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Hotel Guests' Preferences for Green Guest Room Attributes*

Michelle Millar and Seyhmus Baloglu
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 2011 52: 302
DOI: 10.1177/1938965511409031

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Lodging Strategy
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly

Hotel Guests’ Preferences for 52(3) 302­–311

© The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:
Green Guest Room Attributes
DOI: 10.1177/1938965511409031

By Michelle Millar1 and Seyhmus Baloglu2

A study of 571 business and leisure travelers examined the environmentally friendly attributes that guests seek in hotel
rooms. Using conjoint analysis of bundles of seven hotel room attributes, the study found that the most influential single
attribute on hotel room preference for this sample was green hotel certification (such as LEED). These respondents
were also supportive of rooms with a refillable shampoo dispenser, energy-efficient light bulbs, and towel and linen
reuse policies. Guests also appreciated the idea of a key card that would control all energy use in the room. Relatively
few respondents agreed that they would pay more to stay in a “green” room. The study included only respondents who
indicated a willingness to stay in green rooms and as such cannot be generalized. However, the study found few differences
between the preferences of the 284 business travelers and the 287 leisure travelers. Three findings differed from other
research outcomes in the weight ascribed to green certification, the preference for a shampoo dispenser, and lobby-based
recycling. The idea of an energy-controlling key card is also uncommon, but would represent a considerable retrofitting
expense for most hotels. While these findings are of interest, one limitation is that only seven attributes were studied,
and the inclusion of additional attributes—or more levels of the seven attributes—might alter the results. Nevertheless,
these findings give hoteliers information about preferences of a substantial number of guests who would consider staying
in a “green” hotel room.

hotel guest preferences, green hotels, LEED standards, conjoint analysis

The traveling public clearly expects the hotel industry to purposes. In addition to incorporating green practices at the
pay attention to environmental concerns, and to operate sus- general property level, some hotels are now incorporating
tainably (Gustin and Weaver 1996). According to the 2008 them into the guest room. Typical green attributes found in
National Leisure Travel Monitor survey, 85 percent of lei- the guest room may include low-flow water fixtures and
sure travelers consider themselves environmentally con- linen reuse programs.
scious (Crocker 2008), and a separate study found that The problem for hoteliers who want to do the right
43 million U.S. travelers have expressed their concern for thing—both in terms of sustainability and in terms of profit
the environment (Vora 2007). In a survey conducted by considerations—is that the full dimensions of guests’ pref-
Deloitte, 34 percent of 1,155 business travelers surveyed erences for green attributes in hotel rooms remain unclear.
seek out hotels that are environmentally friendly and The scope of research about guests’ preferences for green
38 percent have researched green lodging facilities (Clausing hotel attributes is limited (Kasim 2004), and the few studies
2008). The 2009 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction conducted in this area have focused on individual attributes,
study by J.D. Power and Associates reported that 66 percent such as a towel reuse program or energy-efficient lighting.
of hotel guests stated that they were aware of their hotel’s In this article, we address this issue by considering green
conservation efforts, compared with 57 percent in 2008. Of
these respondents, 72 percent said they participated in their
hotel’s conservation programs.
Mindful of these concerns, hoteliers have started incor- 1
University of San Francisco School of Management, California
porating sustainable practices into their daily operations. University of Nevada, Las Vegas
For example, some hotels have installed energy-efficient
Corresponding Author:
lighting, while others have taken more drastic steps by Michelle Millar, University of San Francisco School of Management, 2130
replacing inefficient HVAC systems, or by reusing gray Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
water drained from sinks and showers for landscaping Email:

