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Grupa A Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / 24 p.

Imię ..................................................................................

1 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki. ( ... / 6 p.)

with disagree think unrealistic science hope

1 I _______________ with you! I have a different opinion.

2 Do you think people will travel in flying cars? I don’t _______________ it will happen.
3 I don’t believe robots will do everything for us. It is like a _______________ fiction film.
4 Do you agree _______________ me?
5 Spending a holiday on the moon sounds _______________.
6 I _______________ the Earth will not change into a desert.
2 Z podanych grup wyrazów (1–6) utwórz poprawne zdania w czasie future simple i dopisz ( ... / 6 p.)
krótkie odpowiedzi.
1 with physics / help me / you?
Yes, I ...
2 seventeen / be / Kelly / this year?
No, she ...
3 muffins / you and mum / bake / some?
Yes, we ...
4 forget / the test / Mr Eagle / about?
No, he ...
5 for one day / your English coursebook / lend me / you?
Yes, I ...
6 scientists / a time machine / one day / build?
No, they...
3 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 The planet that we live on. Earth / Moon
2 The sun, and the planets that go around it. solar system / space travel
3 A tube that allows us to look at the stars. glasses / telescope
4 Someone who works in a spacecraft. astronaut / astronomer
5 A creature from another planet. alien / robot
6 A machine controlled by computer which can move and do simple things. robot / squid

4 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 wybierz poprawną odpowiedź A lub B zgodnie z treścią tekstu. ( ... / 6 p.)

Schools of the future.

Future schools will change a lot. First of all, there won’t be any school buildings or traditional classrooms as
no one will go to school in person. Everyone will study on-line. What is more, each student will decide when
he / she wants to learn and what material he or she prefers. Secondly, there won’t be any real teachers. Special
robots will give lessons and check students’ knowledge. Students will choose the teacher – robots they want
to study with and personalize them. They will decide about the appearance, voice and character of the teacher
robot. Thirdly, there won’t be paper books or notebooks anymore. Students will use digital books and
do homework using laptop keyboards or smartphone touch screens. As teamwork is really important, students
will work together on different projects. However, they will not meet face to face, but they will meet online.
They will use webcams, microphones and good quality speakers when working on projects. They will look
for information on the Internet and use special multimedia resources prepared by schools. Parents will get
short text messages with information about their kids every day. There will also be a special website for
parents with detailed data about their son or daughter. Finally, there won’t be any school trips or PE lessons.
Instead of going on a trip by bus, students will put on special 3D glasses and will go on virtual trips to many
amazing places. Sports and PE lessons will be virtual too. Students will play special 3D games, and thanks to
them they will keep fit and healthy.
1. Schools of the future
A. will be different. B. won’t change much.
2. Students will decide
A. only about the time they learn. B. about the time, material and teachers.
3. Teamwork
A. will be possible. B. won’t be possible.
4. Students
A. will sometimes use paper books. B. won’t use paper books at all.
5. Parents
A. will send a text message to school every day.
B. will get a text message from school every day.
6. Students
A. won’t have physical education classes. B. will have PE lessons.

Grupa B Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / 24 p.
Imię ..................................................................................

1 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki. ( ... / 6 p.)

with disagree think unrealistic science hope

1 I _______________ with you! I have a different opinion.

2 I _______________ the Earth will not change into a desert.
3 I don’t believe robots will do everything for us. It is like a _______________ fiction film.
4 Spending a holiday on the moon sounds _______________.
5 Do you think people will travel in flying cars? I don’t _______________ it will happen.
6 Do you agree _______________ me?
2 Z podanych grup wyrazów (1–6) utwórz poprawne zdania w czasie future simple i dopisz ( ... / 6 p.)
krótkie odpowiedzi.
1 with physics / help me / you?
Yes, I ...
2 seventeen / be / Kelly / this year?
No, she ...
3 muffins / you and mum / bake / some?
Yes, we ...
4 forget / the test / Mr Eagle / about?
No, he ...
5 for one day / your English coursebook / lend me / you?
Yes, I ...
6 scientists / a time machine / one day / build?
No, they...
3 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 The planet that we live on. Earth / Moon
2 The sun, and the planets that go around it. solar system / space travel
3 A tube that allows us to look at the stars. glasses / telescope
4 Someone who works in a spacecraft. astronaut / astronomer
5 A creature from another planet. alien / robot
6 A machine controlled by computer which can move and do simple things. robot / squid

4 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 wybierz poprawną odpowiedź A lub B zgodnie z treścią tekstu. ( ... / 6 p.)

Schools of the future.

Future schools will change a lot. First of all, there won’t be any school buildings or traditional classrooms as
no one will go to school in person. Everyone will study on-line. What is more, each student will decide when
he / she wants to learn and what material he or she prefers. Secondly, there won’t be any real teachers. Special
robots will give lessons and check students’ knowledge. Students will choose the teacher – robots they want
to study with and personalize them. They will decide about the appearance, voice and character of the teacher
robot. Thirdly, there won’t be paper books or notebooks anymore. Students will use digital books and
do homework using laptop keyboards or smartphone touch screens. As teamwork is really important, students
will work together on different projects. However, they will not meet face to face, but they will meet online.
They will use webcams, microphones and good quality speakers when working on projects. They will look
for information on the Internet and use special multimedia resources prepared by schools. Parents will get
short text messages with information about their kids every day. There will also be a special website for
parents with detailed data about their son or daughter. Finally, there won’t be any school trips or PE lessons.
Instead of going on a trip by bus, students will put on special 3D glasses and will go on virtual trips to many
amazing places. Sports and PE lessons will be virtual too. Students will play special 3D games, and thanks to
them they will keep fit and healthy.
1. Schools of the future
A. will be different. B. won’t change much.
2. Students will decide
A. only about the time they learn. B. about the time, material and teachers.
3. Teamwork
A. will be possible. B. won’t be possible.
4. Students
A. will sometimes use paper books. B. won’t use paper books at all.
5. Parents
A. will send a text message to school every day.
B. will get a text message from school every day.
6. Students
A. won’t have physical education classes. B. will have PE lessons.


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