Second Wave

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School DMMMSU-MLUC College of Grade 2nd YEAR COLLEGE

Education Level
Date & Time December 12, 2023 School 2023-2024
8:00 – 9:30 AM Year First Semester

Pre-service Teacher’s Activity

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a) trace the factors that led to the second wave of Western
b) reenact the process of colonization by the Westerners to Africans
through a tableau; and
c) instill the importance of respect toward other people’s belief
systems through a song.

II. Content/Subject Factors that led to the Second Wave of Western Expansionism
III. Learning Resources References: Britannica. (2023). Exploration in Africa.

Cartwright, M. (2021). Portuguese empire.

Nester, W.R. (2010). Global Imperialism’s Second

Wave. In: Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan,
New York.

Rhodes, D. (2020). Second modernity and the second

phase of European colonialism. in:
Smith, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Global
Archaeology. Springer, Cham.

World Atlas (n.d.). The former Spanish colonies.

Materials: Projector, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation,

Traditional-Instructional Materials, Pen and Activity
Sheets, Index Card and Other Student-Onhand
IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
• Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good morning, Sir!

• Prayer
Before we start our learning journey
for today, may I request Jersren to
lead us in prayer? (Jesren will lead the prayer
for the class).
• Classroom Before you sit down kindly align your
Management chairs and pick up the trashes below
it. (Students will align their
chairs and pick up the trash)
Class Secretary, may you please check
the attendance and report who is
absent? No absentee, sir!
That’s good to hear!

So before we proceed with our lesson,

I would like to inform everyone
regarding our class rules.

1. Pay attention with our lesson,

because from time to time I
will be calling your names for
2. Do not use your cellphones,
unless, we have activities that
would allow you to use those.
For emergency purposes, you
may ask for permission.
3. Stay Put. This means that
during the discussion, you are
not allowed to stand up and
roam around the classroom
unless I told you so.
4. Do not answer in unison.

Remember, the teaching and learning

process is an art done by teachers and
students, so your cooperation and
attention are needed.
• Motivation To begin our learning journey for
today, let’s have an activity entitled,
“Choose Right, Pick Right!” Kindly
read the instructions, Krenz.


1. The students will be

divided into two groups
and they will be shown
statements that
describe places, events,
and groups of people.
2. Each group must have
five (5) representatives
and they have to find
and choose the correct
letters and paste it in
3. In answering, the
students have to go
forward after they hear
the word, “GO” and find
letters needed for their
4. After the students have
pasted the answer,
he/she must read it to
complete the task.
5. The group who will be
able to answer first and
get the most correct
answers will be the
Are the instruction clear, class? Yes sir!

Let us now begin our activity!

The first statement says, “the home
of earliest hominid, and the
birthplace of all human beings.” Go.
Group 1 was able to arrange the
letters first.
Sir, the answer is Africa!

Very good, Justine! 1 point for group

number 1!
The second statement is this, “In the
battle of thirds I’m in the middle. I
can be a time or a place. I have never
tried to take the gold, since my back
is bent and I’m too old.” Go.
Yes group 2, it seems that you are able
to finish first.
Sir, the answer is number 2 or

Very good, group 2!

The next statement is this, “I am the
synonym of ‘spread or widen.’” Go.
Yes group number 2, you are able to
arranged the word first.

Sir, I think the answer is

Very good, group 2! Expand.
Moving forward to our next
statement. “I was forced to work, but =
paid none. I am mostly black, and got
scars on my back. Who am I?” Go. Yes
group 1?
Sir, I think the answer is slave.
Very good, group 3!

For our last statement, “I need to go

through fire to be proven true. I sound
like old, but I am bold, and ready to
be sold. What am I? Go. Yes group 2?

Sir, the answer is Gold.

