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After the war that had so ravaged Fódlan, Garreg Mach Monastery was slow to go back

to its old function of being an academy. Due to tensions between old rivals and the
fatigue of war it was treated as a neutral ground for the lords who still stood
after such a crisis by the leader of the victors. That woman was Byleth, the so-
called “Ashen Demon” who had led the world to the peace that it now enjoyed. She
had declared that the monastery was to be a place of research and discovery. A
place for people to study the past and plan for the future.

Despite the fact that she no longer led them as a commander or a teacher, many of
her former students and soldiers chose to stay here. Thanks to the various skills
they had cultivated both before and during the war the students managed to
contribute greatly to the Academy's new foundation of research and making a better
tomorrow by studying the past.

Lysithea von Ordelia was one such student. She had dove into research on crests,
magic and the various artifacts that had been found throughout the land and brought
to the monastery. Ever the diligent student and always willing to prove herself,
Lysithea often worked on projects that others had long since given up on. Today was
no exception.

Alone in Garreg Mach library, at an hour when most had given up for the day,
Lysithea poured over papers on various myths, legends and magical devices that were
said to have existed at some point in Fódlan’s history. All in the name of figuring
out just what the newest addition to the monastery’s growing list of unknown
artifacts was. Despite some intense research and reading in the past few days she
was no closer to figuring out the secret behind this mysterious device.

“Just what are you…” Lysithea said, in an exasperated tone as she looked down at
the object that was causing everyone such a headache.

It was a large rectangular shaped golden box, with various strange multicoloured
buttons on it and two large black mesh circles on the front, a large black square
in between the circles with a symbol that reminded Lysithea of a crest. From what
they could tell there was something inside that small square, but the opaque nature
of the material made it hard for them to figure out just what it was. In addition
the box had proven to be quite sturdy, able to shrug off even the most brutal
attacks both physical and magical.

The box had been found a week ago inside the Academy of all places, in one of the
deeper areas where nobody really went. There was no record of it on any of the
documents the Church had kept, and even Edelgard’s secret research from her time as
Emperor had nothing about this in any record. It was almost as if it had appeared
out of thin air. It was seen as something completely inscrutable to even the most
learned of scholars. That did not deter Lysithea though, she needed to find out
what this was, as if she could do it where no one else could.

“What am I missing…?” Lysithea wondered. She felt so close to the truth, she knew
that she could crack this tonight. Most had given up on this item, considering it
to be some useless folly made by a noble to show off their wealth, but not her, she
believed that whatever this was it was a major discovery. She could almost feel the
magic emanating off of it, a strange sort of electricity that she couldn’t quite

As she poured over more documents she felt a sudden chill in the air as the candles
that surrounded her began to flicker. A breeze seemed to come from nowhere and whip
around the room, and Lysithea heard strange noises coming from some unknown place.
There seemed to be a strange, unearthly energy in the room now, like something else
was now with her. Lysithea squeaked with fright, thoughts of ghosts swirled through
her head. The strangeness was short lived however, as the chill quickly died down
and the candles soon burned just as brightly as ever.

Lysithea breathed a sigh of relief, not that she was scared of course. She just
didn’t want to be alone in the dark where she could accidentally damage the
artifact. She looked down at the golden box, and noticed that something had
changed. The buttons on it had lit up, the black circles now emanated a soft
pinkish light and she could just make out a strange whirring sound coming from the
artifact. She raised her eyebrow quizzically and was about to lean in to have a
closer look, when the artifact suddenly sprang to life.

The golden box pulsed, almost bouncing in place as waves of pink energy emanated
from both the black mesh circles. What looked to Lysithea like glowing music notes
began to float up from it. The strangest thing of all however were the bizarre,
rhythmic sounds now emanating from the box. They were weird, aggressive and sounded
completely alien to Lysithea. These were pulsing, strange beats that the artifact
seemed to make the device bounce up and down and the black mesh circles pulse out
more pink energy.

“What…what is that noise?!” Lysithea cried. She covered her ears and tried to
concentrate, but the strange beats were making her head spin. Whatever instruments
were used to make this music were not any she was familiar with. She wanted to make
it stop, but she had no idea how she could do it. Lysithea was about to shoot some
magic at the box when she realised that what it was playing was some kind of
strange music.

