Final Year Project 1

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Research Proposal
Design of corncob waste biomass based activated carbon
production plant
By Group 4
1. Abdi Hirphesa 0215/12
2. Fayera Belay 0188/12
3. Tesfahun Lishano 2872/12

Advisor: Mr. Lata Deso

Co-Advisor: Dr. M. Jayakumar

January 2024
Haramaya, Ethiopia

We Group 4 members, the undersigned, declare that the final year project proposal ‘Design
of corncob waste biomass based activated carbon production plant’ is our original work,
and has not been presented anywhere in its current form, and that all resources of materials
used have been duly acknowledged with citation. And we have prepared this proposal
under the supervision of Mr. Lata Deso at Department of Chemical Engineering of
Haramaya Institute of Technology, Haramaya University.
Name ID NO Signature
Abdi Hirphesa 0215/12 ______________
Fayera Belay 0188/12 ______________
Tesfahun Lishano 2872/12 ______________

Submission Approved by:

Mr. Lata Deso (Major Advisor)
Dr. M. Jayakumar (Co Advisor)
Dr. Abdisa Jabesa (Course Instructor)
Mr. Workisa Bacha (Department head)

Submitted on: January 15, 2024


Above all we would like to thank Almighty God for his endless mercy and grace on us and
wisdom to successfully complete this project and for his protection and strength. Next, we
would like to express our deep gratitude to our advisor Mr. Lata Deso for excellent
scientific guidance, suggesting our topic and support in fruitful ideas. The technical
discussions with our advisor were always very insightful, and we will always be indebted
to his for all the knowledge he has shared with the group. His prompt responses and
availability despite his busy schedule were truly appreciated. At the last but not least all
members of this group members shall take the lion’s share of the acknowledgement for all
their struggling.

Table of Contents


List of figures.......................................................................................................................v

List of tables........................................................................................................................ v

Abbreviations.................................................................................................................... vii

Executive summary.......................................................................................................... viii

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Background of the Study.......................................................................................... 1

1.2. Statement of problem................................................................................................2

1.3. Hypothesis of the study............................................................................................ 3

1.4. Objectives................................................................................................................. 3

1.4.1. General objective............................................................................................... 3

1.4.2. Specific objectives............................................................................................. 3

1.5. Scope of the study.....................................................................................................4

1.6. Significance of the study.......................................................................................... 4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................ 6

2.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................6

2.2. Structure of activated carbon.................................................................................... 6

2.3. Classification of activated carbon.............................................................................7

2.4. Methods of activation............................................................................................... 8

2.5. Factors That Affects Production of Activation Carbon............................................ 9

2.6. Application of activated carbon..............................................................................10

2.7. Future prospects of Design of corncob waste biomass based activated carbon
production plant............................................................................................................. 12

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS.................................................................................. 13

3.1. Materials and Chemicals.........................................................................................13

3.2. Experimental Methods............................................................................................13

3.2.1. Design of Corncob based Activated Carbon Plant.......................................... 13

3.2.2. Characterization of Corncob activated carbon................................................ 16

3.2.3. Chemical Composition (Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin)....................... 18

3.3. Experimental procedures........................................................................................ 19

3.4. Analysis Methods................................................................................................... 22

3.6. Challenges/limitations of the work.........................................................................23

3.7 Work plan................................................................................................................ 24

3.8 Budget Breakdown.................................................................................................. 25

Reference........................................................................................................................... 26

List of figures

Figure 1process flow sheet of activated carbon production.............................................. 16

Figure 2 Production process of activated carbon from corncob waste biomass................21

List of tables

Table 2. Work plan for different activities........................................................................ 24

Table 3 Budget breakdown................................................................................................ 25


Abbreviations Abbreviations word

AC Ash content
MC Moisture content
VM Volatile matter
AC Activated carbon
PAC Powdered activated carbon
GAC Granular activated carbon
EAC Extruded activated carbon
HCl Hydrochloric acid
KOH Potassium hydroxide
CO2 Carbon-di-oxide
ZnCl2 Zinc chloride
NaOH Sodium hydroxide
℃ Degree- Celsius

Executive summary

This project is done on Design of corncob waste biomass based activated carbon production
plant. Initially, the corncob waste biomass will be collected from local community. Then,
the raw material will be prepared and characterized using proximate analysis like ash
content, moisture content, volatile matter, and fixed carbon analysis. This production of
activated carbon from corncob waste biomass is going to be produced by chemical
activation method in order to increase surface area of adsorbent.
Additionally the design of activated carbon plant is going to be designed by specifying
process design and equipment specification then equipment selection. The key components
of the proposed plant design, including biomass sourcing, pretreatment methods,
carbonization and activation processes, and product packaging. The integration of
innovative technologies and process optimization strategies will be emphasized to
maximize the yield and quality of the activated carbon while minimizing energy
consumption and environmental impact. Additionally, economic feasibility, regulatory
compliance, and scalability considerations will be addressed to ensure the practical
viability of the proposed plant. The research findings will contribute valuable insights to
the field of sustainable waste utilization and serve as a guide for the establishment of
similar facilities, promoting the transition towards more sustainable and eco-friendly
industrial practices.