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Millar and Baloglu 303

guest room attributes simultaneously, that is, as a bundle, to Green Certification

determine their guests’ relative preferences for environ-
mentally friendly guest room attributes. When selecting a service or product, customers rely on the
According to the theory of consumer demand (Lancaster attributes or “cues” to help them make a decision (Crane
1966), consumers make decisions about a particular prod- and Clarke 1988; Lee and Lou 1995). One such cue might
uct or service based on the attributes that make up, or be green certification, but how consumers react to certifi-
the characteristics of, the product or service as a whole. cate or “ecolabel” programs is relatively unknown (Reiser
Applying that principle, this study’s purpose is to identify and Simmons 2005). In fact, the results of several studies
what kind of green hotel room business and leisure travelers have claimed that many tourists are not even aware of the
would most prefer, based on bundles of select environmen- existence of ecolabel programs in many cases (Fairweather
tally friendly hotel room attributes. More critically, this and Maslin 2005; Hamele 2002; Wood and Halpenny 2001).
study seeks to assess whether customers are willing to pay Font (2002) and Synergy (2000) each identified more than
more to stay in a green hotel room, and if so, how much 100 ecolabel programs for ecotourism, hospitality, and
more. One study has indicated that business travelers are tourism throughout the world. Most of the research con-
willing to pay up to 10 percent more to stay in a green hotel ducted in relation to ecolabel programs has focused on what
(Clausing 2008), but limited information exists regarding the programs offer and what standards are incorporated into
leisure travelers’ preferences. We address the following them (Reiser and Simmons 2005; Spittler and Haak 2001;
research questions: Weaver 2001).
One of the most widely discussed certification programs
Research question 1: Which bundle of environmen- is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
tally friendly hotel attributes will be most pre- (LEED) Green Building Rating System developed by the
ferred by business travelers? U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The LEED system
Research question 2: Which bundle of environmen- “promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by
tally friendly hotel attributes will be most pre- recognizing performance in five key areas of human and
ferred by leisure travelers? environmental health: sustainable site development, water
Research question 3: Are these travelers willing to savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor
pay more for a green hotel room? If so, how much environmental quality” (USGBC 2008, ¶ 2). Certification is
more? achieved at four different levels (certified, silver, gold, and
platinum) and assesses building design that incorporates,
for example, the use of recycled materials in constructing
Literature Review the hotel. At this writing, there are only 27 LEED-
Attributes certified hotels in the world (Garrett 2008). The program is
voluntary, as are the other programs, and is quite costly
As we indicated at the outset, although there is a plethora (Jennings 2007). As a result, some establishments have
of research available about hotel attributes, the research on decided to adhere to LEED standards without spending the
travelers’ attitudes toward environmentally friendly hotels money to apply for certification.
and guest rooms is limited to a few studies. One such study
(reported by Watkins 1994) indicated that frequent travel-
ers would stay in hotels with environmental strategies, but Methods
they would not be willing to pay a premium for those Conjoint Analysis
rooms. Watkins added that travelers might consider such
green attributes as recycling bins, energy-efficient lighting, This study applies conjoint analysis to understand and mea-
using recycled paper for promotional materials, changing sure the bundle of attributes that are important to travelers
sheets only when requested, and turning off lights in unoc- in booking a hotel. Conjoint analysis measures the degree
cupied guest rooms. of importance of each product attribute individually and its
In a study of tourists to Penang Island, Malaysia, Kasim influence combined with others on the consumer’s choice
(2004) found that even though the tourists were knowledge- of the overall product (Lewis, Ding, and Geschke 1991).
able and cared about the environment they did not consider Because of the complexity of the tourist decision, conjoint
a hotel’s environmental strategy in choosing their hotel. At analysis has been used widely to understand tourists’ pref-
the same time, these tourists were willing to accept rooms erences (Apostolakis and Jaffry 2005; Feather, Hellerstein,
with water-saving features, recycling bins, fire safety fea- and Tomais 1995; Lewis, Ding, and Geschke 1991; Limburg
tures, energy-saving features, and information on local eco- 1998; Lindberg, Dellaert, and Rassing 1999; Louviere and
tourism attractions. Woodworth 1983; Thyne, Lawson, and Todd 2006). It has

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304 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 52(3)

