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Ginib,+ P 1


Irrigation Department

0/o,Supcrintcnd ing Engineer,

0/o the SE Irrigation Mechanical Ernakulam
No :\RR/MH/4648/2023-2024
Dated :23-0 l-2024


c-Govcrnmcnt Procurement (e-GP)

TENDE R NO. :lRR/MH/fR/3873/2022_16_1_1/1

The Superi ntendi ng Engine er lrrignt ion Depart ment, (IRR)O /o Office of
Superin tending Engine er ,O/o the SE Irrigation Mcchan kal Ernaku lamfor and on bc,aalf
the Govern or of Kerala invitesonlinc bids for the work detailed below from the Registe
Bidder s of Kerala P\VD or from any State or Centra l Govern ment Engine
Departments which arc ha,·in~ similar functionalities like Kerala PWD.
] Name of Work REBUILD-RKI-Flood 2018 - Renovation of
Shutter s and Hoistin g mecha nism o f
Enamakkol Regulator (Mechanical works )-
General Mechani cal Work
2 Location of Work Thrissur
3 Estimated Cost of Work Rs.38388277/-

Prinltd On :?024-01-:?J I :?:)S; 11.451

This regul111", h si1ui1ftd •• the riiJ end ol
--- - Ko1iach:sl in l11riuur r>isrrid, which ,unJ, u a
barrier l,,c1"ccn lolt l11rnh and J.tlr wM~r art.a~
dow11l'ltrc:11n . Ourin~ the rah,y_ ttH.on ,.,,,
rcgulalur nets 11s du:• m:ain e"it of eiicc~• v,,:41,r
from northcrn nrus of ku1e lands and i,s
pcriphcral are;1s 11ncJ g3rdtn _l1mdt ,nduding
Thrissur Corporatiun areas, fhe f:namakhl
regulator is having I Snos of regulalot ,twuers
(Size 6.4m " 2,.Sm) and I lock ~huue, (t,Am ~
2.5rn). l'resendy the shum:rs. •r~ operarcd t>y
hand opcri'ting mC(hanism w!uc:h .'s found 10 be
very difficult during 0P,Crat1on ,n emergency
situations. Natural calamity Augusi 2018 ~J we
all are aware, due to the onset of heavy rainfall
and the highc-st ever recorded flood lhe ,iau ol
Kerala has witnessed from June lO August 2013.
The regulalor systems at Enamakkal have afso
been affected severely. Heavy damages are
observed to the regulalor. which ~ff~cud "!c
hope of the many farmers whose nwn ,ocomc ,s
from paddy and also the people living on _1he
upstream side of the regufaaor d';'c to ~oodmg
Due to the on.set of continuous ram during 20 t 8
August 8th to 19th with its peak from
IS/08/2018 to 18/08/2018, the water tcvcl W.1$
increasing in the: canals of kole lands and due to
the opening of Chirnony and Peechi Dam. the
water in kole lands increased to a higher Jevel
Several gates become non•opcra1ional or
experience severe leak.age due 10 slruccuraJ
damage. All 1he shutters arc jammed in the
groove and damaged due to heavy warer flow,
Rcstor.uion Programme. ft is proposed to replace
all the shutters with new ones. Al prnent. there
is no motorized hoisting mechanism, Hence
provision has also been given for overhauling 1he
hoisting m~chanism of shutters and replacing the
co~n~erwc,ght with a '!e~ _one and repairing the
bo1sung platform. Providing an electric motor
afong with rhc provision for installing a diesel
generator set are also included in the csrimatc
The provision pi~vic!e~ for replacing the
. embcdde~ p3rtS uficr pulling up Che ring bund.
I.. The shutters are to be fabricated in structural MS
materials conforming IS 2062 Or.B and 10 be
paioled with two coats of epoxy coal tar paint
over _two coats o~ z!nc ric~ primer aller after grit
blasting. The ho,st,ng bridge. mechanisms and
accessories are also to be painted with two ~oats
of aluminium paint paint over one coat of ;ed
oxide primer oftc~ p~we~ t~I cleaning. The
wooden platform ts in d1lap1dated condition,
Hence provision is also given for fabricating new
platform with MS chequered sheet with
nece!:lsary additional support. Due to saline
environment , its painting with two coats ol
epoxy coal tar paint over two coats of zinc rich
prime! at\cr after grit blasting is proposed .The
work 1s lo be nrranged urgently for Jtoring the
waler to the maximum permissible level in the
rcgululor and for onll salinil)' control and
releasing the w.iter during Oood ,The work is
pr~r.osed under Re-build Kcra'3 :?019. To work
wu I embedded parts, the stability of concrete
structure should be assured by the civil win~
bcfofc. exc:culing_ the work. The work o f
prov1d1n1: lhc: main bund anJ renovation o l
c~ncrch.' structure urc to be don~ by the civil
wing , I rc,_icc the nic1:h;1nical wurk has to b
arr:>n~eJ s,_n~ultancously with a.ssocialed civil
worki; for sa11sfac1ory completion of the project.
;\, 1''-'l' 1h11 lc11~t No, ~11 1:l/ I :l..'1 Jin I ,
WHI > ll111t ,I
11~.0o .'i l 111' 1hu llnd ur Su ut utnr)•, W 111 11 r
It I' ,, ~ \I II r ~ c !I ( M I' ) I> il I' n r I 111 u n I •
'I lttl11vn111rnllll\p11t1.1111 lhu 111111111111.1 I, ruvh
uJ 1h
tier th u l)S It 20 I H 111111 1h11 u•llht\l\lu nm1111nl
COlll\?11 Ill '~"· .,,ooo/.(l(upu11~ Four \l flllC\
11t1tl thh·ly t.11~h!1 0111:,, ).Al\or lm11h:manu11lnn
UST r,1\ll l\11111 12% 111 I k% , the: 0,1lrnnla nmouIn
- :zrr
_ 1)1,1 ~~~ thl1