1.1. Background of the Study

The Ancient Egyptians were the first people to use activated carbon, and they did so for
medical and oil-purifying purposes thanks to its adsorbent qualities. The earliest ocean-
going ships kept drinking water in wooden barrels with burned interiors centuries later.
(However, by current standards the carbon employed in these applications could not
legitimately be termed as “activated”). Cane sugar was being decolored and purified on a
considerable scale by the early 19th century using both wood and bone charcoal.[1]

Nevertheless, the full potential of activated carbon was not realized until the start of World
War I. The development of appropriate breathing gear for personnel protection became
necessary with the introduction of gas warfare. This was achieved, and in fact still is, with
the use of granular activated carbon.

By the late 1930s, carbon was being applied on a large industrial scale in both gaseous and
liquid phases, and new production techniques had been created to meet industry demands.
Another noteworthy advancement occurred during the 1939–1945 conflict: the creation of
increasingly advanced chemically impregnated carbon for the trapping of nerve and battle
The uses of carbon nowadays are, to put it mildly, numerous. For example, Cameron
carbons are utilized in high-tech applications like containment systems for nuclear power
plants and in consumer goods like refrigerator deodorizers.
Coal is usually used to make activated carbon. However, because this substance is non-
renewable, producers are searching for alternative carbon sources, like carbonaceous
agricultural waste, in order to create activated carbon. The plant uses the corncob to make
activated carbon.
Because of their high carbon content, low ash level, and natural structure, corncob are a
promising material for micro porous activated carbon production. The leftovers from
corncob processing facilities, such as those that make plastic materials, substitutes for gas
fuel etc. are often corncob. Their disposal is expensive and could have negative effects on
the environment.[2]

1.2. Statement of problem

Due to the utilization of nonrenewable and somewhat expensive starting materials like coal,
commercially available activated carbons are still pricey. Agro-wastes and biomaterials
such as bamboo, coconut shell, sawdust, seeds, and wood, as well as comparable materials,
are preferable options because this material is renewable. The low ash content and high
carbon content of these materials make them excellent precursors. Also corncob is an
agricultural waste and is available in very large quantities which contributed significantly
to CO2 and methane emissions when it is burnt as a means of solid waste disposal. And
their disposal is costly and may cause environmental problems. By taking into
consideration environmental and economic problems we have decided to produce activated
carbon from corncob.
Various technologies have been developed in the past few years to eliminate harmful heavy
metals from wastewater. In Ethiopia, corn is the second most widely grown crop for a wide
range of applications, and the corn cobs that are frequently left in the fields have very low
economic value. Unfortunately, like other developing countries, Ethiopia cannot afford to
use advanced treatment technologies to deal with toxic industrial wastewater, so it is crucial
to explore locally easily available agricultural waste corn cob as an activated carbon for
removal of heavy metal ions. Many studies have thoroughly examined the usage of many
precursors, including lignite coals, coffee husk, and bamboo steam, in the process of
creating activated carbon. Nevertheless, insufficient research has been done to examine
these problems, especially in Ethiopia. Corncob activated carbon is a promising adsorbent
that can be used to extract heavy metal lead from wastewater. Due to this, research is being
done on using locally accessible corn cob activated carbon (CCAC) to remove lead
contamination prior to environmental release.

1.3. Hypothesis of the study

This study is focus on Designing corncob based activated carbon plant which includes
developing appropriate flow sheet for activated carbon production from corncob biomass
waste. The plant will be able to produce high-quality activated carbon with exceptional
purity and adsorption capability, making it ideal for a variety of uses in industrial processes,
gas separation, and water and air purification. Assuring economic viability, the design will
also place a high priority on cost-effective production by streamlining the process to save
expenses associated with energy, raw materials, and waste management, the plant will
contribute to environmental sustainability by employing corncob waste biomass as a
sustainable feedstock, decreasing environmental impact and providing a valued product.
The design will also guarantee adherence to industry standards and all applicable
environmental, health, and safety laws. In addition, the facility will maximize the yield of
activated carbon while minimizing waste production and resource utilization. In general,
the design will allow for reliable manufacture of high-grade activated carbon that satisfies
end-user criteria.

1.4. Objectives

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of the present study will be to design of corncob waste based
activated carbon production plant and product formulation using the designed process flow

1.4.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the present research project will be to:

 Design corncob based activated carbon plant (developing appropriate flow sheet
for activated carbon production from corncob biomass waste).
 Conduct equipment sizing, material and energy balances.
 Perform economic analysis for the major and minor unit operations, raw materials
and others.
 Characterize the compositions of corncob like proximate analysis and ultimate
analysis and chemical composition such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

 Formulate activated carbon from corncob using chemical activation technique.

