Jalan Dan Jambatan

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2 .

Rekabentuk Pavemen:
a) Paved Road - unbound Pavement Courses
• Drainage Layer - Coarse aggregate shall be screened crushed hard rock and fine aggregate shall
be screened quarry dust or sand. lay and compact the course aggregates on the top subgrade
with required thickness
• Sub-Base - shall be a natural or artificial mixture of locally available materials such as sand,
gravel, crushed aggregate etc, free from organic matter, clay lumps and other deleterious
• Crushed Aggregate Roadbase - Crushed aggregate roadbase material shall be crushed rock,
crushed gravel or a mixture of crushed rock and gravel, which shall be hard, durable, clean and
essentially free from clay and other deleterious materials.
- Type Test -The material shall have a CBR value of not less than 80% when compacted to
95% of the maximum dry density, The plasticity index when tested in accordance with
BS 1377 shall be not more than 6, the aggregate crushing value when tested in
accordance with MS 30 shall be not more than 25%.
- Procedure - Crushed aggregate roadbase shall be placed to the required width and
thickness as shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O. in one layer or more, each
layer not exceeding 200 mm compacted thickness. Where two or more layers are
required, each layer shall be of approximately equal thickness and none shall be less
than 100 mm compacted thickness.
- The material shall be spread using a motor grader .
• Wet-Mix Roadbase - Aggregate for wet-mix roadbase shall be crushed rock, crushed gravel or
a mixture of crushed rock and gravel, which shall be hard, durable, clean and essentially free
from clay and other deleterious materials.
-bound Pavement Courses
• Bituminous Roadbase (AC 28 ) - This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, shaping and
compacting bituminous roadbase on a bitumen primed pavement course.
- for the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement courses shall apply as appropriate
to the construction of bituminous roadbase. The bituminous roadbase shall be finished
in a neat and workmanlike manner; its width shall be everywhere at least that specified
or shown on the Drawings on both sides of the centre-line; and its average thickness
over any 100 metre length shall be not less that the required thickness. The top surface
of bituminous roadbase shall have the required shape, superelevation, levels and
grades, and shall be everywhere within the tolerances as specified for ‘binder course’.
• Cement-Treated Base - This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, shaping and compacting
cement treated base course on a bitumen primed pavement course.
- Cement-treated base material shall compose of mineral aggregate and ordinary
Portland cement uniformly blended and mixed with water in the plant.
- This pavement course shall be built in a series of parallel lanes that may reduce
longitudinal and transverse joints to a minimum.
- Materials : Water , cement , Aggregates and Bituminous Prime Coat.
- Water must be clean and free from clay and silt.
- Cement – Portland Cement Concrete , The cement shall be transported to the site in
covered vehicles adequately protected against the entrance of water.
- Aggregates - The aggregate shall be selected crushed materials up to 50mm using sieve
test. The crushed aggregate shall consist of hard, durable particles .
- Bituminous Prime Coat - The bitumen emulsion shall be sprayed at ambient
temperature at a spray rate of 1.5 to 2.0 l/m2 to underlying pavement course.
Flexible Pavement

