Excel Exercises BIA215D

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Excel Exercises BIA215D

The exercises in this book is an attempt to give you examples to practice all the outcomes set out in
the study guide (p10-12). If any of the outcomes are not addressed in the exercises, is it your
responsibility to make sure you cover it in your own time.

Exercise 1 (Revision)

Open the workbook called Exercise 1 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to revise the work you did in your previous Excel module. The spreadsheet on
sheet 1 will look like the example below:

1. Sheet 1 A1:H1 Merge and center 2

Change the sentence to capital letters (uppercase)
Font: Georgia, Font size: 19, Font color: White, Bold, double 5
underline, 2
2. A3:H3 Fill
left Row height: 30 2
Cell style Accent 6 1
3. A5 Rotate 900 1
4. A1:H3 Light green, dash, outside border 3
5. Column A&B Column width 20 1
6. E5:H5 Apply text wrapping 2
7. A6:A12 Use autofill and add the codes of the paintings. Start with MT02 and 2
end with MT14 (skip 2)
8. E6:E12 Use a formula to calculate the Packaging and Delivery on each 2
painting. Use the absolute cell reference E4 in your calculation. Use
9. F6:F12 Use a formula to calculate the Price before VAT. Use Autofill. 1
10. G6:G12 Use a formula to calculate the VAT on the Price before VAT. Use the 2
absolute cell reference G4 in your calculation. Use Autofill.
11. H6:H12 Use a formula to calculate the Selling price after the VAT was added 1
to the Price before VAT. Use Autofill.
12. D6:D12 Use currency symbol and no decimals. 2
13. B14 Use a function to calculate the number of paintings on the online 2
14. D15:H15 Use a function to calculate the total of each of the columns. Use 2
15. D16 Use a function to calculate the Average Price. 2
16. D17 Use a function to calculate the Highest Price. 2
17. H18 Use a function to calculate the Lowest Selling price. 2
18. B5:B12, Create a Column chart on a new sheet to compare the Price, Price 2
D5:D12, before VAT and Selling Price. 1
F5:F12 & Title: Prices of Paintings (Und, Font color Green, Thick outside border) 4
H5:H12 Legend: Right 1
o 3
Label: Show Category Name (Inside end, 90 rotated)
Axis: Do not display the Category (X) axis
19. A1:H18 Copy the range to sheet 2. 2
20. Sheet 2 Autofit the columns. 1
21. Rename sheet 2 to Copy. 1
22. Sheet 2 Clear all the formats on sheet 2. 2
23. C5:D12 Create a doughnut chart to display the Artist name and Price. 2
24. A2 Add http://www.maboneng.com/product-category/artists/ website to 2
cell A2 and create a hyperlink to the website (if necessary).
Access the website and insert a picture of anyone of the above 1
mentioned artists on sheet 2.
25. Sheet 1 and 2 Insert a header with your student number at the left hand side and 2
today’s date at the right hand side.
Insert a footer with your surname in the center position. 1
26. Save the workbook as Exercise 1 Your surname
27. TOTAL 65

Exercise 2

Open the workbook called Exercise 2 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. Sheet 1 Make a copy of sheet 1.

2. Rename sheet 1 to Auditing and sheet 2 to Accounting.
3. Save the workbook as Exercise 2 Your surname.
4. Insert a third worksheet. Link the information on the Auditing sheet to this new
worksheet and rename it to Cost.

5. Cost Copy the Cost worksheet to a new workbook and save the new workbook as Cost.
6. Accounting Return to Exercise 2 and change the tab color of the Accounting worksheet to blue.
7. Change the order of the worksheets to first Accounting, then Cost, and then
8. Sheet 2 Delete the blank sheet 2.
9. Save the workbook.
10. Make sure both the Cost and the Exercise 2 Your surname workbooks are open.
Create a workspace where the two workbooks are arranged vertically.
11. Close the Cost workbook and open Exercise 2 Your surname.
12. Auditing Add the following comment: Only the top 10 students
13. G5 Create a hyperlink from the word Final to the Cost workbook.
14. A6:A15 Password protect the Accounting worksheet (ex2), but allow editing for the range
A6 to A15.
15. Auditing Apply the Check cell style to the range A5:G15 and create a 3-D pie chart to display
the surname and the Final mark. Change the title to Final Marks. Save it as a
template called Final marks.
16. Create a new workbook based on the Final marks template.

