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Persuading Students for Behavior Change by

Determining their Personality Type

Muhammad Adnan, Hamid Mukhtar Muhammad Naveed
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of System Engineering
National University of Science and Technology University of Engineering and Technology
Islamabad 44000, Pakistan Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Email:, Email:

Abstract—Our research integrates human personality with our statement we conducted a survey that finds relationship
Fogg Behavior Grid. We believe that human personality layer between students personality types and study behavior. Sub-
surrounds Fogg Behavior Grid. To prove our statement an exper- sequently a prototype mobile application was developed that
imental study was carried out on graduate students comprising
of two surveys. The first survey was carried out to determine guide and persuade graduate students in increasing their study
students personality types while in the second survey students behavior in order to perform well in exams. This paper is
were asked to recommend different study behavior options. organized as follows. Section one is about introduction to
Our survey results revealed strong association between students Fogg Behavior Grid and human personality measurement tool
personality types and their study behavior. After the two surveys, called Mayer’s Brigg’s Type Indicator (MBTI). Section two
a prototype mobile application was developed and tested with
an aim to facilitate and persuade students in further increasing detail the areas of persuasive technology where it is extensively
their study behavior in the right direction keeping in view used. Section three gives detail about our study design process.
their personality types and study behavior preferences. Different Section four explains the working of our mobile application
persuasion strategies through mobile application were applied that persuades students to increasing their study behavior.
on students with different personality types and study behavior. Section five list future directions and concludes our research
At the end it was concluded that Fogg Behavior Grid which
suggests fifteen behavior types could be made more systematic work.
and detailed if humans personality types are considered first.
Subsequently humans can be persuaded more effectively in A. Fogg Behavior Grid
achieving their target behavior if their personality types are Stanford University professor BJ Fogg has recently de-
considered first. veloped a simplified version of Fogg Behavior Grid which
Index Terms—Computer and mobile persuasion, captology, suggests fifteen types of behavior change [10]. According to
smart phones, behavior, personality types, study behavior, Mea- Fogg Behavior Grid, a person can do new or familiar behavior.
surement, persuasive design Further a person can increase or decrease the intensity of
particular behavior. Finally a person can completely stop
I. I NTRODUCTION a particular behavior. The above types of behavior can be
Stanford University professor BJ Fogg first articulated the performed one time, for specified amount of time or can
term Captology in CHI 97 conference, which means using be done indefinitely. Furthermore, BJ Fogg have developed
computers as persuasive technology. The meaning and differ- online behavior wizard, that guides humans in selecting one
ent perspective of persuasive technology was first introduced specific cell in Fogg Behavior Grid for behavior change [8].
and defined in CHI 97 conference. The problem is that Fogg Behavior Grid is very generic
Persuasion means influencing people behaviors, attitude and and does not considers human personality before suggesting
intentions without any deception or coercion [9] [13]. Persua- behavior change option. For example, consider a customized
sion uses information and sensation to change person behavior Fogg Behavior Grid presented in Figure 1 that guides graduate
about particular object or perception. students in performing study or co-curricular behavior in one
Persuasive technology is a technique used in human computer of fifteen different ways. BJ Fogg suggested that different
interaction(HCI) which uses human psychology and pompos- persuasion strategies would be required for different behavior
ity to change person or persons behavior or attitude. Persuasive change options. Persuasion strategies for a person who want
technology are mainly used in business, politics, education, to do new behavior would be different from a person who
health, environment and public relationship. To make the want to decrease or increase a particular behavior. As human
process of persuasion more systematic and organized BJ Fogg personality factor is not considered in Fogg Behavior Grid
has recently developed a simplified version of Fogg Behavior so we argue that this type of Fogg Behavior Grid is too
Grid that details fifteen way of changing human behavior [10]. abstract and generic and does not fits for all students with
We in this paper argue that Fogg Behavior Grid can further be different personality types. We also argue that different people
enhanced by adding human personality factor to it. To prove with different personality types requires different persuasion

