Political Theory 1st

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POLITICAL THEORY about politics or relevant to politics”.

This being
the broader meaning, he refers to its narrow
Political theory is an interdisciplinary endeavor
meaning, saying that it is “the disciplined
whose center of gravity lies at the humanities
investigation of political problems” (A History
end of the happily still undisciplined discipline
of Political Theory, 1973).
of political science. Political theory is not only a
theory of/about politics, it is also the science of David Held defines political theory as “a
politics, the philosophy of politics at that. As a network of concepts and generalizations about
theory, Bluhen explains, political theory “stands political life involving ideas, assumptions and
for an abstract model of the political order… a statements about the nature, purpose and key
guide to the systematic collection and analysis of features of government, state and society and
political data” (Theories of Political System, about the political capabilities of human beings”
The meaning of political theory necessitates the
Andrew Hacker, enlarging the point of view, meaning of theory: to know what political theory
says that political theory as a “theory, in ideal really is to know, first, what is theory?
terms, is dispassionate and disinterested. As Originating from the Greek word “theoria”,
science, it will describe political reality without theory means or at least, may mean a well-
trying to pass judgement on what is being focused mental look taken at something in a
depicted, either implicitly or explicitly. As state of contemplation with the intention to grasp
philosophy, it will describe rules of conduct or understand it.
which will secure good life for all of society…”
Arnold Brecht (“What is Theory?”) refers to
(Political Theory: Philosophy, Ideology,
both the broad and the narrow meaning of the
Science, 1961).
word “theory”. In the broader sense, he says,
Political theory is not fantasy, though it may theory means “A thinker’s entire teaching on a
contain an element of political vision. It is not subject”, including the description of facts, his
politicking, though it does take into account explanation, his conception of history, his value-
political realities for its study and analysis. It is judgements, and the proposals of goals, policies
not all scientism, though it seeks to reach the and principles. In the narrow sense, he says,
roots of all political activity analytically and theory means “explanatory” thought only or at
systematically. It is not ideology, though it least primarily.
attempts to justify a political system and
condemns another. It is theoretical, scientific,
philosophical and at the same time dynamic with
a clear objective of attaining a better social
order. It thus, has in varying degrees, elements
of ‘theory’, ‘science’, ‘philosophy’ and


Political theory is a theory about what is
“political”, the science and philosophy of what Theory implies both science as well as
is political. George Sabine says, “It is anything philosophy. It is, against this background, that
one may say that a theorist is both a scientist and understand ‘political’ in relation to
a philosopher; a theorist is more than a scientist; ‘social’, ‘economic’,
he is more than a philosopher. To understand ‘psychological’, ‘ecological’,
theory when applied to politics would mean ‘moral’, and the like.
understanding politics as a theory, as a science iv) The objective which political theory
and also as a philosophy. Bluhen would, thus, seeks to achieve is to build a good
explain political theory as “an explanation of state in a good society, and in the
what politics is all about, a general process, create processes,
understanding of the political world, a frame of procedures, institutions and
reference. structures historically tested and
rationally attained.
The job of the political theorist is really
v) As a body of thought, political
important. Brecht makes a note of it saying, “It
theory attempts to explain, evaluate
is the function of the political theorist to see,
and predict political phenomena,
sooner than others, and to analyze, more
and in the process builds not only
profoundly than others, the immediate and the
scientifically testable models, but
potential problems of the political life of society;
suggests values as rules of human
to supply the practical politicians, well in
advance, with alternative courses of action, the
vi) Political theory is both prescriptive
foreseeable consequences of which have been
and explanatory.
fully thought through; and to supply him not
only with brilliant ideas, but with a solid block POLITICAL THEORY: CONTENTS
of knowledge on which to build.” When political
Its contents have varied from time to time. From
theory performs its function well, he continues,
the early Greeks, in the Western political
“it is one of the most important weapons in our
tradition, to the end of the eighteenth century,
struggle for the advance of humanity.”
political theory concerned itself mostly with
The discussion on what a theory is or what what politics ‘ought to be’. Almost during the
political theory is would help us identify the whole nineteenth century and the first half of the
characteristic implications or the major aspects twentieth century, political theory dealt, largely,
of political theory. Some of these can be stated with the nature and structure of government as a
as under: decision-making body.

i) The area in which political theory Political theory, as a disciplined investigation of

works extends to the realms of political phenomena, is closely related to why
politics only – political life of the and what of the institutions of the government,
citizen, his political behaviour, his and the whole political system in which the
political ideas, the government that government operates. To study political theory is
he seeks to establish, and the tasks to study the context in which it exists. We need
expected from such a government. to understand political theory within the realm of
ii) The methods, which political theory the political system, the political system within
adopts, include description, the realm of the social system, the social system
explanation and investigation of the within the realm of the period it exists, and in
political phenomenon. the environment it breeds.
iii) Though political theory is all about
what is ‘political’, yet it attempts to
Sheldon Wolin includes the following in the the nature of political things and the right, or the
contents of political theory: good, political order” (Strauss).

