Plasma As Fluid and Waves in Plasma Notes

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Mopvre - 2 PiawiA As A Ftv & WAVES is} PLASMA - Usually Plasma ie explained aging 2 farctametals D kine theory 2) Fluid theove + &) Porhele prctuse theory - ~ By Maxwell's eqn Ve € = B t 2 3 -uple now ave have Learnt plasma as tingle peat moken- buf plasma is a elenser roectivann| pathete with olensity 10 ion-@ [ro > No - go}. ef plasma behautoun 75 sinnlas fo Fluid - And hence plasma can Ceacont using farts fords fret method was ¢auce merle! - SCRUPE MopeL “Sts tHe medol cohich es not prow ed Je saw model | —tuteal In fluid mechanirs - _ 7H doesn't give pow hicle ident by [ov inthis medlef postele a ae is neq lectecl and only pashiele mekton 1 consickescol . Ero eh fontinuity a emeclel Plasma. tot om he the plasma ctensiky Cnovef ples ma poaticle pea cot Volume) tr be the average volodty 2 “poahitle Pawent in unit volume. Shen wo-o} aah ult hhh sadly Tolal no “ dv a Se fe = eqn. 0} conWoully ester’ be- soneerghe 4 ae ‘ ~torsevahien ¢, oma fles soqui rc a ‘opoatiete Note he volume V can change only (fF athens tea net fluc of pasties taossing fhe Surface, cohith bounded the volume ¥ 20 ees meas L nduds find ds. te wf diay Ja fe ~ fe - fovude [usns gurat 5 " that fheae is 4 nef cot cvard eve niga Weeder i thong oe uel jhene is a clecwate 0 w ah + Javoudy =o Te nelw [ona o olt at >o OL Hun ils Convective clearivalive dT _ 3T : Fe ared vt oh any physical ankly ja jae bs Mig of archon of pute Plasma /‘fluid eqre| Floaroa / Momsnkun eqn Plas. we have lnent= fore Feana smelt = ¢e +qtvxe) Thes ts used for Single ponhele but plasma ts haan rang paatde tonsider these & only ome hype change paatele whed Ne clechen These & no collision blw partele: thers change ip prestuse woside the parhele et ane Hen nq «ne =4/l4 Reb wey ME = 019 chen net forte) Fret = Fen + © pressure cluft &@ Mpa = Fret = Fem t F pesto nif —3O then Fem= 4 (2+ax8) ——-@ sor F pase claibt = Presse ~ Ef “dre aP ade ~ aadgde “ane =O)

x B24 ae ao then above eqn Mow aan: becomes. Gel = nq (eru se)-vP ort a oa 4 penjae Mer a - ng (e 4d x8) -eP.| Ahis 1s ealleel + luicl eqn of plains | mromaturr dy thee te 9 thermal smelt on - romiy + wat eng (€+% x9) Fa of sce SPREE DAP SB saz ot Pace woke D> prcasune t t Cede = enn —> no of, pankichefs te &%, ; SE _ 4 i fo VE | Nidt+nete. Pemo Aakrog 7 on bolt side hove § = - 22 seperti wR =O ern cy Peuee Poe, vx @-btT / vp ecw £” oP tC: leg j pohere Bis displacemeny of elechit curaent dansiby - ae : = pas ores ertay Bremen se ts fe ae aie oY. Be pot ribe field sheng vP eq Yee & Z Ms mess f = magrsht but pe nket fa 0 fuiadentitf if the & H -HeB ; a ; "yt = Your. Gon x Vokr myn [omzerd] ctlen ven = 7 CHe'B) = He yxa= td T we mo se = ae et |vP = rekgt vo] - => this © ayn of stale gx He VEB= fo E+ NF Livi +Peteve -@ Complete set of flict eqns angel Bei ei iy tied CE Fuit®) “PE “~® for simplitily » we constelar here is only 5G ou. » we neglect the Joka neatal perncte - choage density = O14, +e te cansuntdersily, T= Ojai vi +PeteVe ero vis flict velo 4, pasos, as plasma capa, mmementun what j ane fos ges j—-@ eqnot conkibuiky i ani 4 y- (nj Geo cw) ie , Oe, weonsideed as fluid & Hener single particle