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Ann. din. Biochem.

11 (1974) 103


Determination of Uric Acid in Blood and in Urine

Prepared for the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Association of the Clinical Biochemists

Division of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
M.R.C. Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex

The methods which are currently used to assay uric acid. The difficulties inherent in these methods
uric acid in blood and urine depend upon either are four-fold: the tendency of uric acid to co-
chemical or enzymatic oxidation to allantoin. In the
precipitate with the plasma proteins; the possible
former, a chromogen is reduced concurrently with formation of turbidity in the final coloured solutions;
the oxidation to yield a chromophore which may be non-linearity in relation to the colour yield and
measured spectrophotometrically. In the latter, amount of uric acid present over the range of uric
uricase (urate: oxygen oxidoreductase EC concentrations commonly encountered; and
interference by other reducing agents in plasma or
is used to catalyse the reaction, and the concentration
of uric acid may be determined by direct spectro- urine. The potential interfering reducing agents
photometry (following the change in absorbence at include ascorbic acid, free thiols (for example,
292 nm during the reaction) or by measuring the thioneine, cysteine, glutathione), methylated purines
amount of oxygen consumed or the amount of (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline), gentisic acid
hydrogen peroxide produced. Alternatively, a (a salicylate metabolite), homogentisic acid, and
chemical oxidising agent may be employed, and very high concentrations of glucose.
colorimetric measurements made before and after Frabot (1904) observed that an alkaline tungstate
treatment with uricase. solution became intensely blue when uric acid was
added to it, and that this reaction could be used to

0 7 detect uric acid at a concentration of 1 part in

10000. The reduction of tungstate also forms the
H..... N basis of Folin-Benedict copper methods for blood

7 I:): [=0
I 0. + H 20 sugar determination in which the reaction is effected
by Cu(I) under conditions which minimise the effect
I I of uric acid. Cu(I) is omitted in the uric acid method,
H H and the conditions modified to give maximum
sensitivity of the reaction towards uric acid. Folin
Uric Acid and his colleagues (Folin and Macallum, 1912;
Folin and Denis, 1912) precipitated silver urate
from serum after acid deproteinisation, and deter-
mined the uric acid colorimetrically with phospho-
tungstate using sodium carbonate to achieve the
necessary measure of alkalinity. Benedict and
Hitchcock (1915) replaced sodium carbonate by
sodium cyanide in order to increase the sensitivity
of the method, and Benedict (1922a, b) applied the
phosphotungstate reaction directly to a protein-free
plasma filtrate. Peters and Van Slyke (1932) reviewed
these early methodologies and described a procedure
Allantoin for plasma based on that of Benedict (1922a, b),
using tungstic acid as the protein precipitant, with
arsenophosphotungstic acid (an aqueous solution
COLORIMETRIC METHODS containing sodium tungstate, arsenic pentoxide,
Manual colorimetric methods syrupy phosphoric acid, and concentrated hydro-
chloric acid) and sodium cyanide for colour develop-
The most widely used colorimetric methods ment. Brown (1945) modified this method by
depend upon the reduction of sodium tungstate by omitting the arsenic pentoxide; he also recommended

