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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

Science & Technology – UNESCO handbook of science


To develop in students:
o An understanding of basic concepts, skills, principles, theories and laws in Science.
o A broad of understanding of scientific processes and their impact on the community and environment.
o Interpret and analyse different scientific relationships among the various elements of science
o Understand the need for innovation and industrialization
o An interest in Science related processes and products

During the course students will be able to:
o Demonstrate appropriate skills in Science
o Analyse scientific skills to manage themselves and their environment
o Serve as resource persons in solving science-related problems around them and in their communities.
o Provide solutions to science-related problems in communities through innovation and industrialisation.
4.1 The Philosophy of Science
4.2 The Basic Scientific Process Skills
4.3 Syllabus Interpretations

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

4.4 Methods
4.5 Scheming
4.6 Lesson planning in Science
4.7 Recording in Science

The Rationale for Teaching Science and Technology

What is Science?
a. It is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through:
 observation
 experimentation
 testing theories against evidence
Science is more than just a set of facts or equations; it is a tool that helps us understand the world around us and allows us to improve our
b. It is what scientists do. Performing the processes of science.

TASK: Matter
What is matter?
What do you know about the structure of matter?
What do you know about the behaviour of matter?

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

What experiments can you carry out?

What would you observe?

a. It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, to the practical aims of human life, i.e. the change and manipulation
of the human environment, especially in industry, and advances in computer technology.
There are 3 types of Technology
a) Mechanical Technology – refers to machines that move.
b) Medical Technology – in medicine includes ventilators and MRIs.
c) Communication Technology – for tools used to communicate. Like smartphones, etc.
To enable learners to understand scientific concepts as they are central to most facets of everyday life. Science is knowledge which cuts across
many fields of endeavour and this will help learners to understand and apply these concepts in those fields.
The syllabus promotes:
 Problem-solving
 Innovativeness
 Confidence
 Self-actualisation
The Main Objective
To exhibit a spirit of:
 Curiosity
 Patience

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

 Persistence
 Open-mindedness
 Concern about Science and Technology issues which affect the welfare of the individual society
 To make a critical appraisal of the available information

The 8 Concepts in Science:

1. Cells
2. Atoms
3. Radiation
4. Systems change
5. Forces
6. Energy
7. Conservation of mass & display
8. Variation
1. Health & Safety
2. Materials & Construction
3. Energy
4. Electricity & electronics
5. Forces and Magnets
6. Design & Technology
7. Water
8. Weather & Climate
9. Soil
10. Plants & Animals

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

There are four forms of knowledge:

a. Physical – Tangible products
b. Logical – Make a PowerPoint presentation
c. Symbolic – They symbols teach them what elements stand for
d. Social – ability to analyse reason in regards to social situations. Practicing what you preach.

The Scientific Method

Guiding Questions
1. Define the scientific method of teaching
2. Explain the use of the scientific method
3. What are the strength and weaknesses of this method
4. Explain science in terms of three components
 Scientific concepts
 Scientific processes
 Scientific values and attitudes

It is an empirical method of inquiring knowledge that has organised the development of science. It involves careful observation applying
rigorous scepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions ca distort how one interprets the observation.

Process of objectively establishing facts through testing and experimentation.

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

Basic process
a. observation
b. hypothesis
c. prediction
d. conducting an experiment
e. analysing the result
f. refinement (or elimination) of the hypothesis

How do Children learn Science?

They are active learners. In early childhood it should be more “hands on”, child driven, authentic and promote active learning.
There are 2 skills
1. Skills for making sense of something
 observing – making use of our senses
 manipulating – touching & handling
 collecting – getting objects to use from the environment
 Inferencing – going beyond information given
 Sorting – putting in groups according to a given criteria
 Comparing – come up with differences
 Ordering – arranging in either ascending or descending order or from smallest to biggest
 Measuring – using a ruler, measuring cylinder, string, spans, click wheel, clock, stop watch etc.
 Calculating – adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying.
 Graphing – draw graphs; line, bar chart, histogram etc.

2. Skills for telling others what we have done

How do we tell others what we know?

