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Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 1

Table of Contents
1. Context and issues surrounding industrial control system cybersecurity .............9
1.1. Industrial Control Systems - Myth and Reality ............................................9
1.1.1. The reality of information management systems and industrial control
systems 9
1.1.2. Some myths about industrial control systems ....................................10
1.2. Issues surrounding ICS cybersecurity ........................................................12
1.2.1. General information about attacks .....................................................12
1.2.2. Human negligence .............................................................................13
1.2.3. Vulnerabilities of Industrial Control Systems ....................................13
1.2.4. Potential impacts on ICSs ..................................................................14
2. Deployment Method of cybersecurity ................................................................16
2.1. Reminder of cybersecurity role ..................................................................16
2.2. Key Principles of cybersecurity ..................................................................17
2.2.1. Awareness-raising among personnel ..................................................17
2.2.2. Assets management and risk analysis ................................................17
2.2.3. Prevention: the concept of Defence-In-Depth ...................................18
2.2.4. Monitoring and detection of incidents ...............................................19
2.2.5. Incident handling, alert chain.............................................................19
2.2.6. Monitoring of threats and vulnerabilities ...........................................20
2.2.7. Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plans (DRP/BCP) 20
2.3. A system-wide, structured approach ...........................................................21
2.3.1. Willingness at every level ..................................................................21
2.3.2. Taking account of cybersecurity in projects ......................................21
2.3.3. Taking account of cybersecurity in FMECA / HAZOP .....................23
2.3.4. Taking account of cybersecurity in maintenance ...............................24
2.3.5. Taking account of cybersecurity in procurement ...............................25
Appendix A: Frequently encountered vulnerabilities ...................................................27

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 3

Appendix B: Good practices ........................................................................................29
Appendix C: Abbreviations and Acronyms ..................................................................37
Appendix D: Bibliographical References ....................................................................39

4 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

Although until recently IT security was a scientific field limited to a handful of experts, in
recent years it has become the object of increasing public awareness. The French White Paper
on Defence and National Security determined in 2008 that cybersecurity was a major priority
for the next fifteen years, and already highlighted the vital need to protect critically important

Since the White Paper, there has indeed been an increase in awareness, although this has arisen
out of necessity, in response to attacks and incidents experienced by the most developed
countries. Network unavailability on a massive scale, attacks on government information
systems, espionage targeting strategic companies, destabilization operations and failures of all
types have unfortunately been in the news in the last three years.

Industrial Control Systems (ICSs), even when not connected to the Internet, are exposed to such
threats. The Stuxnet worm, which appeared in 2010, provides tangible proof that our worse fears
regarding attacks on sensitive plants may become a reality. In 2009 an ingenious and unwitting
adolescent was able, via the Internet, to derail a tram in Poland, demonstrating the vulnerability
of its signalling system. Other cases include pipeline break and water pollution. Unfortunately,
examples abound.

Cybersecurity concerns are therefore just as relevant to ICSs as they are to other information
systems, and probably even more so.

The issue is: just like society as a whole, industries have in many cases adopted digital
technologies on an ad hoc basis and without any prior strategy, and a variety of different
systems are interconnected, with the main concerns being productivity, efficiency and safety –
but rarely security.

Industries possess one advantage in terms of the security of their information systems: they have
a robust culture of dependability for their plants, and in most cases they possess in-house
cybersecurity competences for their office systems. These two cultures must now come together
and efforts must be combined in order to protect ICSs appropriately.

It is up to the General Management to take decisions in this regard, to formally appoint an

cybersecurity coordinator to strengthen the security of ICSs and provide them with the
necessary material, financial, organisational and human resources.

The guide on the cybersecurity of ICSs published by the French Network and Information
Security Agency, ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information), has been
created to support companies in this endeavour. This is the first publicly available version of the
guide. It is designed to evolve as standard practice changes, and in response to your

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 5

contributions and feedback.

In addition, it is a practical case study designed to illustrate scenarios posing a risk to companies
and to show how these are to be dealt with.

Finally, this guide is not solely intended for ICSs; its content also applies to the following non-
exhaustive list of systems: data centres, smartgrids, building management systems (BMS),
centralized technical management systems (CTM), and many embedded systems.

6 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems


The purpose of the guide is to assess the cybersecurity of industrial control systems. Although
specific to each facility, ICSs are in most cases made up of the following components:
 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC);
 Distributed Control Systems (DCS);
 Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS);
 Sensors and actuators (intelligent or non-intelligent);
 Fieldbus;
 Supervisory control software: SCADA;
 Manufacturing execution system (MES);
 Engineering and maintenance software;
 Embedded systems.

ICSs currently make abundant use of information technologies, but they were not designed to
deal with threats that the latter present. There are now numerous examples of published ICS
vulnerabilities (for example, concerning Modbus and OPC protocols).

This is why they need to be included in general discussion on the security of company
information systems1.
The purpose of this guide is not to set out an exhaustive list of recommendations or to set out all
of the components of an ICS. Rather it proposes a strategy for awareness-raising and
implementation of good practices to support companies in the implementation of security.

There are no ideal or "one-size-fits-all" solutions. Appendix B sets out potential good practices.
Each system has its own unique characteristics and risks that need to be analysed in order to
implement suitable solutions whilst limiting the impacts on the core activity of the company.

Securing a system entails costs that are often difficult to calculate. So are the resulting gains.
Nevertheless, this securing process will protect company investments and production. This is
why it is important to define the right objectives and adapt these to requirements. Paradoxically,
"over-security" can result in effects contrary to those sought and undermine industrial

A company information system includes all of a company's information systems, i.e. management information systems
(information systems for departments and office applications, human resource management, customer relations and
integrated management) and industrial control systems.

