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Episode 1

Hi guys let’s begin a new journey… Happy reading..

It all started years back, when Anita and Marvin answered the clarion call to serve their nation. They first
met at NYSC camp and it was love at first sight. They bonded very fast and became almost inseparable
that one would think that they alre-ady knew themselves before meeting in camp.

Marvin was a cool and gentle guy, while Anita was more of the hyper one. They were both from well to
do families and didn’t lack the beautiful things of life. They loved each other dearly and didn’t hesitate
to go with the flow and follow their hearts. Camp ended, but their love didn’t.

After camp, Anita was deployed to a primary school where she continued her NYSC obligations, while
Marvin was held back and made to work at his dad’s firm. Anita wondered why Marvin was given such
privilege and often made fun of him for being a ‘Big man’ son. Their relationsh!pwas beautiful and they
always put each other first in everything they did.

NYSC ended and they pas-sed out joyfully. Throu-gh Marvin dad’s connection, Anita was able to secure a
good job at one of the respectable companies in her career field, while Marvin managed his dad’s
company with his elder brother. Life was good because everything seemed to be going towards the right
direction. They talked about everything and never kept secrets; well so we thought until some things
began to seem unusual and didn’t add up.

As time went on, Anita noticed that Marvin always took secret trips to the hospital. At first she thought
it was normal and nothing to worry about, until it became unbearable. Whenever she tried to inquire
why he always visited the hospital, Marvin would hug her and tell her that everything was alright. Anita
tried to inquire from his dad and elder brother as to why he was always rushed to the hospital, but they
usually told her that there was nothing to worry about. “It’s just his normal medical checkup” Marvin’s
dad said on one of those occasions.

With time, Anita felt relieved due to the positive answers she received whenever she inquired on what
was wrong with Marvin and she never bothered asking anymore. She became used to his unusual
hospital visits and never hesitated to show her support by being present whenever he returned. Marvin
began to get slimmer by the day without any reasonable explanation as to what could be the cause of
his constant weight loss.

Marvin was a partner to die for because he was everything Anita dreamed of in the man she wanted to
spend the rest of her life with. It was just a matter of time before their parents knew about their
relationsh!p, as they were almost inseparable. Marvin’s parent loved and accepted Anita as their own,
and same with Anita’s parent too. They loved Marvin equally.

In everything that was happening, Anita never had a clue that her beautiful love story was about to turn
sour. She never knew that a day would come where she wouldn’t be able to see the man she dearly
loved, she never knew that her heart was about to be shattered beyond repair, she never knew that her
happiness was about to fade away. She didn’t know, so sad!

Everything went on as usual, with the truth ‘hidden’, until one fateful day. On that day, Anita made a
surprise stop at Marvin’s house after work because she wanted to cook for him; as he had complained
earlier that he missed home cooked meal. On arrival, Marvin was nowhere to be found so she called to
know where he was. ”Hello baby” Anita greeted, “Hi my angel, where are you?” Marvin asked, “I’m at
your house but can’t find you” she said. Marvin immediately remembered that she was coming over,
“Oh shoot! I forgot you were coming, hope you are with your keys because I locked the door” he said,
“Yes I’m with my keys, matter of fact, I’m already inside the house” she said. Marvin as-sured her that he
was alre-ady on his way home and ended the call.

With Marvin away, Anita hurriedly entered the kitchen to begin preparation of the meal she was to
cook. As the food was still on fire, she went to Marvin’s bathroom to pee because she was pressed.
When she was done peeing, she turned to look at herself in the bathroom mirror. After staring at herself
for a while, she playfully stretched her hand and touch her reflection on the mirror; to her greatest
surprise, the mirror gave way to a medicine cabinet.

For a moment she was shocked because she didn’t know that there was a medicine cabinet behind that
mirror. “Why am I just finding out this cabinet for the first time and why are there so many drugs in it?”
she confusingly asked herself.

The medicines where in unique containers and had unfamiliar names. Anita was dead confused and
didn’t know what was going on and why Marvin had a cabinet filled with strange medicines. She tried to
re-ad the descriptions on the containers to know what they were for and suddenly remembered that the
food she was cooking was on fire. She hurriedly closed the cabinet but took one of the medicine
container with her.

