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Unit 1: Plants and humans as organisms

1. Why do organisms take food?

 to grow their bodies

 to take energy to carry out their life processes.
 to build and maintain their bodies.
 to repair the damaged parts of their bodies

2. Definition of chlorophyll

 The chlorophyll contributes to the process of photosynthesis by absorbing the


3. Definition of photosynthesis

 Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

4. Parts of plant
Flowers are reproductive organs. They produce
seeds, which can grow into new plants.

Leaves are the food factories of plant. They absorb

energy from sunlight and use it to make food.

Fruit is used to prevent the seeds from drying and

to disperse the seed.

Stem is used to hold the leaves and flowers

above the ground.

Roots is used to hold the plant firmly in the soil.

They absorb water and minerals from the soil.

5. Definition of digestive system

 Digestive system will break down and absorbs nutrients from the food and liquids you
consume to use for important things like energy, growth and repairing cells.

Parts Function

Liver  Filtration. – filter the blood and breaks down the harmful substances
 Digestion. – breaking down and absorbing nutrients from food
 Metabolism and Detoxification.
 Protein synthesis – the body’s cell makes proteins that are necessary
for cell structure and function
 Storage of vitamins and minerals.

Stomach  Temporary store food

 Contact and relax to mix and break down food.
 Produce enzymes and other specialized cells to digest food.
 Acid in stomach – gastric acid (pH between 1-3)
 Activating digestive enzymes together break down the long
change of amino acids of proteins

Pancreas  Exocrine function- Produces substances (enzymes) that help with

 Endocrine function- Sends out hormones that control the amount of
sugar in your bloodstream.
 Pancreatic juice – break down sugars, fats and starches.
 It also helps digestive system by making hormones

Small intestine  Break down food.

 Absorb nutrients needed for the body.
 Get rid of the unnecessary components from the body

Large intestine (Colon)  Absorbing water and electrolytes

 Producing and absorbing vitamins
 Forming and propelling feces toward the rectum for elimination

Rectum  The rectum stores feces until a person is ready to have a bowel

6. Definition of respiratory system

 The respiratory system takes up oxygen from the air we breathe and expels the
unwanted carbon dioxide.

7. Definition of nervous system

 Nervous system uses specialized cells called neurons to send signals, or messages, all
over your body.
 These electrical signals travel between your brain, skin, organs, glands, and muscles.
 The messages help you move your limbs and feel sensations, such as pain.

8. Function of human skeleton

 Supports your body.
 Helps to move.
 Protect some of the soft organ inside the body.

9. Muscles and joints

10. Antagonistic muscles
 Antagonistic Muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another.
 When an arm at the elbow is flexed, the muscle that lies above the upper
arm (biceps) is seen and felt bulging.
 This muscle bulges due to contraction and becomes smaller in length, stiffer
and thicker.
 Contraction of biceps draws the forearm towards the upper arm.
 However, relaxation of biceps cannot push the forearm back to its original
 When the arm is extended or straightened, the muscle at the back of the
upper arm (triceps) contracts.
 The two muscles work antagonistically or in opposite direction to bend or
flex and straighten the arm at the elbow.

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