978-1-4673-2252-2/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

strategies to more effectively change their behavior for positive and was first published in 1962 [23].
results. With the inclusion of human personality we can make MBTI divides personalities into 16 different types which are
Fogg Behavior Grid more detailed and complete. Systematic ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP,
approach to behavior change will be more effective in design- ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ and ENTJ. Every combina-
ing persuasive technology. Referring back to figure 1, we have tion is abbreviation of four words. For example ISTJ stands for
an option related to student studying for two hours early in the Introversion(I), sensing(S), Thinking(T) and Judging(J). Each
morning. We may persuade and suggest students to adopt this combination is outcome of four bipolar discontinuous scales
behavior everyday with exception of holidays thus making it which were introduced by Jung’s theory [16]. These scales are
a path behavior for them. Now studying two hours early in introversion vs Extraversion, Sensation vs Intuition, Thinking
the morning behavior would be easy for those students who vs Feeling and Judging vs Perceiving. Any combination from
follow strict study plan in which they like to do things on these scales results in one particular personality type. For
time. Their study plan could include studying for two hours example a person who is more introvert than extravert, more
early in the morning but students who are not particular about sensor than intuitive, more thinker than feeler and more judger
doing their study on one particular time may find this early than perceiver would be categorized as introversion, sensation,
morning study behavior difficult to perform. They may feel thinking and perceiving (ISTP). MBTI is now becoming more
comfortable in studying for two hours throughout the day popular in universities for guiding graduate students about
where they divide their study time in chunks of thirty minutes. their career options, building leadership qualities, business
Here it is important to mention that some students follows tight management, personal development, doing effective communi-
study plan where every activity is performed on time whereas cation and how difference in perceptions among people can be
some students are not particular about their study hours and reduced and eliminated. Currently MBTI is focus of extensive
study on that time which they feel is more comfortable and research and there are substantial evidence that MBTI is valid
suitable for them throughout the day. This study behavior and reliable [5]. Our research first determine students MBTI
difference is because of difference in the personalities and personality types and then persuade them accordingly through
nature of students. Our study first finds relationship between mobile phone application in achieving their study behavior
students personalities and students study behavior. After that goals.
different mobile persuasive techniques and strategies are used
in our prototype Android mobile application. The purpose of II. R ELATED W ORK
these persuasive techniques and strategies is to guide students The domain of Persuasive technology and its application
in bringing positive change in their study behavior. is broad with health, safe driving, education, eco-friendly
environment and physical exercise as its primary domain [9].
B. Mayer’s-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Currently mobile applications, games and social networking
Our research study will use Mayer’s-Briggs Type Indicator, websites like Facebook are being used to persuade people to
a psychometric questionnaire comprising of about 75 questions do certain behavior. In health alone many mobile applications
for determining students personalities [22]. MBTI is currently have been developed that motivates people to remain healthy
the world most popular and known personality assessment and active by adapting certain preventive measures.
indicator and for the last forty years many studies have prove Chick clique [29], a mobile application motivates teenage
MBTI both valid and reliable [26] [6] [28]. MBTI can be used girls to avoid harmful means to reduce weight and to do
to guide mass population in carrier counseling, knowing their daily physical exercise in group having social interaction with
preferences and likings, knowing how to communicate with friends.
and understand other people, decision making and personality Similar to Chick clique is a mobile application called
testing. Byne and Pittenger (Bayne, 1994; Pittener, 1993) Flowie [2] that uses the idea of virtual coach to encourages
indicated that MBTI would be the future potent tool and elderly people to maintain and increase their exercise level
guide in team building, decision making, improving customer and avoid age related problems as a result.
relations, conciliating group differences, career planning and Authors in [30] have used another approach by developing a
guidance, adapting to change behavior and attitude, employees mobile application that unconsciously motivate and persuades
management in an organization and in conflict resolution user to walk, making it a fun activity. Authors in [17] have
[12]. In our study target behavior type would be suggested used Theory of Planned Behavior [1], Theory of Meaning
according to particular student personality type and different Behavior, and Personality Theory that tries to find the factors
persuasion strategies would be used through mobile phones behind teenager motivation to adopt behaviors related to
for achieving those target study behaviors. But before delving physical activities.
study design it is important to know the origin of MBTI, Applications like StepMatron [11] also exist that creates
what are the sixteen different MBTI personality types and how competition through online social networking. As a result
MBTI divides human personality into sixteen different types. significant increase was found in the physical activeness of
Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers different players.
explored the work of Carl Gustav Jung, a swiss psychiatrist, Heath and regular exercise is not only the sole target of
which resulted in human personality determining questionnaire persuasive technology. There exist systems and studies that
Fig. 1. Customized Fogg behavior Grid that suggests 15 types of study and co-curricular activities behaviors