the inclusion of urea as a reagent to prevent turbidity to thiols. Interference by thiols is particularly
in the final solution, as had Folin (1930). Natelson important in the analysis of urine where cystine is
(1953) published a useful detailed account of available for reduction to cysteine; this can be
Brown's method and reviewed some of the earlier, avoided by adding phenylmercuric acetate (0.2 gil)
less wel1 known, precipitation and titrimetric to the urine. Wel1s (1968) also investigated the time
methods. Caraway (1955) reintroduced the use of course of colour development and the effect of
sodium carbonate in place of sodium cyanide, and several other factors on the efficiency of the method:
this method was further modified by Eichhorn et al. the concentration of phosphotungstic acid, the time
(1961). Kern and Stransky (1937) had used a mixture interval between adding the alkali and the phospho-
of sodium silicate and glycerol to overcome turbidity tungstic acid, the temperature, and the pH and nature
in the final coloured solution, but the success of this of the alkalinising reagent. Detailed recommenda-
depended on the quality of the sodium silicate, and tions were made with regard to each of these points,
Clarke (1963) recommended that it should be including the use of sodium glycinate buffer (pH
abandoned in favour of urea. Archibald's (1957) 10.6) in place of sodium carbonate or sodium
method, in which phosphotungstic acid is used both cyanide, and the omission of urea from the reagent.
for protein precipitation and for colour develop- The evident need for constant revision of the basic
ment, compares wel1 (Alper and Seitchik, 1957) with colorimetric method with reports of multiple modifi-
the enzymatic method of Praetorius (1949) and is cations, sometimes small or even contradictory,
widely used particularly in the U.S.A. A more suggests that these means of measuring uric acid
extensive comparison of an enzymatic method-that are fundamentally unsound when applied to the
of Blauch and Koch (1939)-was carried out by routine diagnostic analysis of blood or urine.
Kanabrocki et al. (1957) with regard to the techniques
of Folin (1922), Newton (1937), Brown (1945), and Automated colorimetric methods
Archibald (1957). It was found that the results of
Archibald's technique agreed most closely with those Automated colorimetric methods of determining
of the enzymatic method. uric acid depend upon either the reduction of
Thus although uric acid has been measured colori- phosphotungstate or arsenotungstate, or upon the
metrical1y for more than 50 years by methods reduction of a metal complex (for example, cupric
based on the manual procedures developed by Folin phenanthroline, neocuproine, or bathocuproine).
and his col1eagues, many modifications designed to Both types of analysis can be performed with the
overcome the inherent difficulties have been, and AutoAnalyzer Mark I or II and with the Technicon
continue to be, published. For example, lung and SMA 12/60. The method used with the Du Pont aca
Parekh (1970) treated plasma or serum with tri- Automatic Clinical Analyzer is based upon the
sodium phosphate, used phosphotungstic acid as a reduction of Cu(II)-2,2'-bicinchoninate. Automated
protein precipitant, and added a 'carbonate-urea- methods involving metal complex reduction have
triethanolamine' reagent to develop the colour. They also been used with the Searle Analmatic and Aga
claimed that the trisodium phosphate destroyed Autochemist analysers, and the manufacturers of
serum chromogens, that turbidity was eliminated by such instruments are usual1y wil1ing to provide
avoiding the use of tungstate and sulphate, and that supporting literature. Methods which depend upon
triethanolamine improved colour stability. Pileggi et the reduction of a metal complex, however, appear
al. (1972) described a one-tube method involving to be as subject to chemical interference as the
only a single addition of phosphotungstic acid. phosphotungstate methods (Lum and Gambino,
Patel (1968) incorporated EDTA and hydrazine 1973). The difficulties associated with manual
sulphate into the reagent in order to improve both methods which utilise the reduction of phospho-
the specificity and the relationship between the tungstate are still potentially present when such
colour yield and the amount of uric acid present. methods are automated and applied to a plasma
Wel1s (1968) reinvestigated the method, and recom- dialysate or to urine. Although dialysis removes a
mended a different procedure designed to achieve constant proportion of the total uric acid, which
similar objectives. He favoured a modification would otherwise be available for colour development,
(Eichhorn et aI., 1961) of the Folin and Wu (1919) the ability to control the reaction conditions closely,
protein precipitation method and he adopted the and at the same time analyse large numbers of
Folin-Denis (1912) phosphotungstic acid reagent samples relatively cheaply, accounts for the popu-
rather than the more toxic arsenophosphotungstic larity of automated colorimetric methods. The
acid. He also omitted cyanide, since this can itself results for plasma agree closely with those of manual
reduce phosphotungstic acid both directly (Folin, enzymatic spectrophotometric methods. However,
1934) and indirectly via the reduction of disulphides discrepancies are found when urine is analysed,

