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Meg aofF Total Pages : 8 732/ML X-13/2059 oF ESSIONAL ETHICS & PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM-II Semester-VIII ne Allowed : 3 Hours] (Maximum Marks : 74 je : Attempt two questions each from Sections A and B carrying 11-marks each and the entire Section C consisting of 10 short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each. SECTION—A Discuss the importance and the contribution of legal profession in the development of the country. What are the privileges and rights of legal profession? Examine critically that after the enactment of the Advocates Act, 1961, there is only one recognised class of persons entitled to practice law in India. nr /s3s/w/1010 (P.T.0. | eS aa SS | I. Ww Discuss the functions and powers of Bar Counce) of India. Discuss the powers of the Bar Council of Inqjbl regarding Review, Revision and Appeal as laj down under the Advocates Act, 1961. SECTION—B : (ci A special responsibility rests on the members the Bar to see that the parties should not mislet the court by false or reckless statements on mater, matters. Elaborately _discuss the duties of { Advocate to his client. | Write short notes on the following:. - | (a) Explain the meaning of Professional Ethi | (b) Duties of an Advocate to render legal aid Define and explain the meaning of Civil Conten Distinguish between Civil and Crimi | contempt. q . 732/ML/536/W/1010 2 write short note (a) Power of P $8 on the following ‘arliament, 0 punish for of the House, for the conternpt () Nature and scope of the LegalyServics Authorities Act, 1987, SECTION—C Write short notes on : MIL/536/W/1010 State, procedure for enrolment of Advocates What are the powers of State Bar Councils? State composition of Disciplinary Committees of State Bar Councils Define and explain Professional Misconduct il of State Disciplinary powers of Bar Counce! India. dvocate towards What are the duties of an A‘ Courts? [p. T. O. fh 10. 732/MLIS36/W/1010 4 What is meant by Bench-Bar relationship? Who is Bench and who is Bar? L | | What are the duties of an Advocate toward; his opponent? Whether fair and academic criticism of Courtg judgements will amount to contempt? t p How, conflicts between own ‘interest an professional duty are resolved by a Advocate? Total Pages : 7 6302/ML © X-9/2057 a | oFESSIONAL ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM-II (Semester-VIID) ie Allowed : 3 Hours] (Maximum Marks : 100 te: The candidates are required to attempt one question each from Sections A, B, C and D carrying 15 marks each and the entire Section E consisting of 10 short answer type questions carrying 4 marks each. SECTION—A Explain the procedure for receipt of complaint, disposal and punishment of Disciplinary Committee. Explain the composition, powers and functions of State Bar Councils under. Advocates Act, 1961. ML/381/W/1810 [p. T. 0. ~I | pet ) SECTION—B | yo! } 0c Explain the composition and powers of Discipling Comittee. pe’ ) Explain the procedure for disposal of Proceeding wh under Advocates Act, 1961. pe ) DY ) oF SECTION—C Explain the duties of Advocates towards client ar opponents. ) See Explain the duties of Advocates towards Publ: and State. ) Int SECTION—D Explain the powers of Parliament and Stati Legislatures of punishing for their contempts. Explain the powers of Supreme Court of punishing for their contempts. SECTION—E Write short notes on the following : | (a) Right to practice of Advocates | | 6302/ML/381/W/1310 2 te jogal Peaotitionor Act, 179 ) Appeal to the Stiprome Court againat the docisions of Dixoiptinary Gommittoo Roview by tho Disciplinary Committos What do you moan by 'Protossional Behicw'? Residue dutios of Advocatos Duties of Rondor Logal Aid Criminal Contempt Seandalizing the Authority of Court Interference with the Wilnesses. (p.T. 0. cc = cee ae af F 4.661 Total Pages : PC-4963/MS T-3/2055/MS PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM - III (Semester-VI) Time : Three Hours] (Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt one question each from Sections A, B, C and D TL. carrying 15 marks each and the entire Section E consisting of 10 short answer type questions carrying 4 marks each. . SECTION-A Discuss the development of legal profession in India. What is the procedure for the enrolment of an Advocate ? What are his privileges and rights in practising as an Advocate ? SECTION -B Discuss. the constitution and functions of the Bar Council of India, On what.ground election to Bar Council can be challenged ? What are the disciplinary powers of Bar Council of India ? What is the procedure for punishment of an Advocate for misconduct ? 