Congratulations to the winning group!
Great job!
Based on our activity, what do you
think is our lesson for today? Yes,
Sir I believe, our lesson for
today is the Second Wave of
Western Expansionism.
Very Good insight, Jimmand!
Our lesson for today is all about the
Second Stage of Western

B. Lesson Proper

⚫ ACTIVITY To track your learning for this lesson,

kindly read the objectives, Jesren.
At the end of the lesson, the
learners are expected to:
a. trace the factors that
led to the second wave
of Western
b. reenact the process of
colonization by the
Westerners to Africans
through a tableau; and
c. instill the importance of
respect toward other
people’s belief systems
through a song.
Before we proceed with our lesson for
today, let us have first a recap of the
learnings we had last week. Can you
share in class the lessons you learned
last meeting? Yes, Jenny?
Sir last meeting we discussed
about the factors that led to
the first wave of western
expansionism. The factors can
be summarized into three
themes which are, God, gold,
and glory.

Can you explain why God, gold, and

glory were the main factors that led
to the first wave of Western
Expansionism? Yes, Ivy?
Sir, one of the reasons they
colonized other places was
because of their religion. They
wanted to Christianize
everyone along their journey,
that is why God is included.
The gold represents wealth.
This means that western
countries have sent explorers
and their ships to get more
golds and other resources.
Glory represents their prestige,
honor, and fame for their own
sake against other rival
Very good, Ivy!

Class, to sum up our lesson last

meeting, may I call on Ferrald and
Marcus to sing the chorus of the song
we had. Long live! The golds they take
They said religion brings light
Let our ancestors died
The tradings, Long live all the
efforts they made
West plunder many of our …
They will be remembered
Thank you very much and good work,
Marcus and Ferrald.

To make our discussion more exciting,

let us divide the class into 6 groups.
Remember the life point system we
did last week? Let us do it again to
have a more meaningful and
interactive discussion. Krenz, kindly
read the instructions.


1. The students will be

divided into 6 groups.
Each group will be given
10 life points. Each
question is equivalent to
2 life points.
2. The students will be
asked for questions
about the topic as the
discussion goes and they
have to answer it.
3. Two life points will be
added for every correct
answer and two life
points will be deducted
if they fail to answer.
4. At the end of the lesson,
the students will have to
count their life points.
The computed life
points will be their score
for the lesson
⚫ ANALYSIS Let us now begin our learning journey
for today. The focus of the first wave
of Western expansionism was in Asia.
For our first question, during the
second wave or second stage of
western expansionism, where do you
think was the focus of exploration?
Yes, group 1? Sir I believe the explorers
during the second stage of
Western Expansionism focused
on Africa.

Very good, group 1! You may add 2 life

points to your score.

What do you think were the reasons

why the Westerners went to Africa?
Yes, group 2? Sir I think, they were looking
for more resources other than
what they are getting from

Very good idea, group 2. You can now

add 2 life points to your group.

Do you have any idea what was

happening to Asia during these times?
Yes, group 3?
Sir I think, the westerners in
Asia were able to maintain a
status quo, provided that, they
have already colonized many
Asian countries. Here in the
Philippines we were not
exempted in the regime of the
Westerners since Spain stayed
in the country for more than
300 years. So the westerners
were able to build a solid
foundation in Asia, controlling
trades and sending goods to
their motherland. While taking
control of Asia, they sailed
again to take Africa and
establish another colony in the
That is a wonderful and fruitful
insight, group 3! You may now add 2
life points to your group.

Class, to see a clearer picture of what

happened during the second stage of
Western Expansionism, let us imagine
and journey back to the past to see
the context of our lesson for today.

Krenz, kindly read the slide.

During the first wave of
Western Expansionism, the
European nations have gained
control to many of the trading
points and countries in Asia.

Here are the maps that show the

colonies of Portugal and Spain.
Observe the map thoroughly, can you
share your insight and observation
about the exploration done by
Portugal and Spain? Recall our past
lesson as you answer the question.
Yes Marcus, can you share your insight
and observation about the map?
Sir, based on the map. Portugal
was able to gain control of the
vital trading points, especially
the maritime routes. Spain was
able to maintain its agreement
in exploring the western
portion of the world, except,
the discovery of the Phlippines
through the Pacific Ocean.
Spain was able to gain control
on the large area of the
Americas, and in the
Philippines. Portugal on the
other hand was able to control
the shores of India, Africa, and
the Strait of Malacca.
Very good, Marcus! You may add 2 life
points to your group.