presumably due to the presence of larger concen- (1967) introduced a simple chromatographic step in
trations of interfering reducing agents. Detailed order to separate uric acid from drug metabolites
accounts of automated colorimetric methods based which might act as substrates or inhibitors or uricase.
on the standard manual procedures have been The enzymatic oxidation of 6-thiouric acid, which
published by Allan (1964), Crowley (1964), Musser occurs at a rate of about 1 % of that of uric acid,
(1966), Nishi (1967), Crowley and Alton (1968), might introduce a significant error if uric acid were
Lavery (1968), and Wells (1970). determined in its presence. Inhibition of the enzyme
by 6-thiouric acid or 8-thiouric acid might also
present potential sources of error (Simmonds, 1967).
ENZYMATIC METHODS Measurement of oxygen consumption. The rate of
Manual Enzymatic methods oxygen uptake during the enzymatic oxidation of
uric acid can be measured with a polarographic
The catalytic activity of uricase is highly specific oxygen electrode. Von Bunemann and Kruse-Jarres
for the oxidation of uric acid. As outlined above, (1973) included this method in a systematic compari-
quantitative assays may be based on direct spectro- son of six months of measuring plasma uric acid:
photometry, on measurement of the uptake of oxygen macro- and micro-phosphotungstic acid methods
or of the production of hydrogen peroxide, or with commercially available test kits; a standard
indirectly by utilising a chemical oxidising agent. phosphotungstic acid method after deproteinisation
Differential ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Uric with uranyl acetate; enzymatic methods with
acid has a characteristic ultra-violet absorption differential ultra-violet spectrophotometry; measure-
spectrum (maximum at 292 nm and molar absorption ment of oxygen consumption; and measurement of
coefficient, 12500 em -2 rnol r! at pH 9.4; Liddle et al. hydrogen peroxide formation. The oxygen uptake
1959), and its determination by measuring E292 method, however, was inferior to most of the other
before and after treatment with purified uricase was methods.
introduced by Kalckar (1947). Further studies were Measurement of hydrogen peroxide formed. Some
carried out by Praetorius (1949), Praetorius and of these methods combine the specificity of differen-
Poulsen (1953), and Feichtmeir and Wrenn (1955). tial ultra-violet spectrophometry with the use of
Liddle et al. (1959) described a thorough validation simple colorimeters or spectrophotometers which
of the method as applied to blood and urine, with operate in the visible range. Others use a fluorimeter
modifications which avoided the need to plot as the final detection system to achieve higher
graphically the fall in absorbence; a biological fluid sensitivity.
blank was used to correct for changes in E292 The underlying principle is that the reduction of
during the reaction due to substances other than hydrogen peroxide by either catalase (H202:H202
uric acid. This method offers the advantage of oxidoreductase EC or peroxidase (donor:
avoiding protein precipitation, it has a high degree H202 oxidoreductase, EC is coupled to
of sensitivity and specificity, and does not necessitate another oxidative reaction which yields a coloured
constant standardisation with solutions of uric acid. product.
It does, however, require a good quality ultra- Thus Kageyama (1971) coupled catalase to the
violet spectrophotometer with silica cuvettes, and uricase reaction, and measured, colorimetrically, the
highly purified uricase which is relatively expensive. dihydrolutidine formed by condensation with acetyl-
The studies of Mahler (1970) indicate that uricase acetone:
prepared from Bacillus fastidiosus (strain NCIB Uricase
10372), is suitable for use as an analytical reagent. Uric acid + 2H20 + 02 ------+
Similarly, that derived from Candida utilis is recom- allantoin + C02 + H202
mended by Gochman and Schmitz (1971). The large Catalase
scale production of the enzyme from microbiological H202 +
sources of this kind could yield a cheaper product HCHO + 2H20
than animal uricase, thereby removing one of the HCHO + acetylacetone + NH3 ------+
main obstacles to the general adoption of these 3,5-diacetyl-l, 4-dihydrolutidine + 3H20
Liddle et al. (1959) encountered no problems due Serum was used without deproteinisation and there
to the presence of uricase inhibitors in biological was no significant interference by haemolysis,
fluids even when the powerful inhibitor 6-chlorouric bilirubin (up to 10 mg/IOO ml), ascorbic acid, or
acid, a metabolite of 6-chloropurine, was present in glucose. The author's data showed excellent agree-
urine. If inhibition should be apparent, Liddle et al. ment with the differential ultra-violet spectrophoto-
recommended adding more uricase. Simmonds metric method, and better reproducibility and