Rigid Pavement

concrete pavements, are a type of road or pavement structure that provides a durable and long-lasting surface for
vehicular traffic
+ Kerja yang dilakukan untuk mewujudkan satu lapisan struktur di atas subgred.
+ Kerja turapan yang bermutu tinggi dapat membantu kepada ketahanan.
+ Kerja turapan terbahagi kepada dua jenis :
• (i) turapan lentur (turapan berbitumen)
• (ii) turapan tegar (struktur berlapis )
+ Tidak mempunyai lapisan papak konkrit bertetulang (reinforcement concrete)
+ Antara lapisan-lapisan turapan lentur ialah:
1. Lapisan Sub-gred
2. Lapisan Sub-base
3. Lapisan Road-base (Tapak)
4. Lapisan Permukaan Berbitumen
- Lapisan Pengikat (Binder Course)
- Lapisan Haus (Wearing Course)
+ Terdiri daripada bahan bitumen (atau Asfalt).
+ Dinamakan "lentur" kerana keseluruhan strukturturapan "melentur" atau "memesong" ke bawah
disebabkan oleh beban trafik
+ Terdiri daripada beberapa lapisan bahan yang boleh menampung lenturan ini.
+ Menggunakan lapisan permukaan yang lebih fleksibel dan mengagihkan beban lebih kawasan yang lebih
+ Bergantung kepada kombinasi lapisan untuk menyebarkan beban kepada subgred.
+ Tegar papak konkrit tidak akan lentur apabila dikenakan beban trafik.
+ Terdiri daripada konkrit simen portland (PCC)
+ Dinamakan "tegar" kerana strukturnya adalah lebih keras daripada turapan lentur kerana kekukuhan tinggi
daripada PCC
+ Oleh disebabkan kekukuhan tinggi daripada PCC, pengagihan bebannya adalah ke atas kawasan yang agak
luas pada subgred.
+ Tapak konkrit itu sendiri memberikan kapasiti struktur turapan tegar.
+ Struktur berlapis, terdiri daripada:
i. Lapisan permukaan papak konkrit bertetulang
ii. Lapisan Road-base
iii. Lapisan sub-base
iv. Lapisan sub-gred.
+ Turapan jenis ini biasanya dibina pada kawasan yang punyai tanah yang tidak sesuai untuk bina jalan
seperti kawasan tanah gambut dan kawasan tanah paya.
+ Jadi tetulang digunakan untuk bantu kekuatan jalan yang hendak dibina bagi tampung beban diatasnya
3. Analisis Hidrologi dan asas rekabentuk perparitan

Air larian permukaan : Baki air hujan di permukaan bumi setelah dotolak sejatan ,pintasan dan resapan dan yang
digunakan oleh tumbuhan. Setelah air memenuhi ruang pori dan mengakibatkan air hujan sudah tidak mampu meresap
kedalam tanah lalau air lebihan ini dibawa/dialair ke sungai, tasik ,kolan dan seterusnya ke laut.

Air bawah Tanah : Air yang blh didapati di bawah permukaan tanah pada kedalaman 1 meter.

Penyerapan : ialah kuantiti air hujan yang meresap kedalam bumi sehingga memenuhi ruang pori tanah dan mengalir ke
kebawah melalui gravity ke sungai, parit dan seterunya ke laut.

Kawasan tadahan hujan :

1. Hutan di kawasan tanah tinggi penting sebagai kawasan tadahan hujan.

2. Hutan ini merupakan kawasan yang luas untuk menadah dan mengumpulkan air ketika hujan.

3. Hutan bertindak sepagai span berongga yang besar yang menyerap serta menapis air lalu mengalirkannya
perlahan-perlahan ke anak sungai, empangan, kolam dan tasik.

5. Air daripada empangan ini menjadi sumber bekalan air yang utama di seluruh negeri Kedah.

6. Air yang diserap ke dalam tanah di kawasan hutan ini ditapis secara semula jadi.

7. Air yang sangat bersih dan jernih ini akan keluar ke permukaan tanah sebagai mata air.

Kadar Alir puncak (Q) : Q = AV : dimana kadar aliran puncak ialah jumlah kuantiti air yang mengalir di sesuatu Kawasan
bergantung kepada luas kawsan dan laju pengaliran air tersebut.

Keamatan hujan : satu data bagi mengukur taburan hujan disesuatu Kawasan kajian.
Overland direction (Lo) : ialah air lebihan hujan dan lebihan daripada air serapan kedalam tanah dan mengalir dengan
kelajuan bergnatung kepada bentuk muka bumi dan halagan2 yang trdapat di sepnjang lalauan tersebut sebelum smpai
ke sungai, tasik dan seterusnya ke laut.

3.2 Asas rekabentuk perparitan (longkang dan pembetung):

a) Aras bentukan (formation level) : Perkara yang di nilai sebelum menentukan paras FL ialah : Kos, nilai estetik, sejarah

paras air yang tertinggi.

b) Longkang di kawasan pemotongan dan tambakan (drainage at cut and fill area)

• Kawasan Pemotongan : Interceptor drain ( untuk mengalirkan air di cerun) , Bench Drain (
untuk mengalirkan air dari penambakan dan interceptor drain), Road Side Drain ( untuk
mengumpul air dari permukaan jalan dan air dari Interceptor dan bench drain) dan Sub Soil
Drain ( mengalirkan air dari road side drain ,bench dran dan interceptor drain hasil daripada

c) Jenis-jenis longkang.