apply persuasive technology in the area of adapting eco- P ERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT PERSONALITY
friendly environment [4],doing regular toothbrushing [24], TYPES
safe driving [20] [19], reduce watching television [18] etc. Personality Types N Percent
Few studies and mobile applications exits in literature that ISTJ 5 6.85%
tries to find relationship between human personality and their ISFJ 8 10.96%
INFJ 5 6.85%
desired behavior. The work done in those studies are related to 5
INTJ 6.85%
health promoting mobile applications. For example, authors ISTP 2 2.74%
in [14] have revealed that there is a strong relationship ISFP 2 2.74%
between human personality and different persuasive INFP 6 8.22%
INTP 3 4.11%
strategies. In their online survey, they allowed different 2
ESTP 2.74%
users to select their desired persuasive strategy depicted on ESFP 3 4.11%
online storyboard representing different persuasive strategies. ENFP 7 9.59%
Thereafter, another online survey was carried out in order to ENTP 5 6.85%
ESTJ 4 5.48%
determine personalities of those different users using Big Five 5
ESFJ 6.85%
Inventory(BFI) [15]. As a result significant relationship was ENFJ 9 12.33%
found between human personalities and different persuasion ENTJ 2 2.74%
Similarly, authors in [3] tries to motivate teens and adults to
adopt long term active physical behavior in order to abstain
oriented. Students will be persuaded to better understand their
from diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Contrary
learning strengths, know their weaknesses and subsequently
to other mobile applications their mobile application first
work towards removing those weaknesses, better manage the
determine user personality using Big Five Inventory and then
study time and course objectives.
recommend different exercise and games options related to
their personalities.
So far, up to best of our knowledge, no research study or III. S TUDY D ESIGN
mobile application exists that takes persuasive techniques and
strategies before encouraging graduate students to study in We believe that human personality layer surrounds Fogg
the right environment and direction. With the help of newly Behavior Grid. Therefore, its is important to know human per-
developed Android mobile application our research study will sonality, preferences and desired options before recommending
try to persuade, motivate and encourage graduate students and persuading them for any target behavior to achieve. For
in making their study activities more effective and result example in our study a student may prefer to study with the
help of Moodle or video lectures in a quiet environment rather
students with different personality types does prefer to have
different study environment and behavior. Thus there is a need
of different persuasive strategies and techniques for differ-
ent students with different study preferences and behavior.
Based on these results, a simple prototype Android mobile
application was developed and tested with an aim to guide,
persuade and encourage students in increasing their study
behavior. Details of this mobile prototype will be discussed
later. Tables II, III, IV, and V summarizes correlation between
students personality types and study behavior preferences.
B. Survey Analysis
In this section, we discuss correlation results between stu-
dents personality types and their study behavior.
1) Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging (ISTJ): It was
Fig. 2. Persuasion strategies for people with different preferences and noticed that ISTJ have mixed up reaction towards combine
study behavior. This may be due to the fact that they know
advantages of combine study but they do it very few in a
week and feel comfortable in understanding and memorizing
than studying with classmates in group. In this case persuasive subject concepts alone in silent and peaceful environment.
strategies for students who wishes to study alone in quiet Strong correlation was revealed for timely study plan, studying
environment using Moodle or video lectures would be different alone and studying using Moodle whereas negative correlation
from those students who prefer to study in group. This idea was observed for studying with teachers notes and concerns
is represented in figure 2. course books. This shows that they enjoy following their study
plan, enjoys extra things apart from their study and likes to
A. Survey Design have few reliable friends with which they want to share their
To elicit students information about personality types and course ideas and experiences.
study behaviors, two online surveys were conducted using 2) Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging (ISFJ): Like ISTJ,
google forms. Services of 80 students (60 males and 20 ISFJ showed similar associations towards combine study be-
females) belonging to BIT-11A and BIT-11B batch of School havior. Knowing the apparent advantages of combine study,
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(SEECS) of still they showed negative association towards studying in
National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, group and felt that combine study is more distracting and
were taken. In the first survey, students were first briefed does not generates study interest. Referring to table II, ISFJ
about MBTI and were then requested to fill online google showed positive correlation for following timely study plan,
form consisting of 75 MBTI questions so that information study alone in room or library, studying using Moodle and
about students personalities could be elicited. In the second consulting extra tutorials and web during study whereas nega-
survey, same students were requested to fill another online tive correlation was observed for following only teacher notes
google form consisting of questions related to student per- and course books during study.
ceptions about different study preferences and habits. Both 3) Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ): Apart
online surveys lasted for two hours. All students form re- from combine study and consulting websites, tutorials etc,
sponses were thoroughly scrutinized and analyzed for any INFJ showed strong positive correlation for all other study
mistakes and ambiguities. Out of 80 form responses, seven behaviors. Similar to ISTJ, INFJ were having mixed reaction
were discarded due to incomplete and delayed form feedback. to combing study behavior due to apparent advantages of
Table I shows the percentage of different students belonging combine study but not always prefer to do combine study
to different personality types. The second survey consisted of as they prefer to have silent environment for their rational
seven questions similar to study behavior options presented in and logical thinking about any topic or concept. They showed
figure 1. Every question further consisted of two parts for strong association and tendency towards planned study right
which students have to answers in terms of yes or no to from the beginning of every semester doing every activity
express their liking or disliking about that particular study related to study on its right time.
behavior. Identity of every student was revealed from their 4) Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ): The re-
email address as they submitted both the forms. Finally data sults of INTJ in table II showed that they are more attuned
from both the forms were examined and scrutinized for errors towards studying alone, following timely study plan, studying
and understanding. Data from both the forms representing using Moodle and understanding only ideas rather then going
students personalities and study behaviors was co-related and in the depth of every topic. Similar to ISTJ, ISFJ and INFJ
interestingly strong association was revealed between students they does not showed any interest in doing combine study
personalities and their study behaviors. It was observed that regularly and find it more distracting and perturbing.
Students Study behavior
Study behavior Perceptions ISTJ R(5) value ISFJ R(8) value INFJ R(5) value INTJ R(5) value
Student learns better +0.413 +0.512 +0.237 +0.345
Combine study behavior
Helps in doing class assignment -0.224 -0.345 -0.387 -0.451
Following proper time Effectively organizes study +0.625 +0.695 +0.571 +0.552
table University should follow strict
+0.572 +0.551 +0.490 +0.732
rules regarding time
Students avoids many unnecessary
Studying alone and +0.298 +0.643 +0.365 +0.487
staying reserved in class
Concentrate more while studying +0.342 +0.674 +0.678 +0.592
Gathering lots of facts for Gives good results +0.459 +0.489 -0.354 -0.587
problem solving Prepares well for exams +0.567 +0.571 -0.489 -0.523
Learn more in short time -0.254 -0.298 +0.291 +0.441
Understanding just ideas
Is more effective -0.342 -0.334 +0.427 +0.598
Studying only teachers Prepares well for exams -0.356 -0.452 +0.309 +0.679
notes and course books Student learn fasters -0.276 -0.234 +0.65 +0.621
Consulting websites, Increases knowledge many fold +0.599 +0.414 -0.269 +0.227
tutorials, moodle during Learns extra things
+0.498 +0.678 -0.474 -0.267