stability. With both serum and urine, there was the result obtained on an untreated sample. A
good recovery of added uric acid, and linear calibra- relatively crude preparation of uricase is suitable for
tion curves up to 20 mg/1oo mJ. The Boehringer this purpose.
Corporation (London) Ltd. now market a test Manual methods which utilise this principle have
combination ('Urica-quant') based on Kageyama's been described by several authors including Blauch
(1971) method. and Koch (1939), Bulger and Johns (1941), Schaffer
Several authors have coupled the peroxidase- (1944), Buchanan et al. (1945), and Caraway and
catalysed reduction of hydrogen peroxide to the Marable (1966). Although they do overcome the
uricase reaction, with o-dianisidine as the chromogen. problem of non-urate chromogens, which can be
Lorentz and Berndt (1967) deproteinised serum especially troublesome with urine samples, these
samples with hot acetic acid, and carried out the methods double the number of determinations which
uricase reaction; the addition of o-dianisidine and have to be made and double the potential sources
peroxidase gave a colour which was stable for as of analytical error. They make no contribution
long as 30 min. Sulphuric acid was added to convert towards solving the problems of co-precipitation with
the faint brown quinone diimine into an intense plasma proteins, development of turbidity in the final
purple dye and the final absorbence was read with a coloured solution, and the need for ensuring that the
filter photometer. Domagk and Schlicke (1968) colour yield obeys the Beer-Lambert law over a
deproteinised serum with ethanol, and carried out wide range of concentration. The relative specificity
the uricase and chromogenperoxidase reactions, but of these methods is probably outweighed by the
read the absorbence at 436 nm due to the quinone increase in work load for laboratories which rely on
diimine, which reached a maximum after 30 to 120 s, manual methods. They have however been adapted
The authors claimed that there was linearity of for use with AutoAnalyzers where the number of
colour yield up to 20 mg of uric acid/loo ml. samples presented for colour development is a less
Kabasakalian et al. (1973) measured the hydrogen serious limitation. As manual methods, they are
peroxide formed in the uricase reaction by fol1owing less accurate than differential ultra-violet spectro-
the hydrogen peroxide-peroxidase-catalysed oxida- photometry, but have the advantage of using simpler
tive coupling of 2:4:6-tribromophenol and amino- instrumentation.
antipyrine. The chromophore was extracted into
n-butyl acetate, and measured colorimetrically. Automated enzymatic methods
Comparison with the results of differential ultra-
violet spectrophotometry gave recoveries of Differential ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Steele
92-101 %, and calibration curves were linear up to (1970) described the application of an enzymatic
uric acid concentrations of 20 mg/loo ml. The spectrophotometric method to the AutoAnalyzer.
authors reported that ascorbic acid, bilirubin, The dialysed specimen was divided into two streams,
cysteine, glucose, and salicylate did not interfere, uricase being added to one but not to the other, and
and claimed that the accuracy, precision, and the net differences in absorbence at 292 nm were
sensitivity compared favourably with enzymatic monitored. Changes not due to uric acid were thus
methods. No appraisal of the value of this method cancel1ed out, this being an advantage over the
in the clinical context has yet been published. earlier method of Barron and Bouley (1965), in
Godicke and Godicke (1973) coupled the uricase which the specimen was analysed a second time after
reaction to the hydrogen peroxide-peroxidase- incubation with uricase. Steele pointed out that
catalysed oxidation of 3,5-diacetyl-1, 4-dihydroluti- dialysis reduced the non-specific absorbence at
dine to the corresponding dimethylpyridine. Since 292 nm, and that approximately 30 % of the urate
the diacetyl1utidine was strongly fluorescent, in actual1y dialyses in this assay. Specimens could be
contrast to the oxidised product, it was possible to processed at a rate of 30 per hour, with a total
develop a fluorimetric assay using a filter instrument sample volume of 0.6 ml. The method appeared to
with a mercury lamp. The results correlated wel1 give excel1ent results with both urine and plasma,
with those obtained by differential ultra-violet spectro- and agreed very wel1 with the manual method of
photometry, and the sensitivity of the method was Liddle et al. (1959), the merits of which seem to be
such that 25 picomoles of uric acid could be measured preserved.
in as little as 10 pJ of serum. Kinetic assay. Lum and Gambino (1973) described
Chemical oxidation 'difference' methods. Correc- an automated kinetic assay for uric acid using
tion may be made for non-urate chromogens in uricase of high specific activity prepared from
phosphotungstate reaction methods by destroying Bacillus fastidiosus. They compared this method with
aJl the uric acid in a duplicate sample with uricase, a manual differential spectrophotometric method
so as to derive a blank value which is subtracted from (Praetorius and Poulsen, 1953) and with automated