Exercise 3

Open the workbook called Exercise 3 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. H6:H15 Use the Absolute cell ref H4 to calculate the Pass weight of each student.
2. B6:B15 Type the student number 0014 for the first student. Use autofill to fill the rest of the
column (last student number will be 0023).
3. H1 Type (10)
4. H2:J2 Format the numbers to display negative numbers in blue, display currency,
thousand separator and 2 decimals.
5. J6:J15 Use the PROPER function to capitalize the text in C6:C15 (example: Molefe A).
6. C6:C15 Copy J6:J15 to C6:C15 (use paste special, values), delete J6:J15.
7. A1 Use a function (UPPER) to change the text to capital letters (also uppercase or All
8. C18:L18 Use the transpose option to rather display the student surnames as column
9. C19:L19 Copy the Final marks to below the student surnames (first use paste special to get
the values instead of the formulas).
10. J5 Use the SUBSTITUTE function to change and enter Test 4 (use F5 in your function)
11. Create the following style, called: Main1: Font: Bell MT, Font Size: 14, Font Colour:
Blue, Bold
12. A1, Format to Style: Main1
13. Create a pie chart to display the Pass weight. Apply the Facet theme to the sheet.
Customize the colours so that it is different shades of lime and gold. Save the
theme colours as New1.
14. Insert any picture from the sample pictures as a background to sheet 2.
15. Save the workbook as Exercise 3 Your surname.

Exercise 4

Open the workbooks called Exercise 4 Judge 1, Exercise 4 Judge 2, Exercise 4 Audience and Exercise
4 Final that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the instructions below to do the exercise.

Consolidating and Analyzing data

What is Consolidating?
• “Summarize data from different ranges into a single range.”
• You have source areas that are added into destination areas.
• You can consolidate data on the same sheet, different sheets but the same workbook and
between different workbooks (all workbooks is open).

Remember: All source workbooks have the same structure

1. In workbook Exercise 4 Final score, consolidate the Final Scores of Judges

1, 2 and the Audience (use the average function and remember to create
a link).
2. Save the workbook as Exercise 4 Final score Your surname.
3. Open the workbook called Exercise 4 add that is already saved in your
student folder. Follow the instructions below to do the exercise.

1. On the 2016 sheet, consolidate the Sales for the first to fourth quarter.
Calculate the Total sales and remember to create a link.
2. Save the workbook as Exercise 4 add Your surname.

Exercise 5

Open the workbook called Exercise 5 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

When naming a range: Create name: Right click, Name

• Begin with text not number box, Name manager
• No spaces Name Manager - Ctrl+F3
• No cell references Create names from selection -
• Unique names for a specific workbook Ctrl+Shift+F3
• Max 255 characters Create list of names - F3
• Unlimited number of names

1. B4:B19 Use the name box to name the range (Qtr1_Sales)
2. C4:C19 Use R-click to name the range (Qtr2_Sales)
3. D4:D19 Use the Name manager to name the range (Qtr3_Sales)
4. E3:E19 Use Ctrl-Shift-F3 to name the range (Qtr4_Sales)
5. B21 Use the range name Qtr1_Sales to calculate the Total sales
6. Delete the range name for Qtr2_Sales
7. January Name the range TotalQtrl_2
C4:C19 and
8. B22 Use the Sum function and the named range to calculate the Total Quarter
2 sales for the two months.
9. Table sheet Convert the data to a table (table style light 9) called Sales.
A1:E19 Change the table style to Banded rows and columns.
Add a new column called Total_Sales
Use the sum function to add up all the sales
Add a total in the last row to calculate the Average Sales
Rename the table to Sales_2016
10. Save the workbook as Exercise 5 Your surname.

