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Annotated Bibliography "Gay Rights." Facts On File Online Databases. Web. 13 Oct. 2010. <>.

If America overcame African-American slavery and if America overcame gender equality,

will it overcome the struggle of gay rights? (pattern 8) As an American, it seems that we are always looking for some group to discriminate. Though gays have basic rights, they still lack certain rights heterosexual Americans hold such as marriage, parenting, and applying openly to the military. Although the number of gay marriage supporters has increased over the years, there are still more opponents. The fact that the Alliance for Marriage proposed an amendment to stop gay marriage shows Americas dedication to discriminate. Americans, no matter what gender, sexuality, race, or religion, should all be treated equal and have the same rights. "Gays in the Military: Rethinking 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'" Facts On File Online Databases. Web. 13 Oct. 2010. <>. In 1993, Bill Clinton and congress passed Dont Ask, Dont Tell, a law in which gays are

allowed to be in the military as long as they arent open about their sexuality. (pattern 14) This was a way for gays to still be permitted to be in the military, yet it still counts as discrimination because they dont have the freedom to be what they are. Americans were surveyed and 75% of them believe that gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military. As long as they are keeping America safe, it shouldnt matter who they are. We need protection in from the war so it shouldnt matter; if they are willing to risk their lives to help, we should allow it.

"Homosexual Parenting." Facts On File Online Databases. Web. 13 Oct. 2010. <>. Studies show that children raised by homosexuals are well adjusted with friends just as

heterosexuals are. Not a single study showed that children raised by homosexuals were at a disadvantage. Love makes a family. Its that simple, says C. Ray Drew, executive director of the Family Pride Coalition, a group of gay and lesbian parents. Although an individual homosexual can adopt a child, homosexual couples cannot jointly adopt a child. It is estimated that three million to 13 million children under 18 have a gay or lesbian parent. It would also dramatically reduce the number of children in foster care. "Same-Sex Marriage." Facts On File Online Databases. Web. 13 Oct. 2010. <>.
People argue that marriage is a bond between a man and a woman in which they strive to

become a family; however, people get married all the when they dont really love each other. Many marriages occur in Las Vegas every year and they really had no intention of being married at all. Why should unhappy, heterosexual couples be allowed to marry and happy, homosexual couples not be allowed? People see it through a religious view which stops them from getting married. If religion is not supposed to get in the way of government and if people discriminate against other Americans, then it is unconstitutional to not allow gay marriage. (pattern 8)

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