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Hello there, I bet most of us keep off trouble due to some punishments like solitary confinement

and detention but hold on, mischief makers, some punishments make you alter, boy. The

punishment that makes solitary confinement or lethal injection would look like a trip to

Disneyland. This punishment will not make you question why someone committed such a crime,

but who came up with such a spine-chilling punishment? From the macabre dungeons of

medieval Europe to the peculiar practices of the modern-day world, the tales we're about to

unravel will make you question everything you thought you knew about punishment.

It's funny that one would think the crime rate was quite low; I mean, if one obeyed the laws, then

evidently, you would automatically avoid such punishments. However, that was not the case; just

as the punishments were dreadful, so were the rules maniacal. Imagine being prosecuted for your

religious beliefs in the story of an English woman, Anne Askew, who denied the orthodox

catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and priestly mediation. In the face of interrogation after

her arrest, she was illegally tortured on a rack—a ladder-like frame with rollers designed to

inflict unimaginable pain on the victim. Poor Anne's limbs were tied on a ratchet pulley system,

and the tightening of the ropes increased the strain of the limbs until her tendons snapped.

Despite this, she refused to implicate her others and beliefs. She was later carried on a chair to a

stake, where she was burned alive, feet up while tired on a pole.

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