Exhibit 1:
Selected Environmentally Friendly Attributes and Attribute Level

Attribute Attribute Level

Recycling policy (RP) Recycling bin in guest room Recycling bin in hotel lobby
Shampoo amenities (SA) Individual bottle of shampoo Refillable dispenser of shampoo
Controlled lighting (CL) Occupancy sensors Key cards that turn power to the room on
and off
Energy-efficient light bulbs (EEB) Yes No
Towel policy (TP) Fresh towels daily Towel reuse policy
Linen policy (LP) Sheets changed every night during stay Sheets changed on request only for
multiple-night stays
Green certification (GC) Yes No

also been used in the meetings and events industry (Hu and The levels for the second attribute, shampoo amenities,
Hiemstra 1996; Renaghan and Kay 1987), as well as those were the typical individual bottle and a refillable dispenser
of restaurant customers (Dube, Renaghan, and Miller 1994; in the guest bathroom. Controlled lighting is the third attri-
Koo, Tao, and Yeung 1999; Verma and Thompson 1996, bute, with level one being occupancy sensors in the room
1997; Verma, Thompson, and Louviere 1999). Perhaps the and level two being key cards that control all power to a
most prominent lodging industry application of conjoint room. Because lighting is such a large use of energy, the
analysis was the study by Wind et al. (1989) that helped presence or absence of energy-efficient light bulbs are the
Marriott Corporation design its Courtyard by Marriott levels for the fourth attribute.
brand. The fifth and sixth attributes involve towel and linen
The theoretical framework for traditional conjoint analy- policies. Level one of each is a towel or linen reuse pro-
sis lies in Lancaster’s (1966) theory of consumer demand. gram, and the other level is fresh towels or linens each day.
Lancaster (1971) argued that traditional demand theory The final attribute is the presence or absence of green certi-
only identified the effect of a change in price on the demand fication for the hotel.
for goods or services, but traditional theory provided no In summary, the tested attributes, each with two levels,
way of identifying the effect of changes in the physical were recycling policy (RP), shampoo amenities (SA), con-
properties (characteristics) of the goods on demand or pref- trolled lighting (CL), energy-efficient light bulbs (EEB),
erence. The idea of conjoint analysis is that since it is the towel policy (TP), linen policy (LP), and green certification
physical properties of goods that fulfill consumers’ needs (GC). In general, the manipulation of attributes is intended
and wants, consumers gain utility from the characteristics to have an environmentally friendly level and a more tradi-
of the good, not from the good itself. Thus, changing the tional, less green level. We note, however, that all attributes
physical properties of goods and services will similarly are currently provided in at least some hotels, and none are
change the utility to customers. This study was designed as totally unfamiliar to guests. The attributes and their corre-
a conjoint choice experiment by presenting potential travel- sponding levels are summarized in Exhibit 1.
ers with hypothetical scenarios that incorporated different
bundles of environmentally friendly room characteristics.
The travelers then rated their preference for each room Scenarios
incorporating (or failing to incorporate) these attributes. Similar to the Wind et al. (1989) study, we used the typical
The scenario with the highest rating represented the room conjoint analysis approach of presenting respondents with
with the most preferred attributes. twelve scenarios that they rated on a scale of 0 (not at all
preferred) to 10 (extremely preferred) (following, e.g.,
Hair et al. 2006; Orme 2006). Each scenario consisted of a
Selection of Attributes hypothetical hotel room that incorporated one or the other
We selected attributes to test both from the aforementioned level of the seven attributes. An example of a scenario is
studies (i.e., Kasim 2004; Watkins 1994) and from the shown in Exhibit 2.
results of a pilot study we conducted with hotel developers We used twelve scenarios to address a critical issue in
(Millar and Baloglu 2008). We tested two levels of seven conjoint analysis, namely, the number of scenarios that should
attributes. For the first attribute, recycling policy, the levels be included in the study. It would be impossible to ask respon-
were recycling bin in the guest room, or a recycling bin in dents to rate all scenarios containing all levels of all attri-
the hotel lobby. butes, since this full factorial design would mean 128 (27)