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 7


The abbreviations and acronyms used in the document are set out in Appendix C.

8 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems


1.1. Industrial Control Systems - Myth and Reality

1.1.1. The reality of information management systems and industrial

control systems

Despite their increasing use of standardised "classic" or "conventional" information

technologies (IT), industrial control systems (ICSs) have specific characteristics unique to the
contexts within which they are used. They are distinguished from information management
systems by the fact that they run physical plants (production units and chains, water and energy
distribution networks, road and rail infrastructures, etc.); some of these also carry out protective
functions for assets and individuals or for the environment.

"Management" Information Industrial control Systems


Control command of plants (physical,

Purpose of Systems data processing concrete), process regulation, data
acquisition and processing

business constraints and "real-time"

Functional business constraints and
constraints, dependability constraints, 24/7
constraints confidentiality constraints

automation engineers, electrical and

Culture of users computer engineers instrumentation technicians, process
engineering specialists

production workshops: dust, temperature,

Physical climate-controlled server vibration,
environment room, office or home electromagnetism, proximity of hazardous
materials, external environment, etc.

for the most part in closed in warehouses, factories, on public

premises (office or home in highways, in the countryside (pumping
the case of teleworking) stations, electricity sub-stations, etc.),

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 9

"Management" Information Industrial control Systems

isolated locations, at sea, in the air and in


more than 10 years (sometimes 30 or 40

Lifespan approximately 5 years

the large number of parameters and the

Incident post-incident analysis
complexity of the environment limits the
management (forensic)
reproducibility of the incident

standard systems; systems real-time, robust systems for the difficult

Components "hardened" against cyber conditions of industrial environments;
attacks E²PROM systems, with no hard-disk

the long lifespan of plants results in an

component compatibility is a
"overlaying" of successive waves of
Diverse nature of technical requirement
technology at the same site, resulting in the
components (homogeneity and
phenomenon of equipment and software

1.1.2. Some myths about industrial control systems

There are number of myths about industrial control systems. The most commonly held are
examined here.

Myth Reality

Industrial control systems are often connected to

management networks and sometimes directly to the
"My industrial networks are isolated, USB sticks and maintenance laptops are also major
so I'm protected". vectors for malware propagation, even in isolated
The growing need to exchange data with the
management information system ultimately makes

10 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

Myth Reality

industrial network isolation impossible.

Even proprietary solutions contain standard

components in the interests of interoperability (with
"I use proprietary protocols and the operating system for example) and lower cost.
databases, so I'm protected." Proprietary solutions are liable to be vulnerable since
they may not have undergone any security analysis

"Including security mechanisms

Components performance does no longer slow down
(encryption, filtering, authentication)
security functions deployment.
is incompatible with the constraints of
However, difficulties do exist for "real-time" systems.
the required response times."

"cybersecurity is not compatible with On the contrary, cybersecurity and dependability are
dependability." consistent in a number of ways, see §2.3.3.

This principle is less and less used because of

expensive solutions. Also, the products of different
"Dependability measures such as
manufacturers sometimes use the same technologies
heterogeneous redundancy protect
and sometimes incorporate the same hardware and
against attacks on availability."
software components. In this case their vulnerabilities
would be identical.

Cybersecurity must be proportionate to the risks faced.

It will be much less expensive if it is taken into
account intelligently in the upstream phases of
"Cybersecurity is expensive". projects. Its cost should in theory always be less than
the maximum impact of an attack, but it is true that
there is no way of calculating return on investment

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 11

Myth Reality

An attack can create a global dysfunction in plants that

is more difficult to identify and more pernicious
"An attack on the Industrial control (industrial sabotage, slow-down in production) than a
System will always have less impact physical attack and may involve a very long recovery
than a physical incident (theft of time.
cables, fire, etc.) or a terrorist attack The dysfunction caused may become an aggravating
(explosion of a petroleum tank in a factor and bring about an industrial, human or
refinery for example). ecological disaster (for example overriding of
dangerous chemicals monitoring alarm at a SEVESO

Cybersecurity must focus on critical issues.

Its objective is not to block useful behaviours, but
rather to prevent dangerous behaviours (which means
"Cybersecurity will stop me from
these must be identified in advance). Cybersecurity
working the way I want to".
sometimes requires the formal establishment of work-
around measures for ordinary modes of operation
(degraded modes of operation).

1.2. Issues surrounding ICS cybersecurity

1.2.1. General information about attacks

A number of different types of attacks exist:

 targeted attacks: for example in furtherance of an ideology or for
commercial/financial gain, undertaken by an individual or group of individuals
against an organisation with a view to causing harm, by disrupting processes, or even
by causing material damage. Attackers are organised individuals who possess the
resources to achieve their objectives. Underground entities offer cyber-attack services
via the Internet, or publish turn-key tools to carry out attacks ("exploit kits"2);

Some "exploit kits" are officially sold as cybersecurity tools with the aim of detecting vulnerabilities during audits, for
example. These "kits" can of course also be used by attackers.

12 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

 "challenge" attacks: the objective of which is to demonstrate the technical ability to
hack into reputedly secure systems, but the effects of which, in terms of the security
of assets and persons or brand image, are very real for the victims;
 certain non-targeted attacks: seeking to affect as many people as possible, can create
significant damage within companies (for example, malwares and spam campaigns).

1.2.2. Human negligence

Negligence is not the result of any wilful or malicious action, but its effect can be similar to that
of an attack. It can create vulnerabilities that are difficult to detect, which can be exploited by
attackers or which can simply impair system availability.