methods based on the reduction of Cu(I1)-2,2'- obtained by measuring the change in absorbence at
bicinchoninate or phosphotungstate. There was 292 nm on treatment with uricase. However, this
excellent agreement between the two enzymatic is a manual method requiring special apparatus
methods, but the kinetic technique had a smaller which is unlikely to be available in most clinical
coefficient of variation than the manual method. It chemistry laboratories.
is unfortunate that the authors did not select the
method of Liddle et al. (1959) as their reference Fluorescence assay using scopoletin (7-hydroxy-6-
method, and that they did not study urine as well as methoxycoumarin)
serum. However, it is clear that the automated
kinetic assay has a high order of both precision and Bloch and Lata (1970) described an ingenious
accuracy and could also provide for the analysis of fluorimetric method for measuring picomole quanti-
a large number of samples. ties of uric acid in serum, urine, or liver samples. The
Measurement of hydrogen peroxide formed. fluorescence of scopoletin (excitation maximum,
Gochman and Schmitz (1971) devised an Auto- 348 nm; emission maximum 465 nm) is abolished by
Analyzer procedure in which hydrogen peroxide and oxidation with hydrogen peroxide in the presence
peroxidase effect the oxidative coupling of 3-methyl- of horse radish peroxidase. Uric acid may also be
2-benzathiazolinone hydrazone and N, N-dimethyl- oxidised in this way, but when both substrates are
aniline to produce a stable blue indamine dye. The present in the same system the oxidation of scopoletin
good reproducibility of the method was demon- does not begin until all the uric acid has been
strated by the findings for normal men and women. destroyed. The time lag before the fluorescence of
The results quoted for 30 men and 30 women were: scopoletin decreases is a measure of the amount of
men, mean 5.32 (S.D. 0.73), range 3.4-6.4 mg/loo ml; uric acid present. The method would not appear to be
women, mean 3.75 (S.D. 0.80), range 2.2-5.0 mg/loo suitable for the situation where large numbers of
mI. The correlation of the results obtained by this assays are needed, and where the sensitivity of
method with those of manual differential ultra-violet automated colorimetric or enzymatic methods is
spectrophotometry (Liddle et al., 1959) was excellent. satisfactory.
The method was also shown to be resistant to many
reducing substances which can interfere with reac- Chromatographic determination of uric acid and
tions depending upon the reduction of phosphotung- related purines
stic acid.
Chemical oxidation 'difference' methods. Morgen- Orsulak et al. (1968) described a system for the
stern et al. (1966) described an automated method separation of uric acid, hypoxanthine, and xanthine
which depends upon the reduction of phosphotung- in 200 iLl samples of deproteinised plasma on
stic acid before or after treatment of duplicate ECTEOLA cellulose. The purines were eluted with
specimens with uricase. Crowley and Alton (1968) sodium tetraborate buffer and determined by direct
compared a method of this type, and an automated spectrophotometry. This method is only likely to
colorimetric technique which made no allowance for be of value in circumstances where it is necessary to
urate chromogen, with a differential spectrophoto- determine all three purines simultaneously. It may
metric method. They found that the results of the also be noted that satisfactory specific enzymatic
two automated methods agreed very closely with one spectrophotometric methods are available for deter-
another, and in view of the small differences felt mining hypoxanthine and xanthine in biological
justified in recommending omission of the uricase fluids (Chalmers and Watts, 1968; 1969).
step for most purposes. It is worth emphasising,
however, that these authors considered only the
analysis of serum, in contradistinction to urine. SURVEY OF SOME INTER-LABORATORY QUALITY

MISCELLANEOUS METHODS Whitehead et al. (1973) summarised the findings

Coulometric Titration of the U.K. National Quality Control Scheme in
which pooled serum samples were analysed at
Troy and Purdy (1970) described a coulometric monthly intervals for particular constituents over a
method for the determination or uric acid in serum period of two-and-a-half years. The data for uric
and urine. The total reducing substances were acid are reproduced in table I. The results show, as
measured with coulometrically-generated iodine might have been predicted from the foregoing
before and after treatment with uricase, It was discussion, that the AutoAnalyzer techniques gave
found that the results agreed satisfactorily with those gave more reproducible results than manual colori-

Table I. U.K. National Quality Control Scheme: results of serum uric acid determination by different types of method
and in different laboratories (Whitehead et al., 1973).