motions” Bich hath an (2) = gen hou N oa eh ta > dlagase. ef Proedor Si eatl - 3: VS2_ 6 rd ey ve Pas = sigan aa 3 if ee me -vP wwn ipa substitute ogo nO > aene) DME 1 (Ve Ove) = ee E apply Unecti taHton Sane Coeint) [ pe — BkpgT Bre au Nee PetOr ve Vor, Ege Yet) >, (Crow wierd] = He Creamy cod 21) —Bkegt Dn ax De 20) —+@ me % Mw = mene E173 eT 20 ax DBE i (ere-wt vyewye ¥ ee (tee te @ Eyck p- mgr a Ree & BD e-iw B-te ox 3e ~iwmenov, = —encE: -3keLFkm Inte OoV, — EME; + BkpTei KH, ——>@® Siroilaaly eqn of, coptiouily . 208 + VL Meve? =0 by Lrwarlisation Omi + MeV, —o ———>*C™) ot eiscon'+ ean <,.VE = -ei-ned jw, + OoikYy) #0 0, = noikvi = nokuy we --e-(o—) —— 19) eqn ® > By Naeaunsscion a ane eiCee-wO’ py an (revi 1 Om) a Stace Slee ard order by Loews icatie oe = I 1 Deeb en Caenose la; a tunerally fv» ) fa + MOV, 20. —® aw) at tesaidey potston's eqn Oo cath « eCnin MWe) at “4 Ne = OF VE --en) ————*Ce) ositlaliog 2. by las ut whe pi Monta * my oF e io _iten OE 6. Zeiten wnt diflewnkate ay QD arr fo tims don ~6e"* ed ies) dnp Saree ap tb As we sn, ite ay - aie \ = iw om +o Coerite nov + 9yve4 OME) = -? quack fies aac assured te be slousedlaly, differsohiat Cf) wea. tox dabstitate lese valuss i copys CD O4@ Me m(iwmy - -0¢&s o- Tammy ~ 26,7) @®e -lwot Ne (ikKV) =O HH) Ooi Or (ie = -en sik (CSVEN) = -0my > tik Er 8%) sca) wre eho for ay je|— This te calledl plamaclraquary Catunt - sad/see } At tw ap reek - - ” ee 1 fre} E = 26, tos (kx-wt) fos Cakn —20t) Compare thes eqn avith — erdtinany soawe equahion mormenhunes sn af debe. ars Boog BT Herc we ge drat an evha dorm ls (Atx- dwt). ane ave tie °v.) satel as Ses Bien AWE we kee now const cher be equation of conHnurly e@hene d Cave-swt) =0 at 202 + v4peve} -6 ——+© Akale -A4W=5 a poissortege * ae = oe = %5/ ‘GWE -eCni-ne) —»>@® at ae ' By using thre equations we clerive plarmafreauey abi te selouly and we apply Gineariscdion 4 “ie Oscillation: ; aes Plasma Oseillabon: 4) the clechens 19 Plame ose Po ne-density ah parbele [00% al equilibmiun = ‘ bg ob pf a <_S ® olisplacd-hem a uniform back felt > change in no: densily of parhes a> & Frvund a Ions, electra Relos foil simotlonly we can Wal so be buildup fo suth a directions Ve = vot) a= @ G5 40 Tahoe the neubality of @ EC -Eot+e) dhe plasma by. pulluog the electrons ee ae tt equilibniam , 0= OT and We -0 trey crigioal krone Because a, thety inerbe, aod ainu theas ts ne oscillation, Voeo &Eo-° elechons “will ‘overshest & oscillat ‘avourcl they i ’ equilibaiures porttions ae a ehavadenistic farquam substitute these condtihens in ego @ : clasrea -Freaueenuy, "this ovullalion so fast thal He mo Glen) vet) 9) orf & He (tet Er) ie vorw) +7) Worws massive. ions AM net thave Hm to aupood fe the arelcrcbey exillaking field and amoy be tonsidered as fived- By Lineaastition, thera only exislt first ovds 7 Assaraphow for ny Hesnoreenrg Hence sue get ahove eqn as ne © i) no thermal motions (creo) on ‘BY = -ee,;-———> &) Bions nedixed 19 spate ina uniform dishibubion sei weet aubelihate The above conditrens tn W) plea is iofroite to exknt ii oad, ae eV) dledkron stolons occu wily in # diverge chon - e>@> g cnerni) + V+ (oP) Wot 0) =e “at * 3 we Aad Eleuie faa a pate ST haage density ret we becante plasma, is a nj