For example, the involuntary modification of setting of the setpoint for regulation or
modification of an alarm may have disastrous consequences for the quality of products, services
provided, the environment or the health and safety of individuals.

The use of a USB stick – whether personal or not – to transfer data between isolated ICSs can
cause system unavailability if the stick is infected with a malwares.

In these two very concrete cases drawn from real-life experience, the individuals involved had
not intended to cause any harm. However, the impact on the ICSs was very real.

Such negligence may arise due to a lack of personnel training and information on the issues.

1.2.3. Vulnerabilities of Industrial Control Systems

Vulnerabilities may have multiple origins and it is not the purpose of this guide to enumerate
them. Some examples of vulnerabilities frequently encountered in industrial systems are listed
in Appendix A.

The increasing need for consolidation of company data and access to it in real time from any
point on the planet, and the cutting of development and possession costs and planning
constraints have precipitated the convergence of the industrial and management IT fields.

Ethernet networks are now employed in ICSs and even as fieldbuses. They offer functionalities
such as a shared network infrastructure and the possibility of using IP layers (for example, for
remote maintenance).

Development, maintenance and remote maintenance are currently entirely developed on generic
platforms created from management IT (.Net or Java platforms, for example).

Systems standardisation and new functionalities have pushed vulnerabilities from the realm of
management IT to ICSs. The systems, referred to as proprietary, often lacking in security

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 13

mechanisms, are not immune to vulnerabilities that could be exploited by motivated and
organised attackers.

Whereas the field of management information systems is regularly able to correct

vulnerabilities, particularly through the application of fixes published by software designers and
editors, in the industrial field, due to availability and safety constraints, it is not possible to
adopt the same protective measures. This difference in responsiveness when faced with public
vulnerabilities is one of the main risks of industrial control systems.

Lack of training of users, cultural differences or lack of awareness of the risks associated with
cybersecurity may constitute a further significant vulnerability.

1.2.4. Potential impacts on ICSs

Numerous incidents on ICSs occur each year, but few receive media attention, such as the
incident with the nuclear power station in the United Kingdom linked to Conficker, the incident
associated with the Slammer worm in the USA, or, in 2010, the generalised propagation of the
Stuxnet3 worm. Their impacts may be analysed along a number of different lines, which are set
out below:

Material damage/bodily Modifications made to the ordinary configurations of industrial

harm systems can result in physical degradation which often has material
– and also human - consequences.

Loss of turnover Production down-time causes significant revenue loss.

Changes made to manufacturing parameters lead to non-compliant
products that generate major costs.

Impact on the A system failure after the malicious gaining of control can result in
environment system dysfunction (e.g. opening of pollutant containers) and
cause the site and its environment to become polluted. Such an
incident occurred in Australia in recent years.

Stuxnet is malware that targets ICSs. It exploits multiple vulnerabilities that exist in the Microsoft Windows operating
system and the SCADA WinCC software created by Siemens. The malware modifies the programme executed by certain
industrial PLCs from the Simatic S7 range manufactured by Siemens. The modifications made can lead to a slowdown in
production but also to the physical destruction of the plants run by the PLC.

14 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

Data theft Loss of trade secrets, counterfeiting, competitor advantage.

Civil / criminal Service unavailability such as disruption to water or electricity

liability - supplies and the supply of defective products that endanger the
Image and renown consumer can result in legal action for damages or simply harm the
image of the company (customer satisfaction and trust).

These various impacts generate financial losses associated with the loss of activity or the
payment of compensation to potential victims (customers, individuals, local governments,
associations, States and even the European Union) and impair the image of the company.

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 15


2.1. Reminder of cybersecurity role

The objective of cybersecurity is to analyse system vulnerabilities (hardware, software,

procedures, human factors) in order to implement measures to limit them and be in a position to
safeguard the continuity of core business functions to an acceptable extent.
Although often seen as a constraint, well thought-out cybersecurity can, on the contrary,
improve the robustness of systems and the productivity of companies.
As the General Security Guidelines (French acronym "RGS") 4 indicates, it is built upon four
pillars that are essential for the good functioning of ICSs:
 availability: within a context of high productivity, any degradation in availability
results directly in financial losses and dissatisfied customers (delivery delays, increased
production costs, production down-time, etc.);
 integrity: compliance in this regard certifies that the products and services provided
meet customer or regulatory requirements. For Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) that
protect assets and individuals (for example, safety shutdown systems), this is imperative.
Integrity concerns all ICS components, for example PLC programmes, data exchange and
SCADA software databases;
 confidentiality: this is sometimes minimised, but the divulging of a company's
information assets can have a very tangible impact on its profits and its future (loss of
customers). ICSs contain sensitive parameters and data such a manufacturing formulae,
quantities of substances used, system plans, maintenance plans, PLC programs and devices
address lists. These can be exploited by competitors or malicious groups to direct targeted
attacks or simply to collect data enabling company know-how to be copied;
 traceability: this is a regulatory requirement in many activity sectors (e.g. food,
transport and nuclear industries). Not being able to provide proof of the traceability of
operations carried out, materials used and origin of materials, and non-compliance with
regulatory requirements may result in legal action being taken against a company.

See the ANSSI website:

16 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

2.2. Key Principles of cybersecurity

The deployment and management of cybersecurity should be organised in such a way as to

safeguard systems from the consequences of security incidents. Activities may be organised
according to the phases set out above. It is an ongoing process that requires continuous efforts.