Students Study behavior
Study behavior Perceptions ISTP R(2) value ISFP R(2) value INFP R(6) value INTP R(3) value
Student learns better +0.265 +0.245 +0.354 +0.289
Combine study behavior
Helps in doing class assignment -0.227 -0.456 +0.451 +0.210
Following proper time Effectively organizes study -0.699 -0.698 -0.212 -0.435
table University should follow strict
-0.712 -0.790 -0.341 -0.563
rules regarding time
Students avoids many unnecessary
Studying alone and +0.478 +0.465 +0.456 +0.556
staying reserved in class
Concentrate more while studying +0.698 +0.559 +0.492 +0.672
Gathering lots of facts for Gives good results +0.440 +0.690 -0.237 -0.562
problem solving Prepares well for exams +0.377 +0.519 -0.451 -0.341
Learn more in short time -0.452 -0.441 +0.378 +0.421
Understanding just ideas
Is more effective -0.331 -0.321 +0.440 +0.551
Studying only teachers Prepares well for exams -0.229 +0.581 +0.311 +0.4521
notes and course books Student learn fasters -0.367 +0.267 +0.369 +0.467
Consulting websites, Increases knowledge many fold +0.431 +0.765 +0.200 +0.356
tutorials, moodle during Learns extra things +0.576 +0.558 +0.265 -0.254

5) Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (ISTP): Nat- search for other materials on Internet that facilitates them in
urally, ISTP always are interested in implementing ideas their study. Like other students with introverted feelings they
and likes to gain practical experience of whatever they have are interested in doing combine study but not on regular and
learned [21]. It was revealed that ISTP are open minded with daily basis.
changing their study plan very rapidly. They showed strong
7) Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving (INFP): Very
negative correlation towards doing study on any specific time
minor difference was found in thinking of INFJ and INFP re-
on daily basis. They feel comfortable in studying in chunks and
garding their study behavior options. Like ISTP, INFP showed
doing many other extra thing during their study time. Apart
negative association for doing study on one particular time
from study alone and study with the help of Moodle, they
on daily basis. They showed positive correlation for group
showed strong negative correlation for almost all other study
study as well as for studying alone. This might be due to
their compassionate and friendly behavior towards their close
colleagues with whom they are interested in sharing their ideas
6) Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving (ISFP): ISFP
and experiences.
living style are oriented internally with keen interest in the way
new things looks, taste, sound, smell and felt [21]. Table III 8) Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (INTP): INTPs
showed their negative correlation towards those study behavior primarily live in their own minds and thoughts taking little sug-
where there is some kind of time constraint like following gestions and guidance from other colleagues [21]. The are able
timely study plan. Their results showed that they will study at to analyze and solve difficult problems and gives detail logical
any time which suit there mood and preferences. Apart from explanation for any problem. Their result showed negative
studying only course books and teacher lectures they love to correlation towards timely study and looking extra material
Students Study behavior
Study behavior Perceptions ESTP R(2) value ESFP R(3) value ENFP R(7) value ENTP R(5) value
Student learns better +0.679 +0.873 +0.811 +0.819
Combine study behavior
Helps in doing class assignment +0.824 +0.769 +0.698 +0.811
Following proper time Effectively organizes study -0.367 -0.493 -0.698 -0.398
table University should follow strict
-0.489 -0.784 -0.712 -0.332
rules regarding time
Students avoids many unnecessary
Studying alone and -0.665 -0.651 -0.432 -0.542
staying reserved in class
Concentrate more while studying -0.780 -0.590 -0.599 -0.564
Gathering lots of facts for Gives good results +0.672 +0.599 -0.357 -0.543
problem solving Prepares well for exams +0.723 +0.437 -0.475 -0.244
Learn more in short time -0.471 -0.200 +0.478 +0.465
Understanding just ideas
Is more effective -0.589 -0.295 +0.712 +0.369
Studying only teachers Prepares well for exams -0.551 -0.378 +0.616 +0.665
notes and course books Student learn fasters -0.673 -0.451 +0.783 +0.459
Consulting websites, Increases knowledge many fold +0.789 +0.699 +0.323 -0.267
tutorials, moodle during Learns extra things
+0.479 +0.672 +0.234 +0.435

Students Study behavior
Study behavior Perceptions ESTJ R(4) value ESFJ R(5) value ENFJ R(9) value ENTJ R(2) value
Student learns better +0.876 +0.912 +0.884 +0.602
Combine study behavior
Helps in doing class assignment +0.892 +0.984 +0.713 +0.887
Following proper time Effectively organizes study +0.657 +0.792 +0.487 +0.712
table University should follow strict
+0.678 +0.774 +0.459 +0.833
rules regarding time
Students avoids many unnecessary
Studying alone and -0.492 -0.556 -0.582 -0.228
staying reserved in class
Concentrate more while studying -0.581 +0.211 -0.694 +0.322
Gathering lots of facts for Gives good results +0.389 +0.445 -0.201 -0.375
problem solving Prepares well for exams +0.490 +0.592 -0.236 -0.287
Learn more in short time -0.344 -0.396 +0.467 +0.589
Understanding just ideas
Is more effective -0.471 -0.482 +0.678 +0.461
Studying only teachers Prepares well for exams +0.659 -0.210 +0.779 +0.627
notes and course books Student learn fasters +0.769 -0.449 +0.655 +0.763
Consulting websites, Increases knowledge many fold +0.498 +0.622 -0.219 -0.224
tutorials, moodle during Learns extra things
+0.592 +0.773 -0.354 -0.368

