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Colour Image

Layout Font
Colour Image

Stormy skies
Blues/Navy/Grey-City -Concrete Jungle
Shattered Glass
Above colours make you think of the
Explosions- fire, damaged aircrafts
stormy weather which is linked to the plot.
Skyscrapers-NYC- Highly populated city. Background
Red- Iron Man’s suit- Danger
Green-Hulk- Anger how is going to use his rage to
Main characters in foreground- Hulk- standing ready
protect the city.
for battle
Orange Yellow Fire- Explosive plot unfolding.
Ironman- Ready to shoot
Colour- Font- Metallic Grey- Represents Thor’s
Avengers- standing in a protective stance
Hammer which suggests he is going to be the main
protector. City in ruins-overturned cars, damaged buildings -
perhaps death to civilians

Stark building background- Tony Stark/ Ironman is at

the centre of the plot.

Characters are the central to the poster.

Images-background City
Bold Capital letters -AVENGERS
Font is centralised.
‘The’ is in smaller capital letters- to put focus on the
Actors at the top of the poster- to show how famous characters.
and respected they are.
Strong – to represent the strength of the characters
Credits at the bottom of poster.
Metallic Grey- to match Thor’s Hammer.

Actor’s names and credits also in capital letters to put

emphasis on their fame.

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