Pidato Bahasa Inggris Repja

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Good morning everyone, my name is REPJA DIKA SAPUTRA

Today I want to talk to you about bullying. Bullying is an issue that affects us all and we
must come together to fight it. It is a serious problem that can have long-lasting effects on the
victims, often leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide in some cases.
It is our responsibility to take a stand and speak out against bullying. We must lead by
example and demonstrate kindness and respect towards others, even if they are different than
us. Additionally, we should encourage victims of bullying to talk to someone about their
experiences so that they know they are not alone.
We also need to educate people about the consequences of bullying. People should
understand that it is not only wrong, but also illegal in some cases. Finally, we must ensure
that those responsible for bullying are held accountable for their actions and face appropriate
In conclusion, I want to remind you that bullying is a serious issue that affects us all and
we must do our part to fight it. Thank you for your time and consideration. Assalamuallaikum

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