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

 Explaining – giving details about something

 Discussing – give the pros and cons
 Writing – answer the questions
 Describing – giving the details so that we understand the structure of something
 Recording – putting down what they have seen
 Displaying – exhibiting and talking about what they have made
 Miming actions – use gestures to relate an episode
 Drawing – putting diagrams, sketches or pictures on paper
 Mapping- drawing and reading maps
 Diagramming – draw diagrams
 Modelling – making objects (models) to mirror real life things for a model of the heart or a working model of a clock

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

Scheming in Science & Technology

What is scheme of work?
- breakdown of general concepts
- long term plan of action (long term goals)
A plan of proceedings whereby matter to be covered is placed in order of preference, having been broken
down into teachable units. The scheme of work comes from the syllabus.
It is a document proved by the government which comprises educational matter that is supposed to be taught
in every child in Zimbabwe who is doing a certain grade. It unifies the educational system so it is common
to every learner hence it is possible to transfer learners from school to school. It helps come up with a
standard and it is the foundation of the scheme of work. The content is structured according to the grade
and also according to the level of learners. Science & Technology primary school syllabus has a total of …
topics to be taught throughout the year, meaning one topic should be taught per …
A general Scheme of work should contain:
1. Weekending – the date on Friday e.g. (03/23) (Week beginning can also be done).

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

2. Topic/Content – The topic for the specific week (unless it’s for the 2 weeks then it will be cont.…)
3. Aims – Long term goals (appreciate, understand etc.)
4. Source of matter – where did you get the information (ref.)
5. Media -
6. Methods – more than one can be used
7. Activities – Who is doing what? (teacher demonstration/pupil demonstration)
8. Comments/Evaluation – Class & Individual Comments (in general)
Weeke Topic/Content Aims Media Methods Source of Activiti Comments/
nding matter es Evaluation
10/03/2 Energy & fuels Appreciate energy Batteries Demonst G4 Science An
3 Forms of energy conservation Heaters ration of book pages apple
Heat light sound understand the Solar panel k.e and 34 – 36 falling
kinetic potential importance of energy k.e p.e p.e Kicking
Explore opportunities Discussion Discussi a ball
that promote a sense on Duster
of self – reliance and Question falling
problem solving. & from
answer top of
table of
in a

Points to Note on Scheming

Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

- Topics should be arranged to suit seasons of the year

- Stick to 3 – 4 topics per term so that there are plenty of activities
- Use the syllabus when scheming and use books as references
- Formulate sub concepts from key concepts
- Make use of the environment when scheming, planning, teaching, so that your activities should have a
strong relationship with the environment.
N.B you do not teach content but you develop skills in the learners.

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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

Week Topic/Content Aims Media Methods Source of matter Activities

17/03 Personal Hygiene Understand the  Charts  Demonstration Grades 3 to 5,  Brushing teeth
importance of  Toothbrushes  Personal Health Series  Washing their hands
taking care of  Clean clothes 
their bodies. /dirty clothes
 Soap


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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

(ILOs) Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives) & Planning – for next week
10 minute lesson with 2 objectives

The 3 domains of Writing good ILOs in Science and Technology

- Cognitive
- Psychomotor
- Affective

Good ILOs
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Attainable
4. Realistic
5. Time frame

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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

Action Verbs
Name, Predict, Identify, Describe, List, Construct, Evaluate, Prepare, Compare, Create, Plan, Analyse,
Utilise, Build, Show, Criticise, Design, Recognise, Discuss, Examine, Compute, Explain, Compose, Devise,
Illustrate, Demonstrate, Deduce, etc.

Science & Technology - Lesson Plan

Number of pupils:
Media: At least 2
Methods: At least 3
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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
1. …
2. …
3. …

Assumed Knowledge:

Skills to be developed:

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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

Introduction (time)
The teacher asks a question … (number of responses)
Lesson development
Step 1 (time)

Step 2 (time)

Step 3 (time)

Step 4 (time)

Early Finishers:

Conclusion (time)

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Mrs Mandima – PSB, Science & Technology

EVALUATION: (On a fresh page)

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