4963-Ms/910/HHH/681 [PTO. 2olS 15 SECTION - C V. Write an explanatory note on professional ethics of Lawyer, VI. Discuss the duties of an Advocate towards his client and opponent. SECTION - D VIL. Explain the meaning of Contempt of Court. Is innocent Publication and distribution of matter contempt of court ? Explain. VII. Discuss the Constitutional provisions telating to power of the Supreme Court and the High Court to punish for contempt. SECTION - £ IX. Write short notes on the following : Y Appeal to Supreme Court from an order of Bar Council of India, (H Power of review of Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council. Me) Distinction of legal Profession from other professions. fd) Meaning of Misconduct, %) Powers of State Bar Council, 4963-MS/910/HHH/681 2 0 hp fy Ba a Duty of an Advocate towards State. y of an Advocate to render legal aid. flict between Interest and Duties. () Con of Legal Services Authority ow Salient features Act, 1987. Power of Parliament to punish for its contempt. @ [pTO. Time : Three Hours] Note : Total Pages : 6 PC-53062/ML U-19/2052 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Paper-II (Semester—VII) [Maximum Marks : 74 Attempt two questions each from Section A & B carrying 11 marks each and the entire Section C consisting of 10 short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each, SECTION—A Discuss the importance of legal profession. Distinguish it from other professions and businesses, IL. Discuss the privileges and rights to practice of, advocacy in India. Tl. Write a detailed note on the composition, functions and powers of the Bar Council of India. 53062/ML/1510/HHH/325 Ves TPT 6, agi VII. VIII. 53062/ML/1510/HHH/325 Answer briefly : (a) Punishment of advocate for misconduct. (b) Right of appeal to the Supreme Court in misconduct proceedings. SECTION—B Discuss the duty of advocate towards the public and the State. ; Discuss briefly : (a) Duty of advocates towards client, (6) Duty to render legal aid. Write an essay on bar and bench relation in India. Refer to decided cases. Discuss the salient features of National Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. SECTION—C (Compulsory Question) Write notes on the following : 1 Disciplinary Committee under Section 9, Advocates Act, 1961. 2. Disqualification of members of Bar Councils. 2 Duty of Advocates towards courts. 3 4, Strike by lawyers. 5, Misconduct. 6. Review of orders by disciplinary Committee. 7. Criminal contempt. 8. Objectives of Legal Service Authority Act, 1987. 9. Conflict between interest and duty. 10. Legislature and its power of contempt. 5. '3062/ML/1510/HHH/325 3 [P.T.0. Time : Note : ql. Total Pages : 6 PC-8962/ML V-22/2053 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS & PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM-II (Semester-VII) 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 74 Attempt two questions each from Sections A & B carrying 11 marks each and the entire Section C consisting of 10 short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each, SECTION—A Write down different Stages in the devel lopment of legal profession in India. Examine the procedure for the admission and enrolment of an Advocate. Discuss his/her privileges and tight to practice law before the courts. What is the composition of the State Bar Council? Discuss the powers and functions of the State Bar Council. Distinguish between the disciplinary powers of the Bar Council of India and the State Bar Council. 8962/MIL/1310/HIHH/1466 WI To. SECTION—B Vv. Briefly explain the duties of Advocates with special reference to duty towards public and the State. VI. Briefly explain the duties of an Advocate towards the court. VIL. In case of conflict between the self-interest of an Advocate and his duty, what side the Advocate is supposed to take? VIn. With the help of case law, explain the constitutional validity of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, SECTION—C (Compulsory Question) Ix. Write brief answers of the following p 1, Briefly mention the privileges of Advocates as members of legal profession. What do you understand by the meaning and scope of professional misconduct? Enumerate the nature of punishment which can be imposed on an Advocate for professional misconduct, Write down’ the composition of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of India. Briefly enumerate the powers of Appeal, Review and Revision of the Bar Council of India. Is an Advocate always under a duty to provide legal aid to his needy client? 8962/ML/1310/HHH/1466 2 10. Discuss the duties of an Advocate towards his colleagues. Give a brief overview of the Bench-Bar relationship. Describe Constitutional provisions regarding the powers of Supreme Court to punish for its contempt. In what form the legal aid is provided to the indigent litigant under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987?

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