The more she listened the more she began to make sense of the rhythm and the beat
of the strange sounds. While it was still loud and aggressive Lysithea could sort
of get into it. Not that she found it enjoyable of course, but she could at least
appreciate the fact that it wasn’t just random noise. The way the music was washing
over her, the strange noises that couldn’t have been made by any instrument she
could name, she had to admit there was a certain charm in it. Even if it wasn’t
particularly to her taste.

“This thing’s some kind of weird music box?” She said, “How does it wo…”

It was then when Lysithea realised that her legs were frozen to the spot, and she
was unable to move. She tried moving her arms but they too were frozen, her hands
seemingly stuck to the table. A strange tingling sensation began to course through
the lower half of her body, and she felt the urge to move her body to the beat. No,
not just her body, but a particular part of her body. Lysithea felt a sense of
revulsion at the very idea of doing such a thing, but the urge to do so felt so
irresistible to her.

“Wh-what’s come over me!?” Lysithea cried as she felt her hips begin to gyrate as
she moved her butt up and down. At first it was a simple jerking motion, but as the
song continued she began to shake her butt from side to side, moving one cheek and
another. A strange lewd display that Lysithea was thankful nobody else could see.
Was this box somehow compelling her to dance? If you could call such a strange
display a dance, Lysithea had seen some slightly erotic or tittalating displays
from dancers yes but nothing this brazanly lewd!

“I-I need…to turn this off…!” Lysithea cried. However, no matter how much she
struggled she couldn’t move her body of her own will. All she could do was shake
her ass around as her body became a slave to the music.

As the song intensified so did the shaking of her ass. She was unable to stop
herself from gyrating against the table and thrusting her hips from side to side.
Her face was completely red with embarrassment as she screwed her eyes shut and
tried with all her might to stop herself to no avail. Even worse though, was the
fact that she could feel a strange sense of elation as she twerked to the strange

“W-wait…what does…twerk mean?” Lysithea said, the strange word having entered her
head as if she had known it for a long time. It felt strangely fitting, this
movement of her hips and butt. There still felt like there was something missing
however, with her tiny butt this was nothing more than a pathetic display that
wouldn’t get anyone excited…wait what on earth was she thinking!?

Then, almost as soon as it started, the music stopped. Lysithea could feel control
of her body return to her, and she breathed a sigh of relief. A wave of fatigue
washed over her, she had never been one for dancing and that sort or twer-that
method of dance seemed to take a lot out of her. That strange music box was clearly
far too dangerous to just be sitting around here. She decided after catching her
breath she’d try and see if she could silence the strange device somehow and figure
out how to research it without that happening again.

Lysithea was just about to go over to the golden box again when it suddenly sprang
back into life. Strange music, different this time, began to sound from the box. A
sudden blast of energy from the device hit Lysithea and somehow tore her skirt
clean off. The fabric flew to the other side of the room leaving her ass and pink
panites exposed. Lysithea gasped with shock and her face turned red again. She
tried to move, to run away from the box to safety, but it was already too late.

“N-nooooo!” Lysithea cried, as she felt her buttocks begin to slowly move with the
beat again. She bit her lip and concentrated as hard as she could, trying to ignore
the music. However the tempo, the music and the overall atmosphere of the song was
one where even if she wasn’t under some kind of spell Lysithea would at least bob
her head to.. As she was a little more mentally prepared this time, Lysithea could
fight the urge to move her ass just a little bit. However, it was only for a few
seconds before the lyrics kicked in.

Big, big booty

What you got a big booty (ooh)

Big, big booty

What you got a big booty

“I-I do not!” Lysithea cried, as if the song was supposed to be talking about her.
That was ridiculous of course, the idea that this strange box could somehow speak
to her was just her imagination. She didn’t even know the word “booty” until this
strange magic box had started playing that song. Still, she couldn’t help but blush
as it seemed to praise her nonexistent large posterior.

Suddenly Lysithea felt a jolt of energy run down her spine. She clenched her teeth
as she felt her butt begin to tingle. Her futile attempts at controlling her ass
were dashed as she started to move her butt even harder now, practically thrusting
it out behind her as the music continued. Lysithea felt the tingling sensation
begin to intensify, and all of a sudden her ass felt just that bit heavier.

