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A.Y. 2023-2024 | 2nd SEMESTER College of Education

PROFESSOR: Mrs. Analiza Pasano Daraga, Albay


A. Determine the Broad Characteristics of Authenticity.
 How authentic can the assessment be, in terms of various dimensions of authenticity (see the Table below)?


Structure of problems Predetermined Unpredictable
Learning setting Contrived Real
Cognitive activity Lower-order Higher-order
Learner agency Teacher-defined Learner-defined
Application of learning Indirect evidence Direct evidence

Dimensions of authentic assessment (after Mueller, 2010)

B. Align Assessment with the Intended Learning Outcomes or Identify Learning Objectives.
 Associate authentic assessent tasks with learning outcomes that reflect real-world contexts.
 Assessment plan and/or intended learning outcomes can be revised to some extent, to ensure effective alignment.

Guide Question:

 What is this assessment intended to measure?

Format to construct your learning objectives:

 Students will be able to...

C. Design the Real-World Conditions or Identify Performance Standards

 Describe the problems or scenarios
 It is essential that the standards have real-world application.
 Identify the skills or performances that match the learning objective. Most AAs promote higher order cognitive skills.
 Find placements in authentic settings or designing a learning environment
 Take account of the following:

 Placements in real-world contexts can be high-risk for both the student and those with whom they will
interact. Ensure that everyone exercises appropriate duty of care in the preparation and ongoing
management of students in these contexts, and recognises the needs of all parties. The more natural the
context, the greater the potential risks involved.
 Where placement in a real setting is not possible or desirable, technologies can be exploited to design
scenario-based virtual learning environments in which conditions, characters, circumstances and parameters
simulate a real-life context for learning.

D. Ensure that Students Have the Knowledge and Skills Needed.

 Ensure that students have the knowledge and skills they need to carry out the tasks, that they are well prepared
and equipped for their engagement in the setting, and that they understand the assessment requirements.

Guide Questions:

 Are they aware of what a report looks like, in contrast to more academic essays?
 Do they know how to make written or verbal presentations to the public?
 Do they appreciate the ethical issues involved in reporting their observations?

E. Highlight the Importance of Students Understanding their Roles when Engaging in Real-World Activities.
 Students should present themselves appropriately within the wider community.
 Students should be well prepared, and behave responsibly and professionally.

F. Design the Assessment Task(s) or Select an Authentic Task.

 According to Wiggins (1993), the tasks for assessment should, as much as possible:

 be essential tasks that need to be done in the setting, and not needlessly intrusive
 be enabling, in that they guide students toward more sophisticated use of skills or knowledge
 entail the integration of skills and knowledge contextualised to the authentic setting in all its complexity,
rather than being disaggregated to correspond to individual learning outcomes
 depend on the student's own research or use of knowledge

Marianne Rose H. Gloriane (BCAEd 3) | 1

A.Y. 2023-2024 | 2nd SEMESTER College of Education
PROFESSOR: Mrs. Analiza Pasano Daraga, Albay

 emphasize higher-order reasoning rather than simple recall or description

 be representative rather than comprehensive, giving students the opportunity to probe deeply rather than to
gain broad but shallow experience
 be interesting and worthwhile, engaging students' interest and motivation
 revolve around complex, ambiguous or "wicked" problems (problems whose solutions create further

 Additionally, authentic assessment tasks ideally will address the needs of an authentic audience (Schrum et al., 2022).

Guide Question:

 What will students do to demonstrate the objectives?

G. Manage the Assessment Load

 In authentic assessment situations, students may be over-zealous, producing very large portfolios or very long
reports. It is important to set limits on the size of the submission, if for no other reason than to manage student
and staff workloads. For example, if students are to keep journals, have them periodically submit brief reflective
statements based on their journals, rather than submitting the journals themselves.

H. Plan for Improved Reliability in Grading Authentic Assessment Tasks.

 The more complex the assessment, the more judgement is required from markers, and the greater the need to
incorporate reliability measures into the grading process.

 Identify and establish clear assessment criteriaor rubric

 Include process and product indicators in assessment criteria
 Develop an assessment rubric outlining standards at different grade levels
 Incorporate multiple sources of evidence of student achievement
 When grading, involve host supervisors and marking teams, and students themselves as self- or peer
 Develop dialogue between assessors and learners
 Provide opportunities for students to present additional evidence.

Guide Questions:

 What characteristics will you look for to indicate students have met the objective(s)?
 How will you measure student performance of the task?

I. Design Instructional Activities

 Instructions that are developed should be able to guide students effectively to do the assessment.
 For each criterion, identify two or more levels of performance along which students can perform which will
sufficiently discriminate among student performance for that criterion.


Authentic assessment is a great way for students to really showcase talents and knowledge level of the material
that has been presented. The trick to authentic assessment is not to take on too much at one time. One type of authentic
assessment per chapter or unit is fine to begin. As long as the project sheet and rubric are kept in a safe place for retrieval~
adding another the following year is simple.
When starting out~ think of the essential learning goals for the chapter or unit (or just look at the state standards
being taught). Always have the end in mind first. After knowing that the project is geared toward those end goals~ begin
by creating a project that will reflect a student having knowledge of those end goals. Great ideas to keep in mind include
using multiple intelligences~ Bloom's taxonomy~ as well as a variety of learning style formats to present the end result.
Always leave an option for the student to create a project of choice~ with teacher permission~ as long as the project
matches the learning goals set for all. Another fantastic idea is to create a sample project that shows students the level to
which is expected~ or keep exceptional projects from the previous years (with permission) to show current students
examples of grades at each level so all are more acutely aware of expectations.
After designing a great project idea~ make sure students (and parents) know what is expected to be turned in for a
grade. If a rubric is unclear~ there will be a lot of negative feedback from all involved. If the grading criteria is crystal
clear~ there is no room for argument and the final projects will be much better. Make sure the rubric is complete~ but do
not include more than five or six categories or the assessment becomes overwhelming.

Marianne Rose H. Gloriane (BCAEd 3) | 2

A.Y. 2023-2024 | 2nd SEMESTER College of Education
PROFESSOR: Mrs. Analiza Pasano Daraga, Albay


Assessing authentically. (n.d.). UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway.
Implementing Assessment - SLO - Butte College. (n.d.). Copyright Butte College, All Rights Reserved.
Plb. (n.d.). Understanding and developing an authentic assessment.
How do you create authentic assessments? (Authentic Assessment toolbox). (n.d.).
How do you create authentic assessment? | Education World. (n.d.).

Marianne Rose H. Gloriane (BCAEd 3) | 3

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