like web and tutorials during their study whereas positive very comfortable in doing combine study with colleague on
correlation was shown towards studying alone, studying using regular basis. Their results showed positive correlation only
Moodle and studying only relevant study material throughout towards doing combine study whereas negative correlation
semester. Similar to other introverted students there interest in was observed for following timely study plan, studying alone,
doing combine study was not very strong and do it rarely with following strick time table and consulting only course books
close friends. during their semester study. Their result showed that they loves
9) Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (ESTP): to have social interaction with friends everyday and are more
ESTPs are active, more sociable, out directed and open to oriented towards activities where there is people involvement.
everybody [21], [27]. ESTPs showed strong correlation for 11) Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving (ENFP):
studying in group on daily basis with no specific time and ENFPs are source of inspiration, full of potential and always
venue. As expected, Negative correlation was shown towards looking for help and goodwill of others [21]. Regarding their
studying alone, following strick time table for studies and study behavior they showed strong tendency towards group
following specified lectures and notes. The reason for this neg- study where everybody shares their knowledge and ideas. It
ative correlation towards these study behavior could be time was revealed that their study habits are very much similar
constraints and less interest and motivation during studying to ESTPs showing negative correlation for studying alone, or
alone as compared to studying in group. studying in silent places like library, studying using Moodle
10) Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving(ESFP): ESFPs and do not prefer to bound themselves under time constraints.
are softhearted, optimist fun loving people [21]. They are 12) Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (ENTP):
very helpful to others and consider other people feelings ENTPs are confident speakers, good decision makers, and
before making any decision. Table IV revealed that ESFPs felt enjoy verbal conversation with others [21]. They love to
generate new ideas and express them with others. Their result wise trying to consult every book, lecture, tutorial and other
in table IV showed strong positive correlation towards studying course related material on web for their examinations and
in group where they believe that they can learn more in short class tests. On the other hand students with high intuitive
span of time. Like other extraverted students, ENTPs students nature likes to do study depth wise utilizing their natural
also showed that they feel reluctant to study alone in quite logical reasonings and intuition and consulting specific books
environment following timely and strict study plan during the for their examinations. Based on our survey observations,
whole semester. results and analysis, a prototype Android mobile application
13) Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging (ESTJ): ESTJs was developed and tested by thirty selected students (twenty
likes to maintained discipline, take every step with reason five male and five female students) involved in study behavior
and logic with focusing their energies outwards [21]. Their survey. Of course the aim of Android mobile application
results in table V showed that they prefer systematic way of was to encourage, facilitate, persuade and motivate student
life where every thing is done on time with full dedication and in further enhancing their study behavior effectively. Differ-
motivation. They showed positive association towards combine ent persuasion strategies [25] regarding study behavior were
study, doing new experiments and activities and studying applied on students with different personality types through
regularly on specified time. mobile application.
14) Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging(ESFJ): ESTJs are
A. Mobile Application Working
friendly people who enjoys living together with their family
members and colleagues all the times [21]. They are source A very simple user friendly interface was designed for An-
of inspiration for others and never let anyone annoyed and droid mobile application requiring minimum interaction from
helpless. Their survey result in table V showed that they prefer user side keeping in mind not to overburden the users with a
to do study in organized and structured way where every lot of input data. Mainly the Android mobile application was
activity is performed with perfection and on time. Table V divided into two modules. Upon the launching of application,
also showed that ESFJ have strong positive correlation towards module one is loaded first consisting of MBTI personality test
doing combine study, following timely study schedule and for determining student personality type. Upon completion of
doing regular study early in the morning. Strong association personality test, a specific code was given and stored for a
towards doing combine study revealed that they always en- particular student based on his/her personality type. The first
courage others in doing combine study and voluntarily helps module is launched only the first time with the sole purpose
others in solving their problems. of determining student personality. After that students are
15) Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (ENFJ): EN- directed to game like study activities based on the stored code
FJs are people focused individuals with great passion for related to their personality types. Self explanatory figure 3
understanding, motivating, encouraging, helping and guiding shows the flow chart of our mobile application working.
others [21]. As expected, their result in table V showed In order to make our Android mobile application more attrac-
their interest in doing combine study, following study plan, tive and flexible, students were not constraint to interaction
doing every activity on time and encouraging others to take with only a single mobile activity. After the personality test,
interest in studies. Our survey also revealed that ENFJs follows students are presented with list of game like study activities
specific study materials and shows no interest with topics that based on his personality from which a student can select any-
are out of course. one which s/he desires. For example, students with extraverted
16) Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (ENTJ): Their thinking are presented with activities like
positive correlation towards timely study plan in table V • Inviting friends for doing combine group study.