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Millar and Baloglu 305

Exhibit 2: travelers, and the most influential attribute on respon-

Example of a Scenario dents’ preference. We adopted the traditional, full-profile
Room 1: conjoint method for this study because of the relatively
Recycling bins in the hotel lobby small number of attributes. In an analysis similar to
Individual bottle of shampoo regression, the conjoint procedure produces utility scores,
Occupancy sensors to control lighting in the room which are more commonly referred to as part-worths, for
No energy-efficient light bulbs in the guestroom each attribute level (e.g., fresh towels or reused towels,
Towel reuse policy occupancy sensors or key cards). The part-worths are
Sheets changed on request only similar to coefficients in multiple regression in that each
Hotel is not certified as a green hotel part-worth value represents the “desirability” of that par-
ticular attribute level. A positive value indicates a prefer-
ence for the attribute level, while a negative value
scenarios. Instead, we used a fractional factorial design, which indicates no preference. Given that we had seven attri-
reduces the number of scenarios to be evaluated while main- butes with two levels each, this study produced fourteen
taining orthogonality, so that there are no correlations among utility scores or part-worths.
the different levels of each attribute and that each level of
each attribute appears the same number of times throughout
the scenarios (Hair et al. 2006). The first calculation of a Analysis and Results
fractional factorial design for this study (using SPSS Before running any statistical analysis of the responses, we
Conjoint 17.0, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) produced eight sce- checked the data for irregularities, missing data, or unreal-
narios. Based on the formula recommended by Xu and Yuan istic responses. We found and deleted twenty-one cases in
(2001), however, we determined that eight scenarios consti- the business data and seventeen cases in the leisure data
tuted an insufficient number to produce valid conjoint where the respondent rated every scenario exactly the
results. If respondents rated their preference for only eight same. As a result, we were able to run the conjoint analysis
scenarios, the overall results would neither provide valuable on 284 business traveler responses and 287 leisure traveler
insights nor would they be valid. Instead, we adopted Xu and responses.
Yuan’s principle that the number of scenarios should equal
at least 1.5 times the number of parameters. The number of
parameters is determined by the formula n (k - 1) + 1 where Demographic Profile
n = the number of attributes, and k = the number of levels for Of the 284 responses received from the business travelers,
each attribute. With seven attributes having two levels each 119 (41.9%) of them were from women (for a summary of
in this study, there would be eight parameters (7(2 - 1) + 1 = 8), demographic results, see Exhibit 3). The respondents’ age
and thus, twelve scenarios. distribution was fairly even. Twenty-three percent of the
respondents were 29 years old or younger, 23 percent were
30 to 39 years old, 29 percent were 40 to 49 years old, and
Sample 26 percent were 50 or older. Roughly half of the respondents
Our sample was drawn from an extensive database (com- (47%) earned an income of $55,000 or less, with the most
prising 4 million records) provided by an online research (31%) earning between $35,001 and $55,000. Thirteen per-
company. The database is representative of the U.S. popu- cent of the respondents had a high school education or less.
lation, and participants have agreed to be contacted for sur- Thirty-one percent had some college, while 15 percent had
veys. We conducted an online survey of business and earned an associate’s degree, 29 percent a bachelor’s degree,
leisure travelers who had spent at least one night in a hotel and 12 percent a graduate degree. More than half of the busi-
in the previous 12 months, and who indicated that they were ness travelers (59%) indicated that they were married.
willing to stay in an environmentally friendly hotel. In total, Fifty-six percent of the 287 leisure traveler respondents
606 travelers completed the survey, of which 305 were were female. The largest single age category for leisure
business travelers and 301 were leisure travelers. We cre- respondents was age 50 and older (31%). Twenty-five per-
ated slightly different surveys for the two groups, to ensure cent were between 40 and 49, while 24 percent were
that the respondents answered consistently from either the between 30 and 39. More than half of the leisure travelers
business or leisure traveler’s point of view. (54%) reported household income of $55,000 or less. With
regard to education levels, 24 percent had a high school
education or less, while 35 percent had some college. Only
Data Analysis 13 percent of the respondents had an associate’s degree, and
In addition to analyzing demographic data, we identified 20 percent held a bachelor’s degree. The majority of respon-
both the combination of attributes most preferred by the dents were married (61%).

