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E-sport Player: Competing in video game tournaments, streaming gameplay on

platforms like Twitch, and building a following can lead to sponsorships,
endorsements, and prize winnings.
2. Meme Creator: Creating original memes and building a following on platforms like
Instagram or TikTok can attract brand deals, merchandise sales, and potentially ad
3. Online Reviewer: Building a reputation for honest and insightful reviews on
platforms like YouTube or a personal blog can attract affiliate marketing
opportunities, sponsored content, and partnerships with brands.
4. Social Media Influencer: Growing a following on platforms like Instagram,
Twitter, or TikTok can lead to sponsored posts, brand collaborations, and
opportunities to promote products or services.
5. Vlogger: Documenting daily life, travel experiences, or niche interests on
YouTube or other video platforms can attract advertising revenue, sponsorships, and
merchandise sales.
6. Podcaster: Creating and hosting a podcast on topics of interest can attract
advertising revenue, sponsorships, and opportunities for merchandise sales or live
7. Online Course Creator: Sharing expertise or skills through online courses on
platforms like Udemy or Teachable can generate passive income through course sales
and subscriptions.
8. Freelance Content Creator: Offering services such as graphic design, video editing,
writing, or voiceover work on freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can provide
a steady income stream.
9. Dropshipping Business: Setting up an online store and selling products without
holding inventory by using dropshipping can be a low-risk way to start an e-
commerce venture.
10. App Developer: Creating and monetizing mobile apps through advertising, in-app
purchases, or subscriptions can be a lucrative venture for those with programming

So why would I not engage in these types of business. I wouldn't do the first because
I don't like video games, I wouldn't do the second and eighth because I don't know
how to create something digital. then the fourth, fifth, third and sixth. I don't really
like making videos or taking photos so I don't think it would be for me. I might like
to create online courses if I find something that I can teach other people. then that
would be cool.

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