As she continued cooking, her mind wasn’t in what she was doing. She was dead confused, shocked and
scared at the same time, “What’s going on?” she kept asking herself but no reply was coming forth. She
immediately brou-ght her phone out and Google the name of the medicine she took with her, in order
to know what it was for and to her greatest surprise, the medicine was for Leukemia patients.

“What! Why is a medicine for Leukemia patients in Marvin’s hidden medicine cabinet?” Anita asked
herself in a shaky tone. Her world seemed as though it was coming to an end. Her heart kept racing, her
hands ‘shaking’ and her palms ‘sweaty’. Anita had never been that scared all her life, as she kept
imagining the reason as to why Marvin was harboring such drugs in his house.
After about 30 minutes of being completely numb, there was a knock on the door. Anita hurriedly
rushed to the door with the medicine container in her hand to see who was knocking. “Marvin is that
you?” she inquired with tears in her eyes, “Yes babe” he replied.

Immediately the door opened, the first thing Marvin sighted when he looked at her was the medicine
container in her hand. He almost dropped dead when he saw it and looked at Anita, only to see the
tears that kept falling off her cheeks.

“Baby what’s going on? plea-se tell me these medicines are not for you” she said with tears in her eyes.
Marvin couldn’t hold the emotions he had been concealing any longer and bur-st into tears.

He looked into Anita’s eyes and said “I’m dying babe, I have Leukemia”.


Episode 2

There’s no news as heartbreaking as that of a loved one departing from you forever. Words are indeed
not enough to describe the trauma and shock of knowing that someone you love dearly is dying slowly.
Anita was shocked beyond explanation and found it ha-rd to believe that the man she loved with all her
heart was secretly suffering from Leukemia.

“Baby please tell me you’re joking, please I beg you” She said with tears falling off her eyes. Marvin was
completely shattered due to the fact that Anita had found out about a battle he was secretly fighting for
years. He purposely begged his family to keep the truth a secret and not reveal to Anita, because he
didn’t want her to start giving more attention to his predicament than the beautiful moments they

Marvin didn’t want Anita to pity him but rather, he wanted her undivided love and attention; at least for
the little while he still had to spend on earth. Seeing those tears fall off her eyes broke his heart the
more, he wanted her to always be happy and not sad. He was devastated!

“You’re still not saying anything, plea-se tell me this is all a joke and that you didn’t mean what you said
earlier” Anita said sobbing. Marvin walked closer and la-id his head on her shoulder and they bur-st into
uncontrollable tears. “I’m so sorry babe, I should have told you earlier but just couldn’t. I didn’t want
you to start pitying me more than loving me, I didn’t want to let you into my sinking world, I didn’t want
you to join me in counting the number of days I still have on earth, I didn’t want you to feel hurt or sad
because I want my last glance at you to be with a smile on your face and not tears. You are the best
thing that has happened to me of recent; you have been my life support, you have been my reason to
want to live another day and you are the reason I’m still fighting. The cancer has spre-ad and there’s no
solution at this point. I’m so sorry that I wouldn’t be with you for too long and it kills me everyday” He
said sobbing.

The more Marvin spoke, the more Anita broke down in tears. She was still in denial and didn’t want to
accept the fact that the man she had imaginary planned her future with was going to be absent from it.
She didn’t want to accept the fact that the man she was crazily in love with was going to leave her soon.
It was a tough truth but Anita wasn’t re-ady to accept or face it!

“No no no baby, you can’t leave me, you just can’t. I won’t have any reason to live again if you leave me;
my world wouldn’t mean a thing anymore without you by my side. You just can’t go anywhere babe,
plea-se you can’t!” Anita said, with tears falling uncontrollably from her eyes.

Marvin didn’t know what to say or do anymore so he hvgged her tightly. “Everything would be alright”
he said to console her as he gently pat her back. Anita dropped the medicine container she was holding
and wrapped her arms around him properly. They hvgged for a while until Anita started perceiving burnt
smell coming from the kitchen. She immediately remember that she was cooking and rushed to attend
to the food in the kitchen. Marvin followed her to see what was happening and helped her with
whatever she needed.

After a little while, food was served and they ate together in the dinning. The atmosphere was tensed
and quiet as they scooped each spoon of food. Tears occasionally fell from Anita’s eyes as she ate and
every tears she shed broke and shattered Marvin’s heart into pieces. He was trying to be a man and
control the situation but it was beyond him.