1.5. Scope of the study

This investigation will include design corncob based activated carbon plant specifically
developing appropriate flow sheet for activated carbon production from corncob biomass
waste, conducting equipment sizing, material and energy balances. A significant portion
of the design process also involves determining and defining the equipment required for
the production process, which includes reactors, filtration systems, and kilns. Additionally
performing economic analysis for the major and minor unit operations, raw materials and
others. To determine whether the project is financially feasible, a thorough economic
analysis is carried out concurrently after the design of the plant characterizing the
compositions of corncob like proximate analysis and ultimate analysis and chemical
composition such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Formulate activated carbon from
corncob using chemical activation technique. This entails giving temperature profiles,
residency durations, and activation strategies careful thought.
In addition, investigations are focused on ways to recover and use energy throughout the
production process in order to reduce the amount of resources used. The design and
operation of the production plant place a high priority on managing emissions and
guaranteeing compliance with environmental standards. Moreover, options for
technological innovation and possible research improvements in the synthesis of activated
carbon from corncob waste biomass are actively studied in an effort to promote
advancement and innovation in the sector.

1.6. Significance of the study

Many industries face a significant problem in trying to develop ways to treat their effluents
in a way that will have a good impact on the environment and economy. The study holds
significance as it will serve as a basis for more in-depth investigations aimed at reducing
the waste's environmental effects and generating high-grade activated carbon. Naturally
occurring activated carbons can serve as cost-effective and environmentally benign
substitutes for commercial activated carbon, as they are the source of the activated carbon
used in this work. The use of renewable agricultural and corncob waste biomass plant by
products for activated carbon production would be great advantage for solving

environmental and economic problems. For the quality of the water to improve, finding a
solution to this problem is critical. Production of activated carbons locally and from locally
available materials would be one of the most lucrative and environment-friendly solutions
to the society as it would transform negative-valued wastes to valuable materials.


2.1. Introduction

Activated carbon is a type of carbon that has been processed to make it exceedingly porous,
giving it a huge surface area available for chemical reactions or adsorption. It is also
sometimes referred to as activated charcoal or activated coal. Occasionally, the word
"active" is used instead of "activated." Just one gram of activated carbon has a surface area
greater than 500 m2, as usually evaluated by nitrogen gas adsorption, because of the high
degree of micro porosity. Sufficient activation for meaningful applications may occur just
from the high surface area, while subsequent chemical treatment often enhances the
adsorbing capabilities of the material. Charcoal is the most prevalent source of activated
One can obtain activated carbons using chemical activation procedures or by physically
activating organic precursors. Chemical activation is the process of impregnating a raw
material with chemical agents, such as H3PO4, ZnCl2, and KOH, and then simultaneously
carbonizing (pyrolyzing) the impregnated biomass in an inert gaseous atmosphere. The
primary function of the activating compound in this process is to degrade the cellulosic
material. Conversely, physical activation involves two pertinent steps. The raw material is
pyrolyzed in an inert atmosphere using a gaseous stream of nitrogen in the first step of the
process.[3] The second stage of activation involves gases, such as water vapor, carbon
dioxide, or a mixture of these gasses with nitrogen or air in different proportions at high
temperatures for the final activation. A high specific surface area is exhibited by activated
carbon made from biomass because the precursor material naturally has a hierarchical
porous structure. Bio-waste materials are receiving increasing attention to lower the cost
of producing activated carbon, as seen by the sharp rise in publications over the past ten
years. However, the qualities of the precursor material utilized have a significant impact
on the attributes of activated carbon.[2]

2.2. Structure of activated carbon

Understanding the structure of activated carbon is most helpful in explaining its properties.
A modified graphite-like structure is frequently mentioned in the literature. This
modification is brought about by the presence of micro crystallites that are generated during

the carbonization process and whose normal bonding is disturbed after activation, resulting
in highly reactive free valences. Furthermore, the development of internal vacancies in the
microcrystalline structures is influenced by the presence of contaminants and process
parameters. According to this idea, crystalline structural flaws cause pores. Since the
hardness of activated carbon is inconsistent with the layered structure of graphite, the
widely accepted hypothesis of graphite-like structure is refuted. Moreover, the
manufacturing conditions differ; specifically, the temperature range used to produce
activated carbon is lower than the one needed for graphitization. Those who support the
graphite-like structure typically only address the altered microcrystalline structure,
ignoring techniques like photography and other analyses that look at the residual macro

2.3. Classification of activated carbon

The types of activated carbon available in the current market are powder, granular and
pellet. It is classified according to its particle sizes and shape, and each type has its specific
application. However, some broad classification is made for general purpose based on their
physical characteristics.[2]
Powdered activated carbon (PAC)
Powdered activated carbon has an average diameter of 15 to 25 μm and a size of less than
100 μm. As a result, they have a tiny diffusion distance and a huge interior surface.
95–100% of the carbon particles that make up PAC are crushed or ground, and they pass
through a certain mesh sieve. Powdered activated carbons are largely employed in liquid
phase adsorption and flue gas treatment. The secondary treatment known as the powdered
activated carbon treatment process is where powdered activated carbon is most frequently
employed in wastewater treatment.
PAC is not frequently utilized in specialized vessels because of the significant head loss
that would result. In most cases, PAC is added straight to other process components such
gravity filters, fast mix basins, clarifiers, and raw water intakes.[2]
Granular activated carbon (GAC)
Granular activated carbon exhibits a smaller exterior surface because its particle size is
comparatively bigger than that of powdered activated carbon. Thus, one crucial element is

