Radiation Therapy

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Module 2 Report

❖ Principle of Radio Frequency (RF):

• AC = alternating current (sine wave)
• Hertz (Hz) = numbers of cycles per seconds (unit of frequency)
• RF energy = High frequency sine wave (we use the S-band)
• Wavelength = distance between the full +ve and -ve alteration of that frequency
• Speed of light = wavelength * frequency

❖ Phase shift:
• Wave have primary signal, 90 shift, 180 shift
• Wavelength used to determine the physical size (width, height, lenghth) and current
carrying capability of conductor
• If 2 similar wave length are on the same shift they will be added
• If 2 similar wave length have 180 shift they will be substracted

❖ Fields:
• E-field = the electrical property of sine wave
• H-field = the magnetic property of sine wave
• E-filed>current>H-field
• E-filed is perpendicular by 90 to the H-field

❖ Factors:
• Skin effect: higher frequency = higher resistance
• To solve skin effet increase surface area (by increasing diameter, multiple conductors,
using shielded coaxial cable, using waveguide)
• Best choice is waveguide
• Using the insulation (wavelength/4 for the stub) and high frequency to avoid short circuit
• Modt used shape for waveguide is rectangular shape
• Loop or magnetic coupling is used to introduce or extract RF signals from waveguide

Prepared by:
Jehan Mohammed

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