Anita couldn’t go home again that day so she spent the night over. They talked about the situation on
ground over again but Anita was still in denial and didn’t want to accept the truth that la-id right before
her. It felt like a nightmare to her and she nee-ded someone to wake her up.

All through that night, Anita shouldn’t sleep and kept staring at Marvin while he slept. “No wonder he
lost so much weight a while ago” She thought to herself as tears fell off her eyes. “Why Marvin Lord?
please don’t take him away from me, please God” she silently prayed and finally laid her head to rest
because she was already heating up.

Morning came but the atmosphere was still tensed. Marvin had to step out because he had an
important appointment to tend to at work. He left before Anita and kissed her goodbye before leaving.
While he walked away, Anita felt scared and started imaging all sort of things that could happen to him
as he went about his daily activities. “Would he come back to me again? I hope today isn’t going to end
without him by my side? What if he leaves me today? Oh! my heart hurts so bad” she muttered.

For every second Marvin was away, Anita couldn’t take her mind off him. This was the exact reason
Marvin hid the truth from her; he didn’t want her to live in constant fear or worry. He felt the truth was
better left hidden and not revealed.

Anita finally summoned strength and went to work. While at work that day, she thought about
absolutely nothing else than Marvin. She surfed the internet and read over a thousand articles on
Leukemia. Fear gripped her whenever she re-ad each article because it occurred to her that Leukemia
was almost incurable and often claimed the patient’s life. Her colleague who figured that something was
up, approached her to inquire what the problem was but she told her colleague that everything was

Anita secretly prayed to be able to get throu-gh that day without losing her mind completely. She called
Marvin every now and then to check up on him. After work, she headed straight to his office so they
could go home together. Immediately Marvin saw her, he could just tell that she had been worked up all
day from excess thinking. “My baby, I have missed you just this little while I was away” he said smiling.
Anita was confused and tried to figure out why he was so relaxed and unbothered despite his condition.
“Baby why do you pretend as though all is fine when it clearly isn’t” she asked but Marvin hushed her.
“Stop this babe, can we just live in the moment and stop worrying about what the outcome of
tomorrow would be. I’m here now and that’s all that matters” he said and kissed her lips.

They kissed pas-sionately for a while and had to stop when Marvin’s elder brother walked in. “Love
birds, una own better” Marvin’s brother jokingly said and they laughed. “Baby I’m hungry, have you
eaten yet?” Marvin asked, “No, I was actually thinking we would eat together” Anita replied.

In no time, they left the office and went to have dinner before heading home. Anita wanted to ask more
questions about the situation of things with his health but didn’t want to ruin the nice time they were
having. They arrived home, did the needful and retired to bed.

As Marvin slept, Anita couldn’t stop staring at him. She cried and touch his face occasionally but little did
she know that was the last time she would ever see him that peaceful.

Few hours later, Marvin woke up and complained about the room being too cold. Anita turned off the
air conditioner but he still complained that the cold was unbearable. “plea-se boil hot water and keep
the bucket near me so the steam can warm my body” Marvin said shivering. Anita started panicking and
did as he instructed.

After a while, the situation worsened and she had to call his brother to inform him on what was
happening. In no time, Marvin’s brother arrived at his house and he was taken to the hospital
afterwards. Anita was made to wait at the waiting room by the nurses, while Marvin and his brother
went to run some tests. It turned out that Marvin’s health had diminished greatly and he nee-ded to be
transferred to a higher hospital with more advanced facilities. Marvin was admitted and his brother
went to meet Anita at the waiting room.

Immediately Anita saw Marvin’s brother without him, her heart skipped several beats in fear. “Where’s
Marvin?” She curiously asked, “Everything is fine” He replied. “Cut the crap plea-se, I know about his
sickness that you all were hiding from me. Where is Marvin?” Anita said with tears alre-ady failing off
her eyes.

Marvin’s brother was surprised that she alre-ady knew. He took a deep breath with tears in his eyes and
said “The cancer has spread, I’m scared Anita”.

Episode 3

The words that lefts Marvin brother’s lips, shattered Anita’s heart into tiny pieces. It felt as though her
whole world was coming to an end. It was one thing for her to be scared of the situation on ground and
totally another thing for Marvin’s brother to confess that he was scared too. Anita’s fear doubled due to
that effect and her whole body started shaking.