the adsorbent’s diffusion. Since these carbons have a faster rate of diffusion, they are
consequently used for all gas and vapor adsorption. Granulated carbons are used to separate
flow system components, deodorize water, and purify water. GAC can be extruded or can
be in granular form. Sizes such as 8×20, 20×40, or 8×30 are used to identify GAC for liquid
phase applications, while 4×6, 4×8, or 4×10 are used for vapor phase applications.[4]
Extruded activated carbon (EAC)
The process of extruding activated carbon involves fusing powdered carbon with a binder
to form a cylindrical activated carbon block that ranges in diameter from 0.8 to 130 mm.
Their minimal pressure drop, strong mechanical strength, and low dust content make them
ideal for gas phase applications.
Impregnated activated carbon
For a specific purpose in the management of air pollution, particularly in museums and
galleries, porous carbons containing various forms of inorganic compounds, such as iodine,
silver, and cations like Al, Zn, Fe, Li, and Ca, have also been created. Due to
antimicrobial/antiseptic qualities, silver loaded activated carbon is employed as an
adsorbent for purification of domestic water. By treating natural water with a mixture of
activated carbon and the flocculating substance Al (OH) 3, drinking water can be generated
from it. The adsorption of thiols and H2S is another application for impregnated carbons.
There have been reports of H2S adsorption rates up to 50% by weight.[5]

2.4. Methods of activation

Chemical activation
In the process of chemical activation, unprocessed corncob waste biomass are heated to a
moderate temperature of 400–800 °C after being doped with a chemical agent like ZnCl2
or H3PO4. The simultaneous pyrolysis and activation processes result in activated carbon
with an open, macro porous structure. In order to physically activate the corncob waste
biomass, they must first undergo pyrolyzation, as previously mentioned, and then react at
900 °C or higher with an oxidizing gas stream, such as CO2 or H2O. Because of its finer
structure and smaller pores, the resultant activated carbon is more effective at absorbing
tiny particles from liquid and gas streams.[6]

Physical activation
Water is selected as the oxidizing gas due to its less expensive and environmentally friendly
nature, as opposed to CO2. During the activation stage, the corncob char is heated to 900
°C at a rate of 50 °C/min for 17.5 minutes. Activated carbon is subsequently created after
an hour-long reaction between the char and steam. At this point, the only material present
in the corncob char is elemental carbon, part of which combines with water to form
hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide.[1]

2.5. Factors That Affects Production of Activation Carbon

Effect of Activation Temperature on Activated Carbon Products

An important factor influencing the pore structure of activated carbon, which in turn
controls the adsorption capacity, is the activation temperature. As a function of activation
temperature, the fluctuation in the iodine values of the activated carbon product was
examined. As the activation temperature rose gradually, the iodine value dropped as the
temperature rose above 600°C. The activated carbon's iodine value decreased at a higher
temperature of 600°C, most likely due to the destruction of micro pores and the pore walls
between adjacent pores. It may be inferred that the ideal temperature to produce activated
carbons from bagasse is roughly 500℃, as this temperature achieves high adsorption[7]
Effect of Activation Time in Activated Carbon Products
The iodine value gradually dropped as activating time extended. The decrease in iodine
value for the time period of 1–3 hour is considered to be due to the extended activation of
product, resulting in the conversion of some micro pores into macro pore. This trend
indicates that the activation time of 1 hour is optimum in our study.
Effect of Concentration of Activating Agent
The yield and adsorption capacity of activated carbon are determined by the activating
agent concentration, thus it is important to choose the ideal one. 1.67M was the ideal NaOH
concentration. Iodine value will drop to a low point at 1.67M concentration due to
insufficient iodine-bagasse reaction to effectively form internal pore structures. However,
excessive carbonization led to the degradation of activated carbon's micropore structure if
the concentration of NaOH was as high as 3N or more. Because more micropores were

likely forming in the product as the concentration changed with an increase in iodine value,
the yield of the product dropped sharply. [7]
Effect of Heating Rate
The duration and intensity of heating have an impact on the rate, scope, and order of
pyrolytic reactions as well as the makeup of the products that are produced. Because
pyrolytic reactions can occur at a wide temperature range, products that have already
created often undergo additional transformation and decomposition in a succession of
related processes. Furthermore, when the original items are continuously heated, a variety
of secondary products are created. While quick heating, or flash pyrolysis, tends to limit
these secondary reactions and the further degradation of the earlier produced products, long
heating times allow the sequence of these processes to occur. Flash pyrolysis produces little
to no char and considerably simplifies further processing if heat is applied quickly enough.
Char is the primary product of H2O at low temperatures. With an increase in heating rate,
the yield of volatile products (gases and liquids) rises while that of solid residue falls. One
way to think of the influence of heating rate is as the combination of residence time and
temperature. The residence duration of volatiles at low or intermediate temperatures
reduces with increasing heating rate. At higher temperatures, the majority of the processes
that support the conversion of tar to gas take place.[7]