AutoAnalyzer Manual colorimetric Manual uricase

No. of analyses 112 123 26

Mean (mgjlOO ml) 5.56 5.45 5.26
S.D. 0.35 0.55 0.44
V.c. % 6.33 10.20 8.44

metric methods, with the precision of the manual RECOMMENDATIONS

uricase methods being intermediate. The mean results
of each of the three methods were within one In reviewing the relative merits of the many
standard deviation of each other. published procedures for determining uric acid, the
The data do not provide any information on following factors must be considered: the need for
the merits of individual methods, because of the a reference as wen as a routine method; the capital
way in which they have been grouped together under and running costs; the toxicity of the reagents; the
broad headings. Thus, the uricase methods presum- ability to produce results quickly; suitability for the
ably included both 'difference' and 'differential' ultra- analysis of urine as well as of serum; and the
violet spectrophotometric methods; AutoAnalyzer accuracy (or specificity) and precision.
techniques could include those which depend on the Differential spectrophotometry offers an excellent
reduction of metal complexes, as well as enzymatic reference procedure. If the cost of purified uricase
procedures involving the measurement of hydrogen and of ultra-violet spectrophotometers could be
peroxide. In practice, most AutoAnalyzer techniques reduced the technique would be excellent for routine
currently used in Britain are likely to be based on use also. Similar considerations apply to the auto-
colorimetric reactions involving the reduction of mated kinetic assay using uricase described by Lum
phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate. and Gambino (1973). Methods which depend upon
The Wellcome Group Quality Control Programme measuring hydrogen peroxide, notably the manual
distributes freeze-dried serum samples and collects method of Kageyama (1971) and the automated
data at fortnightly intervals from laboratories using procedure of Gochman and Schmitz (1971), appear
a wide range of analytical methods. However, most to be as reliable as differential ultra-violet spectro-
participants use either an automated phosphotung- photometry. These use colorimeters which operate in
state or arsenophosphotungstate technique or one the visible wave length range and relatively simple
of the corresponding manual methods. The results standard equipment. Reports of the full evaluation
suggest that automation improves precision, but the of these methods for the analysis of urine and of
numbers available for each method are too small blood in a wide range of clinical contexts are
for any detailed comparison to be made. The cupric awaited.
phenanthroline, neocuproine, and bathocuproine Manual methods based upon the reduction of
AutoAnalyzer methods which are grouped together, phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate are
appear to have good precision in respect of data for not recommended either for routine use or as
the cycle April-September 1973. The relevant reference methods. The automated variants of these
results are summarised in table 2, which demon- procedures have reasonable precision, but are
strates the small number of laboratories which use susceptible to interference by other reducing agents,
methods other than those based on the reduction of especially in urine samples. The metal-complex
phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate, and reactions have a high degree of precision, but can
therefore shows the limited value of these data as a also be influenced by reducing substances.
basis for appraising modern methods. An automated technique based on measuring
The findings of these quality control surveys hydrogen peroxide, such as that described by
relate to pooled or reconstituted serum samples and Gochman and Schmitz (1971) may well prove to be
are not necessarily relevant to the analysis of urine, the most generally useful. Such a method has the
which may contain different types and concentra- attraction that it utilises the high specificity of
tions of potentially interfering substances. uricase and measures a reaction product directly.

Table 2. Wellcome Group Quality Control Programme: data showing the average precision of different methods of
serum acid determination for the period April-September, 1973.

Method code and method, as defined by the Programme Number of Average

participating precision
laboratories (mg/l00 ml)

1000 AutoAnalyzer Mk I. 134 0.35

(Phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate reduction)
1020 AutoAnalyzer Mk II. 19 0.53
(Phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate reduction)
1059 Any discrete analytical system
(Phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate reduction) 2 0.21
1110 AutoAnalyzer Mk I or II. 12 0.28
(Cupric phenthroline, neocuproine or bathocuproine)
1120 SMA 12/60
(Cuproic phenanthroline, neocuproine or bathocuproine)
1139 Other automated methods employing metal complex 2 0.40
1200 SMA 12/60 45 0.21
(Phosphotungstate or arsenophosphotungstate reduction)
1509 All automated uricase methods 2 0.39
1999 Any automated method not specified above I
2000 Any manual or partly automated phosphotungstate or 95 0.60
arsenophosphotungstate method
2100 Any manual or partly automated spectrophotometric uricase 12 0.91
2110 Any manual or partly automated uricase-phosphotungstate

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sources of uricase appear good, and this will reduce estimation of uric acid in urine. J. bioi. Chern. 20
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Chalmers, R. A., Watts, R. W. E. An enzymatic spectro- Kalckar, H. M., Shafran, M. Differential spectrophoto-
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