“This can’t be happening, please tell me everything would be alright because I wouldn’t be Ok if
anything happens to Marvin” she said with tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes. Marvin’s brother
was short of words and didn’t know when he started tearing up too. “He has to be transferred to a
better hospital” he said, “which hospital would that be?” Anita curiously asked, “I’m yet to find out but I
know it’s in a different state” Marvin’s brother replied.

Anita was numb and was are the verge of going crazy. She was still trying to come to terms with the
situation on ground and now, they are planning on taking the love of her life away from her to another
state. “Do they have to take him away? What happened to treating him here” she inquired, “I guess it’s
because Marvin’s situation has gotten worse so he nee-ds to upgrade to a hospital with more advanced
facilities” he replied.

While they were conversing, Marvin’s dad called so his brother had to excuse himself to answer the call.
As he walked away, Anita started crying all over again.

After crying for a while, she walked up to the counter and asked the nurse to direct her to where Marvin
was. The nurse directed her to his room and as Anita approached the room, her heart started beating
fas-ter than usual. She opened the door to the sight of her beloved Marvin lying helplessly on the
hospital bed.

Seeing him in that condition broke her heart and that was when the reality on ground dawned on her;
the reality that Marvin was slowly slipping away from her hands. It was a sad and bitter truth to accept!

“Hey baby, I’m here” Anita said in a shaky tone while still crying. Marvin’s eyes were closed due to
weakness, but he could feel her presence there. “Baby is that you?” He asked, “Yes it’s me babe” she
replied sobbing. Marvin smiled faintly and asked her to come closer. Anita didn’t hesitate and asked him
to shift a little so she could laydown with him on the bed.

Immediately Anita’s head touched Marvin’s chest, she burst into tears and held him tightly. Marvin
kissed her head and wrapped his drip covered hands around her. She kept crying but Marvin couldn’t do
much to console her because he was helpless. He barely had enough strength to breathe in and out, talk
more of speaking.

Few minutes later, Marvin’s brother walked into the room and almost broke into tears at the sight of
them lying together on the be-d. He knew indeed that Anita wouldn’t let go of Marvin without a good
fight to keep him. He felt sad that this was happening to their beautiful love story and wished things
were different. “Anita should I drop you home?” Marvin’s brother asked but she remained silent and
didn’t utter a word in response to his question. “We would be traveling first thing tomorrow, my dad has
already made the arrangements for him to be transferred” he added but Anita still remain mute.Only if
you could just feel the pain and heartache Anita was feeling at that moment, you’ll understand why it
was hard for her to speak. She was numb and wasn’t herself at that moment at all. Marvin’s brother had
to leave in order to prepare for their journey for the next day. He booked the flight tickets and drove
down to Marvin’s apartment to get some few clothes he would be needing.

Anita slept at the hospital with Marvin till the next day and sadly had to part ways with him at the
airport. “Promise me you won’t leave me and promise me you’ll be back” she said to Marvin with tears
in her eyes, “I’ll see you soon babe, please don’t cry anymore, I’ll be fine and would be back” Marvin
assured but wasn’t convinced in his heart that everything would be fine. He only wanted her to think
and worry less while he was away.

It was time for them to board and Anita bid her last goodbye to him. That was the most painful
‘Goodbye’ she had ever said to anyone. Her heart was completely shattered as she watched them leave.
She wished everything was just a big prank, she wished her beloved Marvin would tell her that it was all
a joke, she wished things were back to being normal and she wished life was more fair to her.

As Anita walked out of the airport, anyone who can see could tell that she had been crying as her eyes
were swollen and red. She couldn’t go to work that day and had to call in sick. Her world seemed empty
and without meaning. She cared less about anything else and had to go to her parents house because
she felt empty and lonely.

The news of Marvin’s health condition came as a Big surprise to Anita’s parents. They were heartbroken
and immediately called Marvin’s parents to console and as-sure them that all would be fine. Anita grew
slim under 2 days of Marvin’s absence due to starvation; she lost appetite for food.

At work, Anita preformed poorly despite her effort to try and put herself together and act professional.
She was losing her mind and couldn’t function properly anymore.

It’s been over one week since Marvin left and Anita ba-rely had access to him. According to his brother,
Marvin was in an intensive care unit and was in a lot of paiin. She cried herself to sleep every night and
always imagined the amount of pain Marvin was in. In one of those nights, she couldn’t take it any
longer and decided to travel to where he was to see him.

