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MME101 Introduction to

Metallurgy and Materials


Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Bursa Technical University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department

Office Hours: Tuesday, 16:00-17:00,

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Materials Science and Engineering
A Multidiciplinary Approach

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Materials Knowledge Diagram

This diagram illustrates

how materials science
and engineering form a
bridge of knowledge from
the basic sciences to the
engineering disciplines

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Materials Tetrahedron
 arrangement of internal components
 subatomic
 atomic
 microscopic
 macroscopic (bulk)

Different ways for

shaping materials
into useful
components or
changing their
Processing  material characteristic
 method of preparing  response to external
material stimulus
 mechanical, electrical,
thermal, magnetic,
Performance optical, deteriorative
 behavior in a particular
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Materials Science and Engineering

Materials science : A field of science that emphasizes studies of

relationships between the internal or microstructure, synthesis
and processing and the properties of materials.

Materials engineering : An engineering oriented field that focuses

on how to translate or transform materials into a useful device
or structure.

Materials science and engineering (MSE) : An interdisciplinary

field concerned with inventing new materials and improving
previously known materials by developing a deeper understanding
of the microstructure-composition-synthesis-processing
relationships between different materials.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and

Materials Science Materials Engineering

• Basic knowledge of • Resultant knowledge • Applied knowledge of

materials of structure, materials
properties, processing
and performance of
engineering materials

Using the combined knowledge of materials from materials science and

materials engineering enables engineers to convert materials into the
products needed by society

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering plays a significant role in all kind
of fabrication processes which convert raw materials into useful products
designed to meet the needs of human being.

The principle aim of the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering program

is to provide students with a fundamental knowledge-base associated
with materials-processing, their properties, and their selection and

The subject of metallurgy broadly divides itself into

 physical metallurgy,
 mechanical metallurgy,
 chemical metallurgy,
 mineral dressing,
 powder metallurgy and
 engineering metallurgy.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

• Minerals are naturally occurring substances
that have a definite internal structure.
• They are defined by geologists as
“homogenous, naturally occurring
substances with a definable internal
• They are found in various forms and are
used for a variety of purposes.
E.g., Diamond, limestone, fluoride,
aluminium etc.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

What is Ore?
Ores : An ore is a type of rock that
contains minerals with
important elements such as metals.

Ores are extracted through mining;

they are then refined to extract the
valuable element(s).

The grade or concentration of an ore

mineral, or metal, as well as its form
of occurrence, will directly affect the
costs associated with mining it.

The cost of extraction must be

weighed against the metal value
contained in the rock to determine
which ores should be processed and
which ores are of too low a grade to
be worth mining.
processes-142/extractive-metallurgy-559-3578/ Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
What is Ore?
Metal ores are generally oxides, sulfides and silicates of "native" metals
(such as native copper) that are not commonly concentrated in the
Earth's crust.

Ore bodies are formed by a variety of geological processes. The process

of ore formation is called ore genesis.

Ore Preparation

It takes multiple steps to extract the "important" element from the

 First, the ore must be separated from unwanted rocks.
 Then, the minerals need to be separated out of the ore
 Since most minerals are not pure metals, further separation
methods are required.
 Most minerals are chemical compounds that contain metals and
other elements.
processes-142/extractive-metallurgy-559-3578/ Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Mineral, Gangue and Liberation

The crude ore from the mines contain a number of

solid phases in the form of an aggregate. The
valuable portion of the ore is known as mineral
while the worthless portion is known as gangue.

During ore dressing, the crude ore is reduced in size

to a point where each mineral grain becomes
essentially free so as to make separation between
them. Such a phenomenon of making the mineral
grains free from gangue in an ore is termed as
liberation. This is practically carried out by size
reduction performed by crushers and grinding mills.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Earth’s crust refers to the outher siliceous shell of
the earth which is about 16 km thick.
Earth’s Crust
Metallic ores and mineral products are produced
from this crust. Therefore, the original source of
all metals is the earth’s crust.

