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Exercise: Match the highlighted expressions about love with the correct
definitions. (Exercise published on our blog >

1) Ok, guys. You two have been going steady for almost ten years. When on earth are
you going to tie the knot?

2) I don’t think their relationship is going to last for ever. Come on! They’re only sixteen.
It’s just puppy love.

3) My sister’s been going out with nerdy Parker for a couple of months and every time
you see them together they're either kissing or hugging. Gosh! They’re too lovey
dovey for my taste!

4) A: Hey! You've been acting weird recently at school. B: No, I haven't. A: Yes, you
have. Whenever "I-am-not-just-a-pretty-face" Jamie gets into the classroom you start
blushing and stammering. Please don't tell me that you have a crush on him?

5) A: So Peter's finally dating ugly Uma, huh? B: Hey! Don't be so mean! Beauty is in
the eye of the beholder.
6) You’d better not talk to Carly right now. She’s a bit depressed because since the
argument, she and Peter have been going through of bit of a rough patch.

7) A: My goodness! They got married only after a two-month relationship?! B: Well,

well, well...marry in haste, repent at leisure.

8) Haven’t you heard the latest rumour in the neighbourhood? Paul has been cheating
on Camille for almost three months! Can you believe it?

9) I think the song “Head over feet” from the album Jagged Little Pill by Alanis
Morissette is one of the most beautiful love songs performed by a woman that I’ve ever

10) A: When I was a teenager, I used to have a soft spot for musicians. What about
you? B: In my case, I used to have a crush on sportsmen.
0800-44-INGLES (464537)

a) To get married.

b) Beauty is subjective.

c) Love between teenagers.

d) To completely fall in love.

e) When things are not going well.

f) To have a weakness for someone.

g) To be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage.

h) For a couple to show everyone how much they are in love.

i) If you marry too quickly, you have the rest of your life to regret it.

j) You like that person a lot and sometimes it's hard to stop thinking about him/her.
0800-44-INGLES (464537)
Exercise: Match the highlighted expressions about love with the correct
definitions. (Exercise published on our blog >

1) Ok, guys. You two have been going steady for almost ten years. When on earth are
you going to tie the knot? > a) To get married.

2) I don’t think their relationship is going to last for ever. Come on! They’re only sixteen.
It’s just puppy love. > c) Love between teenagers.

3) My sister’s been going out with nerdy Parker for a couple of months and every time
you see them together they're either kissing or hugging. Gosh! They’re too lovey
dovey for my taste! > h) For a couple to show everyone how much they are in love.

4) A: Hey! You've been acting weird recently at school. B: No, I haven't. A: Yes, you
have. Whenever "I-am-not-just-a-pretty-face" Jamie gets into the classroom you start
blushing and stammering. Please don't tell me that you have a crush on him? > j) You
like that person a lot and sometimes it's hard to stop thinking about him/her.

5) A: So Peter's finally dating ugly Uma, huh? B: Hey! Don't be so mean! Beauty is in
the eye of the beholder. > b) Beauty is subjective.

6) You’d better not talk to Carly right now. She’s a bit depressed because since the
argument, she and Peter have been going through of bit of a rough patch. >
e) When things are not going well.

7) A: My goodness! They got married only after a two-month relationship?! B: Well,

well, well...marry in haste, repent at leisure. > i) If you marry too quickly, you have
the rest of your life to regret it.

8) Haven’t you heard the latest rumour in the neighbourhood? Paul has been cheating
on Camille for almost three months! Can you believe it? g) To be sexually unfaithful to
one's partner in marriage.

9) I think the song “Head over feet” from the album Jagged Little Pill by Alanis
Morissette is one of the most beautiful love songs performed by a woman that I’ve ever
heard! d) To completely fall in love.

10) A: When I was a teenager, I used to have a soft spot for musicians. What about
you? B: In my case, I used to have a crush on sportsmen. > f) To have a weakness for
0800-44-INGLES (464537)
0800-44-INGLES (464537)

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