“Mummy I have to go and see Marvin, I’m not ok and I think I might go crazy if I continue like this. I miss
him so much and it hurts so bad. My mind is always with him, that’s why I can’t function or think
properly. I just have to go mum” Anita said to her mum the next day. With no hesitation, her request
was granted. At work that day, she told her boss everything that had been going on in her personal life
and begged for leave of absence. Her boss was empathic and granted her one month leave of abs£nce
to attend to the pressing issues in her life.

Anita was overjoyed and happy because she would be seeing the love of her life soonest. She informed
Marvin’s brother of her surprise visit and entered the next available flight to the state they were in. In
less than 2 hours, she arrived and went straight to the hospital.

Marvin wasn’t aware of Anita’s visit. He had been fighting to stay alive so he could return to her but the
battle was beyond him. He missed her badly and felt sad that there was nothing he could do about it. His
brother received a call from Anita that she had arrived, he told her the room number and name of ward
they were in.

After about five minutes, there was a knock on the hospital door, “Come in” a voice said and Anita
majestically walked in. Marvin was asleep when she walked in so he didn’t see her. She greeted his mum
and brother that were present in the room and sat beside Marvin’s bed afterwards.

She bent and kissed his forehead and Marvin opened his eyes. “Baby is that you?” He surprisingly asked
and Anita smiled and said, “Yes it’s me babe and I’m never leaving you again”.


Episode 4

Love is powerful and has the ability to give life to a dying soul. For a second, Marvin couldn’t believe that
Anita was sitting beside him. It took a while for him to fully realize that his mind wasn’t playing games
with him and that she was truly there. Marvin’s joy knew no bound and he didn’t let his critical health
condition get in the way of expressing how he felt at that moment; he was happy to see her indeed.

“Babe how did you…, I mean, how where you able to pull this off? He asked stuttering and Anita smiled.
“Did you think I would be able to stay away from you for much longer? I couldn’t bear it anymore and
had to come down here to be with you” she said and kissed his forehand. Marvin summoned all the
strength he had and wrapped his arms around her, “I miss you baby and I’m glad you are here. You have
no idea how much this means to me, I love you more than words can say” He said with tears in his eyes.
Anita immediately noticed how skinny he had become and wanted to cry but had to be strong so as not
to ruin their happy moment.

After hugging for a while, Marvin laid back to rest because he was already getting tired. While he slept,
Anita inquired from his brother and mum of the situation on ground concerning his health and they told
her that Marvin wasn’t getting any better despite the administered treatments. Anita suddenly became
scared and heartbroken, she wanted to hear some good news but apparently, the reverse was the case.

Marvin’s brother had to leave shortly in order to attend to some urgent pressing issues at work, leaving
Marvin to the care of his mum and Anita. While he was gone, Anita never left Marvin’s bedside and was
present during every doctor’s appointment and treatment. She was Marvin’s knight in shinning armor
and his strength in times of weakness. It was heartbreaking for Anita to watch the man she loved, slowly
fade away from her hands but she was hopeful and had learnt to be strong whenever she was with him.

Unfortunately, Marvin’s health deteriorated the more and he started experiencing severe pains mostly
at nights which made it difficult for him to sleep properly. At first, they thought it was just a minor crisis
that would fade with time but it persisted rather. Marvin would toss back and forth in severe pains and
grew slimmer because he wasn’t sleeping at nights anymore. The doctors were called upon whenever it
started and they usually administered treatments but nothing changed.

In one of those horrible nights, Anita had to leave the room when the doctor came in and went to the
balcony to cry. She cried bitterly and released every emotion she had been bottling up in her heart.
Anita felt helpless and it killed her to know that she couldn’t do anything to help the man she loved.
“Why Marvin of all people? What did he do wrong? Lord please give me some of his pains so I can carry
his burden for him. He doesn’t deserve all this; he is a selfless and good man” she said sobbing.

It isn’t a pleasant experience to watch someone you love die slowly and you can’t do anything to save
them; trust me when I say that’s the height of helplessness. Anita cleaned her eyes afterwards and went
back to the hospital room. The late night pains continued, even after the doctor’s efforts to stop it.

Marvin’s mum contacted a specialist and an appointment was secured. She got an urgent call few days
later from the specialist and was asked to come in place of Marvin (since he was under intense care).
Without hesitating, she left to return the next day and left Marvin to the care of Anita. While she was
gone, the couple were a bit happy because they finally had an alone time with just themselves.