2.2.1. Awareness-raising among personnel

A large proportion of incidents are linked to lack of user awareness of the risks associated with a
system. Ensuring that they are aware of the rules governing "Healthy networks" will help reduce
vulnerabilities and opportunities for attack5. Awareness-raising must be consistent since the
risks are constantly evolving.

2.2.2. Assets management and risk analysis

There is no point in trying to bolt a cybersecurity strategy onto an industrial system without any
prior understanding of the requirements of the core business that it serves. It is therefore
important to determine:
 the business objectives (production, distribution, protection of assets and persons etc.)
and the services provided;
 impacts in the event of service interruption;
 functions vital to reach objectives, and specifically:
 their degree of involvement and criticality in service provision,
 the systems used to provide these functions,
 whether these systems are centralised, distributed, remotely accessible, etc.;
An inventory of physical plants, systems and critical applications is a vital prerequisite for the
implementation of cybersecurity in industrial systems. This inventory is the first stage in risk
analysis, and makes it possible to determine the various different levels of criticality, safety,
availability and integrity that are required for the mapped items.

Any project must include a risk analysis in order to identify the sensitive elements within the
system, and their requirements and security objectives when faced with the threats identified.

These objectives are then broken down into security requirements, which pertain to the system
itself (intrinsic robustness), and its design, construction and operating environment. These

See the ANSSI website:

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 17

requirements are then converted into technical, physical and organisational measures.

They are clearly formalised in a security target, and constitute a benchmark for system security.

The risk analysis principles for cybersecurity are not different from those for dependability,
though if the terminology used may not be identical.

A number of risk analysis methods exist. ANSSI suggests the EBIOS 6 method.

The conclusions of the risk analysis lead to the definition of adequate security measures, for
which the effort is commensurate with the challenges and adapted to the real needs. These may
be technical but also organisational.

2.2.3. Prevention: the concept of Defence-In-Depth

Defence in depth consists of protecting systems by encircling them with a number of

autonomous and successive barriers. These may be technological, or linked to organisational or
human procedures.

Software and embedded hardware intrinsically contain bugs and vulnerabilities. Some are
known and others are discovered over time. Attack surface must be reduced.

Adopting a defence in depth strategy provides protection against threats that are not yet known,
to reduce the perimeter on which a threat may directed, or to mitigate its impact.

Networks segregation with firewalls is not sufficient. Other mechanisms must be used alongside
this at different levels (e.g. physical access control, configuration hardening, antivirus

On legacy systems, automatic updates may be incompatible with the availability constraints and
antivirus software may disrupt the operation of business applications that are not designed for it.

Other mechanisms may be established such as operating system hardening and intrusion
detection. Multiple solutions exist. It is good practice to use barriers that are suited to the
system, and that do not negatively impact upon business objectives, and then to assess the
residual impacts.

It may also be useful to consult white papers and manufacturer's recommendations as well as
consulting the ANSSI7 website with regard to this area.

See the ANSSI website:

See the ANSSI website:

18 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

The defence in depth strategy must include not only a preventive protection strategy but also
surveillance, detection and response measures.

2.2.4. Monitoring and detection of incidents

Detecting an incident is a major action, the importance of which is often underestimated.

Within an industrial environment, it can be complicated and even impossible to set in place
certain protective barriers without negatively affecting business functions. Countermeasures
must include detection and system surveillance mechanisms. Their operation must be
transparent so as not to disrupt any business functions.

Such measures will not prevent an incident but will enable its detection and limit its effects
as far as possible.
The earlier an incident is detected, the greater the possibility of implementing measures to
reduce and confine its effects, for example by:
 physically isolating systems in the case of a virus attack so as to limit propagation
 stopping a systems before it is degraded if the integrity of configuration data has been
compromised as a result of errors or intentional changes (this will, for example,
prevent systems destruction that could be caused by propagation of a worm such as
Finally, the collection of information from alarm and event logs is vital for subsequent analysis.
In some cases these logs may provide useful information and proof within the context of a legal

2.2.5. Incident handling, alert chain

A detection mechanism will be pointless unless accompanied by the establishment of

mechanisms and procedures for incident response. It is good practice to establish:
 what to do when an incident is detected ?
 who to alert?
 which initial measures to apply ?
An escalation process must be defined in order to manage incidents at the right seniority level,
and consequently to decide:
 whether an Contingency Plan (CP) should be instigated;
 whether legal action is necessary.

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 19

An ANSSI8 note sets out best practices in the event of intrusion into an information system.

Incident management must also include a post incident (forensic) analysis phase to improve the
effectiveness of the cybersecurity measures initially implemented.

2.2.6. Monitoring of threats and vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity is an ongoing action that requires continuous efforts.

Keeping up to date on threat developments and vulnerabilities by identifying the incidents they
give rise to and their potential effects is a fundamental defence measure.

Websites such as that of the ANSSI9 operations centre or manufactures' website are important
sources of information on identified vulnerabilities, and on any existing corrective measures or
countermeasures that can be implemented.

Firmware updates for PLC and other devices, and fixes for operating systems and applications
are signalled by means of alerts and notices. RSS and Atom feeds often make information
rapidly available.

It may be worthwhile contacting manufactures to find out the best way of keeping up to date.
Also consider asking suppliers, contractually, to keep themselves up to date regarding
vulnerabilities. The more exhaustive mapping is, the more effective monitoring will be.

2.2.7. Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plans (DRP/BCP)

There is no such thing as total security and zero risk.

Preparing to deal with exceptional events against which all previous measures have failed will
minimise impacts and allow activity to be restarted as swiftly as possible.

Company Business Continuity Plans (BCP) must therefore include industrial control systems.
These include the definition of Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), identifying the means and
procedures needed to return to a normal situation as quickly as possible, in the event of loss or
exceptional events. These should set out how to reconstruct the system following a virus attack,
fire, flood or loss of data.

