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Walt Disney once said, “Whatever you do, do it well.

Do it so well that when people see you do it,

they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show
them how well you do what you do.” In today’s increasingly competitive global economy, that advice
is more important than ever. No longer is it good enough to simply offer good value or a great
product alone. While these will always be necessary conditions for success, today they are simply
the ante to get in the game!

The Walt Disney Company is known throughout the world as a leader in entertainment. The
strategies that they used include competitive advantage, a growth strategy, and a renewal strategy.
When a person mentions a theme park, Disney is the first park that comes to mind. They were not
the first theme park, but they have mastered the art of creating memories for adults and children

The Walt Disney Company, since its official start in 1923, has become a highly valued company
across the world. With multiple goods and services to offer, the company thrives in more than one
area. Whether a family is going to the movies or buying kitchenware, Disney has found a way to
ensure their company name is always around. The Walt Disney Company is known throughout the
world as a leader in entertainment. The strategies that the Walt Disney Company has used include
competitive advantage, a growth strategy, and a renewal strategy. When a person mentions a theme
park, Disney is the first park that comes to mind. They were not the first theme park, but they have
mastered the art of creating memories for adults and children alike.

The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to entertain, inform and inspire people around the
globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds,
and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company. On the
other hand, The Walt Disney Company’s corporate vision is “to be one of the world’s leading
producers and providers of entertainment and information.”

And for their 99 years of existence, they have been true to their word, as they have been regularly
recognized for their magical approach to customer experience. Disney provides lessons for brands
in all industries on creating unique, detailed experiences that will stick with customers for a

lifetime, most especially children and those kids at heart.


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