“I’m your mum now” Anita jokingly said, “whatever you want, I’m at your service” she added laughing.
Marvin smiled for the first time in days and Anita was astonished, “Is that a smile I see on your face?
Thank you Jesus oh, thank you Lord” she said and started dancing. Marvin laughed more and was happy
to see Anita in such a happy mood because it had been a while since they smiled or laughed. “Come
closer mummy” Marvin jokingly said and Anita laughed. “Of course I’ll come closer, shift so I can lie
down too” she said and laid on the bed with him.

It was a beautiful moment for them and they wished it would last forever. Marvin hugged her tightly
with all the strength he had and didn’t want to let go of his grip. “Are you scared?” he asked out of
nowhere, “Scared for what” Anita replied, “scared that you might wake up someday without me by your
side” he sadly said.

Marvin’s words brought tears to Anita’s eyes. She didn’t want to ever imagine her life without him in it,
“I wake up each day hoping that this whole thing is just a big prank but get disappointed every time. I
don’t think I’ll be the same again if anything ever happens to you. I miss seeing you healthy, I miss us
and I miss your touch. I wish I could share your pains with you. I will give up anything just for you to be
healthy again my love, I’m hopeful that everything would be alright” she said with tears in her eyes.
Marvin kissed her forehead over again and finally ended the kiss on her lips.

They kissed passionately and Anita didn’t want to stop because she missed him more than words could
say. She was careful not to press her body hardly on Marvin’s body because he wasn’t too strong. After
kissing for a while, they cuddled each other and wished that moment would last forever. It was there
and then that Anita noticed how faint Marvin’s heartbeat was because her head was placed on his chest.
She cried silently and held him even tighter.

A doctor came in shortly to check up on Marvin and smiled when she saw the cute couple all cuddled
up. Anita had to get up afterwards so the doctor could do her work. As Anita stood and watched, her
heart broke at the sight of Marvin lying helplessly on the hospital bed. Her mind were occupied with
thoughts and she was overshadowed with fear.

When the doctor was done, Marvin laid back to rest so Anita followed the doctor to inquire on the
situation on ground concerning Marvin’s health. “Hello doctor, please how’s he doing? Would
everything be alright soon?” she curiously asked, “That’s a confidential information that I can’t disclose,
unless you are related to him or his spouse” the doctor politely said.

Anita knew that she wasn’t related to Marvin neither was she married to him yet, so at this point, she
didn’t know what else to say. “I took a leave of absence from my job just to be here to stay by his side, I
haven’t been myself in a long while due to the emotional trauma and torture I’m going through, I’m
dying slowly each day as I watch the man I love slip away form my hands. I’m scared of the outcome of
what tomorrow would be; I’m scared every time he takes a nap, I’m scared that he might be gone
anytime. I beg you to just tell me what is going on, so I know what lies ahead of me” Anita said with
tears already falling off her eyes.

The doctor was touched, shook her head and said “Marvin might be gone anytime from now, I’m so

Watch out for the next episodes.

The writer name is Favour Writes stories, follow her on Facebook.

She's a Nigerian, her stories are really inspiring.


Episode 5
No news is as shocking as that of a loved one departing from you forever. There’s no heart strong
enough to accommodate such news without breaking down. The doctor’s revelation of Marvin’s fate,
shattered Anita’s heart into tiny unfixable pieces. Her mouth was wi-de opened as she received the
heartbreaking news from the doctor. At that moment, she was numb and her world seemed to be
coming to an instant end.

“Doctor plea-se tell me you’re talking about someone else and not Marvin, plea-se just tell me you
didn’t mean what you said earlier” Anita shockingly said with her hands on her che-st. The doctor felt for
her and wished there was a sweeter way to pas-s the unfortunate information across to her. “I’m so
sorry for how you might be feeling now but I suggest you go back into that room and make his last days
on earth a beautiful one. Try not to cry in his pres£nce because that would only stress him out the more
and make his days shorter. I’m yet to inform his family about this tragic situation so you have an
advantage to utilise this little time you have with him alone. It’s sad that this is happening and I
sympathise with you” the doctor said and walked away.