Exercise 6

Open the workbook called Exercise 6 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. A4:C26 Sort the information according to the Athlete’s surname.

2. A4:C26 Sort the information according to the Medals.
3. A4:C26 Sort the information according to the Medal and Surname.
4. A3:C26 Use the subtotal function to show the Total Prize money for each Medal
group (remember that sheet must be sorted according to medal group).
5. Gold sheet Use conditional formatting to format all the Gold medals to fill color green
B4:B26 and all Silver medals to Bold.
6. Gold sheet Use a formula to change all the Prize money amounts that are less than the
C4:C26 average Prize money to Italic.
7. Sheet 2 Apply a filter to show all the Gold medalists.
8. Sheet 2 Apply a filter to display all the athletes that did not get a Gold medal.
9. Sheet 2 Apply a filter to display all the athlete’s surnames that begins with a “K”.
10. Save the workbook as Exercise 6 Your surname.

Exercise 7

Open the workbook called Exercise 7 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. A3:E4 On sheet 1, create a bar chart. Change the title to “Bar one”.
Add a trend line to display the forecast for the next 2 quarters.
2. A3:B19 & Create a dual axis column chart. Change the title to “Qtr1 vs Total”.
F3:F19 First show the Qtr1_Sales and then compare it with the Total_Sales on the
secondary axis (F3:F19). Display the data on the secondary axis as a line
3. Insert a new column between the Qtr4_Sales and the Total_Sales. Add
spark lines to display the trend of Quarterly sales.
4. Create a custom template of “Qtr1 vs Total” chart and save it as Compare.
5. Sheet 2 Apply the Compare template to the data on this sheet.
6. Save the workbook as Exercise 7 Your surname.

Exercise 8

Open the workbook called Exercise 8 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. Use the information on sheet 1 to create a Pivot table. Display the

information as follows:
Filters: Region
Columns: Quarter
Rows: Product
Values: Sales
Rename the sheet to PivotTable
2. Swop the Columns and the Rows.
3. Row 66 Insert the following for the North West region:
Qtr1, Flash drive 16 Gb, R13000
Qtr2, Flash drive 16 Gb, R14000
Qtr3, Flash drive 16 Gb, R15000
Qtr4, Flash drive 16 Gb, R14500
Refresh the information so that it show in the Pivot table
4. Create slicers for the Quarter and Product
5. Create a Pivot column chart to display Quarter 1 and 2.
6. Save the workbook as Exercise 8 Your surname.

Exercise 9

Open the workbook called Exercise 9 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. D3:D8 Use the IF statement to determine the Tax type. If the fix amount is equal
to 0, the Tax type is Basic, otherwise the Tax type is Complicated.
2. G11:G17 Use the IF statement to calculate the threshold amounts based on the age
of the person. If the Age is less than 65, the threshold amount is R75000
otherwise the threshold amount is R116150.
3. D11:D17 Use a nested IF statement to determine the Fix amount for each person.
Use the Yearly income scales in your IF statement.
4. E11:E17 Use the nested IF statement to calculate the Additional tax payable. Use
the Yearly income scales in your IF statement.
5. F11:F17 Use a formula to calculate the Final Tax.
6. H11:H17 Determine a possible Tax relief of R10000 for persons younger than 21 or
older than 69.
7. Save the workbook as Exercise 9 Your surname.