• Earth Drain , U -drain, Sub Soil Drain , Box Culvert, Pipe Culvert, half round drain , V shape dan
Trapezoid Drain.

d) Flow direction : ialah Arah aliran hujan yang bergantung kepada permukaan bumi mengikut daya gravity.

e) Discharge point : ialah titik pelepasan air hujan ke tempat yang tertentu

f) Jenis-jenis pembetung : Box Culvert , Pipe Culvert dan Gerbang Bukaan rendah

: Pemilihan bergantung kepada ketinggian tambakan, kos, nilai estetik dan kapasiti hidraulik.

g) Saiz pembetung : Bulat ( Diameter min : 600 mm , maksimum 1200 mm) , Kekotak ( min 1200 x 1200,

maksimum 3000 x 3000 mm , gerbang bukaan rendah : radius : 6 meter )

h) Lokasi pembetung : Lokasi pemebentungan adalah dikawasan tambakan, lintasan untuk aliran longkang/sungai)

i) Tatacara / kaedah pembinaan (Method of Statement) :

j) Penyelenggaraan (Maintenances).
4.Rekabentuk Geometri jalan :

Memahami istilah-istilah (terminologies) dan boleh membantu dalam penyediaan

reka bentuk:

a) Hierarki jalan (road hierarchy) : - Rural : Expressway(R6), Highway (R5) . Primary Road(R5), secondary Roads(R4)

dan Minor Road ( R1 dan R2)

- Urban: Expressway(U6), Arterial(U4), Collector(U3) dan Local Street(U1 dan U2)

b) Penjajaran datar (horizontal alignment) and penjajaran tegak (vertical


c) Elemen rekabentuk:

i) Jarak penglihatan (sight distance). : Sight distance is the length of road ahead visible to drivers. Ability of a driver to

see ahead is of the utmost importance to the safe and efficient opera tion of a

ii) Jarak penglihatan berhenti (stopping sight distance). : The stopping sight distance is the length required to enable a

vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before

reaching an object in its path.

iii) Jarak penglihatan memotong (passing sight distance). : Passing sight distance for use in design should be determined

on the basis of the length needed to safely com plete a

normal passing maneuver.

The minimum passing sight distance for two-lane highways is determined as the sum of four


(i) distance: traversed during the perception and reaction time and during the inital

acceleration to the point of encroachment on the passing lane.

(ii) distance travelled while the passing vehicle occupies the passing lane.

(iii) distance between the passing vehicle at the end of its maneuver and the opposing vehicles.

(iv) distance traversed by an opposing vehicle fortwo-thirds of the time the passing vehicle

occupies the passing lane

iv) Jejari lengkung bulat (curve radius).

v) Laju perjalanan (operating speed).

vi) Laju reka bentuk (design speed).

vii) Laju peratusan 85 (85th percentile speed).

viii) Kadar sendengan (rate of superelevation). : - The maximum rates of superelevation usable are controlled by several

factors such as climatic conditions, terrain conditions and frequency of

very slow moving vehicles that would tie subjected to uncertain


o a maximum superelevation rate of 0.10 is used for, roads in rural areas

and 0.06 for roads in urban areas.

ix) Lengkung peralihan (transition curve).

x) Gred (Grade).
xi) Lengkung tegak (verticle curve).

(a) Crest vertical curves Minimum lengths of crest vertical curves are determined by the sight
distance requirements. The Stopping sight distance is the major control for the safe operation
at the design speed chosen. Passing sight distances are not used as it provides for an.
uneconomical design. An exception may be at decision. areas such as sight distance to ramp
exit gores where longer lengths are necessary.

(b) At least four different criteria for establishing lengths of sag vertical curves are recognised.
These are (1) headlight sight distance, (2) rider comfort, (3) drainage control and (4) a rule of
thumb for general appearance. However, the headlight sight distance basis appears to be the
most logical for general use and this criterion is used to establish the design values for a range
of lengths of sag vertical curves.
d) Elemen keratan rentas:

i) Lebar lorong (lane width).

ii) Bahu jalan (shoulder). Their main functions are :

(a) space is provided for emergency stopping free of the traffic lane.

(b) space is provided for the occasional motorist who desires 'to stop for various reasons.

(c) space is provided to escape potential accidents or reduce their severity.

