Van Nieuwenhove Et Al 2021 Imaging of Traumatic and Atraumatic Penile Lumps

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Imaging of Traumatic and Atraumatic
Penile Lumps

Sandy Van Nieuwenhove, MD The full digital presentation is available online.

Julien Van Damme, MD
Axel Feyaerts, MD Palpable nodules on the penile shaft, called penile lumps, are
Camilla Sachs, MD encountered in benign conditions such as Peyronie disease and in
Marin Halut, MD
malignant lesions such as squamous cell carcinoma. Malignant le-

Vassiliki Pasoglou, MD, PhD
sions of the penis account for less than 1% of all malignant cancers
Frédéric Lecouvet, MD, PhD
Etienne Danse, MD, PhD in the United States, and of these, approximately 95% are squa-
Hélène Dano, MD mous cell carcinomas. The diagnostic approach is primarily clinical
Michele Bertolotto, MD and depends on the patient’s medical history and the onset of the
symptoms. Imaging examinations, including principally US and
RadioGraphics 2021; 41:E77–E78 MRI, play a role in staging, preoperative planning, and assessing the
vasculature and viability of the penile tissues. Because of the relative
infrequency of penile diseases, performing and interpreting penile
Content Codes:
imaging studies can be challenging for radiologists with less experi-
From the Departments of Radiology (S.V.N., ence in urogenital imaging.
M.H., V.P., F.L., E.D.), Urology (J.V.D., A.F.),
and Pathology (H.D.), Cliniques Universitaires The penile shaft is composed of three cylindrical structures of
Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain, cavernous erectile tissue covered by the tunica albuginea: two dorsal
Avenue Hippocrate 10, 1200 Brussels, Belgium;
S.C. Radiologia Pordenone Sacile, Azienda San-
corpora cavernosa containing venous sinusoids. and the ventral
itaria Friuli Occidentale (ASFO), Pordenone, midline corpus spongiosum surrounding the urethra and forming
Italy (C.S.); and Department of Radiology, Uni- the glans. Close to the tunica albuginea, the Buck fascia holds the
versity of Trieste, Ospedale di Cattinara, Trieste,
Italy (M.B.). Recipient of a Cum Laude award corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum together and contains the
for an education exhibit at the 2019 RSNA An- deep neurovascular bundles.
nual Meeting. Received September 23, 2020;
revision requested December 9 and received
The imaging approach and physical examination are complemen-
January 6; accepted January 15. For this journal- tary, and the choice of the technique is guided by the underlying
based SA-CME activity, the authors S.V.N. and cause of the penile induration. Causes can be categorized as trau-
H.D. have provided disclosures (see end of ar-
ticle); all other authors, the editor, and the re- matic, infectious, vascular, neoplastic, or nonneoplastic, depending
viewers have disclosed no relevant relationships. on the tenderness, temperature, consistency, and mobility of the
Address correspondence to S.V.N. (e-mail: lesion.
Conventional US, color Doppler US, and spectral Doppler US,
RSNA, 2021
although known as operator-dependent techniques, are the main
imaging modalities. Pharmacopenile duplex US performed after in-
tracavernosal injection of vasoactive drugs (prostaglandin E1) under
sterile conditions helps evaluate and guide the treatment of Peyronie
disease, which is the most frequently treated penile pathologic con-
dition. Penile blunt trauma is first imaged with US. This modality
can show a disruption of the tunica albuginea that should undergo
surgical repair. MRI is less accessible in an emergency setting but
can depict tears of the tunica albuginea with high sensitivity when
US is inconclusive. Retrograde urethrography remains the imaging
standard in patients with clinical suspicion for urethral leak.

„ Penile lumps are rare and are defined as focal palpable nodules along the penile shaft.
„ Causes of penile lumps can be categorized as traumatic, infectious, vascular, neoplastic,
or nonneoplastic, depending on the tenderness, temperature, consistency, and mobility
of the lesion.
„ The diagnostic approach is primarily clinical, with US as the primary imaging modality and
MRI as a second-line diagnostic tool.
E78 May-June 2021

Figure. Carcinoma of the anterior urethra in a 65-year-old man with a painful ventral penile
lump and urethrorrhagia. (a, b) Sagittal (a) and coronal (b) T2-weighted MR images show
a hypointense ventral lesion arising from the corpus spongiosum (*) with retrodilatation of
the urethra (arrowheads in a). The infiltration of the corpus spongiosum (curved arrows in b)
and left corpus cavernosum (straight arrow in b) with the loss of hypointensity in the tunica
albuginea contraindicates penis-sparing surgery. (c) Axial diffusion-weighted image (b = 1500
sec/mm²) shows high signal intensity in the lesion (*). (d) Photograph of the corresponding
pathologic section shows the mass (*) infiltrating the corpus spongiosum (arrowheads) and
left corpus cavernosum (arrow).

In the case of inflammation, US plays a role in

excluding abscess or corpora cavernosa involve-
ment. In severe conditions such as gangrenous
cavernositis, CT or MRI are performed to help
assess the extent of the inflammation.
Vascular disorders such as partial corpus
cavernosal thrombosis, dorsal vein thrombosis, findings, and localization. To perform penile US
and high- and low-flow priapism can be correctly or MRI, the reader may require a more special-
depicted with color and spectral Doppler US. ized type of training.
MRI plays an important role in demonstrating
viable tissue. Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest.—S.V.N. Activities
Malignant lesions such as primary penile or related to the present article: disclosed no relevant rela-
urethral cancer, metastasis, rare diseases, and tionships. Activities not related to the present article: stock
postoperative complications (penile prosthesis options provided by Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
through BlueTrees. Other activities: disclosed no relevant
infection or silicone or fat granuloma) are better relationships. H.D. Activities related to the present article:
evaluated at MRI owing to the higher soft-tissue disclosed no relevant relationships. Activities not related
contrast and spatial resolution (Figure). to the present article: stock options provided by Cliniques
Clinical and imaging features are used to dif- Universitaires Saint-Luc through BlueTrees. Other ac-
ferentiate malignant lesions from benign. These tivities: disclosed no relevant relationships.
lesions can be cystic (median raphe and epider-
moid cysts), mixed, or solid (primary penile or Suggested Readings
Avery LL, Scheinfeld MH. Imaging of penile and scrotal emer-
urethral cancer and metastasis). Nevertheless, gencies. RadioGraphics 2013;33(3):721–740.
biopsy is often mandatory in the case of nonspe- Bertolotto M, Pavlica P, Serafini G, Quaia E, Zappetti R. Pain-
cific US and MRI characteristics. ful penile induration: imaging findings and management.
RadioGraphics 2009;29(2):477–493.
This online presentation provides a pictorial Del Gaizo A, Silva AC, Lam-Himlin DM, Allen BC, Leyen-
review of common and uncommon penile lumps decker J, Kawashima A. Magnetic resonance imaging of
in trauma, inflammation, vascular diseases, and solid urethral and peri-urethral lesions. Insights Imaging
benign and malignant penile lesions. After view- Kirkham AP, Illing RO, Minhas S, Minhas S, Allen C. MR
ing this online presentation, the reader should imaging of nonmalignant penile lesions. RadioGraphics
be able to understand and interpret pathologic 2008;28(3):837–853.
Singh AK, Saokar A, Hahn PF, Harisinghani MG. Imaging of
conditions according to medical history, clinical penile neoplasms. RadioGraphics 2005;25(6):1629–1638.

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