This can be consulted on the CERT-FR website:

See the CERT-FR website:

20 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

The DRP must be regularly updated to take into account:
 infrastructure-specific changes (maintenance, integration of new components that may
introduce new vulnerabilities);
 the evolution of threats.

2.3. A system-wide, structured approach

Cybersecurity is not something to be done in an emergency, or on a one-off or ad-hoc basis. It is

a process that requires planning and the involvement of multiple resources and competences as
well as strong commitment of the top management.

2.3.1. Willingness at every level

Setting objectives that are appropriate for the priorities involved, formulating a strategy, raising
personnel awareness and providing training are all tasks that are incumbent upon the
management. The process can be progressive, carried out in a number of phases over time and
dealing with aspects ranging from the simplest to the most complex and from the most to the
least obvious, but it must be implemented system-wide. It may draw upon existing
cybersecurity standards taking into account the constraints specific to ICSs.

Industrial control systems must be included within a company information systems security
policy, as it is the case with any other information system, from the outset of the project.
Security issues are not specific to this field, but the implementation of solutions requires that
these be tailored to suit the industrial context.

Frequently, organisations do not promote increased proximity between conventional IT and ICS
environments. This is why a security implementation project for industrial control systems
cannot succeed without the involvement of the top management of the company.

2.3.2. Taking account of cybersecurity in projects

System cybersecurity must be considered from the outset of the project by the end user who
must express their requirements.

During the specification phase:

 define the means for conducting preventive and curative maintenance operations to
enable the cybersecurity level to be maintained over time: backup modes, for
example, in order to carry out updates (for example fixing PLC outputs during
firmware updates);

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 21

 specify the location of devices to ensure their physical security;
 provide for the possibility of changing default configurations such as passwords from
the HMI;
 require that software provided be not exclusively compatible with a specific version
of another software platform (operating system, database management system, etc.);
failing this, insist that the supplier ensure ascending compatibility with new versions
of these exclusively compatible platforms;
 integrate mechanisms to facilitate re-evaluation of a system following modifications
(e.g. process simulation, value forcing, etc.);
 require that software that is not essential to the running of system be installed on other
machines (office work stations to read PDF files or fill out spreadsheets, for example).
During the design phase:
 reduce system interfaces and complexity to limit the introduction of vulnerabilities
during implementation;
 select components offering the best characteristics to meet security requirements
(authentication mechanisms, access right segregation, etc.);
 apply the "need to know" or "least privilege" principle to access right segregation, and
uphold the principle of "access only granted if specifically authorised" for system
 clearly distinguish user profiles from administrator profiles;
 make provision for the management of exceptions (e.g. exceeding of value thresholds,
internal component errors);
 make provision for mechanisms for standardising changes on a group of machines
(for example, password changes).
During the integration phase:
 change default configurations (for example, passwords);
 delete or deactivate functions that are not used but activated by default;
 consider deleting debugging functions such as tracking used to analyse ICS behaviour.
During the test phase:
 conduct functional security tests;
 carry out limit tests and error tests for business functions and check exceptions;
 test threat scenarios (penetration tests and attempts to gain control);
 test means for carrying out of maintenance operations at cybersecurity level (e.g.
deployment of fixes, analysis of event logs);
 check system performance.

22 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

These tests are carried out individually during Factory Acceptance Testing: (FAT) and then
collectively during Site Acceptance Testing: (SAT).

It may be important to require that a cybersecurity audit be conducted, by an independent team,

in order to check the suitability of a system for the security targets required.

Testing should conclude with an approval phase so as to:

 accept the residual risks to the plant on a fully informed basis (principle of system
approval), formalised by signature of an acceptance certificate ;
 effect transfer of ownership and liability for the system.
The points listed above are far from exhaustive and will be dependent upon which solutions are
envisaged for each plant. Some are built using "components off-the-shelf (COTS)", whilst
others are tailored solutions that use specifically developed software, or even turnkey solutions.

Transfer of an operational system:

The company tasked with operation may not be the system owner and therefore may not have
been involved in the creation of the system. This may be the case for outsourced public service
contracts, operating concessions or operating contracts with an obligation of result, for example.

In such cases, the company with responsibility for the future operating contract must carry out
an exhaustive inventory in terms of system security and of the means available to maintain it at
an acceptable level. This inventory must be accepted or be negotiated with the company
awarding the operating contract such that all parties are in agreement as to the cybersecurity
level for the "as built" plant, and the current means that it includes to maintain an acceptable
level of security. The outsourcing guide10 published by ANSSI may provide solutions to this

Finally, it should be remembered that changing passwords is vital upon operational transfer.

2.3.3. Taking account of cybersecurity in FMECA / HAZOP

Incidents of cybersecurity origin may result in production down-time or industrial disasters as

demonstrated in the examples in section 2.2.

The integrity of a PLC safety program, for example, is now a priority in both the cybersecurity
and the safety fields. An attacker or a malware modifying a security program concerns both
fields. Stuxnet has shown that this type of scenario is entirely plausible.
The absence of cybersecurity or insufficient cybersecurity can therefore be the potential cause
of a failure mode in industrial system. Failure mode analysis is dealt with using dependability

See the ANSSI website:

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 23

methods such as FME(C)A11 or HAZOP12.