(d) the sense of openness created by shoulders ofadequate width contributes to driving ease and


(e) sight distances is improved in cut sections, thereby improving safety.

(f) highway capacity is improved and uniform speed is encouraged

iii) Pembahagi tengah (median). : A median is a highly desirable element on all roads carrying four or more lanes and

should be provided wherever possi ble. The principal functions of a median are to

provide the desired freedom front the interference of opposing traf fic, to provide a

recovery area for out-of-control vehicles, to provide for speed changes and storage of

right-turning and U-turning vehicles and to provide for future lanes.

iv) Rezab jalan (road reserve).
v) Lebar hak lalu (right of way).

vi) Bebendul (kerb). : The two general classes of kerbs are BARRIER KERBS and MOUNTABLE KERBS
vii) Lorong pejalan kaki (pedestrian sidewalk). : Sidewalks are accepted as integral parts of urban roads and should be

provided except on Urban Expressways or Major Arterials where the

presence of pedestrians are minimal. However, the need for sidewalks

in many rural areas is great because of the high speed and general lack

of adequate lighting and due consideration must be given for it

especially at points of community development such as schools, local

business and industrial plants that results in high pedestrian


viii) Rel adang (traffic barriers). : Traffic barriers are used to minimise the severity of potential accidents involving

vehicles leaving the travelled way. Because barriers are a hazard in themselves,

emphasis should be on minimising the number of such installations.

ix) Rizab utiliti (utilities reserved).

e) Isi Padu Lalu Lintas (Traffic Volume), Purata Lalu Lintas Harian (PLH)

(Average Daily Traffic, ADT), Isi Padu Setiap Jam Rekabentuk (Design

Hourly Volume, DHV), Tahun Rekabentuk (Designed Year).

f) Keratan Rentas Jalan (Road Cross Section), Keratan Melintang

(Longitudinal section).

g) Persilangan / Persimpangan Jalan Road intersection / interchange),

Penyaluran (Channelisation), Lorong Pecutan/Nyahpecutan (Acceleration /

Deceleration Lane).

h) Pelan Pengurusan Trafik di Zon Kerja.

Advance Warning Area

2.1.1 An advance warning area is necessary for all traffic control zone because drivers

need to know what to expect. Before reaching the work area, drivers should have

enough time to alter their driving patterns. The advance warning area may vary from

series of signs starting 1 km in advance of the work area to a single sign or flashing

lights on a vehicle.

2.1.2 When the work area, including access to the work area, is entirely off the shoulder

and the work does not interfere with traffic, an advance warning sign may not be

needed. An advance warning sign should be used when any problems or conflict

with the flow of traffic may be anticipated.

2.1.3 The advanced warning area, from the first sign to be the starts of the next areas,

should be long enough to give the motorists adequate time to respond to the

impending conditions. For most operations, the length can be:

a) 2 km to 1 km for expressways
b) 500 m for most rural roadway or open highway conditions.


d) At least 250 m for urban roadways

2.2 Transitions Area

2.2.1 When work is performed within one or more raveled lanes, a lane/multiple lane

closure(s) is/maybe required. In the transition area, traffic is channelized from the

normal highway lanes to the path required to move traffic around the work area. The

transition area includes the taper transition length.

2.2.2 The transition areas should be obvious to the driver. The correct path should be

clearly marked with channelizing devices and pavement markings so that drives will

not make a mistake following the old path. Existing pavement markings need to be

removed and replaced with new ones should they conflict with each other in

transition area. Every new marking should be yellow color. Pavement marking

arrows are useful in transition areas and should be marked on every travel lane.

2.2.3 With moving operations, the transition area moves with the work area. A shadow

vehicle may be used to warn and guide traffic into the proper lane.

2.2.4 A taper is a series of channelizing devices and pavement marking placed at an

angle to slowly guide the traffic out of its normal path. Four general types of tapers

used in traffic control zones are:

a) Lane closure tapers are those necessary for closing lanes of moving traffic

(sometimes referred to as channelizing tapers)

b) Two-way traffic tapers are those needed to control two way traffic where

traffic is required to alternately use single lane (commonly used when

flaggers are present)

c) Shoulder closure tapers are those needed to close shoulder areas

d) Downstream tapers are those installed to direct traffic back into its normal

2.2.5 Lane Closure Taper

a) The length of taper used to close a lane is determined by the speed of traffic

and the width of the lane to be closed (the lateral distance traffic is shifted).

