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Letter writing:

It is a part of composition. One has to write letters as the time needs. They are of different
types of letters. But every letter contains some basic information. They are
- One who writes the letter
- Addressee (one who reads/ receives)
- Matter to convey
- Date and place
- Expectation of reply (not always) etc

The main points to be covered in a letter:

1. Heading:
Every letter must contain the heading. Heading includes mainly the address of
the person who writes and also who receives. But some times, a letter is written
in general. In such cases ‘To’ address is not mentioned clearly. Sometimes ‘whom
soever concerns’ is also mentioned in the letters if the receiver is not certain.
In general heading of a letter includes From and To address
2. Salutation/ Greeting:
The second important part of the letter is salutation. Different types of letters
expect different types of greeting phrases. Phrases like, Respected sir, Your
Majesty, High esteemed etc are not now out dated. Just we can mention, Dear
Sir, or ‘Sir for the letters of official matters. My dear is common for personal
3. Body of the letter:
It is also called communication. It is the most important part of the letter. It
conveys the matter to the addressee. So it must clear and elaborate. If necessary
some paragraphs can be made to explain the matter. One has to see that lines
should not be repeated. It must be free from jargons. Use of simple sentences
and respectful words are expected
4. Leave Taking:
Once the communication is over, a letter cannot end abruptly. So it is better to
add, a leave taking phrase. It is also called sub scription. Generally, yours
faithfully, yours sincerely, yours loving, yours etc are the words used to end the
letter. It depends on the situation. In case of higher official, yours sincerely, is
most appropriate. In case of business related letters, yours faithfully is good one.
In personal letters it depends on the relation.
It is important to see that while writing ‘yours’ apostrophe comma is not
Yours (NOT: your’s) . in some reputed composition books also it is given wrong.
5. Signature and date:
A letter becomes invalid, if it doesn’t contain sign and date. It is important to
put the signature at the end of the letter. In case of personal letters just an
initial is enough. But official letters must contain sign and complete name and
seal if necessary. But now most of the letters are not hand written. They are of
soft in nature. So here manual signature is not put but digitally signed copies
are available. In manual letters is compulsory to put the signature
When it comes date, the writer puts varieties of date patterns. But it is
a must that, in letters while mentioning the date, month has to be put in words
20/06/2020 (in correct)
June 20, 2020 (Correct)
20, June 2020 (Correct)
20-06-2020 (Incorrect)
It is because, there are two confusing patterns of British and Americans while
mentioned the date.
20/06/2020 (BR)
06/20/2020 (Ame)
6. Super Scription:
It is the address written on the envelop o the letter paper put. So while we
write letter for examination purpose, we have to mention it at the bottom of
left hand side, in rectangular box. Thus a letter will be complete.

PS: This stands for post script. Once the letter is over and sign is also put. Then if one wants to
add any other things, one can add but one must write PS:

Types of letters:
1. Official letters
2. Personal letters
3. Business letters
4. Academic letters
5. Notices
6. Circulars
7. Tenders
8. Application
9. Notes
10. Memorandums
11. Replies with reference
12. Invitations
13. Messages
14. Show cause replies
15. Poetic letters

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