As you can see in the map, Portugal

have dominated the shorelines of
India. In our past lesson about
Malacca, the Portuguese were still
dominating the area, giving them
advantages in the trading process.
While Spain has kept the its
agreement with Portugal, taking lands
in the West.

Althea, kindly read the slide.

The Westerners were able to
gain control of the world’s
economic activity during that
time. For example in Asia, they
were able to override the
authority of the Asians because
of their advance weapons and
other military advantages. This
resulted to easier and faster
access to important raw
materials and goods that will
be sent to Europe.
The Westerners in Asia was able to
maintain a status quo in the region
and were able to increase their wealth
that would later equip them to more
and challenging quest on the high

Raymund kindly read the slide.

Meanwhile, during the 15th
century, Prince Henry of
Portugal was able to reach
Africa. His original plan was to
reach Asia, but he was able to
passed by the “Land of the
What do you think were the scenarios
that happened next after Prince
Henry of Portugal discovered Africa?

To find out what happened to Africa,

let us have an activity class. Joseph,
kindly read the instructions.

1. The students will be

divided into six (6)
2. They have to perform a
Tableau showing the
events that happened
after the discovery of
Africa by Prince Henry
of Portugal.
3. The students will be
given three (3) minutes
to prepare.
4. The group leaders will
explain and present the

Class time is up! Let us begin our

presentation from group 6 going down
to group 1.
(The students will present their
tableau in the class)

Here’s the rubric of your activity:

Class what you did is excellent! Give a

clap for yourselves.

To supplement, and add up to your

ideas after the discovery of Africa,
Miguel, kindly read the slide.
After the discovery of Africa by
Prince Henry of Portugal, the
Portuguese planned to spread
Christianity in the Area.
However, due to the existence
of the Turks in the area since
7th -8th Century, this goal
became challenging. The
Portuguese shifted their focus
and became more commercial,
thinking and considering the
economic activities that they
can do in the region.
After they realized that it would be
challenging to spread Christianity in
the region, their approach towards
the people in Africa has changed.
Khizelyn, kindly read the slide.
The Portuguese first arrived at
Cape Verde, and then they
discovered Ghana, between
the mouths of Ankobra and
Volta rivers. They were met by
the Akan Tribe, and the
Westerners were able to
discover that the place was
rich of gold. They called the
area, “Mina” which means,
“The Mine.” For other
Europeans who reached the
area, they called the place, the
“Gold Coast.”

During the first centuries of trading

with the Akan Tribe, the Portuguese
were able to exchange their products
with the Akans and built a trading
relationship with the people in the
area. Portugal was able to monopolize
the gold trade in the area, and there
was no other European nation that
was able to participate in the trade.

Moving forward to the 17th century,

the Dutch came to power. Class, what
country did the Dutch come from?
Yes, Rodalyn.
Sir, I think they came
Very Good, Rodalyn.

Class, during these times, take note

that Spain and Portugal were not the
only countries that were sailing to find
routes and raw materials. Can you
state other countries that
participated during the second stage
of Western Expansionism? Yes, Nina?
Sir I think the countries like
Great Britain, The
Netherlands, France, Belgium,
and Germany joined the

Very good Nina! You may 2 life points

to your group.

Now class, since the Dutch came to

power, they overthrew the
strongholds of Portugal in Africa, and
they were able to control the trading
points in India, specifically, the West
India Company.
The second wave of expansionism,
became more drastic, bloodier and
heartbreaking, because of the
development that happened in
Europe, specifically in Britain. Based
on the image presented, what was the
revolution that motivated the Second
Wave of Western Expansionism? Yes,

Sir I believe, it was the

Industrial Revolution.

Excellent, Andrea! You may add 2 life

points to your group.

Can you tell me something about the

Industrial Revolution? Yes, Marcus?
Sir the Industrial Revolution is
the process of change from
Agrarian Economy to an
economy dominated by
machines and factories.
Very good, Marcus! You may add 2 life
points to your group.

Class, what happened when European

invented and used machines? Base
your answer using the image
presented. Yes, Raymund?