There are two formulae used to determine the length of a taper (L) for lane

closures (Figure 2.2 of this section). If restricted sight distance such as at

sharp vertical or horizontal curves, is a problem, then the taper should begin

well in advance of such obstructions. The beginning of tapers should not be

divided behind curves. Figure 2.3 shows the tapers lengths, the

recommended number and spacing of channelizing devices.

b) Generally, tapers should be lengthened, not shortened, to increase their

effectiveness. Observe traffic to see if the taper is working correctly and

effectively. Frequent use of brakes and evidence of skid marks is an

indication that either the taper is too short or the advance warning

signs/markings inadequate.

2.2.6 Two Way Traffic Taper

a) The two-way traffic taper is used in advance of a work area that occupies

part of a two way road in such a way that the remainder of the road is used

alternately by traffic in either direction. In this situation, the function of the

taper is not to cause the traffic to merge, but rather to resolve the potential

head-on conflict that can occur. A short taper is used to slow down traffic by

giving the appearance of a restricted alignment. Drivers then have time, at

reduced speed, to decide whether to proceed cautiously past the work space

or to wait for opposing traffic to clear. Flaggers are usually employed to

assign the right of way in such situations.

b) Two-way traffic tapers should be 15 to 30 meters long, with channelizing

devices spaced a maximum of 3 to 6 meters respectively, to provide clear

delineation of the tapers.

2.2.7 Shoulder Closure Taper

a) When an improved shoulder is closed on a high speed roadway, it should be

treated as a closure of a portion of the roadway which the motorist expects

to use in an emergency. The work area on the shoulder should be preceded

by a taper that may be shorter than that for a lane closure. One half of the

length from Figure 2.3 is suggested as the maximum for shoulder closure

tapers, provided the shoulder is not used as a travel lane. If the shoulder is

being used as a travel lane, either through practice or caused by

construction, a lane taper closure should be placed on the shoulder.

2.2.8 Downstream Taper

a) A downstream taper is used at the downstream end of the work area to

indicate to drivers that they can move back into the lane that was closed. It’s

is placed in the termination area. While closing tapers are optional, they may

be quite useful in smoothing out traffic flows. They may not be advisable

when material trucks move into the work area by backing up from the

downstream end of the work area.

b) Closing tapers are similar in length and spacing to two-way traffic tapers.

2.3 Buffer Space

2.3.1 Buffer space is the open or unoccupied space between the transition and work area

zones (Figure 2.1). With a moving operation, the buffer space is the space between

the shadow vehicle, if one is used, and the work vehicle.

2.3.2 The buffer space provides a margin of safety for both traffic and workers. If a driver

does not see the advance warning or fails to negotiate the transition, a buffer space

provides room for a driver to stop before the work area. It is important for the buffer

space to be free of equipment, workers, materials and work vehicles.

2.3.3 Place channelizing devices along the edge of the buffer space. The suggested

spacing is double that of lane closure taper.

2.3.4 Situations may occur where opposing streams of traffic are transition where one

lane of traffic uses a lane that normally flows in the opposite direction. In this

situation, a buffer space should be used to separate the two tapers for opposing

directions of traffic because it can help prevent head on collisions.

2.4 Work Area

2.4.1 The work area is that portion of the roadway which contains the work activity and is

closed to traffic and set aside for the exclusive use by workers, and placement of

equipment and construction materials. Work areas may remain at fixed locations or

may move as work progresses. And empty buffer space may be included at the
upstream end. The work area is usually delineated by channelizing devices or

shielded by barriers to exclude traffic and pedestrians.

2.4.2 Conflict between traffic and the work activity or potential hazards increase as:

a) The work area gets closer to the traveled lanes

b) Physical deterrents to normal operation exist, such as uneven pavements,

vehicles loading or unloading, etc.

c) Speeds and volume of traffic increase

d) The change in travel path gets more complex, shifting traffic a few meters in

comparison with shifting traffic across the median and into lanes normally used

by opposing traffic.

2.4.3 Work areas that remain in operation overnight have a greater need for delineation

than just daytime operations.

2.4.4 Guidelines

a) Use traffic control devices to make the work area clearly visible to traffic.

b) Place channelizing devices between the work area and the traveled way.