Ores are naturally occuring deposits in the

earth’s crust. The ores are mined and treated
by various
• unit operations (mechanical processes)
• unit processes (chemical metallurgical
to extract metals and to convert them into
the metallic form.
Mine : It is a large area having
an abundant quantity of
mineral deposits that can be
easily and economically The mineral content of the ore must be in sufficient
extracted. concentration to make its extraction commercially

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Average Analysis of the Earth’s Crust
It is clear that :

 Oxygen
 Silicon
 Aluminum
 Iron

are the 4 most

abundant elements

Since engineering metals Al, Fe,

Mg and Ti are far more
abundant than the other
metals, there is never likely to
be a shortage of those metals
due to exhaustion of the ore
Most common deposits.
elements in
The commonly known metals
the crust like Au, Pb, Sn are in so small
quantities in the earth’s crust
that their commercial recovery
is impossible.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ



Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

The subject of metallurgy
The subject of metallurgy broadly divides itself into

 physical metallurgy,
 mechanical metallurgy,
 chemical metallurgy,
 mineral dressing,
 powder metallurgy and
 engineering metallurgy.

Metallurgy-the art and science of economically concentrating, extracting,

refining, and fabricating metals and alloys - has existed on Earth from
antiquity. Gold, silver, and copper-elements that can occur as metals in their
natural state-were used as long as 10 000 years ago. Metals extraction
technology can be traced back at least 6000 years. Recently, major advances
have been made in metallurgical processing. This developed field may now be
ready for application to the production of metals in space.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Mineral Dressing
Steps in the Production of Mineral-Based Materials for Commerce Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

The Subject of Metallurgy

The area of mineral dressing concerns itself with the starting

operations and involves crushing and grinding either for
purposes of liberation of the desired substances that are
physically entrapped with others or for making them adoptable
for further processes.

Once liberated, they normally go through such physical

beneficiation processes as

 magnetic separation,
 electrostatic separation,
 screening, flotation,
to name some, to produce a beneficiated product usually
called a concentrate and chemical metallurgy normally takes
over from then onwards.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Mineral Dressing
209879641/High_efficiency_high_quality_crushing_machine_cone_crusher_PYB_PYZ_PYD.html Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
The Subject of Metallurgy

Chemical metallurgy according to one definition, is

the branch of metallurgy that deals with the
extraction of metals from naturally occurring
compounds and their refinement to levels of purity
suitable for commercial use.

The starting raw materials, however, in many

cases are not restricted to naturally occurring
compounds. Nor in all cases are the end products
desired as metals.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

Chemical Metallurgy
Metal Extraction

Extracting of metal from its ore and purifying it

• Fe2O3 (Hematite)

• Fe3O4 (Magnetite)

• CuFeS2 (Chalcopyrite)

• Al2O3.H2O (Boehmite)

Ore (e.g. İron)

Open Pit mining or underground mining Mining

Crushing, Grinding, Screening

Mineral Dressing
PRYROMETALLURGY (High Temperature)
e.g. İron, steel, Pb, Sn, Cu
HYDROMETALLURGY (Taking it into solution) Chemical Metallurgy
e.g. Au, Ag, V, Al
ELECTROMETALLURGY (Electric current)
e.g. Pb, Ni, Cu
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Powder Metallurgy

Powder metallurgy is concerned with production and

processing of powdery forms of metals and materials
and of solid industrial products therefrom.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Powder Metallurgy
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ
Powder Metallurgy
Applications of powder metallurgy in automotive
Valve Control
Oil supply system
Exterior mirror
Climate, heating and ventilation
Seat adjustment system
Window opener
Door lock system
Middle armrest
Hard top / Folding top
Door armatures
Seat beltsystem / Airbagsystem
Parking brake
Ignition lock
Electrical power steering
Steering pillar adjustment / Steering pillar lock
Exhaust gas system
Gear box / Automatic transmission
Camshaft drive
Fuel system
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The Subject of Metallurgy

Engineering metallurgy mainly deals with the processing of

metals and materials in the molten condition. Foundry, metal
joining and other related areas appear to come under its

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

The Subject of Metallurgy
Mechanical Metallurgy : Response of metals to forces or loads.

Mechanical Metallurgy

Mechanical assessment of materials Forming of metals into useful shapes

- Structural materials - forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing,
- Machine, aircraft, ship, car, etc. machining, etc.

We need to know limiting We need to know conditions

values of which materials in of load and temperature to
service can withstand without minimise the forces that are
failure needed to deform metal
without failure

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

The Subject of Metallurgy

Physical metallurgy is concerned with the scientific

study of materials.

 Phase transformations,
 recovery and recrystallization,
 precipitation hardening,
 structure–property correlations,
 characterization of microstructure by
microscopy (optical, electron and field-ion),

are some specific examples among the many topics

covered under physical metallurgy.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ


Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALEMTAŞ

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