Dating Phrasal Verbs

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Exercise: Read the following story and match the highlighted phrasal
verbs with the correct definition.

Once upon a time, there was a young man called Luke

and a not-so-young woman called Lucy. Luke was an
IT manager at a software company and Lucy was his
secretary. Luke had grey-green eyes and short wavy
black hair. He was tall, slim and well-built because he
had been a professional swimmer since he was a
teenager. Also, he was fashion conscious and liked
wearing designer suits and silk ties. Personality-wise,
this techy guy was shy, diffident and at times a little bit
moody. Lucy, on the other hand, was friendly, extrovert
and outspoken. She was a medium-height woman with
long straight reddish-brown hair and sparky blue eyes.
She also had a messy fringe and a few freckles
scattered around her cheeks and nose. Lucy liked
wearing colourful casual clothes and large square-
shaped spectacles because she wanted to give the
impression that she was a cool hipster.

Even though they had extreme opposite personalities, the manager and his
secretary got on (1) very well. In fact, they seemed to have hit it off (2) the moment
Lucy had stepped into Luke’s office to have the job interview for the secretary’s
position. And contrary to all expectations, after a few months working together, Lucy
and Luke began to fall for (3) each other. Lucy knew that Luke was too shy to ask her
out (4), so one day she plucked up courage and invited him to go to a rock concert.
Much to Lucy’s surprise, Luke accepted the invitation right away and a few weeks later,
they started to go out (5).

After a six-month relationship, the couple thought they were ready to move
in together (6). So Luke sold his flat and moved to Lucy’s house. At the beginning,
living together was a pleasant and enjoyable experience, but that idyllic situation was
not going to last long. After a short while, Lucy and Luke felt they just started to drift
apart (7) – different personalities, different interests, different lifestyles. As a
consequence, the couple began to fall out (8) very often and their
relationship went through (9) a bit of a rough patch. So finally, they came to the
conclusion that they had taken a hasty decision by moving in together and the best
thing they could do was to split up (10). Luke went back to his parents’ flat for a while
and Lucy stayed in her house.
After the breakup (11), the atmosphere at the workplace was awkward and
uncomfortable, but Lucy and Luke did their best to get along (12) and get over
(13) each other. But it was just so difficult! They could still feel the chemistry between
them and they missed each other a lot, even though they knew they were not meant for
each other. But what if they were wrong? What if, once again, they had taken a hasty
decision by splitting up? And what if their relationship was just another case of
"opposite attraction"? Luke needed to remove these doubts and this time he was the
one to give the first step and invited Lucy to go away for a weekend. After that trip, they
decided to make up (14) and give their relationship a second chance. So in the end,
Lucy and Luke got back together (15) and lived happily ever after as a couple of
“opposite” soulmates.


a) To finish a relationship _____.

b) To fall in love with someone _____.

c) To have a friendly relationship _____.

d) To have a romantic relationship _____.

e) The end of a serious relationship _____.

f) To gradually become less friendly _____.

g) To have an argument with someone _____.

h) To invite someone to go out on a date _____.

i) To restart a relationship with someone _____.

j) To be friendly or on good terms with someone_____.

k) To quickly become good friends with someone _____.

l) To experience something difficult or unpleasant_____.

m) To start living in the same place as someone else _____.

n) To reconcile with someone after an argument or fight_____.

o) To start to forget your ex-partner and feel happy again after the relation has
0800-44-INGLES (464537)
Exercise: Read the following story and match the highlighted phrasal
verbs with the correct definition. (Exercise published on our blog >

a) To finish a relationship - split up (10)

b) To fall in love with someone - fall for (3)

c) To have a friendly relationship - get on (1)

d) To have a romantic relationship - go out (5)

e) The end of a serious relationship - breakup (11)

f) To gradually become less friendly - drift apart (7)

g) To have an argument with someone - fall out (8)

h) To invite someone to go out on a date - ask her out (4)

i) To restart a relationship with someone - got back together (15)

j) To be friendly or on good terms with someone - get along (12)

k) To quickly become good friends with someone - hit it off (2)

l) To experience something difficult or unpleasant - went through (9)

m) To start living in the same place as someone else - move in together (6)

n) To reconcile with someone after an argument or fight - make up (14)

0) To start to forget your ex-partner and feel happy again after the relation has ended -
get over (13)
0800-44-INGLES (464537)

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