To cover all risks, cybersecurity and dependability must be dealt with together, using a joint

For example, the potential causes of a temperature increase at a plant above its nominal
threshold may be:
 a reading issue linked to the failure of a sensor:
 physical failure of a sensor,
 incorrect calibration of the sensor,
 an intentional change made to the parameters of a sensor by an unauthorised
person (gaining of control by a hacker, or a virus) or as a result of negligence;
 a problem associated with a cooling circuit valve:
 mechanical failure,
 servo-motor failure,
 intentional forcing of the command valve value by an unauthorised person
(gaining of control by a hacker, a virus) or as a result of negligence,
 a problem with the setting of the setpoint for regulating the cooling system,
 an input error made by an operator,
 a change made to the setpoint by an unauthorised person.
FMECA and HAZOP type analyses are often complicated to carry out and time-consuming.
Including management information system and cybersecurity competence in teams conducting
these tasks will be much more effective than a stand-alone, piecemeal approach in which each
individual understands their own field, but is unable to see the big picture.

2.3.4. Taking account of cybersecurity in maintenance

The cybersecurity of industrial system must be taken into account at the time the maintenance
plans are designed. These plans must include the operations that are necessary in order to
maintain the level of systems security in the long-term:
 defining cybersecurity-specific maintenance operations that are necessary for
maintenance of operational conditions (MOC) and maintenance of secure conditions
(MSC): specifically, provision must be made for integration of fixes provided by the

FMECA: Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis. Dependability and quality management risk analysis tools.
HAZOP : HAZard and OPerability study. Risk analysis method used in the field of dependability and safety.

24 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

 including preventive business maintenance operations (for example, electrical and
mechanical maintenance) in cybersecurity operations that it is not possible to carry out
whilst the plant is operating.
When a production line is stopped, for example for mechanical maintenance or regulatory
inspections, it may be a good time to apply fixes to PLCs running the production line in the
event that vulnerabilities have been identified.

Industrial control systems maintenance cannot be separated from the maintenance plans for the
plants that they command. Cybersecurity operations should be monitored in the plant
maintenance management tool (CMMS13).

2.3.5. Taking account of cybersecurity in procurement

The security requirements of the procured system must be studied and be clearly formalised (in
a security target or in the STC14) and included in calls for tenders as is the case for functional,
performance, quality, environmental, and safety requirements and also regulatory compliance

These pertain to the system that is the object of the consultation and to management of the
project itself (training and accreditation of installers), including operating and maintenance
phases. It is therefore prudent to:
 check in tender responses that the security requirements set out in the consultation are
 draft clauses for device maintenance:
 request the maintenance plans needed in order to maintain the plant in an
operational and a secure condition,
 define procedures for incident handling and provision of security fixes: who takes
the initiative, who implements, by which deadline, who carries out functional testing
and how, etc.;
 specify clauses governing the terms of external service provision by subcontractors:
 specify the terms of onsite support and intervention: is remote maintenance
accepted (if so, under which conditions)? can the service provider leave the site with
faulty devices and their configurations? can external providers use their own tools?
 are external providers required to have specific qualifications?
 determine the legal clauses to be included in contracts;

CMMS: Computerized Maintenance Management System
STC: Specific Technical Clauses

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 25

 define the conditions of ownership for source codes and parameters:
 who owns the various source codes?
 are subcontractors allowed to hold source codes offsite?
 define the status of plant-specific settings; who will maintain these? who will
perform back-up for these? who will be authorised to modify these?
For further information on our recommendations on subcontracting, consult the outsourcing
guide published by ANSSI15.

See the ANSSI website:

26 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems


For IT architecture and mapping:

 no inventory of Industrial Control System assets, no inventory of hardware, no notion
of technological "generations" coexisting and of their intrinsic vulnerabilities;
 no Business Continuity Plan or Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), no risk analysis for the
For preventive technical measures:
 default passwords for service accounts, databases, applications, access in console
mode (PLC, gateways, network devices), use of SNMP communities;
 passwords in plaintext in source codes, operating procedures and saved data;
 inadequate management of user access: accounts remain active when users leave the
site, existence of generic accounts;
 use of accounts with "administrator" profiles for applications, when "user" profiles
would suffice;
 file sharing across the network in full-access mode when read-only access would
 read (or write) access to configuration files via FTP or TFTP;
 unsecured remote administration software (VNC, Dameware etc.):
 services activated with no functional use,
 use of unsecured services / protocols: TFTP, HTTP, Telnet, SNMP v1 or v2,
 online modification of PLC programmes authorised without monitoring;
 reloading of configuration when restarting via USB stick or MMC16.
For long-term security maintenance:
 no back-up of data, source codes, or device configuration;
 no management policy for portable media (e.g. USB port blockage) when
uncontrolled USB sticks are authorised;
 lack of supervision, lack of incident detection;
 no updating (fixes) of operating systems, applications, firmware (for PLCs, intelligent
sensors/actuators, etc.);
 no mechanism for signature of firmware (possible for an attacker to distribute

MMC: Multi Media Card.

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 27

corrupted update containing malware).

28 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems


In many cases, good practices are similar to those that apply to management information
systems, although their implementation must be tailored to industrial sector constraints. They
are not ranked in order of priority and their ease of deployment will depend on the plant

GP01: Control physical access to devices and to the fieldbus

Reason Controls physical access points that could allow entry into the system.

Method Identify who needs access to devices, why and how frequently.
Install servers in controlled access premises (where possible within IT rooms).
Place work station central units, industrial network devices and PLCs in
locked cabinets.
Protect access to the network cable and sockets.

Scope Work stations, servers, network devices and machines, PLCs,

sensors/actuators, touch screens.

Constraints Size of system - general site protection

Maintain access authorisation in case of emergency.

