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art For wrod eof of Cero [NOT FOE USED FOR TRANSPORT OF LIQUOR) Form F (See Rule 11(1)()) Pave For The impor of Indian Made Foreign Lior {Gn Payment of Duly n The State of Maharashiva) Import Permit No:IMPS-FL119778-080124/33 McJMessers THIRD DOOR BEVERAGES LLP, FL! 141, (Devdiva Industries LLP) Sr.No.81/1 (Old SrNo.B1/t Paitvouse No 3 Bldg No. 2, Rajkshm Logistic Park, Dnemangaon, Taika Shar, Ost, Thane, Oat Thane Raving pad into the Govt. Treasury at Echallan at th Sum of Rs. 223567! vide challan No MMO13557827202324e 06-Jan- 3024 bh account of duty on the Undermentioned description and quantity of Indian Made Foreign Liquor. is/are hereby Brmited fo tmpor rom he Sag quer ire Bisley! Srowary Mlarehouse at CORAL DISTILLERY, he CORA ISTILLERY, ASsolda Quepem -Goa in the state of Oba to hisitner licenced shop No./House No./ Bondad Warehouse situated In the dsinct of Thane %-] Description of indian Made | Strength No of MRP Transport Ne. an iiaver ot ces Approved! EZ Name of Brand Ww a 2 2 4 5 = z @ a “]NACAN LIT 00% Tau He] com] 2200530] e100] 2888.00 2|INACAN GIN AND TONIC. 80% ‘250| 24000] 1000] 35:0] 210001 2a000] 1500 _ves4a.00 mea) 3] NACANWrISKEY COULNS-|~a0% |, 250{ 72000] sooo] ses] z1a00/ reno] 4500] sosa2ao “| RAGAN VODKA MOLE 20% Tay Zig] O00] _s500] asanlar0co] —eroool sae] saneoo S|INACAN RUM LATTE: 30% 250] 4000] 3500] 530] 210.00) e1000) sao] _seaoe0o mf a | z | 3 3 10 1 12] FA 14 154 [Sab Fos ‘ae00] 130.00 ‘sian00] _v95.00| 22027200 Frou 223587 00 ous Bur 780.00, “Te consignement shall be conveyed by cliroag sha be inspected enroute at CP-nsul(Goe - Parade nau. Sindhudrg Fa Se" iAaeBhinanah by Excise irepector Tas poss seb reer rom O8-lon-2024 upto Z-Jan-2024 6PM ofthe Jan-26 ‘This pass issued subject to the provisions ofthe Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, the rules and ordars mage there under and the cereliens spectteg ithe tis pase Dated 08-Jan-2028 Iron perms is issued on Datod 06-Jan-2024 but vali Bayonty Ge Li effective from dt. 08-Jan-2028 upto 22-Jan-2028 for 14 Monn vA and lof is pass have Ffiigo BOR BEVERAGES LLP Parl (To be handed over tothe importer of vansporter for presentation tothe Excise officer ofthe exporting place and the arrival on he conlgnment ofthe place of part the exaninng afi) (TOBE USED FOR TRANSPORT OF LIQUOR) Form F (See Rule 14(1)(b)) Pass For The Import of Indian Made Foreign Lgour {Ga Payment of Buty in The State of Mahareshra) Import Permit No:IMPS-FL119778-080124/33, MriMessers THIRD DOOR BEVERAGES LLP, FL! 141, (Deviva Industries LLP) Sr.No.81/1 (Old Sr.No 81/1 Pik)House No.808 18 Buldg No. B-2, Rajkshmi Logistic Park, Dnamengaon, Taika Shivandi, Dist Thane. Dist Thane faving patito ihe Govt. Tressuty al Echahan atthe Sum of Re 229507 1. wie challan No MH0{396182" 2003246 Oetar 2020 bn account of duty on the Undermentioned escrplon and quaniy of Indian Mage Foreign Liquor isare here permitted fo impor fram the sald iquor the Disilery 7 Brewery 'Warehouse at CORAL DISTILLERY. Mis: CORA BISTILCERY, Agsolds Quepem -Goa'n ine state of Goa fo sie icenced shop No,House No Bonded Warehouse Shuated nine Qt of Thane S: | Descgion afin ade] Svenath] Szoot | Noot | Noo! WR] taper |Frapon] Brean a reg tguse wp) Serer | tate | Mast |asoroea| Pe" |TopaEe| Sache somes stane Wi | wot in atatore| Resse i ge |e a z pe a a a ae "| RACATTT zo% |, Ho] sencol aca] o530] 21000] weno] sooo] eee mis [z[nncmvawaorowe, [eam |, aio] wou] rome] sean) atom) anon] 1600] roan S|imconwnsrercouns,| ox |, 25of Tao] co] eso] _wouo] reom) San) sony ‘[nacmvvenwawne, | 0% |, 28] am] 0] aaoa] som] eco asi] samo S| NACAN ROM LATTE Te [yao] eal Bee] 0] Homi] oom] | one 5 7 af af 70 ra Ia 13) “4 15 ea srmo0] 100 soe] 1050] _anera0o Tu 758700] tal Baia: 70000 “The consignement shell be ralroed shal be inspected enroute at CP-Ingl{Goe- Patradev- nau -Sinahud Panel rine’ Bhiwand) oy Excl nepector Ts pass sai reamin rom O8Jan-2024 opto 22-Jan-2024 8PM. of he Jan26 “This pass issued subject to the provisions of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, the rules and orders made therre under and the Condlions specified inthe this pass Dated 08-Jan-2024 ats effective from dt. 08-Jan-2024 upto 22-Jan-2024 for 14 jatre of Galector) ‘ollectorof Thane. portland Il ofthis pags have been forwards to CORAL DISTILLERY THIRD DOOR BEVERAGES LLP Parl (To be send tothe Excise officer ofthe exporting place.) {NOT 10 BE USED FOR TRANSPORT OF LIGUGR) Form F (See Rule 11(1)(b)) pass For The Import of Indian Made Foreign Ligour [on Payment of Buty in The State of Maharashira) Import Permit No:IMPS-FL119778-080124/33 McJMtessers THIRD DOOR BEVERAGES LLP, FL1 141, (Devdiva Industies LLP) SrNo.61/1 (Old Sr.NoB4rt PataHouse No08 [S Bldg No. 8-2, Rajkshml Logste Park, namangaon, alia hans. Dt Thane, Ot crane Panett into he Govt Treasury at Echallan al the Sum of Rs. 223587 /- vide challan No MHO13557827202324E 06-Jan- 3524 BR account of duly on the undermentoned description and quantiy of Indian Made Foreign Liquor isle hereby poet ated to mport from the said liquor the Distllery / Browery Warehouse at CORAL DISTILLERY, Mis. CORAL BETINERG, ‘RSsolds Quepem -Goa’in the state of Coa to hisitheir icenced shop No,/House No./ Bonded Warehouse situated inthe district of Thane Beymer |e | Be | eB | ESE Yee an] ae [ea Ss" ae | ib enc alee ‘froma wa a] aml if Poa ne] | mcaron TENS | 19% zea] wal axl Fo] sae] — | | S|INACAN WHISKEY COLLINS. | 6.0% 720.00] 30.00 35.30) 210.00] 720.00) 45.00| 50892.00)

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