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306 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 52(3)

Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4:
Demographic Profile of Travelers Part-Worth Utility Scores for Each Attribute Level

Business Travelers Leisure Travelers Part-Worth Score

(n = 284) (n = 287)
Demographic Business Leisure
Category Number % Number % Attributes Levels Travelers Travelers
Age Recycling bin in hotel .062 .026
29 or younger 64 22.5 56 19.5 lobby
30-39 years old 65 22.9 68 23.7 Recycling bin in guest −.062 −.026
40-49 years old 82 28.9 73 25.4 room
50 or older 73 25.7 90 31.4 Individual bottle of −.154 −.114
Total 284 100.0 287 100.0 shampoo
Gender Refillable shampoo .154 .114
Male 165 58.1 124 43.2 dispenser
Female 119 41.9 163 56.8 Occupancy sensor −.041 −.060
Total 284 100.0 287 100.0 Key card to turn power to .041 .060
the room on and off
Education level
Energy-efficient light bulbs .277 .278
 High school or 37 13.0 68 23.7
in the guest room
No energy-efficient light −.277 −.278
Some college 89 31.3 100 34.8
bulbs in the guest room
 Associate’s 42 14.8 37 12.9
Fresh towels daily −.172 −.192
Towel reuse policy .172 .192
 Bachelor’s 83 29.2 58 20.2
degree Sheets changed daily −.243 −.226
 Graduate degree 33 11.6 24 8.4 Sheets changed on .243 .226
or higher request for stays up to
3 nights
Total 284 100.0 287 100.0
Hotel is certified as a .423 .343
Household income
green hotel
<$35,000 47 16.5 82 28.6
Hotel is not certified as a −.423 −.343
$35,001-$55,000 88 31.0 72 25.1
green hotel
$55,001-$75,000 68 23.9 62 21.6
$75,001-$95,000 44 15.5 32 11.1
>$95,000 37 13.0 39 13.6
Total 284 100.0 287 100.0 AHLA. We note, however, that these results still cannot be
Marital status generalized to the overall population of business and leisure
Married 167 58.8 175 61.0 travelers, because we limited our survey to those who would
Single 62 21.8 67 23.3 be willing to stay in a “green” hotel.
 Widowed, 55 19.4 45 15.7
separated Conjoint Analysis Results
Total 284 100.0 287 100.0
To test the goodness of fit for the conjoint model and to
assess the reliability of individual responses, we calculated
Pearson’s R statistic for business and leisure travelers as a
Comparing our business respondents’ age and income group, and for each individual respondent. Pearson’s R was
statistics with those of business travelers from the American 0.99 for the business travelers and 0.98 for the leisure trav-
Hotel and Lodging Association’s (AHLA) Lodging Industry elers, indicating a very good fit (Hair et al. 2006). An issue
profile (2007), we found that our respondents had similar with conjoint studies is that respondents may not take the
age characteristics, albeit a slightly lower average income. task seriously, and Moskowitz et al. (2002) recommends
We compared our leisure respondents’ demographic data to removing individual responses with a Pearson’s R of 0.50
the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2000 statistics for the entire pop- or lower. However, we did not have to eliminate any cases
ulation, and also the education and marital status of the on this basis, as Pearson’s R was significant for all indi-
entire sample to the census figures. vidual cases at a level of 0.60 or higher.
On balance, we concluded that the sample in this study is Each attribute has two levels and, thus, two resulting
representative of the U.S. travel population because it is fairly part-worth scores, as shown in Exhibit 4. The attribute level
consistent with U.S. census data for 2000, and data from with the positive part-worth score is the one that was most

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Millar and Baloglu 307

Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6:
Relative Attribute Importance Scores Travelers’ Price Sensitivity toward a Green Hotel