Ways of Install a door “dry contact” to generate an alarm on the SCADA system upon
managing opening.
constraints "Break glass" type procedure

GP02: Network segregation

Reason Limits propagation of attacks and confines vulnerabilities.

Method Establish a flow map.

Separate networks using dedicated devices or VLANs.
Filter flows by means of a firewall.
Trace and analyse rejected traffic.

Scope SCADA network, PLC network, development network, etc.

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 29

Constraints Real-time constraints on process networks.

Ways of Filtering is applied upstream of these networks. Physical access to the process
managing network is limited and controlled.

GP03: Management of portable devices and media

Reason Reduces the risk of malware attack carried on portable media (USB keys,
DVDs, etc.) which are major propagation vectors.

Method Define a policy for the use of this type of media.

Activate software restriction policies.
Deactivate use of these media and use clean machines (see below) for data
exchange between networks if needed.
Deactivate USB ports on systems, restrict functionalities (see Industrial
Control Systems Cybersecurity – A Case Study, Appendix C).

Scope Work stations, servers, programming and maintenance console, touch screens.

Constraints It may be necessary to exchange data between networks that are not

Ways of The installation of clean machines - dedicated data transfer machines - may be
managing a way of meeting user requirements. These machines must be reinforced,
constraints regularly updated, have antivirus software installed and be under high

GP04: Account management (logical access)

Reason Protects against illicit access.

Method Define a management policy for user accounts and application accounts.
Do not leave default accounts on devices, machines and applications
Favour strong passwords (see, ->
calculate the "strength" of a password and the CERT-FR information note on

30 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

Remember to change passwords regularly.

Scope Operating systems, databases, SCADA applications, PLC programmes,

network devices and machines, sensors and actuators

Constraints "Generic" accounts, often historical;

"Emergency" access.

Ways of Trace actions performed with these logins to detect any diversions or
managing abnormal behaviour. Use strict organisational procedures (logbooks) in order
constraints to determine the identity of individuals using generic accounts on a moment-
by-moment basis.

GP05: Configuration hardening

Reason Limits the area exposed to attacks.

Method Only install necessary software. No development tools on production servers

or operator work stations.
Only install or activate necessary protocols and services. Who has never said
"If in doubt, I tick all installation options"?
Avoid default options.
Systematically deactivate vulnerable and unsecured protocols and
functionalities (e.g. Web server, NetBios, FTP). In particular, deactivate
automatic device or topology discovery protocols (LLDP) after having
verified that these are not used by applications.
Deactivate remote configuration and programming modes on critical assets.
On PLCs, this mode is sometimes configured by means of a physical switch
on the CPU.

Scope Operating systems, SCADA applications, PLCs, network devices, intelligent

sensors/actuators, touch screens

Constraints Impact of modifications on the functioning of applications

Ways of If, ultimately, certain unsecured functionalities are needed, then an in-depth,
managing documented analysis (for example, exception handling) must provide

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 31

constraints justification and countermeasures must be implemented.

GP06: Management of event logs and alarms

Reason Systems monitoring / Detection of intrusions / Tracing of actions and
maintenance (or remote maintenance) interventions

Method Activate traceability functions where devices and software permit this (syslog,
SNMP V3, "Windows Event", text file, etc.)
Select relevant events and organise event storage (volume, storage time).
Centralise logs and generate alerts for certain events or event outcomes.

Scope Operating systems databases, SCADA applications, network devices, PLCs


Constraints Issue of volume of logs generated. There is a significant amount of

information to be managed.

Ways of Tools exist to help manage events and sort these according to predefined
managing criteria.

GP07: Configuration management

Reason Ensure that active versions on devices (version N) have not been maliciously
Ensure that differences between versions N and N-1 only relate to legitimate

Method Compare active programmes and configurations on devices (version N

executed) with a back-up version identified as a reference (version N backed-
Identify and analyse variations between versions N and N-1 prior to the entry
into service of new versions.

Scope SCADA applications, PLC programmes, network device configuration files,

32 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

sensors and actuators.

Constraints Complexity and heterogeneity of ICSs.

Ways of Sometimes configuration management tools exist that enable variations

managing between two versions to be rapidly identified.

GP08: Back-up and restore

Reason Be in possession of the data needed for a full restart of a site following an
attack or disaster (this includes systems data).

Method Define a back-up policy. Which data needs to be backed up in order to meet
the needs of users, reconstruct a plant following an incident or meet
regulatory requirements?

Scope Application source codes, configuration databases (users, alarm thresholds,

etc.), SCADA histories, programmes, firmware and data (variables, words,
etc.) of PLCs, configuration file firmware network devices (switches, VPN,
routers, firewalls, etc.), settings parameters and firmware of intelligent sensors
and actuators for example.

Constraints It is not always possible to automatically back up data, particularly for sensors
and actuators and for PLCs.

Ways of Trace modifications to the settings of sensors/actuators, control, adjustment

managing (PID setpoint) or configuration of alarms, etc.

GP09: Documentation
Reason Control documentation in order to have an exact representation of the ICS and
avoid operating errors.
Control dissemination so that only those persons requiring information
receive it.

Method Define a documentation management policy (update process, retention period,

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 33

distribution list, storage, etc.). Documentation pertaining to an information
system must not be kept on the system itself.

Scope Technical documentation regarding plant, architectural diagrams,

geographical location, addressing plan, administrator manual, maintenance
manual, functional analysis, system analysis, etc.

Constraints It can be useful to have hard copies of operating documents containing

passwords (for on-call staff for example). Control of these documents may
become complicated and prohibiting hard copies is not necessarily feasible.