• a form of activity centering around the quest Politics is not what one assumes or opines. In
for competitive advantage between groups, fact, a political theorist is expected to possess
individuals, or societies; more than an assumption or an opinion; he has
to have knowledge. Political theory as
• a form of activity conditioned by the fact that it
philosophy is an “attempt to replace
occurs within a situation of change and relative
opinion/assumption about the nature of political
things by knowledge of the nature of political
• a form of activity in which the pursuits of things” (Strauss)
advantage produce consequences of such
magnitude that they affect in a significant way
the whole society or a substantial portion of it. It is a science in so far as it admits concepts and
norms which are both observable and testable,
and in so far as it responds to the requirements
Political theory as history defies what has lost its of reason and rationalism. Political theory is a
value. No one cries now that the state has been a science in so far as it can, and in fact, is applied
divine creation or the result of a contract in the to a social gathering and the definitive rules of
state of nature. As history, political theory the exact sciences are applicable within the
conserves what has significance and helps limitations as in any social science.
posterity to cherish it for a long time to come.
The role of science in political theory should be
Concepts such as justice, liberty, equality,
limited to the extent that it helps understand a
obligation, as evolved through the annals of
political phenomenon, and to that extent, science
time, are being held high by political theory
should have an entry in the realms of political
today and shall continue to be so in future.
theory. Political theory admits objectivity in
Political theory is history in the sense that it association with subjectivity, facts in relation to
seeks to understand the time, the place and the values, research together with theory. Political
circumstances in which it evolves. If it ignores theory as science generates neutral,
its historical context, it loses its strength, its dispassionate and objective knowledge.
focus and its message.


Political theory is a philosophy, for it not only

seeks to know the nature of things but also
attempts to explain as to why things really exist. The growth and evolution of political theory can
One understands an action or a thought only by be elaborated in 3 major streams:
evaluating it. Evaluation is a part of
1. Classical – dominated by Philosophy
understanding. Philosophy as distinct from
theory is a ‘quest for wisdom’ or as Strauss 2. Modern – dominated by science and its
holds the view, “quest for universal knowledge, methodology
for knowledge of the whole”. Political theory as
philosophy is “the attempt truly to know both
3. Contemporary – Philosophical and Its features can be summed up as:
historical; attempts to synthesize the essence of
1. Facts and data constitute the bases of study.
both the classical and modern political theory.
These are accumulated, explained and then used
for testing hypothesis

CLASSICAL POLITICAL THEORY 2. Human behavior can be studied and

regularities of human behavior can be expressed
The classical paradigm, according to Sheldon
in generalizations
Wolin, relating to political theory, consisted of
the following: 3. Subjectivity gives way to objectivity;
philosophical interpretation to analytical
1. Its aim is to acquire reliable knowledge about
interpretation; purpose to procedure; descriptive
matters concerning the people, a philosophical
to observational; normative to scientific
pursuit to establish a rational basis for belief
4. Facts and values are separated; values are so
2. It sought to identify the political with the
arranged that the facts become relevant
public, the common
5. Methodology has to be self-conscious,
3. Its basic unit of analysis was always the
explicit and quantitative
political whole, the body-politic, the inter-
related structure denoting 6. Inter-disciplinary synthesis is to be achieved
7. “What is” is more important than either
 Activity – ruling, warfare, education,
“What it was” or “What ought to be or could be”
religious practices
 Relationships – between social classes, 8. Values are to support facts, substance to form,
between the rulers and the ruled, and theory to research and status quo to social
between the superiors and inferiors change.
 Belief – justice, equality, natural law

4. Relating itself to the political whole, it laid

emphasis on order, balance, equilibrium,
stability and harmony. In the process it dwelt on
terms such as conflicts, anarchy, instability and
5. It stresses on comparative studies for
supplying a more comprehensive explanation of David Held refers to the following features of
political phenomena and a wider range of contemporary political theory:
1. It has been viewed as the history of political
6. It had been largely ethical in perspective. Its thought involving an attempt to examine the
response was rooted in a moral outlook. significance of text in their historical context

7. By projecting the best form of polity as the 2. It has sought to revitalize the discipline as a
ideal, revealed the boldness and radicalism od form of conceptual analysis
classical theorizing.


3. It has been developed as the systematic SIGNIFICANCE OF POLITICAL THEORY
elaboration of the underlying structure of our
According to C. Wright Mills:
moral and political activities
• It is itself a social reality; it is an ideology in
4. It has been revitalized as a form of argument
terms of which certain institutions and practices
concerned with abstract theoretical questions
are justified and others attacked; it provides the
and particular political issues.
phrases in which demands are raised, criticisms
5. It has been championed as a critique of all made, exhortations delivered, proclamations
forms of foundationalism formulated, and at times, policies determined

6. It has been elaborated as a form of systematic • It is an ethic, an articulation of ideal, which, at

model building influenced by theoretical various levels of generality and sophistication, is
economics, rational choice theory and game used in judging man, events and movements and
theory; it aims to construct formal models of as goals and guidelines for aspirations and
political processes policies.

7. It has developed as the theoretical enterprise • It designates agencies of action, of the means
of the discipline of Political Science. As such it of reform, revolution and conservation. It
attempts to construct theory on the basis of contains strategies and programs that embody
observation and modest empirical both ends and means. It designates, in short, the
generalizations. historical levels by which ideals are to be won or
maintained after they have been won.

• It contains theories of man, society, and

Contemporary political theory is mainly
history, or at least assumptions about how
concerned with the explanation, investigation
society is made up of, and how it works. It tells
and ultimately, with the comprehension of what
us how to find out where we stand, and where
relates to politics: concepts, principles and
we may be going.

David Held sums up by saying that

contemporary political theory is:

• First, the philosophical concerned, above all,

with the conceptual and normative;

• Second, the empirical-analytic concerned,

above all, with the problems of understanding
and explanation;

• Third, the strategic concerned, above all with

an assessment of the feasibility of moving from
where we are to where we might like to be.

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