Business Travelers Leisure Travelers Business Travelers Leisure Travelers

Importance Importance Frequency % Frequency %

Attributes Score Rank Score Rank
I am willing to pay ________ than I otherwise would to stay in a
Recycling 11.15 6 10.63 7 green lodging property
policy Less 13 4.6 18 6.3
Shampoo 14.82 4 14.09 5 Same 220 77.5 241 84.0
amenities More 51 18.0 28 9.8
Controlled 10.75 7 12.35 6 Total 284 100.0 287 100.0
lighting How much less?
Energy- 14.81 5 14.73 4 5% 1 7.7 5 27.8
efficient 10% 4 30.8 5 27.8
light bulbs
15% 8 61.5 8 44.4
Towel policy 15.31 3 15.78 2
Total 13 100.0 18 100.0
Linen policy 15.65 2 15.60 3
How much more?
Green 17.51 1 16.83 1
5% 17 33.3 10 35.7
10% 26 51.0 14 50.0
Total 100.00 100.00
15% 8 15.7 4 14.3
Total 51 100.0 28 100.0

preferred by respondents in each group. So, for example,

business travelers preferred to have the recycling bin in the
hotel lobby (part-worth is equal to 0.062) as opposed to half of those willing to pay more would give up to 10 per-
having it in the hotel room (part-worth is equal to −0.062). cent more for a green room. But 4.6 percent of business
Leisure travelers had the same overall preference, although travelers and 6.3 percent of leisure travelers wanted to offer
the actual part-worth scores were lower (0.026 and −0.026). less for a green room. Within both groups, however, the
Based on part-worth scores, both business and leisure majority believed there should be no price difference
travelers most preferred a room with a refillable shampoo between green lodging and traditional lodging, with 77.5
dispenser, a key card that controls power to the room, percent of business travelers and 84 percent of leisure trav-
energy-efficient light bulbs, a towel reuse policy, and sheets elers so indicating.
changed on request only. They would like recycling bins in
the lobby, as we noted, and they would prefer that the hotel
have a “green” certification. Discussion
We can go further than that, though, because the conjoint To review, we found little difference in the sustainability
analysis also produced a score indicating the relative prefer- preferences of business and leisure travelers in this survey.
ence for each attribute, as shown in Exhibit 5. As you might The bulk of respondents in both groups wanted a hotel
infer, attributes with the highest relative preference score room that incorporated a refillable shampoo dispenser,
are the most influential on overall preference. In essence, energy-efficient light bulbs, and towel and linen reuse poli-
the relative preference of each attribute explains the extent cies, as well as a key card to control power use, and green
to which each attribute makes a difference in the overall hotel certification. They wanted recycling bins in the lobby,
preference for the hotel room. In this regard, green certifica- not the room.
tion was the most influential attribute on overall preference Our finding that green certification was the most influen-
for both leisure and business travelers. tial attribute on overall preference for the environmentally
friendly hotel room is a novel one. Numerous other studies
have found that consumers tended to be skeptical of ecola-
Price Sensitivity bels (Carlson et al. 1996; Clemenz 2010; Crane 2000; Davis
Although the respondents were supportive of sustainable 1993; Furlow and Knott 2009; Karna et al. 2001; Laroche,
hotel practices, they were largely unwilling to pay extra for Bergeron, and Barbaro-Forleo 2001; Polonsky et al. 1997).
them, and some thought they should pay less (Exhibit 6). The preference stated here may indicate a desire for some
Just 18 percent of the business travelers indicated that they sort of regulation in the industry, or at least something
were willing to pay more when staying in a green hotel, and that gives potential hotel guests a clear picture of what
only 9.8 percent of leisure travelers would pay more. About constitutes a green hotel. If the hospitality industry were to

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308 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 52(3)