showed that they are very much particular about time and • Making video of any topics and sharing it with friends

discipline. Like other extraverted students, ENTJs also showed group.

strong positive association towards doing combine study where • Rating friends videos or topics shared for encouragement

everybody is involved and contribute equally. Their positive and recognition.

correlation towards following only course books and teachers • Viewing other colleagues study progress and time studied

notes revealed that their study approach is very focused, thus creating social competition among students.
specific and targeted where out of course study materials are Figure 4 shows the interface of Android mobile application
not valued much. depicting MBTI test, while figure 5, 6 shows students video
ratings and weekly study reports of their colleagues.
IV. M OBILE A PPLICATION It was deemed that different persuasion strategies [7] for
Our survey result showed that students personality types do different personality types students would be more effective
have impact on their study behaviors. For example, students in bringing positive change in their study behavior. Cooper-
with introvert nature prefer to study alone in a quite envi- ative and competitive type mobile application activities that
ronment doing combine study very rarely whereas students facilitates students in increasing their study behavior would
with extraverted personality type like to do combine study be more suitable for students with extraverted thinking and
regularly with no attention to external noise or disturbance. nature whereas mobile application with animated teacher that
Similarly students with high sensing capabilities study breadth apply authoritative and intrinsic type persuasion techniques
Fig. 3. Flow chart of Mobile application working

would be more suitable for students with introverted nature • Yours study time is less than of your colleagues. Lets
in motivating and guiding them towards increasing their study study for two hours every day this week to surpass them.
behavior. Similarly, a mobile application that persuade and • Your study time graph this week is very good and upright.
motivates students to better manage their study time and Keep studying on the same phase.
do less absentees from class would be more appropriate for • Lets give one hour for revising important concepts that
students with perceiving thinking. you have already understood.
It was observed during survey that students with introverted
nature rarely do group study and prefer to have a silent Similarly, mobile activities for students with sensing type
environment where they can concentrate well during their nature were different than intuition type students. More
study time. Therefore, we included an animated mobile teacher logical and rational type tests were presented for sensing type
in our mobile application that can encourage and motivate students on weekly basis in order to help them perform better
introverted thinking students in increasing their study behavior. in examination. Figure 7 shows an animated teacher that
Sweet and motivational phrases were shown to students if it persuade sensing type students to take weekly test in order to
was observed that student are not giving adequate time to their improve their logical reasoning abilities. For creating social
studies. Example of some of those motivational messages are competition among students, test scores of other students
were presented in a graphical form to students with low test
• One Hour. It will make your time easy in exam days. score which might encourage them to study and prepare well
Fig. 6. Weekly student study report along with friends study performance

for weekly tests and final semester examination.

Students tested our Android mobile application for twenty
Fig. 4. MBTI test interface in our mobile application for determining student days and at the end they were requested to give feedback about
personality our mobile application working. It was very encouraging to
see positive response from students side about our mobile
application. Some of the interesting feedbacks from students
with different personality types are listed below.

• My classmates remarks about my teaching style during

combine study was always encouraging for me.
• I never felt that I study alone in my room.
• Due to this mobile application I tried my best to study at
least for two hour every day.
• Weakly numerical reasoning test improved my logical
thinking capabilities
• My classmates study progress report always boosted my
morale to study more.
• I felt that my teacher is always with me looking after my
study progress twenty four hours a day.


We tried to demonstrate that Fogg Behavior Grid is very
generic and in its initial stage. Fogg Behavior Grid can be
make more systematic and complete by inclusion of human
personality factor. We believe that a particular behavior like
increasing students study behavior could be made more easy
and effective if students study preferences which are related
to students personality are considered first. To prove this, a
survey was carried out on graduate students regarding their
Fig. 5. Video rating activity for creating social competition personality types and study behavior preferences and likings. It
was revealed that strong relationship do exist between students
personalities and their study habits. Different students with
Behavior Grid, different kind of mobile and web applications
would be needed. Considering user personality type first and
then recommending behavior change options and suggestion
would surely increase chances of achieving a particular target
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