2.6. Application of activated carbon

Applications for activated carbon include gas purification, metal extraction, gold
purification, water purification, sewage treatment, compressed air filters, and air filters in
gas masks and respirators. Because they are so good at removing "Tar" from smoke,
activated carbon filters have recently become more and more popular among recreational
cannabis and other herb smokers.[6]
Among the applications are:-
Metal finishing field
Activated carbon finds significant industrial use in this regard. It is incredibly popular for
used in electroplating solution purification. For instance, it is a primary method of
purification used to eliminate organic contaminants from solutions used in brilliant nickel
plating. To improve deposit characteristics and attributes including brightness, smoothness,

ductility, etc., a range of organic compounds are added to plating solutions. Organic
additives produce undesirable breakdown products in solution as a result of direct current
flow and the electrolytic processes of anodic oxide and catholic reduction.[1]
Environmental field
In this case, activated carbon adsorption has a wide range of uses in the field and in
industrial processes like spill cleanup, groundwater remediation, drinking water filtration,
air purification, and the capture of volatile organic compounds from painting, dry cleaning,
gasoline dispensing operations, among other processes.[8]
Medical application
Activated carbon is used in medicine to treat overdoses and poisonings that occur from
oral intake. It is believed to bind to toxins and stop the gastrointestinal system from
absorbing them. In cases of suspected poisoning, medical staff deliver activated charcoal
on the scene or at a Hospital’s emergency department. Dosing is typically empirical and
administered once at a rate of one gram per kilogram of body mass (for adults or teenagers,
this equates to 50–100g); however, this may vary based on the medication being taken.
Water Purification
The main purposes of activated carbon water filters in residential water purification
systems are taste and odor removal. While not ideal, taste and smell are usually not
regarded as harmful. Activated carbon filters, on the other hand, have been employed
recently to eliminate some of the pollutants found in water supplies. Organic pollutants
including benzene, insecticides, and volatile organic compounds are best removed by
activated carbon. It can also get rid of radon, chlorine, and a few metals. It can't get rid of
every potential contaminant in drinking water, just like any other treatment method. Water
analysis is necessary because activated carbon systems are limited in the kinds of
compounds they can remove from water. As a result, it is crucial that the homeowner
identify the contaminants in the water before utilizing an activated carbon system.[9]
Activated Carbon Filters
Simple activated carbon treatment devices can be found at home. Filter cartridges that are
placed into the purification apparatus typically include activated carbon. Water that
requires treatment travels to the faucet via the cartridge that makes contact with the AC.
The capacity of AC filters to absorb pollutants progressively wanes due to contamination.

They currently need to be replenished or rejuvenated. For the pollutants to adhere to the
AC during the time it takes for the water to pass through the filter, the AC filter needs to
be sufficiently deep. The pace at which water passes through the filter determines the ideal
filter depth. The slower the flow rate, the better the elimination. A mass transfer zone is
established when a dynamic state arises as the polluted water stream moves through a
confined bed of activated carbon. The carbon bed depth needed, at a particular flow rate,
to lower the pollutant concentration from the starting to the final level is known as the
"mass transfer zone."

2.7. Future prospects of Design of corncob waste biomass based activated

carbon production plant

The substantial heavy metals elimination that will occur from power plants employing the
product is one of the project's main advantages. The quality of life for both humans and
animals will significantly improve as a result of heavy metals emissions into the
environment. The need for activated carbon will rise as coal- and oil-fired power plants
struggle to maintain compliance after burning coal in their facilities. If it is impractical for
the power plants to comply and the supply of pollution reduction technologies is
overburdened, there is a slight chance that these new regulations will be reduced.[10]
As the global focus on environmental sustainability and renewable resources continues to
grow, the utilization of biomass waste, such as corncobs, for activated carbon production
presents a promising avenue for addressing both environmental and energy challenges. The
successful implementation of this project could lead to the establishment of an efficient
and cost-effective production plant that converts corncob waste into high-quality activated
carbon, which has diverse applications in water purification, air filtration, and energy
storage. Additionally, the project aligns with the increasing demand for renewable and
eco-friendly alternatives to traditional carbon sources. Furthermore, the design and
operation of such a production plant could contribute to job creation, economic
development, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the utilization of
organic waste materials. Overall, the project's future prospects encompass not only
environmental and energy-related benefits but also potential economic and social impacts,
positioning it as a valuable endeavor in the pursuit of sustainable development.[6]


3.1. Materials and Chemicals

In the present study, the materials that will be utilized includes:

 Corncob waste biomass
 Hand glove
Along to these, the chemicals that will be employed for the current study includes:
 Distilled Water
 Ammonium Sulphate (activation chemical)
Apparatus and Instruments
The apparatus and instruments that will be utilized for the presen t research project includes
 Electronic weighing balance
 Furnace
 Beaker
 Spatula
 Mechanical mixer
 Mechanical Shaker
 Oven
 Plastic containers
 Raw corncob waste biomass

3.2. Experimental Methods

3.2.1. Design of Corncob based Activated Carbon Plant

In present investigation, the corncob based activated carbon plant will be designed.
Throughout design process, the appropriate process flow sheet, material and energy
balances, process sizing on the main equipment, and economic analysis will be developed.