ee and witb doe gave veto: this ts Known as plasma mp approximation is used 4 fied proxi makin - ~ This plasma explain wave Heong 1 —tthes cath be tel th fay h facqren 2 wave, because ely gre species 1B in meten, other doesn't move + theo we can't God E by aqnef moten, we have fe fidel zthys by max wells eqn : AP me Plasma ; veomaly umur tan be apnooni! as . Wee Or ee : ao SKE: el tts awty) F eherhric. feel ts aepousenie’, a8 Cor wove) E = Ey ef EX -WED, Be Be cos Ck -wt) +1 539 Cx ~ we) Sina the wave 36 phi stealty’ xisb we only consider neal & abo phase faster (ex -wk) 15 conshant volLat ACem ae pe t a etree ode. > (Me 2 whou Vp is phae velocity 5 consider 2 eaves sf One they ane suporponeel Rawiog eledwie Field E,- Ce Met sex —Curtau) &) ard es op el (Uk 2K) x - Cur -aupie) aliffessnce in pacpagation wevechoy = = bak -—K4+de = 24K Affersce in frequencis = 2409 lok @a= kx-wt and b= ak-4we Sy Ey caeleth? Ege tS al Ca-b) Sie wore pRysweally exile hence we consider only ths seal posts E, =f, wosCath) ©, = C, wsca-b) Total elethie field, E = Bit Ear €oftcxtntotesta] & osc 4 Coed = 20S (CED) tos ( 22’) basing ARS wwe ged ' es aE Cos(a) tes(b)] eS &mn We | qn 62-28 — © Oe oe From tots ago 4 vP = %KT VO when Y= 2D sb 22 = We 20 oz BE subside thes in G) a m9 Se = qn Fz - FepT 29 pu e--vh dun £2 = -2¢ oz 4.02 = 19 Bue T=-e Cfor elechors) . ns aq E27 ek ie teeny GV nn WV2 - ne Bh — Weel 0 we 32 OD ave = 2 ob -1KT9 f wes 2p - Tale Yn the absence of doult 5 a¥2 <0 theo ¢ 2b = ket an 34 a a ae eab = teat oz ” . e pk - Mer(1 22) 20 an ed = Nutr ly ) 4e for fall tonned plasma, Ta! tuo eb kr hainyte —>@ consider Inequilioaiune ati nene & bao @c = -KT in (no) substbute thes tn eqn (D ede kT en Un) — kT hn (ne) eps er ta (22) oe es no sie D t oe oe” ne cedler) Ne Wwe ahis ts the bollzmann aclaten for = echich atesunibes the no-densiy of isothermal ehaaged paakdle flail: When paewuar aackent force & Elechoetate forte, aching on ths {i have aquil’h sium stab. "Plasma Appacxiroakin we have poissen's ayn & eh density we Can ea elechic field in nomad But In Plaine (ruieanon! oF FLUID EAN, Diawoag nate on douft ta by Lonsidey emomenlaun eq? v1 fe ¥B — 9PxBY. 4 “ we) } in; Saui+(yy Avy h « agp Cet vi eS -viy mig fae ayt M4 i 3 m2 torniden a tylindaical yale of plaime in a obinedy 4 "™ oe and premuse is emer ak the tnhe and AX ae ee Ue dowsases as it moves away gt . &@ Vs Veav F b 1 From teahe and Magnetic fret c = Bi in aaure’ des = Diarmeaqnitic daift can anise clus to 2a fete Velecify is Va cand if 18 ver a ~ ) x Ah wellag fone + oa d Bo | =Diamagaetic doit hue eZ iy) &@ Meo & (Uw) ro BS —Dlamagnche aif} dus to lens athe above eqn, becom - won o> gyete— Fluid olaigt let to & on aqgmrles vuxe)-vP Consider momenhurs 247 Aaking tron pad voit 8 minj Sowrrky yy = MAS CE type e)—why’ Here we consicler Hen ts al deveck a a _ : . ome ong 2 dvechon > 4 Cena +@rxs) x8) VPXB=0 | Weave aVe ‘j > MCExet (va. 8)8- (8 vi) — vPrB=0 shen 20 mn {ee + (ve-V)ve} = 77 (Et Ue*b) ) =e > In (Ex89= BY, )-vPxB=0 ian: avoyngtivongh out by to CEG, Fe + WeWve¥G 4 (Ez) —22 ——> O ~ a2 Ex¥G -BVi — VPKB co “a. ld us amume thal, His slow enough to igaee (2-7)Ve Bur fast enough not tg nene ove oe Dace Mae 2 ®> Sik Eye -enokvs Subsitiake thee valua. io 4B. le WNev, = @ho lehov! 