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Place, &
Christina Higgins

Space is a Triad of physical,

social, and imagined spaces
(Lefebrve 1974)


Space is a Triad of physical,

social, and imagined spaces
(Lefebrve 1974)
Is Physical Space Objective?
Space is a Triad of physical,
social, and imagined spaces
(Lefebrve 1974)
Is Physical Space Objective?
pedestrians create a city as they
walk through it (Walking the City
by De Certeau’s)
Space is a Triad of physical, social, and imagined
spaces (Lefebrve 1974)
Is Physical Space Objective?
pedestrians create a city as they walk through it
(Walking the City by De Certeau’s)
Place is the order (of whatever kind) in accord with
which elements are distributed in relationships of
Phases of Variationist sociolinguistics

First Wave Second Wave Third Wave

Regional dialectology

consider space in relation to language it considers social and geographic spaces as outcomes of human
activity and language practices

influence of space and place on language variation

Factors that have
caused change
Social network theory is introduced as part of the second wave. Researchers, like Milroy, applied this theory to
understand variations in vernacular phonological variables.
- The theory involves assigning a network strength score to speakers based on their social ties in various contexts.
Those with stronger ties tended to maintain vernacular variants, while those with weaker ties exhibited more variation
and adopted innovations from other social networks.

There is an emphasis on the impact of mobility, including urbanization, migration, and commuting, on linguistic
changes. Researchers, like Britain and Fox, argue that understanding language changes requires examining individuals'
daily experiences in different spaces and interactions with others.

The reading provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of sociolinguistic frameworks, showcasing shifts in
focus from explaining language variation based on geographic locations to considering language as a tool for
constructing identities in social spaces.
The Debate...

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