Besides, the flow sheeting process will be utilized to determine the equipment used and
evaluate the use of raw materials, chemicals, and energy required for activated carbon
production from corncob waste biomass. To analyze this process, the flow-sheeting will
be divided into three main stages: preparing the raw materials, carbonization, and
formulating the activated carbon.[6]

In this investigation material balance and energy balance will be calculated on major and
minor unit operations in order to know amount of material required for the study and energy
required to process the operations. The material and energy balance is going be calculated
on heat exchanger, fluid bed reactor, pyrolyzer, jaw crusher and other minor unit processes.
Process sizing on the main equipment

For the pumping equipment, the pump head, H, across the pump from the suction, s, to the
discharge, d, is calculated from the following equation.

ᵆ d2
+ (ᵆᵅ) +
ᵰᵅᵅ ) (

ᵆ ᵆ2
2ᵅ ( ) ᵰᵅᵅ
+ ᵆᵆ +

Where V is the average velocity of the fluid, z is the elevation, P is the pressure, ρ is the
fluid’s density and g is gravity.
Seider gives the following relation between flow rate and belt width for belt conveyor and
also between screw diameter and flow rate for screw conveyor.

Used to store carbon that comes from cyclone and bio-oil byproduct.

The total surface area of each heat exchanger is estimated from the following equation:
ᵄ = ᵄᵃᵃ ∆ ᵄᵅᵄ
Where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, F is the correction factor, and ΔTlm is the
log mean temperature difference. The log mean temperature is equal to:
∆ ᵄ2 −∆ ᵄ1
∆ ᵄᵅᵅ =
( )
∆ ᵄ2
∆ ᵄ1
Heat exchanger selection
Type: Shell and tube (shell and tube heat exchanger have high efficiency of heat transfer)
Material of construction: Carbon steel shell and stainless steel (low grade) tubes. The
shell is difficult to clean and replace so it should be constructed from materials of high
corrosive resistance and strong. On the other hand tubes are easy to clean and substitute.

Materials of construction: carbon steel, since high amount of ashes are produced
inside the pyrolyzer the pyrolyzer must be constructed from materials of high

The volume of the reactor is found using the following equation:

Wᵆ = ρcAchs (1-∈s) = ρcAch (1-∈ )
Ws = weight of settled char, Ac is cross-sectional area of the bed, hs is height of the settled
bed, h is height of the bed at any time, cs is porosity of settled bed, c is porosity of expanded
bed, and ρc is density of carbon char. In order to find cs, the following equation is used:

ϵᵆ = 1 − ( )
Where r is radius of particles
Materials of construction: (Stainless steel is preferred): unwanted tarry materials may
flow into the FBR with char. These materials may corrode the reactor. So, we must use
non corrosion resistance materials.

The power of the compressor required for specific application is based on the flow rate of
the air (O2).
Material of construction: stainless Steel; Type centrifugal (most commonly used type




H 2O

Figure 1process flow sheet of activated carbon production

3.2.2. Characterization of Corncob activated carbon

Proximate analysis
The proximate analysis will include characterizing parameters such as: ash content,
moisture content, fixed carbon and volatile matter.
Moisture Content
Moisture content is tell us how much the raw material is have moisture into it. This
parameter is going to be calculated as the following equation.
Crucible was weighed empty (B)
Crucible was weighed with 2g of the corn cob samples (C)
Crucible with corn cob was put in the oven at ℃ for 1 hrs.
The sample was left to cool to room temperature in a desiccator.
The sample was weighed with the crucible (D) and the moisture content was determined in
weight % according to Equation.

%ᵄᵃ = ᵃ − ᵃ × 100% 1
Where: MC = moisture content
Ash Content
Crucible was weighed empty (B).
Crucible was weighed with 2g of the corn cobs samples (C).
Crucible with corn cobs was put in the muffle furnace at ℃ for 3 hrs.
The sample was left to cool to room temperature in a desiccator.
The sample was weighed with the crucible (D) and the ash content is determined in %
according to Equation:
ᵃᵆℎ ᵅᵅᵅᵆᵅᵅᵆ (ᵃᵅ) = * 100% 2
Volatile content
Crucible was weighed empty (B).
Crucible was weighed with 2g of the corn cobs sample (C).
2g of the sample was heated to about ℃ for 7 minutes in the muffle furnace.
The sample was left to cool to room temperature in a desiccator.
The sample was weighed with the crucible (D) and the volatile matter content (VM) was
determined in % according to equation 2 and 3 where E is weight loss in % and is moisture
content in % as defined in Equation
ᵄᵅᵅᵄᵆᵅᵅᵅ ᵅᵄᵆᵆᵅᵅ = * 100% 3
Fixed Carbon
The fixed carbon content was determined using the formula:
Fc (%) =100-Ac-Mc 4
VM = volatile matter
AC = ash content
MC = moisture content

