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Team Games - Handball and Touch Rugby

Your Name: Tajree

Your Chosen Sport: Handball
Your Team Member's Names: Jinisha, Tajree

Goal 1 - Individual Goal Setting

1. Highlight one physical fitness component that you would like to improve
to enhance your performance in the chosen sport.

● Muscular Strength
● Cardio-Vascular Endurance
● Power, Speed
● Agility
● Reaction Time
● Coordination

2. How will the selected fitness component support you in the chosen sport? Give

Interception and defending -

● Quick reaction time would help me if I were chosen to be a defender,
enabling me to predict and intercept the ball from the other team.
● If I were a defender on my team, I would be able to react to the attackers'
movements, making it easier for me to block shots or passes.
Goalkeeping -
● If I were my team's goalkeeper, I would need rapid reaction time to stop shots to
the goal.
● Quick reflexes are essential for making diving saves, especially in one-on-one
Fast Breaks -
● Reaction timing is crucial during fast breaks ( teams quickly change from defense
to offense )
● During a fast break, a player must react rapidly to turnovers or rebounds to utilize
opportunities and score.
● And finally, avoiding defenders.

3. Which skills would you like to develop to enhance your performance? Why?
List the skills and describe the reason. (you may select more than one skill)
For examples:
Dribbling - I chose dribbling because... It will also help me to contribute by... I can apply
this skill in game situations, which will help me and my team by…….

Quick footwork - I choose quick footwork as i lack this skill as it is pretty important in
handball. It will also help me contribute by having quick footwork which is needed in
dodging, attacking, deafening basically anywhere in handball. I can apply this skill in
game situations which will help me and my team by being good at skill which is vital in

Goal 2 - Team Goal Setting

1. Highlight one area from each table that you and your team members
would like to improve to enhance your team’s performance in the chosen
● Teamwork ● Offensive Play
● Collaboration ● Defensive Play
● Inclusivity ● Player to Player Marking
● Supportive Play
● Encouragement

2. How will the selected fitness component support you in the chosen sport? Give

Selected Area 1:

Communication -
● Communication is critical in sports and almost anywhere one needs to build
teamwork skills, especially in handball, which is played as a team.
Understand positions -
● To avoid confusion and arguments, we must all understand our positions as a
team to understand better how we will play and play effectively.
Practice Together -
● Practicing together builds trust and bonds in team members, which leads to
collaborating effectively, one of the critical factors in teamwork.
Celebrate success -
● Weather its small or big celebrating together can bring relationships closer
and make it easy to collaborate together
Building trust with teamates

● Building trust is one of the key factors in teamwork either by practicing together,
helping eachother it makes a big difference in collaboration and communication
skills which are 2 of the main skills under teamwork.

Selected Area 2:
Offensive Play -

Set plays -
● Move together as a team and understand plays and positions
Passing practice -
● As passing is one of the main parts of handball it is vital that we practice as a
team to hone this skill
Individual Skills -

● Even as a team we need to maintain our indivisual skills which include shooting
and dribbling abilities as these skills are important in order to be a strong
defensive player
Communication -
● Communication is needed in all team sports as it encourages collaboration, and
teamwork which is needed in handball let alone all team sports
Transitions -
● Switching from defense to offence quickly to catch opponents off guard
Know your positions -
● Knowing positions and making the teams individual roles clear can lead to
avoiding conflicts

3. What steps will you and your team members take to achieve your Team’s Goal?


1. TEAM GOALS - figure out each of our goals individually and as a team to
increase collaboration and communications skills
2. FUN TEAM ACTIVITIES - increase collaboration and communication too so its
easy for us to help each other and know each others strengths and weaknesses
3. LEARN POSITIONS - can lead to avoiding conflict which strengthens team
4. TALK ON THE COURT ( WHEN PLAYING ) - knowing each others strengths and
weaknesses bonding us making it easier to collaborate with each other
5. PRACTICE TOGETHER - develope bonds as a team making it easier to talk to
each other, know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, encourage each other
6. ENCOURAGE EACHOTHER - develope bonds as a team making it easier to
talk to each other, know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, encourage
each other etc

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