UM S\\ht~ !ll\.l n I~ ( \\-ttd~ r 1\1~)_

1h r lhl~ flh \)l?UI \lt)IIIQ/1 to R8•1,,3,00,0CI0l-(l\u peo
,~mJ..t_ l.lfqfJll.!.\IIIJ.1:11\.Y
Rs, lru)_tlOOt•_ _ _ _ _
thrc1Y.1nMu 11lyJ_ _

8™ 1-lllJ.}Q[J,_ ' _ _ - - - -- -
l _..,,. __ ~~lod illJ.JllillU'£1lillL. _ Ol)l\YJillhl.\illID.ll I Y~ll.ll1C.Jl..1_ _ _ - - - -
' -- C\i\Sl\llkt,1lo11 lll1\l l.l~ _ CtVlL•A -nt- - -- --- ----1 - ,

___.______,_---~~ -------ur-L-- ----- -- -- -

9 Ll\ii\ tlt\\o anti ti\\\~ t\.\l' 11ulm1l,sloi1

~\~ l\ll.~ 1\nw \)\\~

06~02-102•1 16:00
,,h,~'-lr 1c:,~w~s1_ 1i .-·Ql •lQli.QLI1~ :o~o- -- - - -
-- -

\lid '-'~""'t"'~lm~lmU11~ the um t)f (Ot>Q) cn11 he ,lownlondcd free of c:011 from lhe 0
Oo,1"1\\1\\Ut\t t ~t \lNl\\ l}Ut (\\•(W)

WcbilhC www.1.11.:11dcrs,kcrolo.L\OV,l11, All bid docu1
111:nu ore tu be
t.u\lmht\?l\ tmllnc \'1111)' ~\11\1 It\ th~ llcsl~11nkd 1:,w~ t(:t)/
cnvulop.:(a) ~m tho c-OP website. Tcndcru
b\lb ~~II be l\~~cpt.w ,in~ throu\lh onlln o nl0\i0 tm th~
(t•OP website nml nu manual submission of
tht ta.m~ lhl\ll be •mt~rtnll1td, l..~tc t.rnJun will
not be ncccptcd, A bltl submission fee sholl be
rtmhtt\l tmllnc tlllth \i thu time t>I' bh.1 imbmlsslN,.