4 B¥gTaik Me kr wee a2 wt = tend + 13 telak*nevi Twenovito “tmenoV) wre eno + Skelek® meko we tpt 2-2 vate wor. apr + S.2 keke KF a ae Vip) thearnal velocity ap a ines | called “The, Gain is 24 }23 on= axquiste Wave we consider the motion of ions: +etaat poet et ae the 4ve fons aapel each other, and they noake a cempnosion, avasfration jen aaoushc wow rele-fer eleckens ore alispors ae rs Mo(W+ (dew)vr) sent -wF et aleeme fell 4 ve gradient oe pélenhal : E--9h : vrs Hey To ey po pal thee 0 eqn@ > Mo [x ora] 2 Henvh —ThkeTi nee) y By Bolfzman aele = ad) s pedy 1, = no thy =» 63) kple applying finsaslisatior De iwMne' Gy neaaisations — juon, + MiKVA =O fo no kVir aS east we ‘ ke Nene, Vevots exbo te) 2 ~ iw ik Vie enol k - A ket Gen — 4) e4o cookinkg Oy a equakeg (9) C5 this ts fhe diispeuion ath for ions need = nokVil ele ow: _ gourd Waves Dh - Vil k Fete _‘f ts Similan to ion atouthe eoawe a = Navier-Stokes £ aig Vn ——®© by Novier “Stokes Sap a oe S [ae Ow ov] arr age wh oxi Sabsihute (5) ae an “> —iwM neVit = -2No Ik (rere rerevin) = gl? coz) ay eqn cookin ally at +0 (Fw) =o, @G) | 22 _| belle 4 Wy ee eqn) & aqr ts) ton be. pupa [7] [ Fw “kere eae 0 f ik So -w . * v3, $0 Gores) - (KE CHMP) =? wy? — kAfl -° et 2 = wah PL wot = Who ee > iw _ [xr i \: [eee | Be “hainvelodhy of toured io! palusal gar. uM Compaaisen of ion & elechon wave ental as mahix Sy, au foa Pos. ‘ly ef Plaroa Approximation: Plasmon apprximalion gives the idea tat Minne and force there predic an clechre fretd Suppose Ni and me axe differant woe have peissets eqn (Penercstahion Zo VE = E, vob!) = eok*d, =e (15, -Ne,) ; ve. 94, Loo woe have 92, = O44 no Kate fo Kh, = 2 (1 - gare) tok, = Eni) Seth et shen Foie? + Fee) en =e crnaliplying bef aide by 20 04, (k2nom ] 2 e0%Ap? ——> we Krowthal M1 = novi eqn moten ¢ Ceneaaised ) Mine (2) = noe'e -¥P iu Mno Vir = noe Crd) - CHP Hju9 Moo, =Deetk dy — MP ju Mn, = —Moeik Pi BP ephik Taam ot) y= 20 Ap* % [eA +] Subbituke Pi, Lp Cy in above 97° : 2. ‘ cciuoMnoMhy = —npeik Ain AD® —ykgTik Devil fof x'ay?+i] ee wMvi, = 22 KoiAp gre a tt eT KE Vi Siam) we erkoytet 9 4 giketk 4 (eng) MViy? Mus 2 ud= a8 Ape of —— eel Tk? Mugen) ee Sabslllere valu for Ap & Oy = Krovi wre ef Xfetots ‘otoTs) 6. nev oktee(s vin) Wi ker THR? aaa z41) tie 2 2 whe Bee oh netie?® Meer p% +1) ™ ree keTe + kat! (leap +) ™ w? ete + % ] w? 2 f keTe wert Ke [tke “ ‘ Me wee [ en + tet ¥ ma Cutage a when Pifne, an evha der (ea aged) anise! , dhe experiments he Walus 4 Ao & But most of Ne enor 10 appacxieralin very Seva, heon. these t# rei ony Osten aaks \ } Tn case af elerbron-uawe, dork Bees Phat i we got we = wp? 9g VP : echostalte cxiilakon Now in this case , we eonsicer Bis pee and we dood tersider thermal motten. & lens ane tons samponnr i Miz eo - Aaknaay ( Aesump Hor) and Magnehe field ts z20: -— 9@D 3 aleng x alisedter ard wave prpagachs along , | From eqn C2 x dlrection B | Wyn be bee «cock eqn of. rnotion 4 ‘ fost ! tNa ts = Vee Re inp (due +e CH-V Dv. (2-4ve — “ ten oe 6 (Se ) ze eB), Oo Subshitule 9 ©) Buy Reneantstibion , ; . Me (ve. -lwMV_ = -e be +[evebo . as wm Mjove = -e [e, + Ve, x Be j - mfove: Be] e[e je Bo} — 65 iw MV = ee, 4 im (ets es ew ihe = Oe sue