Only a handful of statements can be made without support on the basis of universal acceptance (e.g. ‘most people have two legs’ and ‘day alternates with night’). All other statements should be supported either by a line of reasoning (based on your results and logical conclusions) or by a reference to the work of a previous researcher (for example, ‘As shown by Naicker [2], gweedle-gidgets are orthogonally centroid’). DPROIUE 9 APPENDIX B TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING B.1.4. Be concise Avoid woolly phrases and unnecessary words. Qualifiers such as ‘quite’, ‘really’, or ‘in fact’ can be omitted. And sentences such as ‘The reason that he went home was thet it was raining’ could, for example, be revised to ‘He went home because it was raining”. B.1.5. Be definite ‘Avoid unqualified terms such as ‘nice’, ‘good’, ‘big’ and ‘fast’. Rather use exact ‘measures or comparisons (e.g. ‘it takes 7 milliseconds’ and ‘it is the same size as a wheedle-gidget’). B.1.6. One paragraph, one idea A single paragraph should contain a single idea. Avoid overly long paragraphs, if possible (more than 500 words); your writing will be clearer and easier to read if the paragraphs are crisp and concise. B.1.7. Kiss KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is a good approach to any communication. Do not over- elaborate. B,1.7.1. _Eschew obfuscatory terminology Don’t use big words! Some people believe that the most accurate word should always be used, so, for example, if the word ‘nascent’ best captures the state of beginning and becoming being described, then that word should be used. This extreme accuracy might sound reasonable and desirable, but if only 50 % of your reading audience understand the words you use, then you are hardly carrying out effective communication. Also confusing are TLAs with which your reader is unfamiliar. (Three-Letter Acronyms, what else?) If you have to use them, ensure that you define them at first mention. B.1.7.2. Use appropriate terms Use the technical terms appropriate to the field of research. This may seem to contradict, the caution against ‘big words’, but again it’s a question of the audience ~ you have a righ: to expect readers of a paper on advanced calculus, for example, to be familiar with the terms and symbols of calculus. Having to define all basic terms at the beginning of a DPEOIUE o ‘APPENDIX B TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING report would make the report impractically long. At the same time, any terms that are not basic and could be misinterpreted by a fellow researcher in the field should be defined. B.1.7.3. 1am not worthy The words ‘I’ and ‘my’ should be used very sparingly (some would say not at all) in theses. If you present a valid argument, then you can draw conclusions without using statements such as ‘I think that ...’, or ‘it is my view that ...’. If you have to give a personal opinion that is not fully supported, then the use of ‘the author” is preferred. B.1.7.4. _ Use only appropriate authorities When you use the work of someone else to support a statement, ensure that the person is an authority. For example, a politician’s comment on a practical aspect of engineering is probably not of much academic worth, neither is a prince’s comment on architecture. Your references and support should come from those who are authorities in the particular field rather than just from respected individuals. B.1.7.5. Be careful with the ‘Truth? Never state a particular religious, political, or humanistic world-view as a truth (fect). The fact that you believe, or even know, something to be so, still does not allow you to state it as a fact without reference or proof. B.1.7.6. Avoid anecdotes ‘An anecdotal style is a sure way to get your writing ignored. ‘Little stories’ from personal experience to illustrate points do not belong in a scientific document. B.1.7.7 Don’t emote Don’t use emotive words. ‘Wonderful’, ‘ghastly’, ‘horrid’ and the like are all subjective terms and therefore do not belong in objective, scientific writing, DPROTUE a ‘APPENDIX B TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING B.2. WORDS INTO PRINT: TYPOGRAPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS At some stage you will have to take your research and produce a document for the whole world to see. There is no such thing as a ‘right’ style ~for such a document. We list here some of the issues which you need to be concemed with. If you are uncertain whether a particular style is appropriate for your writing, consult your supervisor or mentor. Whet is extremely important, however, is that, having chosen a particular style, you use this style consistently. B.2.1. Technology ‘A manuscript, thesis or dissertation should be typed, preferably using a word-processor. Apart from the extra features a word-processor provides (e.g. spell-checks), revisions can be performed easily and quickly, and the resultant document can be electronically distributed. Letter-quality printers (laser, daisy whee! or similar) should be used for final copies. (Although a number of dot-matrix printers advertise themselves as being ‘rear letter-quality’ and produce fairly acceptable originals, photocopies will lack legibility). B.2.1.1. Fonts ‘The font used determines the shape of the letters you read. This font is Arial. This font is Times New Roman, The font for the body text (as opposed to that for various headings, footnotes and so on) is normally a standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid the use of omate fonts such as WIDE LATIN and Script fonts - while they may look impressive, they are hard on the eye. A font size of 12 point ‘normal’ typewriter size) is often used for body text. Spacing should be around one-and- : both too little and too much white space between lines makes the text hard to read. aha B2.1.2. Headings ‘There are many typographical approaches to headings and subheadings. Different fonts, font sizes, bold typeface, text justification (left, right or centre) and (occasionally) underlining can all be effective. One possible scheme is to have chapter headings centred DPRSIUE @ APPENDIX B TECHNIKON SA ENGINEERING

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