l~l~ Ohl gh\\ll \'l t1I)' l~ suhm lttu<l through \'.\nlinc.Dcl

nilt N~ardina n:1nittttncc of Did Submission
~ 1ntl UM s~u rl~\ Uld p~1-,urntion
t\utl suhmi~51on nN mentioned In the bid document,

, ~n\lc ~" uc ~\11.111tctl ltl 5ub1,1lt Ill\ lndvx of nil docunumts :submitted with refer
•~ ~th1c i~ c num ~ :10 Ai t\) "t\lblc c~s)1 scnat ence to the
1'h~ Ullhl N shnll s ubm it th~it l>hJ ,, nlln~
only thrnuQh the o-GP web site of
}ttir1ha(,,1ww,ctcndtlf:sJ,~ 1~1n,g\'3v,ln) as per the proce
dure htid down fbr c-submlss ion ns d¢t3ilcd in
the wt b :she, f ore ttttdCl'$1 th~ Oi,h;ICN shnll dl.lwnloud
tht: lcl\der documents including the Bill of
Quantity (HoQ) lile fl-om the c hmdcrina l)Ortl\l http:/
/www.ctcndcrs,kcr11la , The Bidder sl111ll
till up the do~umcnt s an<l submit the same onlln
o using their Dighlll Slan iture Ccni flcat c. On
S\lttC$.sl\1l sul>mlssh.m ur bids, n ~yst~m acncrah~,, recei
pt cnn be downloadtd by the Bidder for
t\11utt ~rtrcn1.-u, Coples M nll ccrtifkntcs 1111d dl'leu
m~nts shall be uplo11dcd while submitting the
tcndct onllnc,
The l'bllowlna scanned eopius or documents nro to he liubm
it1cd onllnc ns required by the c-tendc~

LCut•->' of l'\:mi ttl\l\CI? towiutfs bid ~ubmisshm foe nnd llid

l.Att,st..-d Cap)' of the Diddcr's vnlid rcaistrntlon cc:rti
ficute in Kernln PWD. CPWD or other
&1ppr-o,•cd ~cn tl~s 11s per duus~I.3. l.
3. Duly filled .and siijncJ co1>;· of bid submission letter
document. ns per ltc:m no• I Part- VI of this bid

4,0ul)· 0111.:d 11,d siancd copy of prdiminnr)' ngrceme

nt os !'Cr item no-2 Part-VI of this bid
J~llll lCt\l.