“W-wha…?” The white haired young woman looked behind her and saw that with every
motion, every twerk, every swing of her butt, her ass was getting just a bit
bigger. As she thrust it out it swelled mightily, gaining enough mass to properly
jiggle now, “What in the name of…ooh.ooooooh~”

A wave of pleasure hit her as the music was turned up, and she began to move her
ass in a circle, allowing some of the newly acquired heft to bounce up and down a
little. Her face was now as red as a tomato. However, try as she might to suppress
it she could feel a growing sense of elation, of freedom from being able to shake
her moneymaker like this. Lysithea’s eyes widened as she saw her ass match the beat
even better now, almost looking positively enticing the way it bounced around.
Watching her butt go from flat to phat was at once terrifying and thrilling.

“Got to…fight…it…” Lysithea said, as she gyrated her butt in tune with the beat. It
was big enough now that it seemed to just about be appropriate for the size of the
ass the song was talking about, Lysithea would definitely be in the upper tier of
her colleagues when it came to butt size. Of course, that just didn’t seem to be
enough for the golden box, and the music continued to expand Lysithea’s ass.

The way she moves

I know you want her

She light the fire, get you right

That's the lightning and the thunder

You wanna meet her, you gotta touch her

Hold on tight for the ride

'Cause you know you gonna love her

Though Lysithea knew it was impossible for the song to be talking about her,
something inside her told her that it was. Or rather the her that was dancing right
now. That she was some kind of supreme object of desire for people. As much as she
hated to admit it, the idea was not an unpleasant one to her. After being
constantly underestimated, being seen as someone like the song was talking about
was tempting. She could be sexier than Dorothea, or anyone else at the monastery…

“No stop…’s that damn box…” Lysithea said through clenched teeth, “It’s
trying to…to...”

Lysithea’s hands shot up in the air like some kind of exotic dancer as her butt
swayed from side to side, growing more and more with every beat. Soon her red
panties were starting to ride up on her as the every expanting assflesh went from
slightly eyecatching to great big bubble butt. Her hips began to widen to
accommodate her new size, and also to make her involuntary thrusts from side to
side even more dramatic.

Her thin thighs also gained more mass as the song went on, becoming positively
thick and powerful. They were thighs that made her even better at shaking her now
fatter ass to this song. Soon all of Lysithea’s lower half seemed to have been
specifically made for this type of song. Every sway, every jiggle, every hip thrust
seemed designed to entice anyone who was watching.

What was worse was the fact that the more she grew the better it felt, the
sensation of her butt growing and wriggling it around in such an erotic manner made
Lysithea’s heart soar and her entire body tingle with an excitement that was almost
orgasmic. Only her embarrassment and willpower was enough to stop herself from
drowning in the sheer pleasure of it all, and even those were starting to run thin
as the song wormed its way into her mind.

All the while Lysietha was trying to think of ways out of this, not an easy task
when her senses were being overwhelmed by the song. Getting control back from her
butt was a fool's errand, however Lysithea reasoned that if she got control of her
arms then maybe she could drag herself over to the box and shut it off, or get away
from the box’s influence. Lysithea concentrated as hard as she could, and managed
to free her right arm from the strange beat.

With hope in her heart, Lysithea lowered her hand down to the table to grab ahold
of it. Then suddenly the beats of the box took control of her hand once again.
Before she could react her hand came down on her ass and spanked it with an
almighty SMACK. The sound bounced off the walls as her ass jiggled with the impact.

“Oh…oh Goddess yes~” Lysithea found herself saying. The sensation of her ass
getting slapped like that felt so good. The feeling of her big ol butt shaking from
smacking it like that felt so nice she found herself giving it a few more spanks in
time with the beat of the music. She let out small “oh~”’s of pleasure every time
she did so. As much as she hated to admit it, she wasn’t sure if it was the power
of the boombox or her own desire that was causing her to spank her ass.