As the doctor walked away, Anita just stood there without moving or expressing any emotions. She was
dead in the inside and couldn’t utter a word or move from where she stood. After a while of being
speechless, Anita began to mutter some words to herself as though she was going crazy. She leaned on
the hospital corridor with her hands folded.

“It can’t be Marvin, I guess she was referring to someone else or was she referring to him?” She
muttered to herself. After a while of acting crazy and being in disbelief, Anita bur-st into uncontrollable
tears and ran outside the hospital. It was pas-sed 7pm in the evening so it was a little dark outside.

Anita walked outside the hospital compound and kept moving without direction or destination. She
cried as she wandered around the hospital territory. “Marvin can’t leave me, Lord plea-se do something
because I would follow him if anything happens. Life, what did I done wrong that you have decided to be
unfair to me? Lord take away any other thing from me but plea-se leave Marvin because, there wouldn’t
be any nee-d to still stay in his world if he isn’t here with me. He is the only man I have ever truly loved,
plea-se don’t take him away from me I beg you. plea-se Lord plea-se, I’m losing my mind and might die
too if anything ever happens to Marvin” Anita said with tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes as
she wandered around.

After about an hour of being away, she finally retired back to the hospital. Immediately she entered
Marvin’s room and caught a sight of him lying down, tears started flowing down her eyes again. She
immediately wiped the tears away and moved closer to his be-d. Marvin was asleep, so she quietly sat
beside him and stared at him while he sle-pt.
Anita stretched her hand and touçhed his dry face. She held his hand afterwards and prayed silently for
a miracle. It’s sad that not every chapter of our lives end happily. Anita didn’t want to let go regardless
of the truth that was before her. She was hopeful and couldn’t just imagine her life without the only
man she had ever loved.

All throu-gh that night, she didn’t blink an eye, talk more of slee-ping. She kept staring at Marvin as he
sle-pt, with tears dropping off her eyes at every gaze. It was a terrible night for Anita!

Marvin’s mum arrived the next day and was informed by the doctors of the situation on ground. His
mum was beyond shattered and inquired if he should be flown abroad for more advance treatment, but
the doctors advised her that it would be a fruitless journey because his fate was certain. The specialist
Marvin’s mum consulted said the same thing the doctors had said.

It was a trying time for Marvin’s family and they all grieved secretly and maintained a strong
countenance whenever they were around him. Anita’s work leave was over but she cared less about
anything that wasn’t pertaining to Marvin. Her parents called every now and then to inquire on how
things were going, hoping to hear some good news but it was sad that there was none coming forth.
Everyone resorted to prayers because that was the only place they saw hope.

Anita grew slimmer and began to look malnourished. Marvin’s brother had to returned back to the
hospital to stay with them. It killed him slowly, to watch his younger brother suffer and in severe pains.
If money could buy good health, Marvin’s family would have stopped at nothing till the bought it no
matter how much it cost. It’s sad that all they could do at that point was to pray and hope for a miracle.

One evening, Marvin notified Anita that he couldn’t feel his body anymore. “Should I mas-sage you?”
She asked and he accepted. As Anita massaged his body, tears kept falling off her eyes and dropping on
Marvin’s body. “Baby you have to stop crying, no matter where I go, I’ll always be with you. I want you
to put yourself together and stop crying. I’ll die a happy man, knowing that I spent a short while with an
angel like you. please stop crying, you deserve better than this constant heart ache you’re getting
because of me. You deserve to be happy my love, I would love you till eternity. You have to let me go
babe, I’m going throu-gh so much pain and I’m suffering here, plea-se just let me go and stop fighting to
keep me. I love you so much and it hurts to see you cry all the time” Marvin said with tears in his eyes.

“I would never let go, I must keep fighting because you aren’t going anywhere” Anita said and wiped the
tears in his eyes. Marvin’s mum and brother who were watching broke down in tears. They could truly
attest to the fact that Anita loved Marvin with all her heart. They wished these beautiful love birds didn’t
have to go throu-gh such an unfortunate fate. Everyone came closer and hvgged each other dearly. So

Unknowingly to everyone, what they feared was about to go down that night. It was around pas-sed
11pm when Anita woke up to pee. When she returned from the bathroom, she noticed that Marvin’s
eyes were open but he wasn’t moving. She moved closer to his be-d and touched his hand but he didn’t
move nor blink an eye.
Anita almost dropped dead and screamed “Marvin!”.


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