S.Ouly nllod nnd slsn1.-J tl>p) ' of lnluijrll)' pnct ccrtincotc os per hem no-3 Put-
J~Ul t\l"t\l, VI of this bid
,Duly llllcJ and sign~d topy of AlliJ:ivit ns ,~r
hc:m no-4 l1mt, VI of this bid document.
'1.0uly tllled n11d , i~nc\l copy of r\!qui sitlon for c:-p.iy
du~U l\\tlll ,
mcnt lbnn as per item no-6 Pan-VJ of lhi, bid
. . d oftlccr or ,wtar,ud ro prov• the ,,mH,,
, . ,cnificatcJ aucstcd .,,
&.., 4 Ou" "te
tJ r
P-' 0 1' r
, 'S o( C~f'Cr
"'10. c~rtticncc docmnentl. c,rtlfic:auf up Ioade4 .
by him uwnlns toJI
11,, fliJ41,, ,.11,u di~1;1Uy iiv, a11 t~1crnc1t1s, J/authent , .
icily at per the provi1iom "' the Ji ACT
lttc rcff'(msibililY for their etJrrcctnt1 . I.rt, ut o(bld document with NIT Ind
llnd '"'nr
.,,.Nt In additi\,n to the :ituwc. tJ1' b'1ddcr •hall upload " comp
_.,.,.,, , d' , 1 ';nature at a. w,-cn1, o(ac:cenfa,v;.e of 111 bid coodldon, ind
,.,c:iions (rom I to VU u1ing h11 i&1la £1 "
., t . '11••-' t,ld ,hall t,, treattlJ H ,wn,rup<mM•✓
the ;it,scnct ,1( comi,lctc K1 ; b'I d docum
f c111 In "" 1u ,m ...v
, ICI! Old thi.11 (:Uf1taln ooly tbc ,:July ,
:ind will be rejected by th' l!mploycr filled f JoQ,fJle ,n MS1
, PR , -.,th e 6ufdcr in lM e,te,ukrJ po,ii l,
.J ded u1ing the disital s1gr1ature
E%Ccl wnna~mt Jhall t,e "1" 0a "'
Afkr tht 1ubn1iHion of bid ontine in the e.tendet1 por1a1 h hard copie, of rhe fo1Jov1'tnJ are CO be
'I e
iubmittcd kl the Tei,dcr Inviting Authority,
1. ~ o( rcminance iowardt Did SubmiHion
Pee and Bid Security,
2 Copy of confinnation of bid 1ubmi1Jion in lhe c:--ten
detl portal, CPWD '1tmr
3·, Self attested Copy of ,be Biddet's ~alid re"istr&iio
n cc:rdficate in K.erala PWO, or
appr0\'c4 ag.encicus pu clau n LJJ.
4, Duly filled a:nd signed copy or bid submi11io . VJ f m' b'1d
n letu r as per item no-I Pan,, 0 "
docwncntin ori" nat
s. Duly filled and si,ned copy of preliminary az,ument as per item f di' fi1d
no,2 pan ,,Vf O ••
document morij, nat
6. Duly filled and signed copy of Jntc,vity pact certi
ficate as per item no--3 Pa,t,VJ of thi1 bid
document in origjaal.
7. Duly filled and ,i~ d copy of Affidavit as per
item no-4 Pm, Vl of thit bid docu men t in
8. Duly filltd and sizn,ed copy of rc:qwition for e-pay
mem fo1m u per item no-6 Pa,i..Vl of (hi$ bid
doals nent in original,
9. eop, ei o( C¼periertu certH'icates attettcd by ._a
Guim ed Ofl"tcer or notari-ad to prove the simi!
wo,k ~ .. ; I ' i
, - , ·.~✓ • __ ,,

