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Epigenetics clarifies gene expression processes. The agouti gene and methyl group

attachment rodent experiment show how epigenetic alterations can affect physical health and

appearance. Because epigenetic alterations have a role in developing and progressing human

diseases like cancer, this has significant implications for cancer research. As the field of

epigenetics grows, we may be able to develop new medicines that directly target these

modifications to improve patient health through approaches like gene therapy. Epigenetics is

a fascinating science that could revolutionize genetics and medicine. Many factors have made

epigenetics more popular in recent years. We continue to learn more about how the

epigenome influences our health and wellness as we continue to delve deeper into the

complex workings of the epigenome. The potential power of this research is highlighted by

the instances provided in the video of identical twins who have varied health outcomes due to

differences in their epigenome.

We may be able to discover critical environmental elements that contribute to the

development of diseases such as cancer and then develop tailored medicines that address

these factors if we carry out additional research into the topic. In addition, having a better

grasp of epigenetics may also shed light on how we improve our health by adjusting our

lifestyle, which benefits the expression of our genes. The movie highlights the importance of

continuing research on this fascinating and quickly developing topic. It hints that epigenetics

may be the key to opening the door to many new treatments and insights into human health.

Epigenetics is a fascinating area of medical research. It has the potential to explain the

differences in health outcomes and longevity within families. Epigenetics is the study of gene

expression that occur independently without alterations of the DNA. These variations in gene

expression affect and contribute to the development of genetic disorders or superiority.

Sharma et al., 2010 suggest that various factors, including environmental exposures,

diet, and lifestyle, can influence epigenetic changes. Therefore, some epigenetic changes may

be present in families and contribute to the different health outcomes, and life spans seen in

those families. My family has a significant genetic susceptibility to cardiovascular disease

and hypertension. My paternal grandfather suffered a cardiac attack at an early age, and my

paternal grandmother was diagnosed with hypertension. There is a chance that epigenetics

play a role in this family history. Research has shown, for instance, that environmental factors

such as nutrition and stress may contribute to alterations in DNA methylation, histone

modification, and the control of genes by non-coding RNA, all of which can increase the risk

of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. In the article "Epigenetic control of gene

expression: mechanisms and implications for human illness" by S. K. Sharma, A. K. Pandey,

and A. K. Dhawan, the relationship between epigenetics and human illness is investigated in

greater depth. The article explains that epigenetic modifications may be inherited and can

affect a generation's susceptibility to disease. In addition, the significance of epigenetics in

the development of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and neurological disorders is emphasized.

In the context of my family's medical history, the paper suggests that epigenetic modifications

may have contributed to cardiovascular disease and hypertension progression. In addition,

epigenetics may play a role in developing other diseases in my family, such as cancer and

autoimmune disorders. It demonstrates the significance of understanding epigenetics

processes in disease development and prevention. My family history of cardiovascular

disease and hypertension suggests that epigenetic modifications, which are alterations in gene

expression caused by environmental factors, may be to blame. The article supports the

hypothesis that epigenetics plays a significant role in disease onset and emphasizes the need

to continue research in this field.

The Living questionnaire is a tool utilized to assess a person's propensity to make it to 100

years. A score of 75 suggests the highest chances of attaining the former. Some factors that

contribute to the score's outcome would be physical activity and a healthy diet and lifestyle.

According to the questionnaire results, I performed quite well in the categories related to

lifestyle and behavioural characteristics, such as maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in

regular physical activity. To put it another way, I fared rather well in their respective areas.

On the other side, I had lower scores in several areas, such as family history and genetics,

which leads me to believe that certain parts of my life may not be as beneficial to the length

of my lifetime. The data in the questionnaire showed that my score in the family history and

genetics category was marginal. This could be accredited to the family's medical history of

chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, which are the factors that

impede longevity. In addition, epigenetics may play a role in the etiology of many disorders,

as various environmental and lifestyle variables may influence gene expression and the

likelihood of developing the condition. In their paper on epigenetics and the environment,

Johnson et al. (2018) indicate that variables related to lifestyle and environmental exposures

may significantly influence gene expression and contribute to the development of chronic

illnesses. Individuals can make educated choices about their health habits and perhaps lower

their risk of getting these illnesses if they know their scores on the Living questionnaire and

use those scores to guide their actions.

The findings of questionnaires and studies on epigenetics can be combined to generate

targeted gains in health and lifespan. An increase in physical activity has beneficial effects on

the epigenetic methylation of DNA as well as the expression of genes. According to Booth et

al. (2017), epigenetic changes can improve health and extend lifespan. Daily physical activity

walking, yoga, or attending fitness courses can improve fitness and epigenetic profile.
Alterations can also be made to the diet. There are beneficial epigenetic advantages

associated with lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (Vaiserman, 2018). Both

blueberries and leafy greens have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation,

two of the primary drivers of chronic disease. This adjustment may be made by increasing the

number of fruits and vegetables consumed at each meal while decreasing the amount of

processed and sugary snacks consumed between meals. Having healthy sleeping patterns may

also enhance one's health. Because a lack of sleep can cause epigenetic harm, getting enough

of it is essential (Archer et al., 2020). Sleep quality may be improved by maintaining a

consistent sleep pattern, reducing the time spent in front of electronic screens before bed, and

developing a calming bedtime practice. Modifications to one's way of life should improve

one's epigenome, which in turn should lengthen one's lifespan and enhance their health.

According to Vaiserman (2018), a healthy lifestyle can change epigenetics to benefit one's

health and help ward against chronic illnesses. The goal is to increase the likelihood of living

a long and healthy life while decreasing the likelihood of contracting chronic diseases. This

study examined epigenetics and illness risk, and lifespan.

The Living to 100 Questionnaire found that food, exercise, genetics, and family medical

history affect longevity. It is true despite lifestyle and genetics affecting illness risk. Diet,

exercise, and chemical exposure influence epigenetic markers and gene expression,

increasing illness risk. Even without epigenetic marker changes. Hence, a balanced lifestyle

and lower environmental exposure may improve epigenetics and minimize chronic illness

risk. This project will improve public health by emphasizing lifestyle and environmental

illness prevention. Epigenetic markers and gene expression should be studied in the future.

This study stressed lifestyle changes for health and well-being. Healthy decisions affect

epigenetic markers, lowering chronic illness risk. "Your genes are not your destiny," says the
American Heart Association. Lifestyle changes can improve health and lifespan (American

Heart Association, 2019). This study indicated that epigenetics increase illness risk and

lifestyle changes improve health and lifespan. Healthy habits and avoiding hazardous

situations can change epigenetic markers, lowering chronic illness risk.


1. Johnson, S. P., Huntington-Moskos, L., & McAdams, M. A. (2018). Epigenetics and

the environment: a review of the evidence and its implications for health policy.

Public Health Reviews, 39(1), 1-19.

2. Perera, F. P., Herbstman, J., & Tang, W. Y. (2017). Epigenetic effects of environmental

toxins on health outcomes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(8), 087015.

3. Schachter, J. (2019). A review of the Living to 100 Questionnaire: Strategies for

increased longevity. Journal of Aging Research & Healthcare, 1(1), 1-5.

4. "Epigenetics." National Human Genome Research Institute, 27 Aug. 2021,

5. "Facts About Epigenetics." National Human Genome Research Institute, 17 Aug.


6. "Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator." Boston University School of Medicine,


7. "Epigenetics: The Science of Gene Expression." The Jackson Laboratory, 2021,


8. "Epigenetics and Gene Expression." National Institute of Environmental Health

Sciences, 2021,


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