create a label that is straightforward, easy to understand, shampoo dispensers to be unpopular (Kasim 2004; Watkins
and truthful, guests’ skepticism can be minimized. Such a 1994). Dispensers are common in Europe and Asia, but so
label could provide guests with a baseline idea of what a far have not been well received in the United States. Based
green hotel offers and what to expect when staying at one. on the travelers in this study, guests may be more open to
Green certification labels communicate a certain character- dispensers than previously thought. Perhaps hoteliers could
istic to guests, and, at the same time, educate them about the take advantage of this opportunity by experimenting with
green hotel industry. dispensers filled with, for example, a branded product to
The “green” certification is the only extrinsic attribute increase guests’ confidence about the dispenser. There is a
that we tested. The fact that it was accorded importance far cost savings too for use of dispensers because product waste
greater than the intrinsic factors—17.51 for business travel- is reduced and housekeeping staff does not need to replace
ers and 16.83 for leisure travelers—might point to guests’ the products daily. One hotelier that long ago installed dis-
desire to reduce the confusion regarding what sustainability pensers estimated savings exceeding $6,000 a year. (Burger
actually means. Given other studies on extrinsic attributes 2003).
(such as price and brand), we know that an extrinsic factor Our finding that hotel guests prefer recycling bins in the
such as green certification can potentially have consider- lobby also contradicts other studies (e.g., Kasim 2004; Watkins
able influence on travelers’ decision making. We cannot 1994). This finding also presents hoteliers with an opportu-
draw further conclusions here, because the relative role of nity. Rather than spend the money to put recycling bins in
extrinsic and intrinsic variables on the decision-making every room and ask guests to separate trash in their room, a
process for travelers is relatively untouched territory, espe- hotel can set up an efficient, centralized recycling center.
cially in relation to hotels. Understanding how important Given this outcome, we wished we had added two more
and influential these two types of attributes are can help levels to the recycling policy attribute—namely, hotel recy-
hoteliers to highlight specific hotel characteristics as part of cles in the back of the house, and hotel does not recycle. We
marketing campaigns. believe that we would have seen different preferences on this
That said, we see a green label as a blueprint for hoteliers attribute. Several large hotel properties separate trash and
to create and set standards for all hotels that want to be a recycle in the back of the house, thus eliminating the need
little friendlier to the environment. Even with LEED stan- for guests to do so in either their room or the hotel lobby.
dards, U.S.-based hotels have no uniform sustainability rat- The hotels communicate this information via posters in the
ing system (Withiam 2010). Despite much discussion about lobby, or literature in the hotel room. Had this option been
creating such a program for the industry, no industry-wide presented to the respondents in this study, it may have proven
action has been taken as of this writing. Even with such more popular than the bin in the lobby. In addition, some
standards in place, hoteliers would need to take care about hotels may not recycle at all. Since we did not present that
how they use a green certification in advertising materials option, we may not have a clear picture of the importance of
because the success of similar ecolabel programs in other recycling attributes, which is a limitation of this study.
industries has been mixed, including accusations of green- Contrary to results of previous research, the large major-
washing, which can be a deterrent to potential guests. ity of respondents in this study believed that a green hotel
Hotel guests are undoubtedly familiar with some of the room should not be priced differently than one that is not
attributes we tested, such as linen reuse programs and effi- green. We need further studies to resolve this controversy,
cient lighting, which are already widespread. We were not since a 2011 Cornell study found that a substantial number
surprised that our respondents indicated preference for of guests would pay more for sustainable rooms (Susskind
those attributes. The use of occupancy sensors or key cards, and Verma 2011). In any event, hoteliers need to under-
however, is thus far relatively uncommon to the hotel indus- stand that guests have a perception that a green hotel costs
try. It is understandable that guests would most prefer the more to stay at than a nongreen hotel. If so, that perception
key card because that gives them control over their room, may be driving potential guests away from sustainable
which is hardly the case for occupancy sensors (which hotels. A successful green hotelier will recognize this and
sometimes have a life of their own). From management’s price rooms accordingly and competitively. Although we
perspective, though, installing occupancy sensors might be have found that most guests do not wish to pay more for a
a much easier and economical retrofit than key cards. green room, some guests are willing to do so. Business trav-
Although key cards were preferred over occupancy sensors, elers in our study were more likely to agree to pay higher
that is not to say that guests would not accept the sensors in “green” rates than leisure travelers were. Because business
a hotel room. travelers typically do not pay for their own accommoda-
Our respondents’ preference for the shampoo dispenser tions, they may be less sensitive to price than the leisure
over individual bottles is unexpected, especially since two traveler, thus explaining the willingness to pay more. The
earlier studies (which assessed importance of individual travelers willing to pay less for the green room may believe
attributes rather than bundles of attributes) found refillable that many green attributes also represent cost-saving