Sir, based on the photo, it

seems to be that many of the
people have decided to work
on factories, and also, they
needed more manpower to run
the machines and the factory

Very good, Raymund! You may add 2

life points to your group.

Based on the image, what do you think

have happened to the agricultural
lands of the people during that time?
Yes, Rose?
Sir, based on the image
presented, it seems to be that
the agricultural areas were
transformed to become an
Industrial land. They built
factories and other buildings
meant for economic
Very good Rose! You may now add 2
life points to your group.

Class, I said a while ago, that the

Dutch was able to dominate the trades
in India and in Africa. Now, here’s the
scenario, the growing industries in
Europe, affected all the European
countries and their colonies. This
means, that industrial development
did not stay in Europe only, but the
machines used were developed and
maximized in their colonies too.
Trading become faster, and their
incomes increased drastically. What
do you have happened to Africa during
the Industrial Revolution? Yes, Jesren?
Sir I think, the Dutch began
exploiting people going to the
west to become workers and
Brilliant insight, Jesren! You may add
2 life points to your group.

The image shows a glimpse of what

happened to the Africans during the
Industrial Revolution. The Dutch
forced them to move out from their
homeland, all the way to the South
America or Latin America, to work in
the cotton plantation.

As we reflect on the picture, what do

you think is the focus and the most
important thing during the Second
Wave of western expansionism and
during the industrial revolution? Yes,
Sir, as I reflect, it seems to be
that they focus so much on how
will they increase the wealth of
their country without
considering the lives of other

Indeed, Beatrize.

Yes, Ferrald, do you have something

to say?
Sir, it has something to do the
superiority and inferiorty
system. The West saw
themselves as superiors among
other nations, especially the
black people. They did not see
them as their fellow humans,
but tools to work for their own

Very good, Ferrald.

Class, this event in our world history

was tragic, that is why we are
studying it to learn from it. So, what
do we need to in our context to
promote equal treatment to all
human-beings? Yes, Justine?
Sir, we need to show respect
and we need to love diversity.
We need to accept that we are
not all the same, and each one
is unique in their own way. The
only way for us to live
peacefully is when we respect
other people, and accept that
we are living in this world with
a purpose and rights to enjoy
life and all its blessings.

Very good, Justine! You may add 2 life

points to your group.

Class, to sum up the factors that led

to the second wave of Western
Expansionism, Andrea, kindly read the
slide. The second wave of Western
expansionism happened due to
political rivalries, economic
demands, and technological

Can you give your insights about

political rivalries? Yes, Raymund.
Sir, I think, since Europeans
were racing in exploring and in
expanding their territory, they
challenged each other, that’s
why they reached Asia and
Very good, Raymund, you may add 2
life points to your group!

Can you share you insight about

economic demands and technological
advancements? Yes, Glovic.
Sir, economic demands and
technological advancements go
hand-in-hand. Because of the
raw materials needed for them
to create their products, they
needed to sail to Africa and
Asia to get those raw
materials. Moreover, due to
the insufficient number of
manpower, the Dutch took
Africans as slaves to work for
economic growth and to
maximize the use of the
Very good, Glovic! You may add 2 life
points to your group.

Class, for you not to forget the factors

that led to second wave of Western
Expansionism, remember the
mnemonic PET, which stands for, Yes Sir!
Political Rivalries, Economic
Demands, and Technological

If they asked you about the factors

that led to the first and second wave
of Western Expansionism, this will be
your answer. Everyone read the slide.
Three Gs and a PET.

The three Gs stand for God, gold, and

glory. They were the main reasons for
the first wave of Expansionism. PET
stands for Political Rivalry, Economic
Demands, and Technological

Class, did you understand our lesson

for today?
Yes sir!
It seems to be that you are able to
grasp the discussion for today. To sum
up our lesson today class, I have
prepared an exciting activity for
everyone to answer. Krenz, kindly
read the instruction.

1. The students will have

form a circle and pass
the ship to one another.
When the music stops,
the student who holds
the ship will have to pick
a question or a reward
2. The students who will
get a question must
answer it. The students
who will be able to pick
reward, will be given 1
additional life point for
their group.
Our first lucky student is, Desiree.
Sir, the first question is this,
who discovered Africa and
explain the trade between
Portugal and the Akan tribe?