Exercise 10

Open the workbook called Exercise 10 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. C19 Use a function to count how many students are studying Accounting.
2. C20 Use a function to count how many students are third years and are
studying accounting.
3. G21 Use a function to calculate the average balance of the Ndip Aud students.
4. G22 Use a function to calculate the Total Balance of the Accounting students
that owe more than R20.
5. B3 Insert today’s date.
6. H6:H17 Calculate the age of each student (use absolute cell reference B3).
7. B4 Insert today’s date and time.
8. B4 Change the format of the date and time to: 12 April (Wed) 2017 14:15
9. Save the workbook as Exercise 10 Your surname.

Exercise 11

Open the workbook called Exercise 11 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. C5:C20 Use a formula and the absolute cell reference C3 to calculate the new Price
if the profit is 30%. Use Autofil.
2. D5:D20 Use a formula and the absolute cell reference D3 to calculate the VAT
based on the New Price. Use Autofil.
3. E5:E20 Use a formula to calculate the Selling Price.
4. I4 Use an Array formula to calculate the Total Worth of Takalani Tuck Shop.
(remember to use ctrl-shift-enter).
5. I5 Use an Array formula to calculate the Total Cost of Takalani Tuck Shop.
(remember to use ctrl-shift-enter).
6. I8 Use the PMT function to calculate the monthly payment Takalani Tuck
Shop has to make to pay of a loan equals to the Total Cost of the shop.
Rate is 17.5% and it need to be paid back over 2 years.
7. Make a copy of the sheet and display the formulas.
8. Prevent the formulas from automatic calculation. Hide the formulas and
change the installments to 36.
9. Save the workbook as Exercise 11 Your surname.

Exercise 12

Open the workbook called Exercise 12 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. Sheet 1,C16 Use the Vlookup function to determine the Client name for the code C009.
2. Sheet 2 Sort the table according to the Client name.
3. C16 Use the Vlookup function to determine the Rate of John Terry.
4. C17 Use the Vlookup function to determine the Loan amount of Gary Cahill.
5. C18 Use the Vlookup function to determine the Deposit of Willian.
6. Sheet 3 Sort the table according to the rate.
7. C16 Use the Vlookup function to determine the Period of a 23% rate.
8. Save the workbook as Exercise 12 Your surname.

Exercise 13

Open the workbook called Exercise 13 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. B5:B13 Use data validation and the range G1:G2 to create a drop down list to select
the Faculty of each student belongs to. The input message is: Select the
faculty the student belong to.
The Error message: The option you selected does not exist, please try again.
2. C5:C13 Use data validation to create a drop down list to select Yes or No whether
the student RSVP or not. The input message is: Select Yes or No.
The Error message: The option you selected does not exist, please try again.
3. D5:D13 Use data validation to create a drop down list to select the number of
guests the student are bringing to the ceremony. A student can bring from 0
up until 4 guests. The input message is: Select the number of guests.
The Error message: The option you selected does not exist, please try again.
4. Save the workbook as Exercise 13 Your surname.

Exercise 14

Open the workbook called Exercise 14 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. A3 Calculate the Price per person.

2. Use goalseek and determine how many students need to attend if you
want to bring the Price per person down to R35.
3. C7 Calculate the Total cost for training.
4. Use goalseek and determine the Number of students that can attend
training if the Total cost need to be R10500.
5. I2 Calculate the monthly payment.
6. Use solver to determine Loan amount if the monthly payment is only
7. I6 Calculate the monthly payment.
8. Use solver to determine the Loan amount if the monthly payment can be
9. Save the workbook as Exercise 14 Your surname.

Exercise 15

Open the workbook called Exercise 15 that is already saved in your student folder. Follow the
instructions below to do the exercise.

1. A1 Create a macro called Format (Ctrl-shift-F) to format your spreadsheet as

follows: Bold, Font colour Purple, size 16
2. Add a button for your Format macro to the Quick access toolbar.
3. D4:D8 Create a macro called Cost (Ctrl-shift-E) to calculate the Cost price.
4. E4:E8 Create a macro called Profit (Ctrl-shift-P) to calculate the Profit.
5. Save the workbook as Exercise 15 Your surname.


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