Ways of Make users aware of the risks associated with documentation. Leaving
managing documents in view on a desk or in a car boot (next to the duty computer for
constraints example) is not good practice.

GP10: Malicious code detection

Reason To provide advance protection against virus attacks.

Method Define an malicious code protection policy. Give priority to protecting

hardware and applications in direct contact with the outside world and users.

Scope SCADA applications, engineering stations, programming and maintenance


Constraints Incompatible with certain older generation SCADA applications for example,
no antivirus updating mechanism (stand-alone machines for example).
Contractual issues such as loss of manufacturer's guarantee.

Ways of Deploy the antivirus software at least on portable machines, remote

managing maintenance machines and engineering stations.
constraints For new plant, antivirus compatibility must be a STC requirement.
Reinforce machine configurations.

GP11: Upgrade and Patch management (planning)

Reason Preventive protection against attacks exploiting vulnerabilities published by

34 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems

Preventive protection against failures associated with bugs fixed by means of

Method Define a management policy for patches (systematic, periodic or ad hoc) that
is suited to the functional constraints and risks identified. For example, define
priorities for deployment of patches, verify ascending compatibility, and
Systematically apply patches to engineering stations and portable machines.
Periodically apply patches to operator stations.
Apply patches during maintenance on sensitive plant.

Scope Patches for operating systems, applications, firmware depending on which

vulnerabilities are fixed.
Engineering station, operator machines, servers, PLC, telecoms devices, touch
screens, etc.

Constraints Patches must be assessed prior to deployment.

Some devices are not easy to stop.

Ways of Identify the vulnerabilities addressed by the patches.

managing Plan updates for maintenance down-time, for example
Monitor traffic and event logs.
Harden configurations.
Isolate devices.

GP12: Protection of Controllers (PLC)

Reason Protection of PLC programmes.

Method Password protect access to PLCs. Hardware allows read-only access to be

configured for first level maintenance interventions.
Protect access to source code and embedded code in CPUs.
Deactivate remote configuration and/or programming modes when this
functionality exists.
Lock PLC cabinets. For critical ICS fit dry contact alarm to detect cabinet

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 35


Scope Production PLCs, PLC programmes that are backed up or under development

GP13: Engineering and development stations

Reason These machines are points of vulnerability and are major vectors for
contamination and gaining control.
They are connected to the industrial network and contain device
configuration, PLC programming and SCADA software, and sometimes
source code versions. Some machines are portable and can be connected to
other networks such as office networks.

Method All of the foregoing recommendations.

Systematically apply patches.
Systematically activate antivirus software.
Do not connect maintenance consoles to any networks other than SCADA
Consoles must have named users or usage must be traceable.
Shut down desktop machines when not in use and/or disconnect them from
the production network.

Scope SCADA development stations, PLC programming console, portable devices

(e.g. PDA, Pocket PC) to configure intelligent sensors and actuators.

36 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems


ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

CPU Central Processing Unit

DoS Denial of Service

DRP Disaster Recovery Plan

EIA Electrical Industry Association

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

RAMS Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

FAT Factory Acceptance Test

GSM Global System for Mobile

BMS Building Management System

CTM Centralised Technical Management

HAZOP HAZard & OPerability method

ICS Industrial Control System

HMI Human-Machine Interface

MES Manufacturing Execution System

OLE Object Linked & Embedded

OPC OLE for Process Control

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 37

P&ID Process & Instrumentation Diagram

PID Proportional Integral Derivative

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

BCP Business Continuity Plan

BRP Business Resumption Plan

ISSP Information Systems Security Policy

STN Switched Telephone Network

SAT Site Acceptance test

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SIS Safety Instrumented System

SIL Safety Integrity Level

DCS Distributed Control System

SOAP Service Object Access Protocol

SPC Statistical Process Control

VFD Variable Frequency Drive

MOC Maintening in Operational Conditions

MSC Maintening in Security Conditions

38 Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems


Good practice guides and recommendations published by ANSSI

“Référentiel Géneral de Sécurité”,

RGS v1.0:

Methodological tools proposed by ANSSI
see in particular the EBIOS method:

Publications by ANSSI's computer emergency response team (CERT-FR)

 Acquisition of fixes CERTA-2001-INF-004
 Recommended responses in the event of information system intrusion CERTA-2002-
 Wireless (Wi-Fi) network security CERTA-2002-REC-002
 Web applications security and "data injection" type vulnerabilities CERTA-2004-INF-
 Passwords CERTA-2005-INF-001
 Filtering and firewalls CERTA-2006-INF-001
 Event log management CERTA-2008-INF-005

Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems 39

This guide was produced by Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information

with the help of ministries

and companies
This document is a courtesy translation of the guide Cybersécurité des systèmes industriels:
Maitriser la SSI pour les systèmes industriels. In case of divergence, the French version pre-

ANSSI publications are available on its website:

Comments on this guide may be sent to


The French Network and Security Agency (ANSSI / Agence nationale de la

sécurité des systèmes d’information) was created 7 July 2009 as an agency
with national jurisdiction ("service à compétence nationale").
By Decree No. 2009-834 of 7 July 2009 as amended by Decree No. 2011-
170 of 11 February 2011, the agency has responsibility at national level
concerning the defence and security of information systems. It is attached
to the Secretariat-General for National Defence and Security (Secrétaire
général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale) under the authority of the
Prime Minister. To learn more about ANSSI and its activities, please visit

Version 1.0 – January 2014

Freely reusable public information licence (LIP V1 2010.04.02, Licence in-


n publique librement réutilisable)

Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information

ANSSI - 51 boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg - 75700 PARIS 07 SP FRANCE
Websites: and
E-mail: communication [at]

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