3.2.2. Ultimate analysis

The ultimate analysis of corncob waste biomass for the production of activated carbon
involves determining the elemental composition of the material, including hydrogen,

carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements. This analysis is crucial for understanding
the chemical makeup of the biomass and its potential for activated carbon production.
Hydrogen content is important for assessing the energy content and reactivity of the
biomass, while carbon content is a key indicator of the material's suitability for
carbonization. Oxygen and nitrogen contents provide insight into the presence of functional
groups and impurities that may affect the quality of the activated carbon. Additionally, the
presence of other elements such as sulfur and ash content can impact the activation process
and the final properties of the activated carbon. Therefore, a comprehensive ultimate
analysis is essential for evaluating the potential of corncob waste biomass as a feedstock
for activated carbon production.[11]

3.2.3. Chemical Composition (Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin)

The chemical composition of corncob waste biomass consists of cellulose, hemicellulose,

and lignin, which are the main components of plant cell walls. Cellulose is a linear polymer
of glucose units and is the most abundant polysaccharide in corncob biomass, providing
structural strength and rigidity to the plant material. Hemicellulose, on the other hand, is a
branched polymer of various sugar units and acts as a cementing material between cellulose
fibers, contributing to the overall strength and flexibility of the biomass. Lignin, a complex
phenolic polymer, provides rigidity and resistance to microbial degradation. The relative
proportions of these components vary depending on the plant species and the stage of
growth. Understanding the chemical composition of corncob waste biomass is crucial for
the production of activated carbon, as it influences the yield, porosity, and surface
chemistry of the resulting activated carbon. Cellulose and hemicellulose are desirable
precursors for activated carbon due to their high carbon content and potential for
developing porous structures, while lignin can contribute to the formation of aromatic
carbon structures during the carbonization process. Therefore, a thorough understanding
of the chemical composition of corncob waste biomass is essential for optimizing the
production of high-quality activated carbon.[12]

3.3. Experimental procedures

In our research we used chemical technique to produce activated carbon. We use following
procedure to increase our production. Our procedures are below these. We will be use the
following procedures in our experiment.
Corncob collection
Corncob is selected adsorbent for the preparation of activated carbon. Corn cobs will be
collected from local community house. They were then washed in distilled water to avoid
having any ions from regular water contributing to variations in results and well-scrubbed
using a sponge and distilled water, subsequently dried in the oven at 105°C for 24 h to
remove the moisture content.
Before performing the experiment, we will be collect the raw corncob waste biomass, and
we will be bought the necessary chemicals.
The corncob waste biomass will be crush into small pieces of about 2mm diameter to give
large surface area for dehydration. Then they will be sieved to get rid of dust particles and
other impurities.
Sieving is used to control the particle size distribution of the activated carbon. This is
important for ensuring uniformity in the final product and for meeting specific size
requirements for different allows for the removal of any oversized or
undesirable particles that may have formed during the activation process. This helps to
ensure that the final activated carbon product meets quality standards.
Chemical Impregnation
Deals with preparing a chemical activating agent phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
Mix the waste biomass with the activating agent in a specific ratio in a container.
Ensure thorough impregnation of the activating agent into the biomass by stirring or mixing
the mixture.
The crushed corncob waste biomass will be then placed in an oven maintained at 105oC
and will be soaked for 24 hours in order to remove the moisture. The dried corncob waste
biomass will be placed in airtight plastic pails to prevent re-absorption of moisture from

the atmospheric air. Spreading the impregnated biomass evenly on trays or in a drying
Dry the impregnated biomass at a controlled temperature to remove moisture until it
reaches a constant weight
The crucible will charged with just sufficient corncob, and the lid tightly fitted to ensure
an airtight environment. Then the crucible will placed in the furnace carefully and the
furnace closed. The furnace will be switched on and heated to a temperature of 700oC,
then held constant for 2 hours to allow pyrolysis to take place. This will also be repeated
for a time of 45 and 60 minutes. The same procedure will also be repeated at temperatures
of 520 and 560oC. As is the case in dehydration, the charcoal obtained from pyrolysis will
be kept in airtight bags and weighed. Transfer the dried impregnated biomass to a
carbonization reactor or furnace.
After the pyrolysis process, the activated carbon is typically at a very high temperature due
to the exothermic nature of the activation reaction. Cooling is essential to bring the
temperature of the activated carbon down to a safe level for handling and further
Cooling helps to prevent unintended reactions or changes in the properties of the activated
carbon due to exposure to high temperatures. Rapid cooling can help "freeze" the structure
of the activated carbon, preserving its characteristics.
The activation unit will then be filled with the pyrolysis-derived charcoal, and the furnace
will be heated to 750 degrees Celsius. The temperature will be maintained as steam from
the pressure cooker passes through it for thirty minutes. The aforementioned will be carried
out twice more for two additional activation times of sixty and seventy-five minutes at
750oC for all of the pyrolysis samples. For activation temperatures of 850 and 950oC, the
entire process will be carried out again. Samples will have been obtained at the conclusion
of activation. The samples will have labels indicating the technique that was performed on
them, along with labels for different parameters that will make it easier to do the subsequent

tests. The activation process creates pores and increases the surface area of the carbon,
enhancing its adsorption properties.[13]
The different operating parameters and preparation variables for the activated carbon will
 Dehydrating temperature and time of 105oC for 24 hours.
 Pyrolysis temperature of 460, 520 and 580oC with soaking period of 30, 45 and 60
minutes each.
 Activation at temperatures of 750, 850 & 950oC for 45, 60 and 75 minutes each.