T'ne r.,m period of the ~ I.hall ~ 60 d~Y,I f,&,1tf~

- Ir'-. , , due
(: date of ~9 JS orTedl nica l bid.
,;-.::.Aol ~---
The bidd tr is adv i~ to wbmit the bidf,wtfl
~Ot' C fhe '!1~1atP..d d k..!: Jimc to
neawo,k iffue t, traffic con ~i~ , etc, Tn ihi1 regar
avoid any kind of
d, tht d ~~ 1shall not be responJible for
I.It'/ kind of sacb iflUCf 6'td by bidder; T'bt,
lr~~ii9r( t,tr,r'rimefi'wi'IW;ot be responsible for any
mor like mining of sdaedulc dala while down
loading by the Bidder.
Bas~ 12ft. in figures in Jhe B0Q /Ten der schedule
should be cmercd by the bidder in two decimal
pla(:eJ only, Evtn if q-ooud otherwise, only ftrt:t
two dtcimal plau t will be considered for arriving
1be Prob-abk Amount orCon11aa.
Pre:-1aili~ rules and up to dace amtndmcnu reprdm1
OST will be applicable to this lender. Tender
con d~ may var, u per dtc dircaions from
vovc:rnment / Chief Ensinur.
i The bids . shalt be .._,..
..c onJ'me on
0i-02--2024 at 14:00 at the c,ffsu the 0/o Offi
ce ,he or
\ Su,« ,mtnding £ne, nur ot0 tt..- go J , ,
: ...... __ •
8 ,_., , I ~ iUthotiud •
ClpCni r
•~ c.. mga tion ~1echamc
• aJ
£rnakulam in the presence of th~
c::prtK111a1wc1 who wiih IC1 ancnd at
the above add reuJ f the tender
"'-"" ;_':, : ~ M '°wm be A,,...-
bt "" is holiday or non--working day dut to any
othe r valid reason the
- r..~S:,, OUH "-- ,
wunc on u~ next w~, ng day at wne •
lime and place.
More det•Us can be had ri
~,cr y.(J ,n~ u,n ~ , , . thc Offi
c.e or the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation
J o ~ ~ " de#' ) ~lo Offs«: of '1ie Superincending Engfoeer,O/o
lhc SE lrripti.on
"'' wo,tung hou,1,
,\II l\thtr c~i\tin~ C<1111liticm\ rrlnlril In hi.M in~ in f11n:C' in lhC' ~cr:ila 1'11hlic Works D<.,-,anmcnt will
he n11rlicnhlc in 11,i, tc:nclcr nho uni<'~' cxprc,,1) ,lclin<"d in the: bidllin~ do·cumcn1 ltiC' Tender
Im itinl' 1\ulhcllil) 1l:mrlo) U ~h:11\ not lie rc,ron,ihtc for nny foilurr, malfoncrion or hreakdown of

the clc~trc,nic "~ -.1cm "hilr d,m llll'RLlin~ or urlc,n1li11g the 1locurnc111\ hy the Oil.MC'r during 1he c•
pn,curc-mcnt rri\C'~ ·,,.Iktail, f('1111iml r,,, e•p:iymc:111 ( I >c1:iil~ of h:\llk nccount lmvlug cure banking
fadhl) nml email ndd1,·\,11r the hhlilcr) ~hnll he forni~hctl nlong wi1h the tc:ndc:r.Tendcr, not
,u:compnnicd 1,y thi:-\c dct:tll~ will he rejcclcd. ,\Jl'1111h~cquc11t (iovernment orders connected 10
1r11Jc1, :md nny rcvisi<1n In the rate, of t:l)(C:'i would ol,o be npplicable to lhis tender.

l\onus "ill~ paid 10 the hldJcr nl the rntc of 1% nfthc estimated PAC. ~ubjcclcd to a maximum of
lh.5 lalhr. (Five l:tlhs) in cnsc of works which exceed TS power of 8upcrintcnding Engineer and
nl!.1' if nnd onl)' if the work is complclcd within 85% of the original time of complction(TOC)
,rccificd in the TS cstinrntc which is calcuhucd as per the guideline, Issued by the Chier Engineer
of e;ich wing.

The Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Department (IRR), 0/o Office o.f the Superintending
Ensinccr , 0/o the SE Irrigation Mechanical Ernalqilam re!iervcs the righl to nccept or reject any or
e\l tenders without Dssigning any reason thereof.

Superinteodin~ Enilneer

Irrigation Ocpartment(IRR)

11 C) 0/o ,Oflice oftlu~Superinti:nding Engineer,

·- ·'.-..~OI~the SE Irrigation Mcchanlcnl Emakulnm
l' ffM
, :-.:..:~ tFoffiia'o~ :~rof Governor of Kcrala}
L~ , I.I •
I OJ.() u rl fi ':.'!:;l .
U \l~ .
,. 1, , <..""' •'\•.t.1,t,e:n,.., ,,·e n T'),c ,.t.A."1.r-ec,.,:ru Jr
I l - -- . o., t, '-' l~u(: \'/\) ;.;, ,._ ,:.

Digitally Signed by IJO 1

Dale: 2024.01.23 · 5 1ST
Location: Kerala-"""- "
l'nn&cd C.Jsi 201~·Ul•2.3 12 H · I l.4SI s

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