Devices placed on a tangent (along the work area) to keep traffic out of a closed

lane should be spaced in accordance with the extent and type of activity, the

speed limit of the roadway and the vertical and horizontal alignment such that it

is apparent to the driver that the lane is closed. For high speed roadways the

devices should be spaced 2 to 4 times the spacing for lane closure taper. For

low speed or urban roadway a closer spacing may be used.

c) Provide a safe entrance and exit for work vehicles

d) Protect mobile and moving operations with adequate warning of the work zones

and/or shadow vehicle

e) Flashing lights and flag should be seriously considered on work vehicles

exposed to traffic

2.5 Termination Area

2.5.1 The termination area provides a short distance for traffic to clear the work area and

to return to the normal traffic lanes. It extends from the downstream end of the work

area to the “PEMBINAAN TAMAT” sign. A downstream taper may be placed at the

termination area

2.5.2 For some work operations, such as single location utility or maintenance repair, it
may not be necessary to display a sign as it will be obvious to drives that they have

passed the work area

2.5.3 There are occasions where the termination area could include a transition. For

example, if a taper were used to shift traffic into opposing lanes around the work

area, then the termination area should have a taper to shift traffic back to its normal

path. This taper would then be in the transition area for the opposing direction of

traffic. It is advisable to use a buffer space between the taper for opposing traffic.

2.5.4 Avoid ‘gaps’ in the traffic control that may falsely indicate to drivers that they have

passed the work area, for example, if the area includes intermittent activity

throughout a 1 kilometer section, the drivers should be reminded periodically that

they are still in the work area. The primary purpose of the guide sign “KAWASAN

KERJA ________________m” is to inform drivers of the length of the work area. It

should not be erected until work begins.

6. Perabot Jalan

a) Jenis dan penggunaan:

i) Tanda trafik.

ii) Tanda tunjuk arah.

5 jenis papan tanda di Malayisa i) Papan tanda peraturan

ii) Papan Tanda Amaran

iii) papan Tanda panduan

iv) papan tanda sementara

` v) Papan tanda maklumat

b) Sistem / alat kawalan trafik:

i) Lampu isyarat.

ii) Lintasan pejalan kaki.

iii) Lampu jalan.

iv) Lorong sehala.

v) Letak kereta.

c) Tanda jalan dan delineation.


1. Asas-asas Jambatan

a) Definisi serta pengetahuan umum tentang jambatan.

Maksud : jambatan adalah struktur yang membawa orang, kenderaan dan keretapi melintasi halngan
atau sungai. Jambatan juga dijadikan struktur untuk melintasi halanagan dan membawa dari satu
tempat ke satu tempat yang lain.

b) Mengenali jenis-jenis jambatan, kepentingan dan fungsi setiap komponen


Jenis Jambatan :

i) Konvensional.

ii) Integral.

iii) Box Girder.

iv) Arch.

v) Cable Stayed.

vi) Suspension
Fungsi setiap komponen : Struktur : Deck Slab, Approah Slab dan Beam/Girder

Sub Struktur : End Diaphragm, Pier, wing wall, stem, Abutment, Beam seating , pier cap, pier

Foundation : Piles dan Pile Cap.

FUngsi bearing : - boundary antara struktur dan sub struktur

- Transfer load received from the deck to sub struktur

- To allow controlled movement due to temperature variation.

- Reduce the stress involve.

Abutment : - sebagai penahan bagi penambakan , berfungsi sebagai load transfer kepada foundation.

c) Pengetahuan asas tentang Kod-kod Amalan Rekabentuk, Terma Rujukan

(TOR), Garis Panduan Rekabentuk serta kriteria rekabentuk.

Jenis Beban jambatan : i) Dead load.

ii) Superimposed Dead Load.

iii) Primary Live Loads (HA dan HB).

iv) Special Vehicle.

v) Secondary Live Loads.

d) Pengetahuan asas tentang konfigurasi dan geometri jambatan seperti jenis

rentang, jenis sokongan, keratan rentas jambatan, carriageway, traffic

lanes, footway dan sebagainya.

e) Pengetahuan tentang bahan-bahan dan aksesori jambatan.

f) Pengetahuan tentang Senarai Kuantiti dan Spesifikasi Jambatan

Typical cross section by MITS

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