conk bully, ee 2 By eID. end Vee ’ 9 ¢éso j 9m. + nov Ge, =O ws) beck 4 we | porsconls 247 om twee SgV Ee er ———> (4%) ° 21 yet Sine wave prepagete Is along oc —diveLhion qowVe ee can Kye kam Ey £26 a Ve = 2 © _—— y hex ey (me . e-ed “oe now ent?) => gn — ier + notkVe, #0 “is M (ese) = —e (ly (very ave)* 89) iu 4 nile e ian enpores 0 SN = 2 £4 €Vy bot aH Vy Bet ~ Vk! 1, =, Ogi Ve ats cq) $09 \ hen @ temporet tale b> —>@ eg en iKey = =e ' 4 fer -iw MVy = : be ’ ew 4 Bubsiihilee 297 (a > ik ey - eka =) Substitute eq (8) ee , ditt -gk ne [i cow [ 18 o> toik El = foik er ¢ —etkEl “For ww? fo Ss we) ~ eek E alo + — CREAN fh -weiz,+ | ~ wwe] = 2? fe —_ we % nw” d-wet = eno aie een? wre eno tux ene on ce The is Upper ae WOR faa = wap 8) pal parquanny clus, HE o> plasma -froquercy oo glee Faq nO lon 00 ess Lah B Ela noetabie at : - omidan tom wore propageling set eater p ab, malioo Chena! molten net constdonect Wr [2 +(y-v) ¥) ~ ef [E4M x8] — sa, applying Cinecewsalien my 2 = -evbs + (vine) a mi ae we = -eik ba + eviy@o =O) cy eomponsae —twMVig = “en al te —iomVvia = rom CH) and eqnts) tn eqn (2 iwi = — eikth, + et Viz Be” jwM coin = eke, + 27Vin be \ mw > ——> ta) Viy = €VinBo —»t5) 1" lar Vig mw (0 = 21 Bo wet) rekh, ae M Vix mw (1 ~aedems) © eb, eo wc? po: ‘ ‘ cris LI? 52 —™ (e2 ==") == aout) DE Vato = ck dy TAT ual Cl ee Attensa Vex = -e%b, io anf (1 We) ~ ik (Mam) w= Mase cht on te? en ra er © 2Ao? m2 Ww From agn of tontinuily Dip = novi 1 (mardeot= cope fa Ga * a Dex ale Nove! wo? (Mtr) = ee? Fiat mh} byplasma apphorimaHen pee if quasi revetrobr ty usr = etAo? & Vin =Vex rae Mes ey s5 WP = We ste Vex = Ven = l p e we —> lower hy bavol -fregeen Sain a wath, se Pere eee Eledho magneht wave, with Bo =o wet) Bel A (12S) dC 28) vy Consider a -lransvease , wove mn fase Mh Bom B40 £9) Radso wawe> beght awe travelling Hhacugh casi: * Vaieuieo Beg oe) woe t Vacumre . vxe =-B a isco = = ——"o Jeo ob vaunaro ating usal of eqn (2) 2 ge (xB) © gre es ae at subshtute Ve ik, & Bp -iw in 35.4 ' e7 cr ikea Ciex ea) = ABE > —e2 KxCExB) = wo? By th ae — 820 = wd, gine, we considmsel chaneverse t00ue, ihE GS i oki ta to divehton f propgatien a K-B\=0 above a0 bewmu act kB, = wore, 4 =a Heo wae2® EM wave propagates Froug Plame . LA cuaaent density =7 & bo=0 wee 8 >) Be tv1e=T+E— OO daking fime Aivaseie of e9n (o> era (9*8) 21 +28 Be wee, Ot czgxB = THE > vB - Fe D fo Aahing wal of e409 oD axXE) = -wr® . vive) -Ve = -7KB nom above eqn we pubebbote fhe vale of, Ke in 9(w-e) -WER- r- ce: oF ese assume fhat EM usawe vaaics emusordally as pier? co apply Lineanisakion on eqn(4) — k(ee) +E = COT + aE Che a CA): poowe (K-E)20° kc, = it purl cto aS Since tHe a -fransvese then bem [ee ee ". i (wre) = iwGl : % Hew J, ie the 2rrall peabraloation in cuanenb daecily cHrase coll be stab We consiolea mee [ micowave, high fae tone consichenechas fred hen the us9aen! vel faom es erotic? \ wehich is bus Pan € ee coroes 20h Teney, rodvy —-e8 ot —iuornVer i Eo oa einese iow Vey = CE > Mer = BE1/moe] l Arron ogo of T= “We E1 = ing f WMIw 7 uD 2 -e&) Nim a teen £, (wo? - we) = vw (“Ree nee Er Er(ur-Po) = =Peerli om Ee Wiest Doe® 4 eed "O49. exjen veln 401 ay er} ‘eM nce ety, we

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