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Millar and Baloglu 309

measures for the hotelier—cost savings that could be passed customers may indicate that they want some sort of certifi-
on to the hotel guest. cation, the type and influence of different certification
Finally, our study found relatively similar support for labels is virtually unknown in the hospitality industry.
environmental attributes among business and leisure travel- Future research that seeks understanding of the green
ers, contrary to claims that business travelers might have hotel consumer and the green hotelier should also assess
more concern for the environment than do leisure travelers. environmental attitudes, personal values, and how they may
The results of this study, at least for hotels offering an envi- influence green hotel preferences or green hotel operations.
ronmentally friendly product, suggest that hoteliers do not In addition, future studies could focus on the effect of green
need to differentiate between the two types of travelers hotel attributes on actual hotel selection, as well as guest
when marketing their green product. Instead, they may tar- satisfaction.
get both groups with similar campaigns. Perhaps not all
travelers will respond, but a substantial portion of both
groups will be attracted by green policies, or at least the Limitations
environmentally friendly room attributes. One of the most difficult tasks involved with conjoint
studies is selecting the attributes used in each scenario or
profile. Although measures were taken to ensure that the
Implications for Future Research chosen attributes were realistic and important, the list was
Despite the fact that hotels have begun incorporating green not exhaustive. Many attributes that pertain to the décor of
policies into their management practices, and despite the a room (e.g., organic linens, or chemical-free paint) and to
belief that hotel guests seek such policies, there is a dearth a hotel property as a whole (e.g., efficient heating, ventila-
of research about this subject. As a result, we see many tion, and cooling systems, or reclaimed water systems)
opportunities for future studies. One possibility is to see might be of importance to some hotel guests but were not
how these results differed from similar studies conducted incorporated into the study. In addition, the scenarios may
for specific hotel chain-scale categories (e.g., economy have had some attributes that were unfamiliar to the
versus upscale), food and beverage establishments, and the respondents.
meetings and event industry. Another is to gain a better We know that guests use more than just seven attributes
understanding of the supply side of green hotel attributes, in deciding which hotel to book. The problem for this study
such as what hotel management thinks about environmen- is that including more attributes in the scenarios would
tally friendly hotels, to what extent they are incorporating have invited information overload (Green and Srinivasan
environmental policies into their company culture, and why. 1978; Hu and Hiemstra 1996). We limited the number of
The same type of research with the employees of a lodging attributes and attribute levels to avoid information over-
facility would also prove interesting. load, but then again we may have oversimplified the
Although there are a number of green attributes that picture.
were not included in this study, the ones that were included Social desirability bias also presents a potential limita-
provide future researchers with a preliminary list that can be tion (Ones, Viswesvaran, and Reiss 1996) Even though
used to validate other research efforts. We have already anonymity was assured during the survey process, it is pos-
mentioned other levels of one attribute we studied, and sible that participants responded in the way they thought
many other attributes could be incorporated into a study of they should, as opposed to responding with their true
how other attributes, both individually and as a bundle, and beliefs. We attempted to reduce the potential effect of social
both green and not, may influence preference for a hotel. desirability bias by asking respondents what types of envi-
The only conclusion we can draw about pricing for green ronmentally friendly activities they perform at home.
hotels is that there remains no clear formula for computing Responses showed a large variance, and so we conclude
different price levels. We had no way to include specific that respondents were most likely not answering in a socially
price levels in the scenarios that we tested. In addition, price desirable fashion.
will vary with different hotel types (e.g., luxury vs. mid- Last, as we mentioned at the outset, the sample included
scale). More research in the hotel industry will clarify how only business and leisure travelers who indicated that they
price may influence a traveler’s preference for an environ- were willing to stay in an environmentally friendly lodging
mentally friendly hotel. facility. This limits the extent to which the results can be
Green hotel certification has been a relatively untouched generalized to the entire population of business and leisure
research topic, so it is difficult to compare the results of this travelers. Even though some travelers may not be willing
study with others. It is encouraging, however, that these to stay in such a hotel, it does not mean that they do not
travelers wish to see this certification. The role of such have pertinent opinions about the type of attributes that may
labels in hospitality needs to be explored further. Although be incorporated into an environmentally friendly hotel.

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310 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 52(3)

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