Washing and Drying

Wash the activated carbon with Distilled Water to remove any residual activating agent
and impurities.
Dry the washed activated carbon at a moderate temperature to remove excess moisture.

Washing Crushing Sieving

Carbonizat Impregnati
Cooling Drying
ion on

Washing Activated
with Drying carbon Packaging
distilled product

Figure 2 Production process of activated carbon from corncob waste biomass

3.4. Analysis Methods

In the proximate analysis, the moisture content, ash content, fixed carbon, and volatile
matter will be determined.
Analysis method will be continue to be the most often used technique for characterizing a
material in connection with its utilization. Moisture (water content present in the
sample),Volatile matter (gases and vapors driven off from the sample during the heating
process) Fixed carbon (nonvolatile fraction of sample) and Ash content (inorganic residue
remaining after combustion).To determine Volatile Matter Content the sample will be
heated at 925 °C ± 25°C in a closed crucible for 7 minutes 30 seconds. This heating will
be conducted in a muffle furnace. The weight of the sample before heating and after heating
will be used to determine the amount of volatile matter present in the sample. A larger
weight loss of the substance will imply a greater volatile matter content. Then to determine
the ash content, the sample will be heated at 725 °C ± 25°C in an open crucible for 1 hour
30 minutes in a furnace. The weight of the sample before heating and after heating will be
used to determine the amount of ash content present in the sample. In this test, the amount
of residual substance will be equal to the ash present in the sample. And also for
determining the moisture content sample will be measured and taken in a petri dish and
then spread nicely on the dish. It will then be heated at 115 ℃ for 12 hours. The petri-dish
will be left open during the heating process. After heating, the petri-dish will be removed,
cooled in a desiccator, and then weighed. The difference between the initial and final mass
of the carbon will represent the water content in the sample. The fixed carbon content will
be determined by subtracting the sum of percentage compositions of moisture content,
volatile matter content, and ash content from 100. The value obtained will be the amount
of fixed carbon present in the sample, expressed in percentage.
3.5 Expected outcomes
We expect this inquiry to yield important new discoveries and outcomes. New methods
and techniques for producing improved activated carbon from biomass derived from
corncob waste are anticipated. To assure reliable and great performance from the activated
carbon, this can require optimizing the carbonization and activation operations.
Additionally, it is expected that the study would lead to the implementation of sustainable
and environmentally friendly production processes, which will reduce waste and emissions

while maximizing resource usage. The study is expected to contribute to the development
of cost-effective techniques for harvesting, preparing, and utilizing biomass from corncob
waste, thereby improving the production plant's liquidity. [13]Furthermore, it is probable
that the research will lead to the creation of production facilities that are accredited and
comply with regulations, guaranteeing that the activated carbon satisfies industry standards
and specifications. Overall, it is projected that the results of this research will further the
development of biomass-based activated carbon production plants based on corncob waste
that are efficient, sustainable, and financially feasible. This will further the development of
renewable and environmentally friendly carbon sequestration technologies.

3.6. Challenges/limitations of the work

Achieving consistent quality and performance of the activated carbon can be challenging
due to the variety in the composition and characteristics of the biomass waste from
corncobs. A few examples of the variables that may affect this variability are the corncobs'
moisture content, origin, and presence of contaminants. Furthermore, precise control over
the carbonization and activation conditions is necessary for the conversion of corncob
waste biomass into activated carbon. This can be a technically difficult process that may
call for specific tools and knowledge. In addition, meticulous management of the industrial
process's environmental effects, such as emissions and waste disposal, is necessary to
guarantee sustainability. The cost and availability of corncob waste biomass, in addition to
competition from other sources of activated carbon, may also have an impact on the
manufacturing plant's economic viability. Ultimately, the design process is further
complicated and may be limited by the need to guarantee that the manufacturing plant
conforms to legal requirements and certifications for the manufacture of activated carbon.
For a corncob waste biomass-based activated carbon manufacturing facility to be designed
and operated successfully, it will be imperative to address these obstacles and constraints.

3.7 Work plan

Table 1. Work plan for different activities

S/ Activities January February March April May

Finalizing the proposal
and getting approval
Equipment design and

Raw material collection

and preparation
Corncob waste biomass

corncob preparation
and Conducting
experiment for the
extraction of activated
Activated carbon
Data/result analysis and
Writing the final BSc
Final BSc thesis
submission and defense

3.8 Budget Breakdown

Table 2 Budget breakdown

1 Chemicals Purchase
Raw materials Unit Quantit Unit cost Total cost
y (ETB) (ETB)
1.1 Corn cob Kg 100 10 1000
1.2 Distilled water L 5 30 150
1.3 Phosphoric acid L 1 750 750
1.4 Hydrochloric acid L 1 600 600
1.5 Iodine L 1 1950 1950
Subtotal 3910
2 Other costs
2.1 Stationary materials 1500
2.2 Lab equipment (blender) 2000
2.3 Transportation cost 1000
2.4 Printing and binding cost 3000
2.5 Other incident cost 2000
Subtotal 9500
Grand total 13410


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