Sir,it was Prince Henry of

Portugal who discovered
Africa. Portugal and the Akan
tribe started their trades in
Ghana, and it was called the
“Mina” or “Gold Coast.” The
trade built a trading
relationship between the
people of Akan and

Very good, Desiree!

Our next lucky student is, Jenny.

Kindly read the question and answer
it. Explain the Industrial

Sir, the industrial revolution

was caused by the inventions of
machines and other
technologies that helped the
European to produce products
faster. This resulted to the
drastic increase of their
economy. Moreover, the
agrarian lands were
transformed to become
industrial, and people
transferred to the
industrialized areas in their
places. Slavery becomes
rampant during this season too.

Very good, Jenny!

The next lucky student is, Althea.
Briefly explain the three main
factors of the second wave
Western expansionism.

Sir, political rivalries, deals

about the competition among
the countries of Europe. They
seem to compete with one
another, that is why they
expand. In economic demands,
and technological
advancements, they go hand in
hand since they were the main
reasons of why raw materials
were traveled from Asia and
Africa going to Europe and
other western countries and
they were the reasons of why
slaves became rampant during
the Industrial revolution.
Very good, Althea!
I believe that you are able to
comprehend and grasp our lesson for
today class. Keep up the good work!
I have prepared here a lyrics of a song
that talks about the factors that led
to the first wave of Western
Expansionism in Asia. The tune of song
was taken and adopted from the song
A Million Dreams from the movie The
Greatest Showman.
We will sing the song as a class.

Million Dreams

Close my eyes
Imagine things
The West has captured my
That I call my home
In Africa, they took their golds
They took their children and
their home
They were left alone

Then the west sailed their ship
And they went to Europe
Bringing gold and people in
They don’t care if they die,
seems they have no value
The blacks and browns in the
West became slaves

‘Cause every life that moves
and breath
No value can take-away their
Their will to live is enough to
give them bread
West killed so many blacks at
They thought “we cannot
make them free”
They’ll work for us and will
make us more wealthy.
The blacks were enslaved for
their economy


Now at this time,

I need to act
The world is calling up for me
I will make it Home
For the lame, for the poor
To the oppressed, the blind,
and sick
We’ll make this world our

They can say, they can say it
all sounds crazy
A safe place is unattainable
I don’t care, I don’t care if
they call me crazy
I’m a youth who’ll enlighten
up the world

‘Cause every life that moves
and breath
No value can take-away their
Their will to live is enough to
give them bread
West killed so many blacks at
They thought “we cannot
make them free
They’ll work for us and will
make us more wealthy.”
I have to act with my own
Let’s care and love our people
Let’s not repeat the hate in
Let’s value life for earth and
Direction: Read the statements Answer Key:
carefully. Write AFRICA if the I.TRUE OR FALSE
statement is true. If the statement is
false, underline the word/s that
makes it incorrect and write the
correct answer on the space provided
(2 points each).
_____1. The Industrial Revolution
watered-down the passion of the 1. Watered-down – Fired up,
Westerners to explore and influence encouraged, or motivated.
the world more.

_______ 2. The Anak Tribe of Ghana

traded gold with the Portuguese and 2. Anak Tribe - Akan Tribe
they built a solid relationship through
________3. The Portuguese
circumnavigated Africa going to Asia
and landed on Cape Verde. The
expedition was led by King Henry II.
3. King Henry II – Prince Henry
_______ 4. Economic Rivalry is one of
the key factors of the second wave 4. FIRST WAVE
Western Expansionism in Africa.

________ 5. The Portuguese traded

with a tribe in Africa. Afterwards, the
Portuguese were conquered by the
Turks and controlled the shores of 5. Turks - Dutch
Ghana for the gold trade.
Create a one page-reflection paper
about your personal learnings on the
First and Second Wave of Western
Expansionism in Asia and in Europe.
Prepared by:

Pre-service Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name

Reviewed by:

Cooperating Teacher

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