Ya'll know what I've been on, ya'll know that I've been on

I'm queen big booty Iggy, now find me a bone to sit on

Girls with the cheeks, put a hand in the air

Then pop that, pop that, let 'em know that you in here

The phrase “booty queen” certainly suited her now. Her ass was now almost twice as
wide as her body, and it’d be impossible to hide the way it stuck out from her like
that. Two big round soft cheeks with tons of cushion for the pushin’. Even if she
were to free herself from the boombox and walk normally, the sway of her hips and
the bounce of her bubbly butt would entice anyone who got so much as a glance at
her backside. Lysithea couldn’t stop thinking about how she could walk through the
monastery with her new ass and cause everyone to turn their heads towards her,
almost hypnotised by the sight of her booty. All of them mesmerised by the best ass
in Fódlan.

Lysithea started to feel a strange sense of pride in the way her body had changed
now. No one would mistake her for some child now, not with an ass like this. It was
a proper adult bottom heavy body, better than anyone else’s. The way it moved and
shook with the tune, it was perfect. No one would ever be able to resist her, she
could forget about all that boring learning and research stuff and just focus on
shaking her ass as much as she…

“Wh-what am I thinking?” Lysithea cried, her face becoming flushed again. She
needed to put a stop to this, just the thought of someone coming in here and
catching her performing this strange display was horrifying to her. It would be so
embarrassing, humiliating and…




Lysithea imagined a whole group of her peers coming in, and being unable to stop
staring at her gyrating jiggling ass. They’d practically salivate over her,
forgetting all that stupid work they had to do and worship her butt. The way she
moved, the way her ass shook and bounced around would cause some to feel jealous
and others to feel so excited. Lysithea giggled at the thoughts of some pants
getting tight just from watching her. Ordinarily the idea of thinking about some
man getting so obviously hard for her was disgusting, but now she found it
exciting. Just imagining someone watching her dance, his pants straining as his rod
was so stiff from watching Lysithea’s big butt wiggling, ignoring all the tiny
butts of the other dancers that might be there, her getting in closer and closer
until finally…

“Hmm, oh yeah~!” Lysithea said as she licked her lips. She blinked a couple of
times, as her eyes slowly began to glow with a strange pink energy much like the
one emanating from the golden box. Lysithea felt better than she ever had, all
those silly inhibitions gone, replaced with the urge to shake her booty. She backed
away from the table, squatted down and put her hands on her hips. Then she began to
thrust her butt up and down, letting the claps from the ass cheeks fill the room as
they synched with the rhythm of the song.

Mesmerised by the size of the

You can find it if you like take your time

I can guarantee you'll have the time of your life

Throw up your hands if you love a big booty

Lysithea loved her big booty and so would everyone else, and she was damn proud of
it. Gone was her little stick figure and what replaced it was a magnificent ass
that everyone in the Academy needed to look at. Lysithea grinned as she shook her
huge ass, just imagining all the boys drooling over all that junk she had in her
trunk was making her feel all tingly. She might even give one or two of them a ride
if they were good enough.

Then, suddenly, the song stopped. Lysithea blinked as her eyes went back to normal
and she stopped shaking her butt around. Her mind cleared of the fog that had
covered it thanks to the song, and now she could think clearly. Control came back
to her body as she slowly straightened herself up, though with some difficulty
thanks to the extra weight behind her. She looked over at the golden box…the…”boom
box” that was what it was called. It was now as still as it had been previously.
She walked over, her ass swaying seductively without her even trying, and looked at
the golden device.

Now she could figure out a way to stop it, Lysithea would ask for help getting this
thing to a safe location where she could study it without any weird side effects.
Then she could reverse this strange change to her body, dismantle that strange box
and make sure this never happened to anyone else. Then she could go back to being
her old self and continue to study and work on magic at the monastery…

“Pfft, yeah right~.” Lysithea said, the glow returning to her eyes as her mouth
curled into a smug smirk. She gave the box a quick smack and the device came back
to life, now blaring a new song.

Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere

Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere

Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere

Rockin' everywhere, rockin' everywhere

Lysithea grinned as she squatted down and began to shake her ass of her own
volition. The fuddy duddy little nerd she had been was no more. Now she was a
professional booty shaking dancer. Of course someone with an ass as great as hers
would need a few backup dancers with great asses though not as great as hers of
course~. After this song was over, maybe she’d show this boom box to some of the
other ladies in the monastery.

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